Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE HARTISMERE LODGE, No. 1663. Page 1 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE HARTISMERE LODGE, No. 1663. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Comp . Dyer concluded by thanking the companions for electing him , and promising to do his best to render him self worthy "l their suffrages when the time came to elect him as Z . of the chapter . Comp . Black , J ., also replied . The toast of "The Past Piiucipals" followed , and the M . E . Z . having honoured each of them by informing the companions of the merits of Cornu . Tallent , Kelly , Noehmer ,
and Mann , presented Com ]) . Tallent with a handsome P . Z . jewel . Comp . Tallent , P . Z ., said that when he entered Freemasonry , sixteen years ago , he had no idea he should have attained his present hi gh position , but he went on working in order to obtain it . What he did was accepted in the spirit in which it was meant . He received the jewel just presented to him with the heartiest
feelings of thankfulness . Last year he had the very pleasing duty of placing one upon the breast of an old friend whom he had the pride and pleasure of proposing . He now received one from another friend whom he also proposed ; and he thought this was a very proud position to be placed in . As Z . of the chapter he had done his best , and he was sorry that at the last meeting he was
unable to attend , being ill in bed . Comps . Mann and Noehmer also replied , and Comp . Taylor having responded for " The Officers , " the Janitor's toast was given , and the companions separated . WINDSOR . — "Windsor Castle Chapter , ( No . 771 ) . — 'The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , . iSth inst . The
Principals and officers for the ensuing year are as follows : Comps . E . Grisbrook , Z . ; G . W . Dixon , H . ; G . H . Powell , J . ; J . Devereux , P . Z ., Treasurer ; W . S . Cantrell , Scribe E . ; F . Fleck , Scribe , N . ; J . O . Carter , P . S . ; R . Roberts , ist Assist . Sec ; Huckvale , 2 nd Assist . Sec ;
Ashby and J . Johnson , Stewards . The installation ceremony was ably worked by Comp . A . A . Richards , P . Z . Two candidates , Kennedy and Jefferies , were exalted by Comp . J . S . Tolley , P . G . O ., the outgoing Z . The Auditors' balance sheet shewed that the chapter was in a sound financial position .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
JERSEY . —Concord Conclave ( No . 8 ) . —The annual assembly was held on Friday the 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple . The conclave was opened by Sir Knt . E . Martel , M . P . S ., being supported hy Sir Knts . ) . O'Flaherty , V . R . ; A Schmitt , P . S ., K . G . C ., Rec . ' ; P . VV . Benham , P . S . ; J . Oatley , P . S . ; VV . Melherell , H . P . ; C . D , Bishop , S . G . ; VV . II . Chapman , J . G . ; J . Huelin , P . ; anil
others . Sir Knt . H . Cook , Rec 154 , visitor . The report of the previous assembly was read and confirmed . A College of Viceroys was opened , when Sir Knt . J . O'Fliherty , M . P . S ., elect , having retired , a Senate of Sovereigns was opened . 'The M . P . S . was admitted and presented to Sir Knt . Benham for enthronement , which was duly performed . The college was then resumed , when Sit Knt . VV . Metherell
V . E . elect , was re-admitted by the Rec . 1 he college was then closed , and the conclave resumed . The Recorder invested Sir Knts . C . D . Bishop , as H . P . ; W . H . Chapman , S . G . ; J . Huelin , J . G . ; J . O . LcScur , Prcf . ; K . Rivington , S . B . ; F . P . Le Marquand , H . j J . Blampied , Treas . ; and G . Rogers , Sent . A P . Sov ' s . jewel was presented to Em . Sir Knt . P . VV . Benham , and never has that
decoration been more nobly or worthily won than by our good Frater , who returned thanks for the enthusiasm and spontaneity wilh which the crowded conclave hailed him , as the Recorder attached the jewel on his breast . The Recorder presented also to Sir Knt . E . Martel a P . Sov's . jewel , as a token of fraternal regard and personal appreciation of many and valuable services the recipient has rendered , not only to the conclave , but to the province .
The Recorder moved , seconded by Sir Knt . E . Martel . that the III . Sir Knt . VV . James Hughan , P . G . V . C . he elected an hon . member of the conclave , which was carried by acclamation . The conclaie being duly closed , the Sir Knig hts adjourned to supper . Reports of Lodges 1276 , 1287 , 1325 , 1327 , 1 ^ 12 , 1608 ; Chapters 228 , 248 ; Mark Lodge 104 ; Encampment William de la More ; Royal Oriental Order of Sikha and B'hai , stand over till next week .
We are pleased to learn that Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman on Wednesday , the 1 otli inst ., was presented with a valuable gold watch , out of respect for his probity and independence of character ; also a bronze statuette of Le Chevalier Bayard , in token and regard for a ready willingness to serve any private or public cause— " sans peur , sans reproche . " NEW THEORIES OF THE UNIVERSE . — Our
readers will see by our advertisement columns that Dr . Bedford , who has been so successful in his study of the mechanism of the heavens , is about to reprint his new system of astronomy . It has been suggested that the moons of Mars shall be named Bedford , and Hall . Bedford , because he pointed these out 23 years before they were found , and gave a philosophic reason for their existence , and Hall , because he was the first lo see them ; the first seen to be named Bedford , and the second Hall .
Our readers vi ill le-irn with regret ofthe loss sustained by Bro . I ' . Bincke .- - , Secretary Royal Masonic Institution fur Boys , in the death of his wife , which sad event took plate on Monday last .
HOLLOWAY ' S I ' II . L < =. —When inclement weather checks to a considerable extent the natural exhalations of the skin , an alterative is re-quired lo expel tin in entirely lrom the hotly through some other channel . Hollm-ay ' s Pills can he- confidently recommended as the easiest , surest , and safest means ol attaining this desirable end without weakening the most delicate or
ln < -nmmodm « the most feeble . When from frequent chills or impure air the blood becomes foul and the secretions vitiated , these Pills present a ready and e-Ilicicnt means of cleansing the lormer and correcting the latter . Hy this salutary proceeding disease is arrested at its outset , its pains and inconveniences averted , and the nervous structures saved from the depressing ell eels entailed upon their , Hvan illness . —ABVT .
Consecration Of The Hartismere Lodge, No. 1663.
INSTALLATION OF LORD HENNIKER . Wednesday , 1 7 th inst ., may be marked a red letter day in the Masonic calendar of the Province of Suffolk , it being the day fixed for the interesting ceremony ol conse-crating the lodge recently formed at Eye under the auspices of Lord Henniker , who was installed as its first Master . Tbe new lodge , being named after his lordship ' s title , is called the
" Hartismere" Lodge . It seems that a lodge , named after " St . Edmund , " existed at Eye some 35 years since , but in those days little attention was paid to the mystic Craft , and the lodge was allowed to drop , its title being transferred some years later to Lodge 100 S , established at Bury mainly through the exertions of the present P . G . Secretary of the Province , Bro . W . H . Lucia . Consequently
the brethren at Eye , on the revival of Freemasonry among them , found it necessary to find another name for their lodge , and they very happily selected that of "Hartismere , " which not only represents the hundred in which Eye is situated , but also the title of the noble lord who is its first VV . M . A large gathering of the fraternity took place in the
Corn Exchange , which had been prepared in due form . Visitors came from nearly all parts of the province , and additional interest was imparted to the occasion by the fact that the Rig ht Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master of England—a rank in Masonry second only to that held by H . rt . H . the Prince of Wales—and other distinguished brethren , would attend to perform the
ceremony . At about two o ' clock the R . W . Deputy Grand Master entered the lodge room wearing the full clothing of his exalted rank , accompanied by the Right Hon . the Earl uf Donoughmore , Past G . S . Warden , Bro . the Rig ht Hun . Lord Henniker , VV . M . designate , Bro . John Heney , Giand Secretary , eS : c . The Deputy Grand Master took the chair ,
but immediate l y resigned it to Lord Donoughniore , who at once formed the lodge by appointing Bro . T . Phillip ; , P . G . S . W ., as Senior Warden , and Bio . N . Tracy . P . P . G . J . ., as Junior Warden ; Bro . VV . C . Eltham , P . G . S . D ., acting as Senior Deacon ; Bro . E . VV . Wiightson , P . G . J . D ., as Junior Deacon , and Bro . VVhitmore , P . G . Pursuivant , as Inner Guard . After the lodge had been opened hi the
three degrees 111 an admirable manner by Lord Donoughmore , the R . W . P . G . M . resumed the chair , proceeding with the ceremony if consecration according to due and ancient fonr ) , being assisted by lhe V . W . Bro . Lord Donoughmore , P . G . S . W . ; V . W . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Sccielary ; and the following Prov . G . Ollicets . —Bro . the Rev . T . | . Hassall , rector of VVattisfiel I , l ' . G .
Chaplain ; Bro . W . H . Luci . i , P . G . Secretary ; B . o . VV . Clark , Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . VV . Paine , Assistant Director of Ceremonies ; and Bto . J . llediey lieian , P . P . G . S . W ., who ably peifoimed the music incidental ti the consecration upon the harmonium . The following biethren were present : —Bros . Geo . Abbott , P . G . S . B . ; VV . B . Jeffries , P . G . Steward ; VV . Daking , P . G . Steward ; VV .
Doils , P . G . Steward , VV . B . Sye-r , P . G . T . ; J . Hedley Bevan , P . P . G . S . W . ; N . Tiacey , P . P . G . J . W . ; H . Luff , P . P . G . S . of W . ; W . G . Ransome , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . Armstrong , P . P . G . J . D . ; VV . S . Westgate , P . P . G . D . of C ; F . B . Strathern , P . P . G . J . W . ; F . Long , P . P . D . of C . ; J . [ lanky , S . D . 51 , Essex ; VV . Pearl , P . G J . VV . Madras ; S . II . Wright , P . M . 516 , P . B . J . W . Luff ; 1 . B . Aldis , P . P . G . J . D .
Norfolk , and a numerous assembly ot brethren . After being saluted , the Deputy Grand Master addressed the brethren as follows : —Biethren , we are met to-day to consecrate a lodge , one of the most solemn ceremonies belonging to our profession . I have come here at the request of my friend and brother , Lord Henniker , lo perform this ceremony for you , and it is with great pleasure
I find myself able to fulfil my promise . Biethren , it is usual at the coi . secration of a lodge to say a few winds , and mine will be few on this occasion . I wish to impress upon you two things . It is a first principle of Masonry that wc should live in love and amity . The fi ist thing to show that we have that love and amity is to be very careful how we exclude any one from our lodges . This is a
subject upon which I have often spoken in my own province . My idea of the ballot box is simply that it shall guarantee a man lo be well known , of good faith , and fit to be made a Mason , and that it is not to be used for personal pique and spite . 1 am sorry to say that in some of the provinces of England this cause of sonow and regret has arisen . I do not say that such has arisen in
this province , and I hope it never will . In consecrating a new lodge we ought to look at the purpose for which it is consecrated . In the first place , I hope it is to be used to bring brethren together in this particular district , and not to be used for purposes of meie conviviality ; but that it will be used for the truly Masonic purpose of working together for benevolence and charity , for , after all , charity
is the great watchword of our Order . In the second place , we all like to see Masons advanced , and advanced regularly , in the mystery of the art . How should they advance , and what should bring t ! cm on ? Let the Provincial Giand Master watch thi . se who attend and do their work thoroughly , fir the .-e are tlu men who ought to L'e pushed on ill Masonry . ( Applause . )
'The ceremony was then conduct . il to its conclusion in the manner presciibed . At its close , the lodge having been properly constituted , a Board ol Past Misters installed Bru . Lord Henniker as Worship ful Master of tlie lodge , and his lordship appointed ami invcs :-. d B . o . Alfred Ciacknell as Senior Warden , and Bro . C . J . Fisher
as Junior Warden . The Worshipful Master then said : Before proceeding further with the business of the lodge 1 should like to make a few remarks . I think you will agree with me that we should thank most heartily my old friend , the Deputy Grand Master of England , Lord Skelmersdale ,
Consecration Of The Hartismere Lodge, No. 1663.
for his presence here to-day . ( Applause . ) 1 am sure h ' presence in this province will be fully appreciated , for 1 am glad to see so many brethren from other parts of 11 , county here to-day , and I am sure we of the Hartisnw L alge shall nut ( orget the day on which he consecrat d this lodge . ( Applause . ) VVe shall feel proud that it has b ^ en consecrated by so good and true a Mason as his lordship , and it will be our duty to take extra pains to conduct the wo k in a proper manner . ( Applause . ) n is also my pleasing duty to convey our thanks to Brother
Hervey , the Grand Secretary of England . ( Applause . ) It is quite unnecessary for me to dilate upon his good qualities . He is known throughout England as one of the most zealous Masons , and he is respected in every Masonic province within the country . ( Applause . ) I must also thank my friend Lord Donoughmore , the Past Senior Grand Warden of England , for having come from London to he
present here tu-day . I have served with him in a lod ge in London as a Senior Warden , and I have never seen aloiW so well worked as his is . ( Applause . ) I must thank you for placing me iu the position as Master of your lodge . [ feel some diffidence in accepting that post , because it is some years since I was the Master of a lodge , and 1 find as each year goes on my engagements become more anil
more pressing ; but I feel my labours will be very much li g htened by having as my Senior and . Junior Wardens Bro . Cracknell and Bro . Fisher , and thei | other brethren in the vaiious offices , and I trust we shall be able , at the end of each year as it comes by , to say wc have done our duty and conducted the work of this lodge in a proper manner ; and then , as Bro . Hervey has said , we shall have done
honour to the Craft , and can show the warrant with which he has presented us to-day unsullied and unstained as it is at present . ( Applause . ) His lordship then again thanked Lord Skelmersdale and the other distinguished officials for their attendance , and concluded by promising to do his best to conduct the lodge in a proper manner . 'The brethren of the Hartismere Lodge then proceeded to
the election of a lreasurer , and Bro . Bowser was unanimously chosen and duly installed ia his office ; as was also Bro VVeolnough , who was appointed by the VV . M . as Secretary . Bro . Gedney was installed as S . D . ; Bro . C . | . Fisher as J . D ., and Bro . J . Hush as I . G . The brethren from the various lodges in the province then expressed their congratulations to the Worshipful
Master , and tie installation ceremony was closed in the aceustwined manner . The brethren then funned a procession , and marched to the parish church , where Divine service was held . The church | resented a beautiful appearance , the decorations recently p laced there on the . occasion of the harvest thanksgiving having been allowed to u-maiii . The service be ;| a «
by singing Hymn iSS , alter which Bro . VV . P . Roberts , wear of the parish , ie . nl the Litany , which was followed by the concluding prayer . - ; of the evening service . The sermon was preached by tlie P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . T . J . Hassall , rector of Wattisfield , from ist Corinthians , xiii ., 13 : " The greatest of these is charity . " A collection was afterwards made , and devoted to the
Indian Famine Relief Fund . 'The banquet took place in the Assembly-room of the White Lion Hotel , under the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Henniker , who was supported on the right by Bros , the Earl of Dunoughirore , VV . P . Phillips , J . Hedley Bevan , VV . M . Lucia , Prov . G . S ., cS : c ., aiidou his left by the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Lord Skelmersdale ; John
Hervey , Grand Secretary ; the Rev . T . J . Hassall , Prov . G . C . ; the Rev . VV . P . Roberts , & C . About sixty brethren sat down . After dinner , the Worshipful Master proposed " 'The Healths of the Queen and the Prince and Piineess of Wales , " which was most loyally hunoared . 'The next toast was that of "The Pro Grand Master of England , Lord Carnarvon , " in proposing which the
VV . M . remarked that there were several brethren present who knew his worth , and knew l-. oiv little they- could il » without his services . ( Drunk with Masonic honours . ) The W . M . said that now they hid got through Ihc toasts of obligation he would propose what he considered the toast of the evening , " 'The Health of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale . " 1 le was glad to see
him in Suffolk . He believed it was the first time he had visited any of the lodges in the province , but he hoped they had given him such a reception that , though they could not expect him often , he might some day visit them again . ( Applause . ) lt was needless to dilate upon his qualities as a Mason . ( Hear , hear . ) They had seen the way he conducted the ceremony , and he was sure it was
a great satisfaction to those who lived in the province to see Inw well the heads of the Craft were up in the duties of Freemasonry . ( Hear , hear . ) I can assure you ( his lordship continued ) that so far as wc are concerned—1 think I can speak for the brethren of this new lodge—we shall not easily forget the kindness of Lord Skelmersilale in coming down here to perform this ceremony for us .
( App lause . ) He came at great trouble to himself , all the way from Yorkshire to Suffolk , and on the Great Eastern Railway the journey from Ipswich to Eye is not an easy one . ( Laughter . ) VVe Masons in the Province of Suffolk ( fori am pleased to see so many Masons here from all parts of the county ) fully appreciate visits from those high in office amongst MaMms . ( Hear , hear . ) We , of eour . se ,
try to the be : t of our ability to cany on our ljdges in ihe province as well as possible ; but it does do us good from time to time when simie of the principal officers w ciimiduivn and tell us when we are doing wrong , or that tiKy apprecia' . e the vvo : k we are trying to do a * well aa we can . ( Hear , hear . ) Lord Skelmersdale has been to friend
the sister county of Norfolk , when my lamented , Bro . Walpole , was installed Grand Master , and now tna . i he has visited the Province of Suffolk , I hope he will oe able to give a good report of us to the Pro Grand Mast of England . I do not wish to detain you long , because- i dilate at any great length on a Masonic toast is a gf
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Comp . Dyer concluded by thanking the companions for electing him , and promising to do his best to render him self worthy "l their suffrages when the time came to elect him as Z . of the chapter . Comp . Black , J ., also replied . The toast of "The Past Piiucipals" followed , and the M . E . Z . having honoured each of them by informing the companions of the merits of Cornu . Tallent , Kelly , Noehmer ,
and Mann , presented Com ]) . Tallent with a handsome P . Z . jewel . Comp . Tallent , P . Z ., said that when he entered Freemasonry , sixteen years ago , he had no idea he should have attained his present hi gh position , but he went on working in order to obtain it . What he did was accepted in the spirit in which it was meant . He received the jewel just presented to him with the heartiest
feelings of thankfulness . Last year he had the very pleasing duty of placing one upon the breast of an old friend whom he had the pride and pleasure of proposing . He now received one from another friend whom he also proposed ; and he thought this was a very proud position to be placed in . As Z . of the chapter he had done his best , and he was sorry that at the last meeting he was
unable to attend , being ill in bed . Comps . Mann and Noehmer also replied , and Comp . Taylor having responded for " The Officers , " the Janitor's toast was given , and the companions separated . WINDSOR . — "Windsor Castle Chapter , ( No . 771 ) . — 'The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , . iSth inst . The
Principals and officers for the ensuing year are as follows : Comps . E . Grisbrook , Z . ; G . W . Dixon , H . ; G . H . Powell , J . ; J . Devereux , P . Z ., Treasurer ; W . S . Cantrell , Scribe E . ; F . Fleck , Scribe , N . ; J . O . Carter , P . S . ; R . Roberts , ist Assist . Sec ; Huckvale , 2 nd Assist . Sec ;
Ashby and J . Johnson , Stewards . The installation ceremony was ably worked by Comp . A . A . Richards , P . Z . Two candidates , Kennedy and Jefferies , were exalted by Comp . J . S . Tolley , P . G . O ., the outgoing Z . The Auditors' balance sheet shewed that the chapter was in a sound financial position .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
JERSEY . —Concord Conclave ( No . 8 ) . —The annual assembly was held on Friday the 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple . The conclave was opened by Sir Knt . E . Martel , M . P . S ., being supported hy Sir Knts . ) . O'Flaherty , V . R . ; A Schmitt , P . S ., K . G . C ., Rec . ' ; P . VV . Benham , P . S . ; J . Oatley , P . S . ; VV . Melherell , H . P . ; C . D , Bishop , S . G . ; VV . II . Chapman , J . G . ; J . Huelin , P . ; anil
others . Sir Knt . H . Cook , Rec 154 , visitor . The report of the previous assembly was read and confirmed . A College of Viceroys was opened , when Sir Knt . J . O'Fliherty , M . P . S ., elect , having retired , a Senate of Sovereigns was opened . 'The M . P . S . was admitted and presented to Sir Knt . Benham for enthronement , which was duly performed . The college was then resumed , when Sit Knt . VV . Metherell
V . E . elect , was re-admitted by the Rec . 1 he college was then closed , and the conclave resumed . The Recorder invested Sir Knts . C . D . Bishop , as H . P . ; W . H . Chapman , S . G . ; J . Huelin , J . G . ; J . O . LcScur , Prcf . ; K . Rivington , S . B . ; F . P . Le Marquand , H . j J . Blampied , Treas . ; and G . Rogers , Sent . A P . Sov ' s . jewel was presented to Em . Sir Knt . P . VV . Benham , and never has that
decoration been more nobly or worthily won than by our good Frater , who returned thanks for the enthusiasm and spontaneity wilh which the crowded conclave hailed him , as the Recorder attached the jewel on his breast . The Recorder presented also to Sir Knt . E . Martel a P . Sov's . jewel , as a token of fraternal regard and personal appreciation of many and valuable services the recipient has rendered , not only to the conclave , but to the province .
The Recorder moved , seconded by Sir Knt . E . Martel . that the III . Sir Knt . VV . James Hughan , P . G . V . C . he elected an hon . member of the conclave , which was carried by acclamation . The conclaie being duly closed , the Sir Knig hts adjourned to supper . Reports of Lodges 1276 , 1287 , 1325 , 1327 , 1 ^ 12 , 1608 ; Chapters 228 , 248 ; Mark Lodge 104 ; Encampment William de la More ; Royal Oriental Order of Sikha and B'hai , stand over till next week .
We are pleased to learn that Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman on Wednesday , the 1 otli inst ., was presented with a valuable gold watch , out of respect for his probity and independence of character ; also a bronze statuette of Le Chevalier Bayard , in token and regard for a ready willingness to serve any private or public cause— " sans peur , sans reproche . " NEW THEORIES OF THE UNIVERSE . — Our
readers will see by our advertisement columns that Dr . Bedford , who has been so successful in his study of the mechanism of the heavens , is about to reprint his new system of astronomy . It has been suggested that the moons of Mars shall be named Bedford , and Hall . Bedford , because he pointed these out 23 years before they were found , and gave a philosophic reason for their existence , and Hall , because he was the first lo see them ; the first seen to be named Bedford , and the second Hall .
Our readers vi ill le-irn with regret ofthe loss sustained by Bro . I ' . Bincke .- - , Secretary Royal Masonic Institution fur Boys , in the death of his wife , which sad event took plate on Monday last .
HOLLOWAY ' S I ' II . L < =. —When inclement weather checks to a considerable extent the natural exhalations of the skin , an alterative is re-quired lo expel tin in entirely lrom the hotly through some other channel . Hollm-ay ' s Pills can he- confidently recommended as the easiest , surest , and safest means ol attaining this desirable end without weakening the most delicate or
ln < -nmmodm « the most feeble . When from frequent chills or impure air the blood becomes foul and the secretions vitiated , these Pills present a ready and e-Ilicicnt means of cleansing the lormer and correcting the latter . Hy this salutary proceeding disease is arrested at its outset , its pains and inconveniences averted , and the nervous structures saved from the depressing ell eels entailed upon their , Hvan illness . —ABVT .
Consecration Of The Hartismere Lodge, No. 1663.
INSTALLATION OF LORD HENNIKER . Wednesday , 1 7 th inst ., may be marked a red letter day in the Masonic calendar of the Province of Suffolk , it being the day fixed for the interesting ceremony ol conse-crating the lodge recently formed at Eye under the auspices of Lord Henniker , who was installed as its first Master . Tbe new lodge , being named after his lordship ' s title , is called the
" Hartismere" Lodge . It seems that a lodge , named after " St . Edmund , " existed at Eye some 35 years since , but in those days little attention was paid to the mystic Craft , and the lodge was allowed to drop , its title being transferred some years later to Lodge 100 S , established at Bury mainly through the exertions of the present P . G . Secretary of the Province , Bro . W . H . Lucia . Consequently
the brethren at Eye , on the revival of Freemasonry among them , found it necessary to find another name for their lodge , and they very happily selected that of "Hartismere , " which not only represents the hundred in which Eye is situated , but also the title of the noble lord who is its first VV . M . A large gathering of the fraternity took place in the
Corn Exchange , which had been prepared in due form . Visitors came from nearly all parts of the province , and additional interest was imparted to the occasion by the fact that the Rig ht Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master of England—a rank in Masonry second only to that held by H . rt . H . the Prince of Wales—and other distinguished brethren , would attend to perform the
ceremony . At about two o ' clock the R . W . Deputy Grand Master entered the lodge room wearing the full clothing of his exalted rank , accompanied by the Right Hon . the Earl uf Donoughmore , Past G . S . Warden , Bro . the Rig ht Hun . Lord Henniker , VV . M . designate , Bro . John Heney , Giand Secretary , eS : c . The Deputy Grand Master took the chair ,
but immediate l y resigned it to Lord Donoughniore , who at once formed the lodge by appointing Bro . T . Phillip ; , P . G . S . W ., as Senior Warden , and Bio . N . Tracy . P . P . G . J . ., as Junior Warden ; Bro . VV . C . Eltham , P . G . S . D ., acting as Senior Deacon ; Bro . E . VV . Wiightson , P . G . J . D ., as Junior Deacon , and Bro . VVhitmore , P . G . Pursuivant , as Inner Guard . After the lodge had been opened hi the
three degrees 111 an admirable manner by Lord Donoughmore , the R . W . P . G . M . resumed the chair , proceeding with the ceremony if consecration according to due and ancient fonr ) , being assisted by lhe V . W . Bro . Lord Donoughmore , P . G . S . W . ; V . W . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Sccielary ; and the following Prov . G . Ollicets . —Bro . the Rev . T . | . Hassall , rector of VVattisfiel I , l ' . G .
Chaplain ; Bro . W . H . Luci . i , P . G . Secretary ; B . o . VV . Clark , Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . VV . Paine , Assistant Director of Ceremonies ; and Bto . J . llediey lieian , P . P . G . S . W ., who ably peifoimed the music incidental ti the consecration upon the harmonium . The following biethren were present : —Bros . Geo . Abbott , P . G . S . B . ; VV . B . Jeffries , P . G . Steward ; VV . Daking , P . G . Steward ; VV .
Doils , P . G . Steward , VV . B . Sye-r , P . G . T . ; J . Hedley Bevan , P . P . G . S . W . ; N . Tiacey , P . P . G . J . W . ; H . Luff , P . P . G . S . of W . ; W . G . Ransome , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . Armstrong , P . P . G . J . D . ; VV . S . Westgate , P . P . G . D . of C ; F . B . Strathern , P . P . G . J . W . ; F . Long , P . P . D . of C . ; J . [ lanky , S . D . 51 , Essex ; VV . Pearl , P . G J . VV . Madras ; S . II . Wright , P . M . 516 , P . B . J . W . Luff ; 1 . B . Aldis , P . P . G . J . D .
Norfolk , and a numerous assembly ot brethren . After being saluted , the Deputy Grand Master addressed the brethren as follows : —Biethren , we are met to-day to consecrate a lodge , one of the most solemn ceremonies belonging to our profession . I have come here at the request of my friend and brother , Lord Henniker , lo perform this ceremony for you , and it is with great pleasure
I find myself able to fulfil my promise . Biethren , it is usual at the coi . secration of a lodge to say a few winds , and mine will be few on this occasion . I wish to impress upon you two things . It is a first principle of Masonry that wc should live in love and amity . The fi ist thing to show that we have that love and amity is to be very careful how we exclude any one from our lodges . This is a
subject upon which I have often spoken in my own province . My idea of the ballot box is simply that it shall guarantee a man lo be well known , of good faith , and fit to be made a Mason , and that it is not to be used for personal pique and spite . 1 am sorry to say that in some of the provinces of England this cause of sonow and regret has arisen . I do not say that such has arisen in
this province , and I hope it never will . In consecrating a new lodge we ought to look at the purpose for which it is consecrated . In the first place , I hope it is to be used to bring brethren together in this particular district , and not to be used for purposes of meie conviviality ; but that it will be used for the truly Masonic purpose of working together for benevolence and charity , for , after all , charity
is the great watchword of our Order . In the second place , we all like to see Masons advanced , and advanced regularly , in the mystery of the art . How should they advance , and what should bring t ! cm on ? Let the Provincial Giand Master watch thi . se who attend and do their work thoroughly , fir the .-e are tlu men who ought to L'e pushed on ill Masonry . ( Applause . )
'The ceremony was then conduct . il to its conclusion in the manner presciibed . At its close , the lodge having been properly constituted , a Board ol Past Misters installed Bru . Lord Henniker as Worship ful Master of tlie lodge , and his lordship appointed ami invcs :-. d B . o . Alfred Ciacknell as Senior Warden , and Bro . C . J . Fisher
as Junior Warden . The Worshipful Master then said : Before proceeding further with the business of the lodge 1 should like to make a few remarks . I think you will agree with me that we should thank most heartily my old friend , the Deputy Grand Master of England , Lord Skelmersdale ,
Consecration Of The Hartismere Lodge, No. 1663.
for his presence here to-day . ( Applause . ) 1 am sure h ' presence in this province will be fully appreciated , for 1 am glad to see so many brethren from other parts of 11 , county here to-day , and I am sure we of the Hartisnw L alge shall nut ( orget the day on which he consecrat d this lodge . ( Applause . ) VVe shall feel proud that it has b ^ en consecrated by so good and true a Mason as his lordship , and it will be our duty to take extra pains to conduct the wo k in a proper manner . ( Applause . ) n is also my pleasing duty to convey our thanks to Brother
Hervey , the Grand Secretary of England . ( Applause . ) It is quite unnecessary for me to dilate upon his good qualities . He is known throughout England as one of the most zealous Masons , and he is respected in every Masonic province within the country . ( Applause . ) I must also thank my friend Lord Donoughmore , the Past Senior Grand Warden of England , for having come from London to he
present here tu-day . I have served with him in a lod ge in London as a Senior Warden , and I have never seen aloiW so well worked as his is . ( Applause . ) I must thank you for placing me iu the position as Master of your lodge . [ feel some diffidence in accepting that post , because it is some years since I was the Master of a lodge , and 1 find as each year goes on my engagements become more anil
more pressing ; but I feel my labours will be very much li g htened by having as my Senior and . Junior Wardens Bro . Cracknell and Bro . Fisher , and thei | other brethren in the vaiious offices , and I trust we shall be able , at the end of each year as it comes by , to say wc have done our duty and conducted the work of this lodge in a proper manner ; and then , as Bro . Hervey has said , we shall have done
honour to the Craft , and can show the warrant with which he has presented us to-day unsullied and unstained as it is at present . ( Applause . ) His lordship then again thanked Lord Skelmersdale and the other distinguished officials for their attendance , and concluded by promising to do his best to conduct the lodge in a proper manner . 'The brethren of the Hartismere Lodge then proceeded to
the election of a lreasurer , and Bro . Bowser was unanimously chosen and duly installed ia his office ; as was also Bro VVeolnough , who was appointed by the VV . M . as Secretary . Bro . Gedney was installed as S . D . ; Bro . C . | . Fisher as J . D ., and Bro . J . Hush as I . G . The brethren from the various lodges in the province then expressed their congratulations to the Worshipful
Master , and tie installation ceremony was closed in the aceustwined manner . The brethren then funned a procession , and marched to the parish church , where Divine service was held . The church | resented a beautiful appearance , the decorations recently p laced there on the . occasion of the harvest thanksgiving having been allowed to u-maiii . The service be ;| a «
by singing Hymn iSS , alter which Bro . VV . P . Roberts , wear of the parish , ie . nl the Litany , which was followed by the concluding prayer . - ; of the evening service . The sermon was preached by tlie P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . T . J . Hassall , rector of Wattisfield , from ist Corinthians , xiii ., 13 : " The greatest of these is charity . " A collection was afterwards made , and devoted to the
Indian Famine Relief Fund . 'The banquet took place in the Assembly-room of the White Lion Hotel , under the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Henniker , who was supported on the right by Bros , the Earl of Dunoughirore , VV . P . Phillips , J . Hedley Bevan , VV . M . Lucia , Prov . G . S ., cS : c ., aiidou his left by the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Lord Skelmersdale ; John
Hervey , Grand Secretary ; the Rev . T . J . Hassall , Prov . G . C . ; the Rev . VV . P . Roberts , & C . About sixty brethren sat down . After dinner , the Worshipful Master proposed " 'The Healths of the Queen and the Prince and Piineess of Wales , " which was most loyally hunoared . 'The next toast was that of "The Pro Grand Master of England , Lord Carnarvon , " in proposing which the
VV . M . remarked that there were several brethren present who knew his worth , and knew l-. oiv little they- could il » without his services . ( Drunk with Masonic honours . ) The W . M . said that now they hid got through Ihc toasts of obligation he would propose what he considered the toast of the evening , " 'The Health of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale . " 1 le was glad to see
him in Suffolk . He believed it was the first time he had visited any of the lodges in the province , but he hoped they had given him such a reception that , though they could not expect him often , he might some day visit them again . ( Applause . ) lt was needless to dilate upon his qualities as a Mason . ( Hear , hear . ) They had seen the way he conducted the ceremony , and he was sure it was
a great satisfaction to those who lived in the province to see Inw well the heads of the Craft were up in the duties of Freemasonry . ( Hear , hear . ) I can assure you ( his lordship continued ) that so far as wc are concerned—1 think I can speak for the brethren of this new lodge—we shall not easily forget the kindness of Lord Skelmersilale in coming down here to perform this ceremony for us .
( App lause . ) He came at great trouble to himself , all the way from Yorkshire to Suffolk , and on the Great Eastern Railway the journey from Ipswich to Eye is not an easy one . ( Laughter . ) VVe Masons in the Province of Suffolk ( fori am pleased to see so many Masons here from all parts of the county ) fully appreciate visits from those high in office amongst MaMms . ( Hear , hear . ) We , of eour . se ,
try to the be : t of our ability to cany on our ljdges in ihe province as well as possible ; but it does do us good from time to time when simie of the principal officers w ciimiduivn and tell us when we are doing wrong , or that tiKy apprecia' . e the vvo : k we are trying to do a * well aa we can . ( Hear , hear . ) Lord Skelmersdale has been to friend
the sister county of Norfolk , when my lamented , Bro . Walpole , was installed Grand Master , and now tna . i he has visited the Province of Suffolk , I hope he will oe able to give a good report of us to the Pro Grand Mast of England . I do not wish to detain you long , because- i dilate at any great length on a Masonic toast is a gf