Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INDEPENDENT ORDER OF MARK MASTERS. Page 1 of 2 →
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PRESENTATION TO BRO . LOGIE AT DUNDEE . The Operative Lodge , No . 47 , met on Wednesday evening , the iSth inst ., Bro . Longmuir , R . W . M ., occupying the chair . The R . W . M . was accompanied by Bros . Alexander Kelt , R . W . M . 49 ; Jas . Berry , R . AV . M . 78 ; William Gelletly , R . W . M . 158 ;
George F . Roger , R . W . M . 225 ; and Past Masters Logic , Stratton , Robertson , Cowie , and Depute Masters Brew , Smyth , and M'Gregor . Bro . Henry , S . W . ; and Bro . Wilson , J . . The lodge having been opened by the R . W . M . in due and ancient form , he intimated the meeting
to be a special one called for the purpose of presenting Bro . Logie , the I . P . M ., with a gold watch and appendages as a token of respect and in return for the eminent services rendered to the lodge . The lodge having been put under the charge of the Junior Warden , supper was thereafter served by the
Stewards , which finished and duly charged , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts duly pledged and responded to , the R . W . Master called upon Worshipful Past Master Stratton to make the presentation . Bro . Stratton then said : Right Worshipful Sir ,
Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and brethren—I must say that I would have preferred the duty which you , Worshipful Master , desire me to donamely , to propose the health of your respected predecessor and to make this presentation—had been undertaken by yourself . As you and the
brethren of the lodge think otherwise , I have to thank you for the honour thus conferred on me , and I will now do so with great pleasure . This , Worshipful Master , has been the third testimonial made in this lodge during the past twenty-one years , and though presentations are now too common , this one
is an exception , and is alike honourable to you in proposing it as it is to Bro . Logie , now about to receive it . I had the honour of being Master of this lodge when Bro . Logie joined , now about thirteen years ago , and during this long period of years Bro . Logie has been but one year out of office
and that one when ill with fever . Step by step-Deacon , Junior Warden , Senior Warden , Depute Master , and then Master ( and I have always held that rising step by step is for the prosperity of lodges ) . Bro . Logic , therefore , in his quiet , tinostatious manner , having filled all the offices of the
lodge , and as he has done a deal for the lodge , is well entitled to this testimonial ; and I am glad to hear your subscriptions to it have been heartily given , and must therefore redown to the credit of you , Bro . Logic ; and ( turning to Bro . Logie ) I have now much pleasure in handing to you this
handsome testimonial , and I have no doubt you will look upon it as such . I wish you long life to wear it—a wish reciprocated by all the members of 47 ; and before I sit down I desire to say to you , young members of the lodge that this presentation and this happy meeting ought to stimulate you in
your duty to your mother lodge . Bro . Logie : Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Wardens , and brethren , I don ' t think that I ever rose with the idea of less to say than 1 can now . If 1 fail in properly thanking you all , I know you will excuse me . 1 have , as Bro . Stratton has said , held
all the offices in the lodge , and , specially , that of Master , now for four years ; and I am glad you are all pleased with the services rendered . I have never studied to add largely to the lodge—quality , not quantity , has been my aim . I now wish to thank you sincerely for this handsome present . I
appreciate the gift very much . I can only say it will never be parted with by mc as long as 1 live , and though a bachelor , 1 do trust it may descend to a worthy member of tbe Craft . The following toasts were then given : " Sister
Lodges , " ' Success to 47 , " " Provost and Councilof Dundee , " " Harbour Trust , " Town and Trade of Dundee , " " The Cause of Education , " nnd the toast of " The Master , " when the Junior Warden called the lodge again to labour , and thereafter the R . W . M . closed the lodge .
EDINBURGH . —^/ . Andrew's Lodge , No . 48 . — A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 1 Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall . The lod ;; e was opened by Bro . C . F . Matier . W . Depute Master , assisted by Bro . Dr . Hammond , S . W . ; Bro . William Hay , P . M ., as J . W . ; and several
other brethren . A petition was presented from Mr . W . C . Gilles , and being found regular , he was b . vlloted for and unanimously elected . The candidate being in attendance was then admitted and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro .
Matier . Ihe ceremony was performed with the utmost solemnity , and w . is deeply impressing lo the candidate . No further business being brought forward , the lodge was closed in due form , aud the brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial
supper , to which they did ample justice . Bro . Dr . Loth , R . W . M ., was in the chair , supported by Bros . Dr . Carmichael , P . M ., and Matier , D . M . Bro . Mackersey , P . M ., acted as croupier . The only toasts were " The Queen , " "The R . W . M ., " and " The Newly-initiated Candidate . " The brethren separated at an early hour .
Rifle Lodge , No . 405 . —On Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., an interesting ceremony took place at this lodge , which was the presentation of a very handsome jewel to Bro . W . M . Bryce , 30 ° , Treasurer . The jewel had been especially made for the purpose , and was the gift of Bro . Captain Gordon , 30 °
R . w . M . of St . Ternans Lodge , who was , unfortunately , unable to be present , and had deputed Bro . C . F . Matier , 30 , G . S ., to present it in open lodge . Bro . Matier , after a few appropriate remarks , affixed the jewel to Bro . Bryce ' s breast , and trusted he would be long spared to wear it . —In reply , Bro .
Bryce expressed his high appreciation of the kindness of Captain Gordon , and assured the brethren generally of his desire to do all that lay in his power to promote the interests of the Craft . ABERDEEN . —St . Nicholas Lodge , No . 93 . —A special meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on
the 16 th inst ., for the purpose of initiating Signor Guglielmo , the composer of " The Lover and the Bird , " and other popular ballads . The chair was taken by Bro . E . Savage , P . M ., 30 ° , assisted by Bros . Forrest , P . M ., as S . W ., and Milne , as J . W . We also observed present : Bros . C . Fitzgerald
Matier , P . M ., 30 ° ; Captain Gordon , W . M . St . Ternan ' s , 30 ° ; Captain Crombie . W . M . St Machar ' s ; and many others . The first degree was given in the best possible style by Bro . Savage . The chair was then taken by Bro . C . F . Matier , and the lodge being raised to the second degree
two candidates were passed Fellow-Crafts . Bro . Matier then raised the lodge to the third degree , and gave the first portion of the ceremony in his usual excellent manner to three brethren . Bro . Savage gave the second part , and there being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form
with solemn prayer . We are exceedingly pleased to have had an opportunity of visiting the brethren in Aberdeen , and of testifying to the excellence of their work , which puts many a London lodge to the blush . We have never seen it equalled , except
in East Lancashire and West Yorkshire . This shows the fallacy ofthe popular idea that Masonry is very loose in Scotland . We advise those who think so to go for a short time to the North , and visit the " Granite Cily . "
Mark Masonry.
CONSECRATION OF THE CALLENDER LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , No . 123 , E . C . This new lodge was opened in the Town Hall , Bury , Lancashire , on the 13 th inst ., by Bro . Thos . Hargreaves , W . M . of the Blair Lodge , No . 113 , E . G ., Haslingden , in due form with solemn prayer ;
Bros . Lawrence Booth acting as S . W . and J . M . Whitehead as J . W . The following brethren were then advanced to the degree of Mark Master , according to ancient custom , by Bro . Wm . Romaine Callender , jun ., R . W . P . G . M . M . of Lancashire—viz .: Bros . James Kenyon , James Shaw , and John
Randle Fletcher . The R . W . P . G . M . M . then called upon the P . G . Sec . to read the warrant from the M . W . G . M . M ., after which , Bro . W . O . Walker , the W . M .-designate , petitioned the R . W . P . G . M . M . to consecrate and constitute the lodge as the Callender Lodge , No . 123 , E . C .
The R . W . P . G . M . M ., in accordance with the petition of the brethren , proceeded to consecrate the lodge , assisted by the following P . G . Officers : — Bros . J . M . Wikc , P . G . J . W ., as P . G . Chaplain ; John Tunnah , P . G . S . O . ; John Chadwick , P . G . Sec ; John Dufiield , P . G . R ^ . of Wks . ; W . Roberts
P . G . S . D . ; Thos . Hargreaves , P . G . I . D . ; S . Titmas . P . G . E . C ; Thomas Ashworth , P . G . A . D . C ; W . H . Prince , P . G . Swd . li . ; L . Booth , P . G . Stand . B . ; John Fothergill , E . Hartley , and Amos Stott , P . G . " Stewards ; and W . Walker , P . G . I . G . On the completion of tin : ceremony of consecration , Bro . W .
O . Walkers assent was required to the ancient charges . The brethren beneath the rank of Installed Master were requested lo retire , and the W . M .-designate was installed , according to ancient custom , by Bro . W . Roberts . The brethren were readmitted , and having duly saluted their new W . M .,
he proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : — Bros . Lawrence Booth , P . M . 191 , S . W . ; John Mitre Whitehead . P . M . 1012 . J . W . ; Joseph Handley , P . M . 191 , M . O , ; Andrew Milne , P . M . 191 , S . O . ; Frank Dawson , P . M . 101 , J . O . ; James
William Kenyon , P . M . 42 , Chaplain ; Thomas Crompton , P . M . 191 , Treasurer ; Henry Maiden , P . M . 191 , Secrelary ; Frederick Crompton , J . XV . 191 , Registrar of Mirks ; John Halliwell , S . W . toi 2 , S . D . ; William Handley , W . M . 1012 , J . D . ; Captain Watson , Past Warden 1174 , Dir . of Cers . ;
Mark Masonry.
John Randle Fletcher , Organist 191 , Organist ; Samuel Bailey , S . W . 191 , and William Balmer , Sec . 191 , Stewards ; George O'Neil , I . G . 1012 , I . G . ; Ingham , Sec . 42 , Tyler . The Provincial officers then retired , and the lodge was closed in ancient form , with solemn prayer , by the W . M . The brethren then sat down to a banquet ,
provided by Bro . W . Handley , of the Derby Hotel , Bury , in his usual recherche style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and received in a most enthusiastic manner . The enjoyment of the evening was essentially contributed to by a most efficient glee party , consisting of Bros . Bailey , Dumville , Edmondson , and Wroe , accompanied by Bro . J . R . Fletcher .
Independent Order Of Mark Masters.
The quarterly meeting of the Ashton United Lodge of Mark Masters was held recently at the Astley Arms Inn at Dukinfield , Ashton-under-Lyne . There was rather a poor attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . John G . Whitehead , W . M . Bro . Thomas Hargreaves , W . M . Blair , 113 ,
Prov . J . G . D . Lancashire , being the only visitor . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . At the last quarterly meeting held in October , at the Pitt and Nelson Inn , Ashton-under-Lyne , Bros . W . R . Callender and Hargreaves being
present , it was resolved toform acommittee to look into the accounts of the late deceased Secretary and report to next lodge . They were also empowered to report to next lodge upon the advisability of joining the Grand Mark Lodge of England . * The Secretary read the report , which was as
follows : — " The committee who were appointed at the last meeting have met several times , but are not prepared to report upon the accounts of the late Secretary until next lodg :. They have taken into consideration the desirability of joining the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and have come to the
conclusion that , if the Mark Masters ofthe Ashton district were to amalgamate with the Grand Lodge , it would impose upon the brethren extra contributions , which the majority would not be willing to pay , as they would not gain any privileges they have not at present , except uniformity of working
and visiting the lodges under the jurisdiction of the G . Lodge , which very few would avail themselves of . They also believe that it would be a serious disadvantage to the members of the Funeral Fund , although it would not be interfered with by G . Lodge . "
The W . M . read a letter jhe had received from Bro . Binckes , assuring them that the Funeral Fu . id would not be touched in any way . He ( the W . M . ) was sorry there were so few present . He wished that the matter might have been thoroughly discussed . Would any of the brethren express their
opinions ? The obstacle in the way of fees payable to Grand Lodge would prove very great ; and another fear was that of introducing a third element , as there would be a few dissentients from the movement . There were already two elementsmembers and non-members of the Funeral Fund .
The S . W . moved , and the J . D . seconded , that the report bc received and entered on the minutes . Bro . Thomas Hargreaves did not wish the brethren to think that he had come there to dictate to them , and lo tell them what to do and what not to do . He hoped the brethren would thoroughly
disabuse their minds of any such opinions j he would be the last to introduce any dissension into the lodge , or to cause a break in its harmony . He would simply say what he in their case would do ; and before the W . M . put the motion to the meeting he expected by arguments and plain facts to induce
some of the brethren to propose an amendment . It would not be advisable , from the small number of members present , to decide the question oneway or another , lt was a momentous question , and one not to be settled without due deliberation . The Mark Degree , to his certain knowledge , was worked
in Lancashire in four diffeient ways , and each party so working maintained that theirs was the correct ceremony . All could not be correct , and the question then arose—Which was the correct ceremony ? A solution of that difficulty could only be arrived at by the brethren visiting the different
lodges and seeing the working . If they did so , he felt sure they would think as he did : that the ceremony as authorised by the G . Lodge of England was the only correct one . And he asked them , as Masons and as men of common sense , if they found that their working was wrong , would they not correct it at once ? Most decidedly . Now , he should
ask them to adjourn the debate until next lodge ; and in the meantime the brethren would have an opportunity of visiting the Blair Mark Lodge , at Haslingden , and the Union Mark Lodge , at Manchester , to both of which he most cordially invited them . For all the brethren who might visit either of those lodges , he felt convinced , if present at the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PRESENTATION TO BRO . LOGIE AT DUNDEE . The Operative Lodge , No . 47 , met on Wednesday evening , the iSth inst ., Bro . Longmuir , R . W . M ., occupying the chair . The R . W . M . was accompanied by Bros . Alexander Kelt , R . W . M . 49 ; Jas . Berry , R . AV . M . 78 ; William Gelletly , R . W . M . 158 ;
George F . Roger , R . W . M . 225 ; and Past Masters Logic , Stratton , Robertson , Cowie , and Depute Masters Brew , Smyth , and M'Gregor . Bro . Henry , S . W . ; and Bro . Wilson , J . . The lodge having been opened by the R . W . M . in due and ancient form , he intimated the meeting
to be a special one called for the purpose of presenting Bro . Logie , the I . P . M ., with a gold watch and appendages as a token of respect and in return for the eminent services rendered to the lodge . The lodge having been put under the charge of the Junior Warden , supper was thereafter served by the
Stewards , which finished and duly charged , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts duly pledged and responded to , the R . W . Master called upon Worshipful Past Master Stratton to make the presentation . Bro . Stratton then said : Right Worshipful Sir ,
Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and brethren—I must say that I would have preferred the duty which you , Worshipful Master , desire me to donamely , to propose the health of your respected predecessor and to make this presentation—had been undertaken by yourself . As you and the
brethren of the lodge think otherwise , I have to thank you for the honour thus conferred on me , and I will now do so with great pleasure . This , Worshipful Master , has been the third testimonial made in this lodge during the past twenty-one years , and though presentations are now too common , this one
is an exception , and is alike honourable to you in proposing it as it is to Bro . Logie , now about to receive it . I had the honour of being Master of this lodge when Bro . Logie joined , now about thirteen years ago , and during this long period of years Bro . Logie has been but one year out of office
and that one when ill with fever . Step by step-Deacon , Junior Warden , Senior Warden , Depute Master , and then Master ( and I have always held that rising step by step is for the prosperity of lodges ) . Bro . Logic , therefore , in his quiet , tinostatious manner , having filled all the offices of the
lodge , and as he has done a deal for the lodge , is well entitled to this testimonial ; and I am glad to hear your subscriptions to it have been heartily given , and must therefore redown to the credit of you , Bro . Logic ; and ( turning to Bro . Logie ) I have now much pleasure in handing to you this
handsome testimonial , and I have no doubt you will look upon it as such . I wish you long life to wear it—a wish reciprocated by all the members of 47 ; and before I sit down I desire to say to you , young members of the lodge that this presentation and this happy meeting ought to stimulate you in
your duty to your mother lodge . Bro . Logie : Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Wardens , and brethren , I don ' t think that I ever rose with the idea of less to say than 1 can now . If 1 fail in properly thanking you all , I know you will excuse me . 1 have , as Bro . Stratton has said , held
all the offices in the lodge , and , specially , that of Master , now for four years ; and I am glad you are all pleased with the services rendered . I have never studied to add largely to the lodge—quality , not quantity , has been my aim . I now wish to thank you sincerely for this handsome present . I
appreciate the gift very much . I can only say it will never be parted with by mc as long as 1 live , and though a bachelor , 1 do trust it may descend to a worthy member of tbe Craft . The following toasts were then given : " Sister
Lodges , " ' Success to 47 , " " Provost and Councilof Dundee , " " Harbour Trust , " Town and Trade of Dundee , " " The Cause of Education , " nnd the toast of " The Master , " when the Junior Warden called the lodge again to labour , and thereafter the R . W . M . closed the lodge .
EDINBURGH . —^/ . Andrew's Lodge , No . 48 . — A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 1 Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall . The lod ;; e was opened by Bro . C . F . Matier . W . Depute Master , assisted by Bro . Dr . Hammond , S . W . ; Bro . William Hay , P . M ., as J . W . ; and several
other brethren . A petition was presented from Mr . W . C . Gilles , and being found regular , he was b . vlloted for and unanimously elected . The candidate being in attendance was then admitted and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro .
Matier . Ihe ceremony was performed with the utmost solemnity , and w . is deeply impressing lo the candidate . No further business being brought forward , the lodge was closed in due form , aud the brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial
supper , to which they did ample justice . Bro . Dr . Loth , R . W . M ., was in the chair , supported by Bros . Dr . Carmichael , P . M ., and Matier , D . M . Bro . Mackersey , P . M ., acted as croupier . The only toasts were " The Queen , " "The R . W . M ., " and " The Newly-initiated Candidate . " The brethren separated at an early hour .
Rifle Lodge , No . 405 . —On Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., an interesting ceremony took place at this lodge , which was the presentation of a very handsome jewel to Bro . W . M . Bryce , 30 ° , Treasurer . The jewel had been especially made for the purpose , and was the gift of Bro . Captain Gordon , 30 °
R . w . M . of St . Ternans Lodge , who was , unfortunately , unable to be present , and had deputed Bro . C . F . Matier , 30 , G . S ., to present it in open lodge . Bro . Matier , after a few appropriate remarks , affixed the jewel to Bro . Bryce ' s breast , and trusted he would be long spared to wear it . —In reply , Bro .
Bryce expressed his high appreciation of the kindness of Captain Gordon , and assured the brethren generally of his desire to do all that lay in his power to promote the interests of the Craft . ABERDEEN . —St . Nicholas Lodge , No . 93 . —A special meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on
the 16 th inst ., for the purpose of initiating Signor Guglielmo , the composer of " The Lover and the Bird , " and other popular ballads . The chair was taken by Bro . E . Savage , P . M ., 30 ° , assisted by Bros . Forrest , P . M ., as S . W ., and Milne , as J . W . We also observed present : Bros . C . Fitzgerald
Matier , P . M ., 30 ° ; Captain Gordon , W . M . St . Ternan ' s , 30 ° ; Captain Crombie . W . M . St Machar ' s ; and many others . The first degree was given in the best possible style by Bro . Savage . The chair was then taken by Bro . C . F . Matier , and the lodge being raised to the second degree
two candidates were passed Fellow-Crafts . Bro . Matier then raised the lodge to the third degree , and gave the first portion of the ceremony in his usual excellent manner to three brethren . Bro . Savage gave the second part , and there being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form
with solemn prayer . We are exceedingly pleased to have had an opportunity of visiting the brethren in Aberdeen , and of testifying to the excellence of their work , which puts many a London lodge to the blush . We have never seen it equalled , except
in East Lancashire and West Yorkshire . This shows the fallacy ofthe popular idea that Masonry is very loose in Scotland . We advise those who think so to go for a short time to the North , and visit the " Granite Cily . "
Mark Masonry.
CONSECRATION OF THE CALLENDER LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , No . 123 , E . C . This new lodge was opened in the Town Hall , Bury , Lancashire , on the 13 th inst ., by Bro . Thos . Hargreaves , W . M . of the Blair Lodge , No . 113 , E . G ., Haslingden , in due form with solemn prayer ;
Bros . Lawrence Booth acting as S . W . and J . M . Whitehead as J . W . The following brethren were then advanced to the degree of Mark Master , according to ancient custom , by Bro . Wm . Romaine Callender , jun ., R . W . P . G . M . M . of Lancashire—viz .: Bros . James Kenyon , James Shaw , and John
Randle Fletcher . The R . W . P . G . M . M . then called upon the P . G . Sec . to read the warrant from the M . W . G . M . M ., after which , Bro . W . O . Walker , the W . M .-designate , petitioned the R . W . P . G . M . M . to consecrate and constitute the lodge as the Callender Lodge , No . 123 , E . C .
The R . W . P . G . M . M ., in accordance with the petition of the brethren , proceeded to consecrate the lodge , assisted by the following P . G . Officers : — Bros . J . M . Wikc , P . G . J . W ., as P . G . Chaplain ; John Tunnah , P . G . S . O . ; John Chadwick , P . G . Sec ; John Dufiield , P . G . R ^ . of Wks . ; W . Roberts
P . G . S . D . ; Thos . Hargreaves , P . G . I . D . ; S . Titmas . P . G . E . C ; Thomas Ashworth , P . G . A . D . C ; W . H . Prince , P . G . Swd . li . ; L . Booth , P . G . Stand . B . ; John Fothergill , E . Hartley , and Amos Stott , P . G . " Stewards ; and W . Walker , P . G . I . G . On the completion of tin : ceremony of consecration , Bro . W .
O . Walkers assent was required to the ancient charges . The brethren beneath the rank of Installed Master were requested lo retire , and the W . M .-designate was installed , according to ancient custom , by Bro . W . Roberts . The brethren were readmitted , and having duly saluted their new W . M .,
he proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : — Bros . Lawrence Booth , P . M . 191 , S . W . ; John Mitre Whitehead . P . M . 1012 . J . W . ; Joseph Handley , P . M . 191 , M . O , ; Andrew Milne , P . M . 191 , S . O . ; Frank Dawson , P . M . 101 , J . O . ; James
William Kenyon , P . M . 42 , Chaplain ; Thomas Crompton , P . M . 191 , Treasurer ; Henry Maiden , P . M . 191 , Secrelary ; Frederick Crompton , J . XV . 191 , Registrar of Mirks ; John Halliwell , S . W . toi 2 , S . D . ; William Handley , W . M . 1012 , J . D . ; Captain Watson , Past Warden 1174 , Dir . of Cers . ;
Mark Masonry.
John Randle Fletcher , Organist 191 , Organist ; Samuel Bailey , S . W . 191 , and William Balmer , Sec . 191 , Stewards ; George O'Neil , I . G . 1012 , I . G . ; Ingham , Sec . 42 , Tyler . The Provincial officers then retired , and the lodge was closed in ancient form , with solemn prayer , by the W . M . The brethren then sat down to a banquet ,
provided by Bro . W . Handley , of the Derby Hotel , Bury , in his usual recherche style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and received in a most enthusiastic manner . The enjoyment of the evening was essentially contributed to by a most efficient glee party , consisting of Bros . Bailey , Dumville , Edmondson , and Wroe , accompanied by Bro . J . R . Fletcher .
Independent Order Of Mark Masters.
The quarterly meeting of the Ashton United Lodge of Mark Masters was held recently at the Astley Arms Inn at Dukinfield , Ashton-under-Lyne . There was rather a poor attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . John G . Whitehead , W . M . Bro . Thomas Hargreaves , W . M . Blair , 113 ,
Prov . J . G . D . Lancashire , being the only visitor . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . At the last quarterly meeting held in October , at the Pitt and Nelson Inn , Ashton-under-Lyne , Bros . W . R . Callender and Hargreaves being
present , it was resolved toform acommittee to look into the accounts of the late deceased Secretary and report to next lodge . They were also empowered to report to next lodge upon the advisability of joining the Grand Mark Lodge of England . * The Secretary read the report , which was as
follows : — " The committee who were appointed at the last meeting have met several times , but are not prepared to report upon the accounts of the late Secretary until next lodg :. They have taken into consideration the desirability of joining the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and have come to the
conclusion that , if the Mark Masters ofthe Ashton district were to amalgamate with the Grand Lodge , it would impose upon the brethren extra contributions , which the majority would not be willing to pay , as they would not gain any privileges they have not at present , except uniformity of working
and visiting the lodges under the jurisdiction of the G . Lodge , which very few would avail themselves of . They also believe that it would be a serious disadvantage to the members of the Funeral Fund , although it would not be interfered with by G . Lodge . "
The W . M . read a letter jhe had received from Bro . Binckes , assuring them that the Funeral Fu . id would not be touched in any way . He ( the W . M . ) was sorry there were so few present . He wished that the matter might have been thoroughly discussed . Would any of the brethren express their
opinions ? The obstacle in the way of fees payable to Grand Lodge would prove very great ; and another fear was that of introducing a third element , as there would be a few dissentients from the movement . There were already two elementsmembers and non-members of the Funeral Fund .
The S . W . moved , and the J . D . seconded , that the report bc received and entered on the minutes . Bro . Thomas Hargreaves did not wish the brethren to think that he had come there to dictate to them , and lo tell them what to do and what not to do . He hoped the brethren would thoroughly
disabuse their minds of any such opinions j he would be the last to introduce any dissension into the lodge , or to cause a break in its harmony . He would simply say what he in their case would do ; and before the W . M . put the motion to the meeting he expected by arguments and plain facts to induce
some of the brethren to propose an amendment . It would not be advisable , from the small number of members present , to decide the question oneway or another , lt was a momentous question , and one not to be settled without due deliberation . The Mark Degree , to his certain knowledge , was worked
in Lancashire in four diffeient ways , and each party so working maintained that theirs was the correct ceremony . All could not be correct , and the question then arose—Which was the correct ceremony ? A solution of that difficulty could only be arrived at by the brethren visiting the different
lodges and seeing the working . If they did so , he felt sure they would think as he did : that the ceremony as authorised by the G . Lodge of England was the only correct one . And he asked them , as Masons and as men of common sense , if they found that their working was wrong , would they not correct it at once ? Most decidedly . Now , he should
ask them to adjourn the debate until next lodge ; and in the meantime the brethren would have an opportunity of visiting the Blair Mark Lodge , at Haslingden , and the Union Mark Lodge , at Manchester , to both of which he most cordially invited them . For all the brethren who might visit either of those lodges , he felt convinced , if present at the