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Independent Order Of Mark Masters.
next meeting , would vote for amalgamation with G . Lodge . The W . M . has said there were already two elements in the lodge , and it would be injudicious to introduce a third . He thought differently : that by amalgamation it would have a tendency to bring the two former elements into closer contact ,
and to place them all upon one common level . Bro . Stafford aud others protested against receiving the report . A Brother did not think the working ever had been correct , as during his membership he had seen it changed two or three times .
Bro . Walker proposed as an amendment , and Bro . Stafford seconded , that the report stand over until next meeting , which was carried . Bros . David Radcliffe ( Milton , 1144 ) and George Burton ( Unanimity , S 9 ) were advanced to the degree
of Mark Master . Several brethren were admitted members ofthe Funeral Fund , and others proposed . Bro . James Pollitt ( W . M . Milton , 1144 ) , on behalf of that lodge , wished to be incorporated with this Mark lodge . It was ordered to he entered on the minutes . Business being finished , the lodge was closed .
Royal Ark Masonry.
An influential preliminary meeting of members of the Royal Ark Mariners' degree was held at the Lyceum Tavern on the evening of Monday , the 16 th inst ., when a Lodge of Instruction was opened , Bro . James Stevens , of St . Mark's Lodge , presiding as Commander N . The ceremony of elevation
was rehearsed in a most satisfactory manner , Bro . Harris acting as J . and Bro . Lowder as S . It was resolved that the next meeting be held on Monday , the 23 rd inst ., and then to found the Lodge of Instruction ; all members of the degree present on that occasion to be recognised as
founders of the lodge , without payment of the entrance fee . A vote of thanks was passed unanimously to Bro . Stevens for the efficient and impressive manner in which he had rendered the beautiful ceremony of this ancient degree ; and it was also
resolved that he be requested to occupy the chair of N . on the next occasion . Among those present were Bros . M . Edwards , Hammerton . Loewenstark , & c Bro . M . A . Loewenstark is the Scribe ( pro tern ) .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
WILLIAM DE IRWIN CHAPTER , WESTONSUPER-MARE . The William de Irwin Chapter of Sov . Princes of Rose Croix held their first meeting ( after reception of warrant from Supreme Grand Council , for the chapter has during the past year been worked under
a dispensation ) on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., in the Weston-super-Mare Masonic Rooms , which had been tastefully and correctly fitted up by E . and P . P . Cox . The following E . and P . P . ' s were present at the opening of the chapter , which had been called for an early hour in order to suit the convenience 0
of visitors : —111 . F . G . Irwin , 31 , M . W . S . ; 111 . General Munbee , 30 , Sen . General ; Capt . Townsend , Jun . General ; E . T . Inskip , Treasurer ; Benj . Cox , Registrar ; Fredk . Vizard , Raphael ; ill . — Davis , 30 , Grand Marshal ; F . Clarke , Captain of the Guard ; Matthias and Jones , Heralds .
The chapter having been opened mdue form , the following brethren , members of lhe Weston-super-Mare Craft lodge and R . A chapter , were balloted for and unanimously elected , viz ., Major John Walter Vizard , Alfred William Butter , and Wm . Thomas Male , the latter by dispensation as a serving brother . The candidates having been prepared and entrusted ,
were perfected and advanced to the degree of Sov . Prince Rose Croix of H . R . D . M ., the ceremony being rendered in that impressive and correct manner for which this young chapter has frequently been commended by the Supreme Grand Commander of the Order . Wc particularly noted the working of E . and P . P . Vizard as R ., Davis as Gd . AI ., and Townsend as H . P .
At the close of the second point , the M . W . S . expressed his regret at the absence of the Sov . Gd . Commander , the III . Bro . Vigne , and said he was quite sure the E . and P . P . ' s would regret it still more when they learned that illness alone prevented his attending the chapter that evening . The M . W .
S . proceeded to say that Bro . Vigne had presented for the use of the chapter a handsome alms-bag , and he was quite sure the members would value it still more highly when he told them it was worked expressly for the chapter ( as the monogram would show ) by the fair hands of their Supreme Grand Commander's daughter .
The thanks of the chapter were voted to Miss Vigne for her handsome gift . The M . W . S . announced that the Supreme G-Tind Council had been pleased to confirm their charter
and present them with a regular warrant , which he read , and afterwards said he was quite sure the members of the De Irwin chapter would continue to deserve the high opinion formed of them by the Supreme Grand Council .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
E . and P . Bro . Inskip was unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . The M . W . S . then proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : III . E . and P . P . Munbee , S . Genl . ; E . and P . P . ' s Clarke , J . General ; Townsend , High Prelate ; Cox , Registrar ; F . Vizard , Raphael ; Davis , Grand Marshal ; Major Vizard , Capt . of the Guard ;
Matthias and Jones , Heralds ; and Perfect Brother Male , Outer Guard . The Most Wise Sovereign next appointed the presiding officers under the Grand Lodge of Perfection , Council of Princes of Jerusalem and Knights of the East and West , as follows : —Ex . and P . P . ' s Cox , Most Powerful Master of the 4 , or Lodge of
Secret Masters . Jones , Right Worshipful Master of the 5 ° , or Lodge of Perfect Masters . Butter , Most Illustrious Master , 6 ° , or Lodge of Intimate Secretary . Matthias , Thrice Illustrious Master , 7 ° , or Lodge of
Provost and Judge . Wiltshire , Thrice Potent Master , 8 ° , or Lodge of Intendant of Buildings . Taylor , Commander , 9 , or Lodge of Elect of Nine . Major Vizard , 111 . Commander , 10 ° , or Lodge of Elect of Fifteen .
Pigott , Thrice III . Commander , 11 ° , or Chapter of Subime Knights Elected . Davis , Most Potent Commander , 12 ° , or Chapter of Grand Master Architect or Knights of Kilwinning . Inskip , Grand Master , 13 ° , or Chapter of Royal Arch of Enoch . F . Vizard , Thrice Potent Grand Master , 14 ° , or Chapter
of Grand Lodge of Perfection . Townsend , Sovereign Master , 15 ° , or Council of Knts . of East and West or Kts . of Reel Cross of Babylon . Clarke , Most Equitable Sov . Master , 16 % or Council of Knights of Princes of Jerusalem . Munbee , Most Puissant Ven . Master , 17 , or Council of Knights of the East and West
A communication from Supreme Grand Council was read , and some remarks made relative to the possibility of the suspension of the Bath brethren interfering with their position in the other ( so-called ) unrecognised degrees . The M . W . S . said it was a subject that could not be entertained in a Rose Croix Chapter . After a short discussion relative to by-laws and
other matters , alms were collected , and after the usual ceremonies the chapter was closed and the members adjourned to dinner , which was served by Bro . Kirkbride , of the York Hotel , in his usual excellent manner . After dinner a most pleasant and instructive evening was spent , the brethren heartily regretting when the M . W . S . and other brethren were forced to leave by train for Bristol .
King William Cited For Trial.
In compliance with the request of a valued correspondent , wc place the following document on record . We have already expressed our opinion on the subject : —
" CIRCULAR FROM THE MASONS OF PARIS . "Lodge of Henry IV ., Grand Orient of France , 16 , Rue Cadet , Paris . " TT . CC . FF . —Encircled by the armies which obey the Sovereign of Prussia , we come to address to you the last cry of distress , and that it may
reach you we entrust it to those sublime messengers which Science—that fruitful mother—has taught us to hurl through space , as if to defy the mad efforts of the men of prey , who foolishly suppose that thought can be penned up , subdued , chained , like a criminal in prison .
" Do not imagine , TT . CC . FF ., that we ask for physical intervention . The self-denying spirit which animates us , the consciousness wc have of defending a right cause , and , permit us to add , outown courage , will enable us , it is our firm hope , to conquer those who have made themselves the detestable instruments of the barbarous theory which
dares to assert that Might may oppress Right . As you will see by the enclosed document , our sole object is to call for the formation of an impartial Masonic jury , from which wc will enquire whether the complaint that we make agains tBros . William and Frederick of Hohenzollern - the one King of Prussia and the other Ptince Royal—be well founded , yes or no , from a Masonic point of view .
"If you will have the goodness to examine the reasons brought forward by us in support of this request ; if , in addition , you admit that they arc well founded in right and Masonic ethics , remember , TT . CC . FF ., that never has an occasion presented itself where the universal human
brotherhood could show its existence and its power in a manner so solemn and so impressive . By constituting itself supreme judge ofthe great case brought bclorc it , it will show that it does not confine itself to inscribing at the head of its documents the noble
device , " Liberty , Equality , Fraternity , " but that it understands that each of the terms of lhat motto is capable of serious application to all its members without distinction , lt will do more : it will open the glorious path , in which the outer world cannot
King William Cited For Trial.
soon avoid following it , namely , that differences between nations , instead of being decided by brute force , ought to be settled by international arbitrament , on principles purely legal , but conformed to the humanitarian aspirations of modern civilization , of which Freemasonry is and will remain the
torchbearer . " This circular , with the enclosed document , is addressed to the Orients and the lodges of the whole world . Each one of them may elect and send a commissioned delegate , credentialed with regular powers , to represent it at the illustrious
Areopagus , summoned to assemble provisionally at Lausanne , Switzerland , March 15 , 1871 . " In the hope , TT . CC . FF .. that our appeal will be listened to , we offer you the expression of our fraternal regard . " Given at Paris , November , 1 S 70 .
" THE FRENCH FREEMASONS TO THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC BROTHERHOOD . " Requisition to put on trial the Bros . William and Frederick of Hohenzollern . — " Brothers : At the beginning ofthe sanguinary war which is desolating humanity and civilization ,
the Freemasons of France ' , far from approving of the aggression against Germany , of which Bonaparte has been guilty , protested energetically . In all our lodges a cry of horror was heard , and its echo must have reached your midst . " At the present time the sovereigns of Germany ,
who at first had taken arms to defend themselves , not content with having chastised the aggressor , continue a war which has no longer a legitimate object . They attack , in their turn , a people which has never ceased to show itself most friendly of all nations to foreigners , and particularly to the
German nation . They make use of the numerous Germans who had received the hospitality of France , to betray that hospitality and to repay it by murder , fire , robbery , and devastation . They push their barbarous conduct even to the extremity —leading their soldiers to the walls of Paris , that
great city which , more than any other , has shown itself liberal , pacific , and opposed to all international war . " Brothers , the German sovereign has been guilty of the greatest of crimes , and that crime is the more to be detested because William of
Hohenzollern and his son , the leaders ofthe German army , on entering the Masonic body , swore solemnly to observe its laws . " William of Hohenzollern and his son are , in consequence , accused of perjury and treason . The Universal Masonic Brotherhood summon themtothe
bar of its tribunal three months fro . n this date . The tribunal before which they are to appear will be composed of all the Orients ofthe world . "The sittings of the jury will be held in neutral territory , at Berne , or any other city that may be ultimately fixed upon .
" If they fail to appear in answer to this summons , William of Hohenzollern and his son will be declared false to their oath , felons , and outside the pale of Masonic law . They will be condemned to suffer the penalties prescribed by our laws . They
will be execrated for ever , and their memory will be handed down to the imprecations of posterity . " Given at Paris , 30 th Nov ., 1870 "Address notes of compliance to Bro . J . F . J . Tierque , senior , Place dc Chevelu , No . 6 , Geneva ( Switzerland ) . "
Bro. H. Newman And The Volunteer Ball In Liverpool.
On 1 ' nday last week the annual ball of the First Lancashire Engineer Volunteers took place at St . George ' s Hall , Liverpool , and was a complete success in every respect . No fewer than 1500 invited guests , officers and volunteers were at the merry meeting , which comprised a prize distribution and
soiree as well as a ball , and the almost unprecedented enjoyment and harmony which marked the whole of the evening's proceedings were solely due to the untiring exertions of Bro . Henry Newman , Captain in the corps , who is well known as an indefatigable Volunteer and excellent Mason .
Amongst the large company were the following brethren : Bros . His Worship the Mayor ( J . G . Livingston , Esq . ) , Major Botisfield , Dr . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M . ( surgeon to the corps ) , Dr . Slack , Dr . Keisch , Capt . Hargreaves . Capt . Boggs , Capt .
Newman , Richard Morley , G . Dyke , John Macbeth , J . Wood , W . II . Molyneux , J . B . MaeKen / . ie , & c . After tea and the prize distribution ( which was made in happy terns by Bro . Livingston ) , dancing was commenced and continued for several hours with the greatest spirit .
The supper for the officers and invited guests , and refreshments for the men were provided by Brother Wm . Thomson , of the George Hotel , Upper Pittstreet , his purveying giving complete satisfaction .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Independent Order Of Mark Masters.
next meeting , would vote for amalgamation with G . Lodge . The W . M . has said there were already two elements in the lodge , and it would be injudicious to introduce a third . He thought differently : that by amalgamation it would have a tendency to bring the two former elements into closer contact ,
and to place them all upon one common level . Bro . Stafford aud others protested against receiving the report . A Brother did not think the working ever had been correct , as during his membership he had seen it changed two or three times .
Bro . Walker proposed as an amendment , and Bro . Stafford seconded , that the report stand over until next meeting , which was carried . Bros . David Radcliffe ( Milton , 1144 ) and George Burton ( Unanimity , S 9 ) were advanced to the degree
of Mark Master . Several brethren were admitted members ofthe Funeral Fund , and others proposed . Bro . James Pollitt ( W . M . Milton , 1144 ) , on behalf of that lodge , wished to be incorporated with this Mark lodge . It was ordered to he entered on the minutes . Business being finished , the lodge was closed .
Royal Ark Masonry.
An influential preliminary meeting of members of the Royal Ark Mariners' degree was held at the Lyceum Tavern on the evening of Monday , the 16 th inst ., when a Lodge of Instruction was opened , Bro . James Stevens , of St . Mark's Lodge , presiding as Commander N . The ceremony of elevation
was rehearsed in a most satisfactory manner , Bro . Harris acting as J . and Bro . Lowder as S . It was resolved that the next meeting be held on Monday , the 23 rd inst ., and then to found the Lodge of Instruction ; all members of the degree present on that occasion to be recognised as
founders of the lodge , without payment of the entrance fee . A vote of thanks was passed unanimously to Bro . Stevens for the efficient and impressive manner in which he had rendered the beautiful ceremony of this ancient degree ; and it was also
resolved that he be requested to occupy the chair of N . on the next occasion . Among those present were Bros . M . Edwards , Hammerton . Loewenstark , & c Bro . M . A . Loewenstark is the Scribe ( pro tern ) .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
WILLIAM DE IRWIN CHAPTER , WESTONSUPER-MARE . The William de Irwin Chapter of Sov . Princes of Rose Croix held their first meeting ( after reception of warrant from Supreme Grand Council , for the chapter has during the past year been worked under
a dispensation ) on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., in the Weston-super-Mare Masonic Rooms , which had been tastefully and correctly fitted up by E . and P . P . Cox . The following E . and P . P . ' s were present at the opening of the chapter , which had been called for an early hour in order to suit the convenience 0
of visitors : —111 . F . G . Irwin , 31 , M . W . S . ; 111 . General Munbee , 30 , Sen . General ; Capt . Townsend , Jun . General ; E . T . Inskip , Treasurer ; Benj . Cox , Registrar ; Fredk . Vizard , Raphael ; ill . — Davis , 30 , Grand Marshal ; F . Clarke , Captain of the Guard ; Matthias and Jones , Heralds .
The chapter having been opened mdue form , the following brethren , members of lhe Weston-super-Mare Craft lodge and R . A chapter , were balloted for and unanimously elected , viz ., Major John Walter Vizard , Alfred William Butter , and Wm . Thomas Male , the latter by dispensation as a serving brother . The candidates having been prepared and entrusted ,
were perfected and advanced to the degree of Sov . Prince Rose Croix of H . R . D . M ., the ceremony being rendered in that impressive and correct manner for which this young chapter has frequently been commended by the Supreme Grand Commander of the Order . Wc particularly noted the working of E . and P . P . Vizard as R ., Davis as Gd . AI ., and Townsend as H . P .
At the close of the second point , the M . W . S . expressed his regret at the absence of the Sov . Gd . Commander , the III . Bro . Vigne , and said he was quite sure the E . and P . P . ' s would regret it still more when they learned that illness alone prevented his attending the chapter that evening . The M . W .
S . proceeded to say that Bro . Vigne had presented for the use of the chapter a handsome alms-bag , and he was quite sure the members would value it still more highly when he told them it was worked expressly for the chapter ( as the monogram would show ) by the fair hands of their Supreme Grand Commander's daughter .
The thanks of the chapter were voted to Miss Vigne for her handsome gift . The M . W . S . announced that the Supreme G-Tind Council had been pleased to confirm their charter
and present them with a regular warrant , which he read , and afterwards said he was quite sure the members of the De Irwin chapter would continue to deserve the high opinion formed of them by the Supreme Grand Council .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
E . and P . Bro . Inskip was unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . The M . W . S . then proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : III . E . and P . P . Munbee , S . Genl . ; E . and P . P . ' s Clarke , J . General ; Townsend , High Prelate ; Cox , Registrar ; F . Vizard , Raphael ; Davis , Grand Marshal ; Major Vizard , Capt . of the Guard ;
Matthias and Jones , Heralds ; and Perfect Brother Male , Outer Guard . The Most Wise Sovereign next appointed the presiding officers under the Grand Lodge of Perfection , Council of Princes of Jerusalem and Knights of the East and West , as follows : —Ex . and P . P . ' s Cox , Most Powerful Master of the 4 , or Lodge of
Secret Masters . Jones , Right Worshipful Master of the 5 ° , or Lodge of Perfect Masters . Butter , Most Illustrious Master , 6 ° , or Lodge of Intimate Secretary . Matthias , Thrice Illustrious Master , 7 ° , or Lodge of
Provost and Judge . Wiltshire , Thrice Potent Master , 8 ° , or Lodge of Intendant of Buildings . Taylor , Commander , 9 , or Lodge of Elect of Nine . Major Vizard , 111 . Commander , 10 ° , or Lodge of Elect of Fifteen .
Pigott , Thrice III . Commander , 11 ° , or Chapter of Subime Knights Elected . Davis , Most Potent Commander , 12 ° , or Chapter of Grand Master Architect or Knights of Kilwinning . Inskip , Grand Master , 13 ° , or Chapter of Royal Arch of Enoch . F . Vizard , Thrice Potent Grand Master , 14 ° , or Chapter
of Grand Lodge of Perfection . Townsend , Sovereign Master , 15 ° , or Council of Knts . of East and West or Kts . of Reel Cross of Babylon . Clarke , Most Equitable Sov . Master , 16 % or Council of Knights of Princes of Jerusalem . Munbee , Most Puissant Ven . Master , 17 , or Council of Knights of the East and West
A communication from Supreme Grand Council was read , and some remarks made relative to the possibility of the suspension of the Bath brethren interfering with their position in the other ( so-called ) unrecognised degrees . The M . W . S . said it was a subject that could not be entertained in a Rose Croix Chapter . After a short discussion relative to by-laws and
other matters , alms were collected , and after the usual ceremonies the chapter was closed and the members adjourned to dinner , which was served by Bro . Kirkbride , of the York Hotel , in his usual excellent manner . After dinner a most pleasant and instructive evening was spent , the brethren heartily regretting when the M . W . S . and other brethren were forced to leave by train for Bristol .
King William Cited For Trial.
In compliance with the request of a valued correspondent , wc place the following document on record . We have already expressed our opinion on the subject : —
" CIRCULAR FROM THE MASONS OF PARIS . "Lodge of Henry IV ., Grand Orient of France , 16 , Rue Cadet , Paris . " TT . CC . FF . —Encircled by the armies which obey the Sovereign of Prussia , we come to address to you the last cry of distress , and that it may
reach you we entrust it to those sublime messengers which Science—that fruitful mother—has taught us to hurl through space , as if to defy the mad efforts of the men of prey , who foolishly suppose that thought can be penned up , subdued , chained , like a criminal in prison .
" Do not imagine , TT . CC . FF ., that we ask for physical intervention . The self-denying spirit which animates us , the consciousness wc have of defending a right cause , and , permit us to add , outown courage , will enable us , it is our firm hope , to conquer those who have made themselves the detestable instruments of the barbarous theory which
dares to assert that Might may oppress Right . As you will see by the enclosed document , our sole object is to call for the formation of an impartial Masonic jury , from which wc will enquire whether the complaint that we make agains tBros . William and Frederick of Hohenzollern - the one King of Prussia and the other Ptince Royal—be well founded , yes or no , from a Masonic point of view .
"If you will have the goodness to examine the reasons brought forward by us in support of this request ; if , in addition , you admit that they arc well founded in right and Masonic ethics , remember , TT . CC . FF ., that never has an occasion presented itself where the universal human
brotherhood could show its existence and its power in a manner so solemn and so impressive . By constituting itself supreme judge ofthe great case brought bclorc it , it will show that it does not confine itself to inscribing at the head of its documents the noble
device , " Liberty , Equality , Fraternity , " but that it understands that each of the terms of lhat motto is capable of serious application to all its members without distinction , lt will do more : it will open the glorious path , in which the outer world cannot
King William Cited For Trial.
soon avoid following it , namely , that differences between nations , instead of being decided by brute force , ought to be settled by international arbitrament , on principles purely legal , but conformed to the humanitarian aspirations of modern civilization , of which Freemasonry is and will remain the
torchbearer . " This circular , with the enclosed document , is addressed to the Orients and the lodges of the whole world . Each one of them may elect and send a commissioned delegate , credentialed with regular powers , to represent it at the illustrious
Areopagus , summoned to assemble provisionally at Lausanne , Switzerland , March 15 , 1871 . " In the hope , TT . CC . FF .. that our appeal will be listened to , we offer you the expression of our fraternal regard . " Given at Paris , November , 1 S 70 .
" THE FRENCH FREEMASONS TO THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC BROTHERHOOD . " Requisition to put on trial the Bros . William and Frederick of Hohenzollern . — " Brothers : At the beginning ofthe sanguinary war which is desolating humanity and civilization ,
the Freemasons of France ' , far from approving of the aggression against Germany , of which Bonaparte has been guilty , protested energetically . In all our lodges a cry of horror was heard , and its echo must have reached your midst . " At the present time the sovereigns of Germany ,
who at first had taken arms to defend themselves , not content with having chastised the aggressor , continue a war which has no longer a legitimate object . They attack , in their turn , a people which has never ceased to show itself most friendly of all nations to foreigners , and particularly to the
German nation . They make use of the numerous Germans who had received the hospitality of France , to betray that hospitality and to repay it by murder , fire , robbery , and devastation . They push their barbarous conduct even to the extremity —leading their soldiers to the walls of Paris , that
great city which , more than any other , has shown itself liberal , pacific , and opposed to all international war . " Brothers , the German sovereign has been guilty of the greatest of crimes , and that crime is the more to be detested because William of
Hohenzollern and his son , the leaders ofthe German army , on entering the Masonic body , swore solemnly to observe its laws . " William of Hohenzollern and his son are , in consequence , accused of perjury and treason . The Universal Masonic Brotherhood summon themtothe
bar of its tribunal three months fro . n this date . The tribunal before which they are to appear will be composed of all the Orients ofthe world . "The sittings of the jury will be held in neutral territory , at Berne , or any other city that may be ultimately fixed upon .
" If they fail to appear in answer to this summons , William of Hohenzollern and his son will be declared false to their oath , felons , and outside the pale of Masonic law . They will be condemned to suffer the penalties prescribed by our laws . They
will be execrated for ever , and their memory will be handed down to the imprecations of posterity . " Given at Paris , 30 th Nov ., 1870 "Address notes of compliance to Bro . J . F . J . Tierque , senior , Place dc Chevelu , No . 6 , Geneva ( Switzerland ) . "
Bro. H. Newman And The Volunteer Ball In Liverpool.
On 1 ' nday last week the annual ball of the First Lancashire Engineer Volunteers took place at St . George ' s Hall , Liverpool , and was a complete success in every respect . No fewer than 1500 invited guests , officers and volunteers were at the merry meeting , which comprised a prize distribution and
soiree as well as a ball , and the almost unprecedented enjoyment and harmony which marked the whole of the evening's proceedings were solely due to the untiring exertions of Bro . Henry Newman , Captain in the corps , who is well known as an indefatigable Volunteer and excellent Mason .
Amongst the large company were the following brethren : Bros . His Worship the Mayor ( J . G . Livingston , Esq . ) , Major Botisfield , Dr . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M . ( surgeon to the corps ) , Dr . Slack , Dr . Keisch , Capt . Hargreaves . Capt . Boggs , Capt .
Newman , Richard Morley , G . Dyke , John Macbeth , J . Wood , W . II . Molyneux , J . B . MaeKen / . ie , & c . After tea and the prize distribution ( which was made in happy terns by Bro . Livingston ) , dancing was commenced and continued for several hours with the greatest spirit .
The supper for the officers and invited guests , and refreshments for the men were provided by Brother Wm . Thomson , of the George Hotel , Upper Pittstreet , his purveying giving complete satisfaction .