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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and alluded in kindly terms to the duties that had devolved upon him during his year of office . Other toasts were proposed and responded to , and the brethren passed the remainder of the evening in a most enjoyable manner . Bro . George Jones presided at the piano , and also during the evening enlivened the harmony with some capital music upon the cornet .
BROMPTON , KENT . —United Chatham Lodge of Benevolence , No . 184 . —The annual meeting ofthe brethren of this excellent lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 19 th inst ., when Bro Sergeant-Major Cole , R . E ., was duly installed W . M . in the presence of a large assembly , amongst whom were Bros . J . Redman , P . M ., P . G . S , the retiring W . M . ; W . Blakey , P . M ., W . M .
1174 , and P . P . A . D . C . ; J . Strowse , P . M ., P . S ., and Treas . ; W . Turtle , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Ashdown , P . M . 18 4 and 1050 , and P . P . G . P . ; Carter , P . M . 20 , P . G . D . ; Burfield , P . M . 20 ; Fowle , W . M . 20 ; Seabrook , P . M ., Sec 1170 , and P . G . S . ; Martin , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , & c ; and Darley , P . M . 158 , Sheerness . Bro . Redman ! with great ability , conducted the beautiful and impressive
ceremony to the admiration of all . The installation being over , the brethren of the junior degrees were admitted and did honour to the W . M . The following officers were then appointed : Bros . Murphy , S . W . ; Robinson , J . W . ; Strowse , P . M ., Treas . ; Gale , Sec . ; Higgins , SD . ; Morson , J . D . ; Hurley , I . G . ; Husband and Hewitt , Stewards ; Gorham , D . C . ; and Drago , Tyler . Amongst
the large number present were several military brethren . On thanks being proposed to the Installing Master , Bro . Redman , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to refreshment at Bro . Wraith's , the Golden Lion , where they did ample justice to a spread which proved the capability of Bro . Wraith to gratify the taste , and which gave the utmost satisfaction .
LIVERPOOL . —Harmonic Lodge , No . 216 .--On Thursday , the 12 th inst ., the monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Adelphi Hotel , where there was a highly respectable gathering of the brethren . An additional interest was given to the proceedings by the installation of the W . M . and the investiture of his officers . Bro . Crook , whose services in the chair appear to have given
the liveliest satisfaction during his year of office , vacated his position , and Bro . Joseph Skeaf was installed as W . M . The ceremony was performed in a most impressive and highly efficient manner by Bro . James M'Kune , P . M . and P . Z . The following officers were invested by the newly-elected Master , and afterwards received the different charges from Bro . M'Kune : Bros . Jones . S . W . ;
John Beesley , J . W . ; John Turner , S . D . ; John Norman , J . D . ; George Rigby Smith , Sec . ; William Laidlaw , Treas . ; William B . Lennie , I . G , ; John Maddock . D . C ; and Ball , Tyler . In handing in the yearly balance-sheet the Treasurer made the gratifying announcement that the funds in hands at the close of the year amounted to . £ 70 odd . The accounts were unanimously passed , and
occasion was taken by several ofthe brethren to express their satisfaction at the financially prosperous condition of the lodge . Messrs . Conley and Crook , after being balloted for , were duly initiated in a most efficient and impressive manner by the W . AI ., the working tools being presented by the J . W . The charge , given by the S . \ V ., was especially striking in its delivery , and secured the hearty
approbation of all who listened . —During the cveni . ig Bro . Jones , S . W ., called the attention of the brethren to the painfully sudden and lamented death of Bro . Lancelot Fleming , who had received his third degree only al the previous monthly meeting of the lodge . In the course ofa few well-chosen and feeling remarks , thcS . W . referred to the great loss which Freemasonry in general , and
No . 216 in particular , had sustained by the unexpected death of their young brother , who , he said , had even at the outset of his Alasonic career given the greatest promise of being both an active and efficient worker , and likely to rise to the very hiqhcst position in the lodge . He ( Bro . Jones ) concluded by moving that a letter of sympathy should be sent by the Secretary to the widow
ofthe deceased . —Several ofthe brethren assembled also referred in terms of praise to the high character and great promise of the late Bro . Fleming , and the resolution was at once and unanimously adopted . After labour a splendid banquet was provided in the large and handsome dining-hall connected with the hotel , which was admirably served . — After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
( proposed in the happiest terms by the W . M . ) , Bro . Crook , P . M ., proposed , in highly eulogistic terms , "The health of their newly-appointed Master , " and said he was sure that during his year of office he would prove himself fully qualified to perform all the duties connected with it —an efficiency which had been fully established by the manner in which he had conducted the business of the
lodge that day . ( The toast was received with true Masonic enthusiasm . )—The W . M ., in reply , said he must thank the brethren very cordially for the reception which they had given to the toast just proposed . He trusted that the manner in which the duties of the lodge were performed would , at the end of the year , meet with their approbation . No . 216 was his mother lodge , and as they
were all bound morally to respect and love their mothers , he would strive to do so with regard to that lodge by doing his duty in connection with the chair in the best manner possible . His professional engagements occupied a large part of his time ; but he assurred the brethren that he would do his utmost to make the working of the lodge as efficient as possible , and give it his honest attention , as
his predecessors in office had done . ( Cheers)— "The health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Crook , " was then proposed by theW . M ., who spoke in high terms ofthe manner in which he had fulfilled the dulies of the chair . —Bro . Crook , in responding , said he must regret that business engagements had on more than one occasion prevented him from attending to his duties ; but he assured the brethren he was a true Mason at heart , and as such he
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
had endeavoured to carry out all the duties of his office . — "The Visiting Brethren , " "The Newly-initiated Brethren , " and "All Poor and Distressed Masons , " were the remaining toasts on the list , after which the lodge was closed in due form at an early hour . During the evening Bro . Busfield contributed to the harmony in a most material manner by the splendid style in which he
sang several songs . The I . G . ( Bro . Lennie ) also added to the pleasure of the meeting by the spirited manner in which he sang "The Merry Days of Old , " which the brethren generally apyreciated . Bros . M'Kune , Jones , Bennett , Willett , Hook , & c , also gave vocal contributions , which went far to justify the title of the " Harmonic Lodgs . "
BODMIN . —One-and-All Lodge , No . 330 . —The annual meeting was held at Freemasons' HaU on the 27 th ult . Tbe lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Wallis , W . M . After the minutes of the last lodge had been read and confirmed , Bro . the Hon . Levison Gower , M . P ., was proposed to be affiiliated a member , and Dr . Adams was proposed to be initiated at the next regular
lodge . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees . A board of Installed Masters was formed under the presidency of Bro . Capt . Colvill , P . P . J . G . W ., and the choice of the lodge having fallen on Bro . W . R . Oliver , of Bodmin , now of 40 , Chancery-lane , London , as W . M .-elect , he was presented by Bro . Rub , P . P . G . D . C , and duly installed by Bro . Colvill , assisted by
Bro . Wallis , P . P . G . R ., and Bro . the Rev . J . D . Hawsley , P . G . C , in a most impressive manner . After the W . M . had appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , the lodge was called off from labour to refreshment , and repaired to Bro . Sandoe ' s , Royal Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was partaken of , and the proceedings throughout the evening were conducted in a truly Masonic spirit .
TRURO . —Phcenix Lodge of Honour and Prudence , No 331 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , New Public Rooms , Truro , on Monday , the 16 th inst ., Bro . J . F . Penrose in the chair . After the reception of an approved candidate , the W . M . -elect , Bro . J . T . Ferguson , was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . J . F . Penrose , I . P . M . The
ceremony was conducted in a most efficient manner . The following officers were then appointed : —Bros . R . M . Paull , S . W . ; S . Serpell . J . W . ; Rev . F . B . Bullocke , M . A . ( Prov . G . C ) , Chaplain ; J . O . Mayne ( P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ) , Treasurer ; Thomas Olver , jun ., Secretary ; Hon . T . C . Agar Robartcs , S . D . ; J . XV . Wilkinson , J D . ; Thomas Solomon , J . P . ( P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ) ,
Director of Ceremonies ; S . Harvey ( P . M ., Prov . G . P . ) Inner Guard ; J . F . Phillpotts and \ V . IT . Cristoe , jun ., Stewards ; W . Rooks , Tyler . The business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , where the banquet was served . The W . M . presided , and the Senior Warden was in the vice-chair . Sir . F . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., Grand Warden of England , and numerous other members and visitors were present .
HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s , No . 531 . —On Thursday , 12 th inst , a number of Brethren of this lodge met at the house of Bro . C . Humbles , Cleveland Hotel , when that brother , in his usual style , supplied them with a most sumptuous banquet . Bro . T . IT . Haigh , of the Lodge of Truth , No . 521 , Huddersfield , in the chair . Bro . J . N . Sidney , St . John ' s Lodge , No . So , Sunderland , in the
vice-chair . The loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed from the chair in a very efficient manner , and were right loyally and Masonically received ; after which Bro . T . Turnbull , I . G . of the lodge , made a presentation to Bro . J . J . Armstrong , I . P . M ., No . 531 , Com . 954 ( from a few private friends ) , of a beautiful portrait of his wife , lo complete a pair , one of himself being presented to this
distinguished brother a few months ago . Bro . Turnbull also presented the same brother with a splendid signet ring and Past Master ' s jewel on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , as a token of respect and esteem . The jewel was engraved as follows : — "Presented to Bro . J . J . Armstrong , I . P . M . of the St . Helen ' s Lodge , No . 531 , by a number of brethren , as a mark of regard and esteem .
Hartlepool , January 1 st , 1 S 71 . These presenis were suitably received and responded lo in a very feeling maimer . The portraits were from the studio of Newcombe and Sydney , West Hartlepool , and reflect great credit on the artists . The size of the portraits and frames are 3 ft . 6 in . by 3 ft . During the evening , Bro . | . J . Armstrong presented to Bro . Thomas Forbes , P . M ., a
beautiful Past Master ' s jewel , on behalf of lhe brethren of the lodge , also the jewel was fixed to his breast by Bro . Armstrong . Bro . Forbes , P . M ., made a suitable reply in a good speech , thanking the brethren for their kindness in presenting him with such a beautiful testimonial .
Several other toasts followed , and the evening was spent in mirth andharmony . several brethren singing some really good songs . The tylcr here put a stop to the hilarity by his toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " which finished the evening , the brethren separating at a seasonable hour .
BRIGHTON . —Royal Brunswick Lodge , No . 732 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., iu the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion . The lodge was opened by the highly-esteemed W . M ., Bro . G . Smith , P . P . G . P . Sussex , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed Mr . Plumcr was initiated in an able manner by the W . M . Bro . V .
Freeman , P . P . J . G . W . presented Br . E . Carpenter , S . W ., to be duly installed in the chair of K . S ., which ceremony was performed in a most perfect manner by Bro . V . Freeman , P . M . The newly-installed Master then nominated and invested his officers as follows : Bros . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; J . L . Brigden , S . W . ; W . Smith , J . W . ; S . Ridley , Treas . ; T . Lawson , Sec . ; G . IT . Day , S . D . ; S . Solomon , J . D . ; Jcffcoat , I . G . ; Hopewell , D . C ; F .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Vincent , Steward . The W . M . then , in most appropriate terms , presented , in the name of the lodge , a P . M . ' s jewel and collar to the retiring W . M . Br . Smith having returned thanks , the lodge was closed and the brethren , to the number of fifty , adjourned to the banqueting chamber , where an excellent dinner had been prepared by the Messrs . Mutton . The cloth having been cleared , the usual toasts were heartily honoured , and an exceedingly happy evening was brought to a close at an early hour .
WELI . INGHOROUGH .- JVenlworth Lodge , No . 737 . — - The installation meeting of this lodge was held in the Town Hall on the 16 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form , and after the usual preliminary business Bro . Miller was . in accordance with ancient custom , installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . S . Inns , D . P . G . M . The W . M . then invested bis officers as follows : Bros . James ,
S . W . ; Woolrych , J . W . ; Burkitt , S . D . ; Copk , J . D . ; and Housden , I . G . - Bro . Cook was re-elected Treasurer , and Matthews , Tyler . Labour being ended , the lodge was closed in due form with prayer . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Angel Hotel and partook of an excellent banquet . The customary toasts were given and responded to and a very pleasant evening was spent .
SOUTHEND— Priory Lodge , No . 1000 . —The installation meeting of this lodge , to install Bro . Jas . Cantor , the W . M .-elect , was held in the lodge-room , at the Middleton Hotel , Southend , on Tuesday , January 10 th . The ceremony of installation was most impressively performed by W . Bro . William P . M . 160 and P . P . J . G . W . ; after which , the newly installed W . M . appointed his
officers for the ensuing year , and they were duly invested as foUo- > YS -. —Bros . S . Cox , SAV . ; J . R . Hemmann , J . W . ; Rev . T . W . Herbert , P . M ., Chaplain ; Frederick Wood , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., re-elected Treasurer ; W . Smith Cox , P . P . G . S . B ., reappointed Secretary ; A . Lucking , S . D . ; G . J . Glasscock , J . D . ; H . Rowley , P . P . S . G . D ., as D . C ; Barton , Organist ; Joseph Louth , I . G . ; Edward Parsons , re-elected Tyler . A strong
muster of Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers , Past Masters , and visitors were also present . The lodge been closed about thirty-four of the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , which was served up in capital style . The visual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The enjoyment of the evening was greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . J . Burton , J . Brazier , Girling , and Johnston .
LIVERPOOL . —/ V /'/ w of Wales Lodge , No . 1035 . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , rath inst . The voting having been in favour of Bro . J . W . Turley , without dissentient , he was duly installed by Bro . P . M . Fozz-ird , who fulfilled his duties most admirably . Afler ihe installation , the W . M . appointed his officers , who were invested by Bro . Fozzard , viz .: — Bros . . Morgan , S . W . ; Sculiliorpe , J . W . ; Ferguson , S . D . ;
Stewart , J . D . ; Crosby , I . G . ; Bunting , Treasurer ; Bilsbrough , Secretary ; Pye , Organist . At 6 p . m . the brethren sat down to banquet , prepared by Bro . Vines in his usual satisfactory m inner . Among the visitors present were Bros . Drs Smith . Johnson , and Hughes , De la Perrelle , and Healing , P . M . ' s : Ltint and Clark , W . M ' s . After spending a very pleasant evening together , the brethren separated at an early hour .
AI . DKRSIIOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodfe , A ' o . 1331 . — This lodge , which was formed to supply a want long felt by the mililnry at this large station , was consecrated by Bro . Sir H . W . Beach , Unit ., . MP .. Prov . Grand Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , on lhe lllh Nov . The officers of the lodge are Bros . C . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt of Wks . Essex , W . M . ; J . Fenn , S . W . ;
J . Hopkins , f . W . ; Canlain Richardson , R . E ., S . D . ; M'Kenzie . J . D . ; R . White , Sec . ,- 1 . Vincent , Treas . ; Laverty , I . G . ; and Rev . J , W . Colliers , Chap . At the first meeting ofthe lodge 011 the 1 st December there were three candidates initiated and fourteen joining members ballotted for . The last monthly meeting was held on the 51 I 1 inst ., when all the officers were present , except
Bro . Hopkins , who was detained by duly at Woolwich . Bro . J . Belling , P . M .. acted as Past Master , and Bro . Osmond acted as J . W . There were about thirty-six brethren present . The lodge was opened itt the first degree , and lhe minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Iiro . Osmond , P . M ., was then balloted for and admitted as a joining member Five candidates for
initiation—three of whom belonged to the Royal Engineers , one to the 17 th Lancers , and one to the Army Service Corps—were then balloted for and approved . The lodge was then opened in lhe second degree , when Bro . Gillon and Peers ( Royal Engineers ) , and Plimsand ( 17 ill Regt . ) , were passed to the F . C . degree . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when
Messrs . Lucas , Shillington , and Mount ( Royal Engineers ) , Lavagear ( 17 th Lancers ) , and Gardner ( A . S . Corpsjwere initiated into Freemasonry . A code of by-laws was then considered and agreed to by the lodge . Bro . Vincent was appointed Almoner to lhe lodge , and Bros . Richardson and M'Kenzie , members of the Board of General Purposes . As the lodge will have to lease its present
locale in March , a committee—consisting of Bros . C . Carnegie , J . Fenn , and Captain Richardson—was appointed to see places suitable , and report the terms at the next meeting of the lodge . TheW . M . announced that a meeting would be held for inslruclion on the last Thursday of each month . Several candidates having been proposed for initiation , and as joining members , the lodge was closed in peace , love , and liai ' mony .
The following reports of lodgo meetings remain over until our next : —169 , London ; 221 , Bolton ; 307 , Hebden Bridge ; 523 , Leicester ; 605 , Seacombe ; 958 , Jersey ; 1086 , Kirkdale ; 1248 , Scarborough ; 1330 , Market Harborough .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and alluded in kindly terms to the duties that had devolved upon him during his year of office . Other toasts were proposed and responded to , and the brethren passed the remainder of the evening in a most enjoyable manner . Bro . George Jones presided at the piano , and also during the evening enlivened the harmony with some capital music upon the cornet .
BROMPTON , KENT . —United Chatham Lodge of Benevolence , No . 184 . —The annual meeting ofthe brethren of this excellent lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 19 th inst ., when Bro Sergeant-Major Cole , R . E ., was duly installed W . M . in the presence of a large assembly , amongst whom were Bros . J . Redman , P . M ., P . G . S , the retiring W . M . ; W . Blakey , P . M ., W . M .
1174 , and P . P . A . D . C . ; J . Strowse , P . M ., P . S ., and Treas . ; W . Turtle , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Ashdown , P . M . 18 4 and 1050 , and P . P . G . P . ; Carter , P . M . 20 , P . G . D . ; Burfield , P . M . 20 ; Fowle , W . M . 20 ; Seabrook , P . M ., Sec 1170 , and P . G . S . ; Martin , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , & c ; and Darley , P . M . 158 , Sheerness . Bro . Redman ! with great ability , conducted the beautiful and impressive
ceremony to the admiration of all . The installation being over , the brethren of the junior degrees were admitted and did honour to the W . M . The following officers were then appointed : Bros . Murphy , S . W . ; Robinson , J . W . ; Strowse , P . M ., Treas . ; Gale , Sec . ; Higgins , SD . ; Morson , J . D . ; Hurley , I . G . ; Husband and Hewitt , Stewards ; Gorham , D . C . ; and Drago , Tyler . Amongst
the large number present were several military brethren . On thanks being proposed to the Installing Master , Bro . Redman , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to refreshment at Bro . Wraith's , the Golden Lion , where they did ample justice to a spread which proved the capability of Bro . Wraith to gratify the taste , and which gave the utmost satisfaction .
LIVERPOOL . —Harmonic Lodge , No . 216 .--On Thursday , the 12 th inst ., the monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Adelphi Hotel , where there was a highly respectable gathering of the brethren . An additional interest was given to the proceedings by the installation of the W . M . and the investiture of his officers . Bro . Crook , whose services in the chair appear to have given
the liveliest satisfaction during his year of office , vacated his position , and Bro . Joseph Skeaf was installed as W . M . The ceremony was performed in a most impressive and highly efficient manner by Bro . James M'Kune , P . M . and P . Z . The following officers were invested by the newly-elected Master , and afterwards received the different charges from Bro . M'Kune : Bros . Jones . S . W . ;
John Beesley , J . W . ; John Turner , S . D . ; John Norman , J . D . ; George Rigby Smith , Sec . ; William Laidlaw , Treas . ; William B . Lennie , I . G , ; John Maddock . D . C ; and Ball , Tyler . In handing in the yearly balance-sheet the Treasurer made the gratifying announcement that the funds in hands at the close of the year amounted to . £ 70 odd . The accounts were unanimously passed , and
occasion was taken by several ofthe brethren to express their satisfaction at the financially prosperous condition of the lodge . Messrs . Conley and Crook , after being balloted for , were duly initiated in a most efficient and impressive manner by the W . AI ., the working tools being presented by the J . W . The charge , given by the S . \ V ., was especially striking in its delivery , and secured the hearty
approbation of all who listened . —During the cveni . ig Bro . Jones , S . W ., called the attention of the brethren to the painfully sudden and lamented death of Bro . Lancelot Fleming , who had received his third degree only al the previous monthly meeting of the lodge . In the course ofa few well-chosen and feeling remarks , thcS . W . referred to the great loss which Freemasonry in general , and
No . 216 in particular , had sustained by the unexpected death of their young brother , who , he said , had even at the outset of his Alasonic career given the greatest promise of being both an active and efficient worker , and likely to rise to the very hiqhcst position in the lodge . He ( Bro . Jones ) concluded by moving that a letter of sympathy should be sent by the Secretary to the widow
ofthe deceased . —Several ofthe brethren assembled also referred in terms of praise to the high character and great promise of the late Bro . Fleming , and the resolution was at once and unanimously adopted . After labour a splendid banquet was provided in the large and handsome dining-hall connected with the hotel , which was admirably served . — After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
( proposed in the happiest terms by the W . M . ) , Bro . Crook , P . M ., proposed , in highly eulogistic terms , "The health of their newly-appointed Master , " and said he was sure that during his year of office he would prove himself fully qualified to perform all the duties connected with it —an efficiency which had been fully established by the manner in which he had conducted the business of the
lodge that day . ( The toast was received with true Masonic enthusiasm . )—The W . M ., in reply , said he must thank the brethren very cordially for the reception which they had given to the toast just proposed . He trusted that the manner in which the duties of the lodge were performed would , at the end of the year , meet with their approbation . No . 216 was his mother lodge , and as they
were all bound morally to respect and love their mothers , he would strive to do so with regard to that lodge by doing his duty in connection with the chair in the best manner possible . His professional engagements occupied a large part of his time ; but he assurred the brethren that he would do his utmost to make the working of the lodge as efficient as possible , and give it his honest attention , as
his predecessors in office had done . ( Cheers)— "The health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Crook , " was then proposed by theW . M ., who spoke in high terms ofthe manner in which he had fulfilled the dulies of the chair . —Bro . Crook , in responding , said he must regret that business engagements had on more than one occasion prevented him from attending to his duties ; but he assured the brethren he was a true Mason at heart , and as such he
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
had endeavoured to carry out all the duties of his office . — "The Visiting Brethren , " "The Newly-initiated Brethren , " and "All Poor and Distressed Masons , " were the remaining toasts on the list , after which the lodge was closed in due form at an early hour . During the evening Bro . Busfield contributed to the harmony in a most material manner by the splendid style in which he
sang several songs . The I . G . ( Bro . Lennie ) also added to the pleasure of the meeting by the spirited manner in which he sang "The Merry Days of Old , " which the brethren generally apyreciated . Bros . M'Kune , Jones , Bennett , Willett , Hook , & c , also gave vocal contributions , which went far to justify the title of the " Harmonic Lodgs . "
BODMIN . —One-and-All Lodge , No . 330 . —The annual meeting was held at Freemasons' HaU on the 27 th ult . Tbe lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Wallis , W . M . After the minutes of the last lodge had been read and confirmed , Bro . the Hon . Levison Gower , M . P ., was proposed to be affiiliated a member , and Dr . Adams was proposed to be initiated at the next regular
lodge . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees . A board of Installed Masters was formed under the presidency of Bro . Capt . Colvill , P . P . J . G . W ., and the choice of the lodge having fallen on Bro . W . R . Oliver , of Bodmin , now of 40 , Chancery-lane , London , as W . M .-elect , he was presented by Bro . Rub , P . P . G . D . C , and duly installed by Bro . Colvill , assisted by
Bro . Wallis , P . P . G . R ., and Bro . the Rev . J . D . Hawsley , P . G . C , in a most impressive manner . After the W . M . had appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , the lodge was called off from labour to refreshment , and repaired to Bro . Sandoe ' s , Royal Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was partaken of , and the proceedings throughout the evening were conducted in a truly Masonic spirit .
TRURO . —Phcenix Lodge of Honour and Prudence , No 331 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , New Public Rooms , Truro , on Monday , the 16 th inst ., Bro . J . F . Penrose in the chair . After the reception of an approved candidate , the W . M . -elect , Bro . J . T . Ferguson , was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . J . F . Penrose , I . P . M . The
ceremony was conducted in a most efficient manner . The following officers were then appointed : —Bros . R . M . Paull , S . W . ; S . Serpell . J . W . ; Rev . F . B . Bullocke , M . A . ( Prov . G . C ) , Chaplain ; J . O . Mayne ( P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ) , Treasurer ; Thomas Olver , jun ., Secretary ; Hon . T . C . Agar Robartcs , S . D . ; J . XV . Wilkinson , J D . ; Thomas Solomon , J . P . ( P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ) ,
Director of Ceremonies ; S . Harvey ( P . M ., Prov . G . P . ) Inner Guard ; J . F . Phillpotts and \ V . IT . Cristoe , jun ., Stewards ; W . Rooks , Tyler . The business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , where the banquet was served . The W . M . presided , and the Senior Warden was in the vice-chair . Sir . F . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., Grand Warden of England , and numerous other members and visitors were present .
HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s , No . 531 . —On Thursday , 12 th inst , a number of Brethren of this lodge met at the house of Bro . C . Humbles , Cleveland Hotel , when that brother , in his usual style , supplied them with a most sumptuous banquet . Bro . T . IT . Haigh , of the Lodge of Truth , No . 521 , Huddersfield , in the chair . Bro . J . N . Sidney , St . John ' s Lodge , No . So , Sunderland , in the
vice-chair . The loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed from the chair in a very efficient manner , and were right loyally and Masonically received ; after which Bro . T . Turnbull , I . G . of the lodge , made a presentation to Bro . J . J . Armstrong , I . P . M ., No . 531 , Com . 954 ( from a few private friends ) , of a beautiful portrait of his wife , lo complete a pair , one of himself being presented to this
distinguished brother a few months ago . Bro . Turnbull also presented the same brother with a splendid signet ring and Past Master ' s jewel on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , as a token of respect and esteem . The jewel was engraved as follows : — "Presented to Bro . J . J . Armstrong , I . P . M . of the St . Helen ' s Lodge , No . 531 , by a number of brethren , as a mark of regard and esteem .
Hartlepool , January 1 st , 1 S 71 . These presenis were suitably received and responded lo in a very feeling maimer . The portraits were from the studio of Newcombe and Sydney , West Hartlepool , and reflect great credit on the artists . The size of the portraits and frames are 3 ft . 6 in . by 3 ft . During the evening , Bro . | . J . Armstrong presented to Bro . Thomas Forbes , P . M ., a
beautiful Past Master ' s jewel , on behalf of lhe brethren of the lodge , also the jewel was fixed to his breast by Bro . Armstrong . Bro . Forbes , P . M ., made a suitable reply in a good speech , thanking the brethren for their kindness in presenting him with such a beautiful testimonial .
Several other toasts followed , and the evening was spent in mirth andharmony . several brethren singing some really good songs . The tylcr here put a stop to the hilarity by his toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " which finished the evening , the brethren separating at a seasonable hour .
BRIGHTON . —Royal Brunswick Lodge , No . 732 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., iu the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion . The lodge was opened by the highly-esteemed W . M ., Bro . G . Smith , P . P . G . P . Sussex , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed Mr . Plumcr was initiated in an able manner by the W . M . Bro . V .
Freeman , P . P . J . G . W . presented Br . E . Carpenter , S . W ., to be duly installed in the chair of K . S ., which ceremony was performed in a most perfect manner by Bro . V . Freeman , P . M . The newly-installed Master then nominated and invested his officers as follows : Bros . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; J . L . Brigden , S . W . ; W . Smith , J . W . ; S . Ridley , Treas . ; T . Lawson , Sec . ; G . IT . Day , S . D . ; S . Solomon , J . D . ; Jcffcoat , I . G . ; Hopewell , D . C ; F .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Vincent , Steward . The W . M . then , in most appropriate terms , presented , in the name of the lodge , a P . M . ' s jewel and collar to the retiring W . M . Br . Smith having returned thanks , the lodge was closed and the brethren , to the number of fifty , adjourned to the banqueting chamber , where an excellent dinner had been prepared by the Messrs . Mutton . The cloth having been cleared , the usual toasts were heartily honoured , and an exceedingly happy evening was brought to a close at an early hour .
WELI . INGHOROUGH .- JVenlworth Lodge , No . 737 . — - The installation meeting of this lodge was held in the Town Hall on the 16 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form , and after the usual preliminary business Bro . Miller was . in accordance with ancient custom , installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . S . Inns , D . P . G . M . The W . M . then invested bis officers as follows : Bros . James ,
S . W . ; Woolrych , J . W . ; Burkitt , S . D . ; Copk , J . D . ; and Housden , I . G . - Bro . Cook was re-elected Treasurer , and Matthews , Tyler . Labour being ended , the lodge was closed in due form with prayer . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Angel Hotel and partook of an excellent banquet . The customary toasts were given and responded to and a very pleasant evening was spent .
SOUTHEND— Priory Lodge , No . 1000 . —The installation meeting of this lodge , to install Bro . Jas . Cantor , the W . M .-elect , was held in the lodge-room , at the Middleton Hotel , Southend , on Tuesday , January 10 th . The ceremony of installation was most impressively performed by W . Bro . William P . M . 160 and P . P . J . G . W . ; after which , the newly installed W . M . appointed his
officers for the ensuing year , and they were duly invested as foUo- > YS -. —Bros . S . Cox , SAV . ; J . R . Hemmann , J . W . ; Rev . T . W . Herbert , P . M ., Chaplain ; Frederick Wood , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., re-elected Treasurer ; W . Smith Cox , P . P . G . S . B ., reappointed Secretary ; A . Lucking , S . D . ; G . J . Glasscock , J . D . ; H . Rowley , P . P . S . G . D ., as D . C ; Barton , Organist ; Joseph Louth , I . G . ; Edward Parsons , re-elected Tyler . A strong
muster of Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers , Past Masters , and visitors were also present . The lodge been closed about thirty-four of the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , which was served up in capital style . The visual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The enjoyment of the evening was greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . J . Burton , J . Brazier , Girling , and Johnston .
LIVERPOOL . —/ V /'/ w of Wales Lodge , No . 1035 . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , rath inst . The voting having been in favour of Bro . J . W . Turley , without dissentient , he was duly installed by Bro . P . M . Fozz-ird , who fulfilled his duties most admirably . Afler ihe installation , the W . M . appointed his officers , who were invested by Bro . Fozzard , viz .: — Bros . . Morgan , S . W . ; Sculiliorpe , J . W . ; Ferguson , S . D . ;
Stewart , J . D . ; Crosby , I . G . ; Bunting , Treasurer ; Bilsbrough , Secretary ; Pye , Organist . At 6 p . m . the brethren sat down to banquet , prepared by Bro . Vines in his usual satisfactory m inner . Among the visitors present were Bros . Drs Smith . Johnson , and Hughes , De la Perrelle , and Healing , P . M . ' s : Ltint and Clark , W . M ' s . After spending a very pleasant evening together , the brethren separated at an early hour .
AI . DKRSIIOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodfe , A ' o . 1331 . — This lodge , which was formed to supply a want long felt by the mililnry at this large station , was consecrated by Bro . Sir H . W . Beach , Unit ., . MP .. Prov . Grand Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , on lhe lllh Nov . The officers of the lodge are Bros . C . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt of Wks . Essex , W . M . ; J . Fenn , S . W . ;
J . Hopkins , f . W . ; Canlain Richardson , R . E ., S . D . ; M'Kenzie . J . D . ; R . White , Sec . ,- 1 . Vincent , Treas . ; Laverty , I . G . ; and Rev . J , W . Colliers , Chap . At the first meeting ofthe lodge 011 the 1 st December there were three candidates initiated and fourteen joining members ballotted for . The last monthly meeting was held on the 51 I 1 inst ., when all the officers were present , except
Bro . Hopkins , who was detained by duly at Woolwich . Bro . J . Belling , P . M .. acted as Past Master , and Bro . Osmond acted as J . W . There were about thirty-six brethren present . The lodge was opened itt the first degree , and lhe minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Iiro . Osmond , P . M ., was then balloted for and admitted as a joining member Five candidates for
initiation—three of whom belonged to the Royal Engineers , one to the 17 th Lancers , and one to the Army Service Corps—were then balloted for and approved . The lodge was then opened in lhe second degree , when Bro . Gillon and Peers ( Royal Engineers ) , and Plimsand ( 17 ill Regt . ) , were passed to the F . C . degree . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when
Messrs . Lucas , Shillington , and Mount ( Royal Engineers ) , Lavagear ( 17 th Lancers ) , and Gardner ( A . S . Corpsjwere initiated into Freemasonry . A code of by-laws was then considered and agreed to by the lodge . Bro . Vincent was appointed Almoner to lhe lodge , and Bros . Richardson and M'Kenzie , members of the Board of General Purposes . As the lodge will have to lease its present
locale in March , a committee—consisting of Bros . C . Carnegie , J . Fenn , and Captain Richardson—was appointed to see places suitable , and report the terms at the next meeting of the lodge . TheW . M . announced that a meeting would be held for inslruclion on the last Thursday of each month . Several candidates having been proposed for initiation , and as joining members , the lodge was closed in peace , love , and liai ' mony .
The following reports of lodgo meetings remain over until our next : —169 , London ; 221 , Bolton ; 307 , Hebden Bridge ; 523 , Leicester ; 605 , Seacombe ; 958 , Jersey ; 1086 , Kirkdale ; 1248 , Scarborough ; 1330 , Market Harborough .