Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
working of the ceremonies and the general perfection of order which had been remarked upon on numerous occasions by visitors were due to his care and ability . He had certainly had the assistance of able and zealous officers , of whom he had always spoken highly , but even that would not have availed had he not himself been perfect .
To crown all his meritorious working in the lodge he had now performed throughout , and in a most effective manner , the lengthy and far from easy ceremony of installation , and if ever a brother had earned substantial recognition from his fellow members Bro . Irvine was that man . He ( the Worshipful Master ) had now to thank him on behalf of all concerned in the
interests ofthe lodge ; to offer for his acceptance a P . M . jewel of suitable design , elaborate workmanship , and of not inconsiderable value ; and to propose " The health of Bro . A . L . Irvine , I . P . M . and Installing Master . "—Song , " What better theme than Masonry ? " —Bro . Irvine , in a very telling speech , returned thanks for the manner in which his name had been received , for the handsome jewel
which he should value far beyond its intrinsic worth and ever wear with pride and pleasure , and generally for all the officers who had acted under his Mastership had done . — The Worshipful Master next proposed "The Treasurer and Secretary , " highly commending the manner in which Bro . Dr . Eugene Cronin had discharged the duties of the former office , and presenting to Bro . J . J . Curtis a
magnificent Past Secretary ' s jewel , voted by the lodge in earnest appreciation of his services for two years , and on his re-appointment for the ensuing year . —Bros . Dr . Eugene Cronin and J . J . Curtis returned thanks , the lastnamed brother in terms of mingled astonishment and pleasure , the vole of the lodge having been taken in his temporary absence during the evening , and without the
slightest information having been afforded him of the intended presentation . —The lodge was then called from refreshment to labour , and the W . M . having risen for the the third time , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer . —Subsequently the brethren continued under the presidency ofthe W . M ., and the list of toasts was speedly completed , the charities and the benevolent fund of the lodge being duly remembered . At a
little later hour than usual , in consequence of delay at an earlier period of the evening , the members and visitors separated , exchanging the sentiment which they had adopted at the preceding anniversary , " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "—[ The jewels referred to in the above report were specially designed for the lodge , and were manufactured respectively by Bros . G . Kenning and J . Caney , and both were greatly admired by the brethren present as excellent specimens of artistic skill . ]
St . Marylebone Lodge , A o . 1305 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge ( which was consecrated by the Grand Secretary , on the 13 th ult . ) was held at the Eyre Arms , St . John ' s Wood , on Thursday the 5 th inst ., when Messrs . Gultcridge and Smith were initiated as members of the lodge , and eight Brothers were elected as joining members . A committee of five was elected to form a code of
bye laws , the lodge was then closed . —On Friday , the 6 th inst ., the first regular lodge meeting was held , when Mr . Hy . Ashwell was initiated by liro . S . G . Totall , W . M . ; Messrs Byrd , Horsford , and Shillibecr were initiated by Bro . Codner , P . M ., the J . W . of the lodge , assisted most ably by Bro . J . J . Pope , P . M ., S . W . The W . M . then delivered the lecture on the tracing board in a very
effective maimer , indeed the working of the lodge by the principal officers left nothing to be desired . The lodge was then closed in due form . Eighteen of the members and three visiting brothers afterwards sat down to a very bountiful and recerche banquet provided by the worthy host , Bro . Thos . Young . Tlie brethren appeared highly pleased and satisfied with their beginning , as indeed they well may be , for we understand the entire expenses of
forming and furnishing the lodge and all other expenses are paid , leaving a sufficient balance in the hand of bro . W . B . Botting , the Treasurer of the lodge , to pay the expenses for the current year . We may here observe that the lodge furniture is really superb , the pedestals being ebony and gold , and the massive carved and gilt candlesticks with their crimson bases , and everything else in keeping . There appears every prospect of this lodge becoming a highly respectable and influential one .
MIDDLESEX . Villiers Lodge , All . 1194 . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., Bro . Edward Clark , P . M ., ( in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Trickctt , G . P . of Middlesex , who has been removed to Keyhani Harbour , Devonport , ) opened the lodge , supported by Bros . Dodd , S . W . ; Allman , J . W . ;
R . W . Little , P . M ., Sec . ; Steel , as S . D . ; Smale , l . G . The lodge was called at 2 o ' clock to enable the work to be done before the opening ofthe P . G . L ., which met under the auspices ofthe Villiers Lodge , and lhe minutes were confirmed , and a ballot was taken for Mr . Yeowell , of Isleworth , which proved unanimous , and he was duly initiated into lhe mysteries of the Order . Bro . Walters
occupied lhe chair , and passed Bros . Verily and Green , and raised Bro . Tomlin . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , and a letter was read from the W . M ., expressing his regret at being unable to obtain the necessary leave to enable him to be present . The Prov . G . Master
was then announced , and was received by the lodge in due form , and the Prov . G . Lodge was then opened * ami after it was closed the officers resumed their places and closed the lodge . The brethren then joined the Prov . G . Lodge at the banquet , a report of which we have already given .
Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —On Wednesday , May 18 th , at the Sebright Arms , Alston-road , Barnet , the first meeting since the consecration was held . Bros . F . Walters , W . M ., ( assisted by Bros . H . M . Levy ., P . M ., as S . W . ; F . H . Butten , J . W . ; E . Sillifant , P . M ., Trgasurer : G .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cattel , P . M ., Secretary ; Richardson , S . D . ; J . Clemmans , J . D . ; Hall , l . G . ) initiated Mr . Kirby into Freemasonry in an impressive manner . Bros . E . Sillifant , P . M ., and T . D . Barnard , D . C , were elected Stewards for the Royal Benevolent Institution for 1 S 71 ; F . H . Butten , J . W ., for Boys , and Hall , l . G :, for Girls' Stewards for 1 S 71 . The lodge was closed . Banquet followed .
Visitor , Bro . Id . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 . Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 . —On Friday , May 6 th , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow , Bro . R . W . Little , P . M ., 975 , and Provincial G . Sec . of Middlesex ( the officer appointed by the Provincial G . M ., Colonel Burden ) , assisted by Bros . G . Cattel , P . M , as S . W . ; G . Pymm , W . M . 749 , as J . W . ; Ed . Bumstead , P . M . 548 , as l . G . ; F .
Walters , P . M ., Sec ., consecrated this the second new lodge opened in the province of Middlesex . Bro . F . Walters , W . M ., 1309 , installed Bro . J . Coutts , W . M .-designate , as the W . M ., who appointed his officers as follows Bros . -E . C . Massey , S . W . ; W . H . Green , J . W . ; G . Cattel , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood , J . D . ; G . Pymm , l . G . -, J .
Bavin , P . M ., Tyler . Both ceremonies were well and ably rendered . Bro . R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . was unanimously elected an honorary member ; and a vote of thanks was heartily given to him for consecrating the lodge . Present : Bros . J . Hervey , G . S . ; J . Harrison , S . D ., 27 ; T . Brewer , 27 ; C . Atkins , J . D . 27 ; J . R . Stevens , P . M . 18 ; G . Kenning , S . W . 1293 , 192 ,
1194 - , P . G . S . Middlesex ; J . C . Hall , 190 ; G . Stacey , P . M . 209 ; W . L . Saegert , W . M . 54 S ; T . Lambert , S . D . 54 S ; and many others . Bro . J . Coutts , W . M ., undertook to represent this lodge as its Steward at the Girls' School , 011 Wednesday , May nth . The lodge furniture was supplied by Bro . G . Kenning of Little Britain , being a duplicate set of the " Acacia . " Both sets
of furniture gave great satisfaction and have been universally admired . The first regular meeting after the consecration was held on Tuesday , May 17 th , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow , Bro . J . Coutts , A . G . P ., W . M ., presided . The work , which was done in an admirable manner , was initiating Messrs . J . Harrison and J . Cox ; passing Bro . T . Darke , 1275 , to the second degree .
Seven brethren were elected as joining members . Bros . E . Harper , S . D . ; W . H . Green , J . W ., and T . H . Lambert , were elected as Stewards for the three Masonic charities in 1 S 71 . Bro . Coutts , A . G . P ., W . M ., announced that his list as Steward on May nth was / 20 . The
lodge was then closed . A banquet followed . Visitors , Brcs . W . B . Wagliom , l . G . 94 6 ; T . Darke , 1275 , and others . Present , besides those named , Bros . W . II . Green , J . W . ; F . Wallers , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Smith , W . M . 157 , as S . W . ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood , J . D . ; G . Pymm , I . G ., and others .
PROVINCIAL . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge , A ' o . 41 . —The members of this old lodge , together with many distinguished brethren from a distance , held their monthly meeting on Thursday , May 5 th , at their newly-erected and handsome hall in Orchard-street . Among the brethren present were Bros . Capt . R . Delia Lawson ,
W . M . Love and Unity , Bradford ; Pavfilt , W . M . Lansdown Lodge , Chippenham ; and Appleby , W . M . Royal Albert Edward Lodge , Weston . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer ; minutes , & . c , read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degree , and Bros . Capt . Monypcnny and Tanner were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' This
ceremony , at the request ofthe W . M ., was performed by Bro . Thos . Payne Ashley , P . M ., and few , if any , of the large number present will ever forget the very impressive and solemn manner in which the ceremony was rendered The passages from the V . S . L . were given with great solemnity by the I . P . M ., Bro . Cooper , and alternately chanted hy the choir , consisting of members
of the lodge , under the able direction of Bro . Cater ; the effect was pleasing , and gave general satisfaction . After the usual business , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer and in perfect harmony . Between forty and fifty of the brethren and visitors then adjourned to the Castle Hotel , and partook of a capital snppjr , and under the genial presidency of the W . M . Bro . Mitchell a most agreeable
and delightful evening was spent . After the usual loyal toasts were given , Bro . Parfitt , W . M . Lansdown Lodge , in proposing Bro . Cooper ' s health , paid him a well-dcscrved compliment , by saying he had been a Mason some 25 years , and had been in . 1 great number of Lodges , but had never seen or heard the charges , prayers , Sec , given in so perfect and solemn a manner . —Bro . Capt .
Monypcnny , in responding to the health of the newly-raised candidates , also paid a just tribute of praise to P . M . Bro . Ashley , by saying how deeply touched he had been by the very feeling and impressive manner in which he had performed his part , and declared that he had made an impression on his mind which would never be effaced . ( What
a pity , Mr . Bro . Editor , but that all our ceremonies were performed in the same way ) . Bros . Jelly ( Bruton ) , Richardson and Sparks ( Bradford ) , Cater , and other Bath brethren gave sonic capital songs during the evening , and thus brought loan agreeable close the Cumberland Masonic season .
Ii'swicii . — St . Lilly ' s Lodge , A ' o . 225 . —The usual monthly meeting of this old established lodge was held on the nth inst .. at the Coach and Horses Hotel . Present : J . W . k-ibb , W . M . j C . Davy , P . M . as S . W . ; C . Ilyford , J . W . ; A . C . Barter , Sec . ; ] . Prentice , S . D . ; W . D . Skinner , l . G . ; W . T . Westgate , P . M ., M . C . ; B .
W . Syer , Tyler ; P . M . ' s Jos . Whitehead aud Philip Whitehead ; members , W . Adams , W . Cuckow , L . Callaway and C . Godball . The minutes of the last lodge meeting and of a lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bio . Jobson as a joining member , which proved unanimous . The plates of the buildings ofthe Boys' and Girls' Schools were agreed
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to be purchased , framed , and hung in the lodge-room . Bro . Adams was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., the ceremony being ably rendered by P . M . Jos . Whitehead , the working tools explained by Bro . P . M . W . T . Westgate ; time not permitting , the lecture on the tracingboard was deferred until a future occasion . A petition to the Prov . Grand Lodge of Benevolence , for relief in favour
of Bro . Jos . Ehvood , in great distress , was presented and signed in open lodge . The lodge was finally closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity , A o . 292 . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , the following officers were at their posts : —Bro . Thomas Wylie , W . M ., in the
chair ; Bros . Hamer , P . M ., as I . P . M .- ; Pelham , S . W . ; Wilson , J . W . ; R . Wylie , P . M ., as . Sec . ; S . Y . Hess , P . M ., Treas . ; Hnstwick , J . D ., and Evans , l . G . Visitors , Bros . Hill ( W . M . 1276 ) , and Robinson ( W . M . 1013 . ) The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . then opened the lodge in . the second degree , and
the lecture on the tracing-board in that degree was given in its entirety by that veteran and accomplished Mason , Bro . Hamer , and at its conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was proposed to the lecturer by the J . D ., who in the course of his remarks wished to impress on the minds of the younger brethren especially , the necessity of gaining for themselves some of that Masonic lore which Bro .
Hamer is so able and willing to impart . The vote being seconded by Bro . Eastwood , was unanimously carried . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , and arrangements were made for working the seven sections ofthe first degree at the next regular lodge on June 13 th . Nothing more appearing for the good of the Craft in general , or that lodge in particular , it was closed in
accordance with ancient custom , when the brethren adjourned to supper , and after an evening spent in pleasant fraternal intercourse , separated at an early hour . BOTTOMS , WEST YORKSHIRE . —Lodge Prince George , A o . 30 S . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , May 14 th , Bro . Charles Frederic Binks , W . M ., presiding , supported by a goodly number of
P . M . ' s , officers , and brethren . Ihe lodge having been duly formed , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . J . E . Ainsworth proved his efficiency , and was duly passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened into the third degree , and the ordinary duties gone through . It was then closed down into the first degree , when the W . M . read the correspondence
received , amongst which was a . fae simile of a letter received from the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , in reply to a vote of condolence and sympathy sent to him from the Charity Committee of West Yorkshire on the occasion of his late sad bereavement . £ 2 was then voted from the lodge fund to Bro . J . Greenwood , P . M ., to relieve his immediate necessities , and a subscription was commenced
amongst the brethren , which was heartily responded to , and realised a handsome sum , Bro . Greenwood having been a member of the lodge for 40 years . Bro . E . Halliday , J . W ., then presented to the lodge ( on behalf of four Halifax brethren ) a life-like portrait ofthe Earl de Grey ami Ripon , elegantly mounted and framed . The W . M ., on behalf of lhe lodge , was pleased to accept it , and
thanks were unanimously given lo the brethren for their handsome gift . The lodge was then closed in due form , after which the brethren assembled for refreshment . The W . M . occupied the chair , and after ihe'usual loyal toasts hail been responded to , he rose lo propose the toast ofthe evening , "' 1 he Right lion . Earl de Grey and Ripon , newly-installed Grand Master of all England and
Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , and in the course of an elegant address , said the members of Prince George Lodge were singularly fortunate in holding their regular meeting on the same day on which the installation of the Grand Master took place , as it enabled them to be amongst the first to acknowledge him at the festive board as the Grand Master of England , and that the Craft
throughout the kingdom were fortunate in having so good a Mason and noble a brother to occupy that proud position . —( The toast was drank in bumpers , with great enthusiasm , honours , and loud cheers . )—The Deputy Grand Master and other toasts , sentiments , and songs followed , aud a most enjoyable evening was spent . Bro . Siddall presided at the organ , and rendered good service . The
words of a new song by Bro . Hartley were handed over to Bro . Ilalliday to be set to appropriate music . The following is a copy of the new Masonic Song by Bro . Hartley : — " Come , Brethren , come , let us join in a song , Let ' s be happy , for time's on the wing ; To enjoy this short life surely cannot be wrong , Then we'll drive away care as we sing .
Our hands let us join , and all welcome the sign , That wilh mystic import shows our plan , If a brother be sad , let us make his heart glad , And give him a lift if we can . Chorus—Brotherly love , relief , and truth , Every trouble through life will assuage , May these precepts divine be a guide for our vonlli
And a comfort to rest on in age . " If poverty dwells at a poor brother ' s door , Let us each sympathise wilh his grief ; For he's no less a brother because he is poor , Then we'll join lo aflord him relief . 'Tis ever more blessed to give than receive , And good Masons acknowledge lhe plan ;
And none who have power refuse , we believe , To give one a lift if they can . Chorus . " To the vile tongue of slander our cars shall be shut , And base falsehood to speak none shall dare ; For our faith in the merits of Truth we have put , And we act , as wc ought , on the square .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
working of the ceremonies and the general perfection of order which had been remarked upon on numerous occasions by visitors were due to his care and ability . He had certainly had the assistance of able and zealous officers , of whom he had always spoken highly , but even that would not have availed had he not himself been perfect .
To crown all his meritorious working in the lodge he had now performed throughout , and in a most effective manner , the lengthy and far from easy ceremony of installation , and if ever a brother had earned substantial recognition from his fellow members Bro . Irvine was that man . He ( the Worshipful Master ) had now to thank him on behalf of all concerned in the
interests ofthe lodge ; to offer for his acceptance a P . M . jewel of suitable design , elaborate workmanship , and of not inconsiderable value ; and to propose " The health of Bro . A . L . Irvine , I . P . M . and Installing Master . "—Song , " What better theme than Masonry ? " —Bro . Irvine , in a very telling speech , returned thanks for the manner in which his name had been received , for the handsome jewel
which he should value far beyond its intrinsic worth and ever wear with pride and pleasure , and generally for all the officers who had acted under his Mastership had done . — The Worshipful Master next proposed "The Treasurer and Secretary , " highly commending the manner in which Bro . Dr . Eugene Cronin had discharged the duties of the former office , and presenting to Bro . J . J . Curtis a
magnificent Past Secretary ' s jewel , voted by the lodge in earnest appreciation of his services for two years , and on his re-appointment for the ensuing year . —Bros . Dr . Eugene Cronin and J . J . Curtis returned thanks , the lastnamed brother in terms of mingled astonishment and pleasure , the vole of the lodge having been taken in his temporary absence during the evening , and without the
slightest information having been afforded him of the intended presentation . —The lodge was then called from refreshment to labour , and the W . M . having risen for the the third time , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer . —Subsequently the brethren continued under the presidency ofthe W . M ., and the list of toasts was speedly completed , the charities and the benevolent fund of the lodge being duly remembered . At a
little later hour than usual , in consequence of delay at an earlier period of the evening , the members and visitors separated , exchanging the sentiment which they had adopted at the preceding anniversary , " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "—[ The jewels referred to in the above report were specially designed for the lodge , and were manufactured respectively by Bros . G . Kenning and J . Caney , and both were greatly admired by the brethren present as excellent specimens of artistic skill . ]
St . Marylebone Lodge , A o . 1305 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge ( which was consecrated by the Grand Secretary , on the 13 th ult . ) was held at the Eyre Arms , St . John ' s Wood , on Thursday the 5 th inst ., when Messrs . Gultcridge and Smith were initiated as members of the lodge , and eight Brothers were elected as joining members . A committee of five was elected to form a code of
bye laws , the lodge was then closed . —On Friday , the 6 th inst ., the first regular lodge meeting was held , when Mr . Hy . Ashwell was initiated by liro . S . G . Totall , W . M . ; Messrs Byrd , Horsford , and Shillibecr were initiated by Bro . Codner , P . M ., the J . W . of the lodge , assisted most ably by Bro . J . J . Pope , P . M ., S . W . The W . M . then delivered the lecture on the tracing board in a very
effective maimer , indeed the working of the lodge by the principal officers left nothing to be desired . The lodge was then closed in due form . Eighteen of the members and three visiting brothers afterwards sat down to a very bountiful and recerche banquet provided by the worthy host , Bro . Thos . Young . Tlie brethren appeared highly pleased and satisfied with their beginning , as indeed they well may be , for we understand the entire expenses of
forming and furnishing the lodge and all other expenses are paid , leaving a sufficient balance in the hand of bro . W . B . Botting , the Treasurer of the lodge , to pay the expenses for the current year . We may here observe that the lodge furniture is really superb , the pedestals being ebony and gold , and the massive carved and gilt candlesticks with their crimson bases , and everything else in keeping . There appears every prospect of this lodge becoming a highly respectable and influential one .
MIDDLESEX . Villiers Lodge , All . 1194 . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., Bro . Edward Clark , P . M ., ( in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Trickctt , G . P . of Middlesex , who has been removed to Keyhani Harbour , Devonport , ) opened the lodge , supported by Bros . Dodd , S . W . ; Allman , J . W . ;
R . W . Little , P . M ., Sec . ; Steel , as S . D . ; Smale , l . G . The lodge was called at 2 o ' clock to enable the work to be done before the opening ofthe P . G . L ., which met under the auspices ofthe Villiers Lodge , and lhe minutes were confirmed , and a ballot was taken for Mr . Yeowell , of Isleworth , which proved unanimous , and he was duly initiated into lhe mysteries of the Order . Bro . Walters
occupied lhe chair , and passed Bros . Verily and Green , and raised Bro . Tomlin . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , and a letter was read from the W . M ., expressing his regret at being unable to obtain the necessary leave to enable him to be present . The Prov . G . Master
was then announced , and was received by the lodge in due form , and the Prov . G . Lodge was then opened * ami after it was closed the officers resumed their places and closed the lodge . The brethren then joined the Prov . G . Lodge at the banquet , a report of which we have already given .
Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —On Wednesday , May 18 th , at the Sebright Arms , Alston-road , Barnet , the first meeting since the consecration was held . Bros . F . Walters , W . M ., ( assisted by Bros . H . M . Levy ., P . M ., as S . W . ; F . H . Butten , J . W . ; E . Sillifant , P . M ., Trgasurer : G .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cattel , P . M ., Secretary ; Richardson , S . D . ; J . Clemmans , J . D . ; Hall , l . G . ) initiated Mr . Kirby into Freemasonry in an impressive manner . Bros . E . Sillifant , P . M ., and T . D . Barnard , D . C , were elected Stewards for the Royal Benevolent Institution for 1 S 71 ; F . H . Butten , J . W ., for Boys , and Hall , l . G :, for Girls' Stewards for 1 S 71 . The lodge was closed . Banquet followed .
Visitor , Bro . Id . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 . Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 . —On Friday , May 6 th , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow , Bro . R . W . Little , P . M ., 975 , and Provincial G . Sec . of Middlesex ( the officer appointed by the Provincial G . M ., Colonel Burden ) , assisted by Bros . G . Cattel , P . M , as S . W . ; G . Pymm , W . M . 749 , as J . W . ; Ed . Bumstead , P . M . 548 , as l . G . ; F .
Walters , P . M ., Sec ., consecrated this the second new lodge opened in the province of Middlesex . Bro . F . Walters , W . M ., 1309 , installed Bro . J . Coutts , W . M .-designate , as the W . M ., who appointed his officers as follows Bros . -E . C . Massey , S . W . ; W . H . Green , J . W . ; G . Cattel , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood , J . D . ; G . Pymm , l . G . -, J .
Bavin , P . M ., Tyler . Both ceremonies were well and ably rendered . Bro . R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . was unanimously elected an honorary member ; and a vote of thanks was heartily given to him for consecrating the lodge . Present : Bros . J . Hervey , G . S . ; J . Harrison , S . D ., 27 ; T . Brewer , 27 ; C . Atkins , J . D . 27 ; J . R . Stevens , P . M . 18 ; G . Kenning , S . W . 1293 , 192 ,
1194 - , P . G . S . Middlesex ; J . C . Hall , 190 ; G . Stacey , P . M . 209 ; W . L . Saegert , W . M . 54 S ; T . Lambert , S . D . 54 S ; and many others . Bro . J . Coutts , W . M ., undertook to represent this lodge as its Steward at the Girls' School , 011 Wednesday , May nth . The lodge furniture was supplied by Bro . G . Kenning of Little Britain , being a duplicate set of the " Acacia . " Both sets
of furniture gave great satisfaction and have been universally admired . The first regular meeting after the consecration was held on Tuesday , May 17 th , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow , Bro . J . Coutts , A . G . P ., W . M ., presided . The work , which was done in an admirable manner , was initiating Messrs . J . Harrison and J . Cox ; passing Bro . T . Darke , 1275 , to the second degree .
Seven brethren were elected as joining members . Bros . E . Harper , S . D . ; W . H . Green , J . W ., and T . H . Lambert , were elected as Stewards for the three Masonic charities in 1 S 71 . Bro . Coutts , A . G . P ., W . M ., announced that his list as Steward on May nth was / 20 . The
lodge was then closed . A banquet followed . Visitors , Brcs . W . B . Wagliom , l . G . 94 6 ; T . Darke , 1275 , and others . Present , besides those named , Bros . W . II . Green , J . W . ; F . Wallers , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Smith , W . M . 157 , as S . W . ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood , J . D . ; G . Pymm , I . G ., and others .
PROVINCIAL . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge , A ' o . 41 . —The members of this old lodge , together with many distinguished brethren from a distance , held their monthly meeting on Thursday , May 5 th , at their newly-erected and handsome hall in Orchard-street . Among the brethren present were Bros . Capt . R . Delia Lawson ,
W . M . Love and Unity , Bradford ; Pavfilt , W . M . Lansdown Lodge , Chippenham ; and Appleby , W . M . Royal Albert Edward Lodge , Weston . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer ; minutes , & . c , read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degree , and Bros . Capt . Monypcnny and Tanner were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' This
ceremony , at the request ofthe W . M ., was performed by Bro . Thos . Payne Ashley , P . M ., and few , if any , of the large number present will ever forget the very impressive and solemn manner in which the ceremony was rendered The passages from the V . S . L . were given with great solemnity by the I . P . M ., Bro . Cooper , and alternately chanted hy the choir , consisting of members
of the lodge , under the able direction of Bro . Cater ; the effect was pleasing , and gave general satisfaction . After the usual business , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer and in perfect harmony . Between forty and fifty of the brethren and visitors then adjourned to the Castle Hotel , and partook of a capital snppjr , and under the genial presidency of the W . M . Bro . Mitchell a most agreeable
and delightful evening was spent . After the usual loyal toasts were given , Bro . Parfitt , W . M . Lansdown Lodge , in proposing Bro . Cooper ' s health , paid him a well-dcscrved compliment , by saying he had been a Mason some 25 years , and had been in . 1 great number of Lodges , but had never seen or heard the charges , prayers , Sec , given in so perfect and solemn a manner . —Bro . Capt .
Monypcnny , in responding to the health of the newly-raised candidates , also paid a just tribute of praise to P . M . Bro . Ashley , by saying how deeply touched he had been by the very feeling and impressive manner in which he had performed his part , and declared that he had made an impression on his mind which would never be effaced . ( What
a pity , Mr . Bro . Editor , but that all our ceremonies were performed in the same way ) . Bros . Jelly ( Bruton ) , Richardson and Sparks ( Bradford ) , Cater , and other Bath brethren gave sonic capital songs during the evening , and thus brought loan agreeable close the Cumberland Masonic season .
Ii'swicii . — St . Lilly ' s Lodge , A ' o . 225 . —The usual monthly meeting of this old established lodge was held on the nth inst .. at the Coach and Horses Hotel . Present : J . W . k-ibb , W . M . j C . Davy , P . M . as S . W . ; C . Ilyford , J . W . ; A . C . Barter , Sec . ; ] . Prentice , S . D . ; W . D . Skinner , l . G . ; W . T . Westgate , P . M ., M . C . ; B .
W . Syer , Tyler ; P . M . ' s Jos . Whitehead aud Philip Whitehead ; members , W . Adams , W . Cuckow , L . Callaway and C . Godball . The minutes of the last lodge meeting and of a lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bio . Jobson as a joining member , which proved unanimous . The plates of the buildings ofthe Boys' and Girls' Schools were agreed
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to be purchased , framed , and hung in the lodge-room . Bro . Adams was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., the ceremony being ably rendered by P . M . Jos . Whitehead , the working tools explained by Bro . P . M . W . T . Westgate ; time not permitting , the lecture on the tracingboard was deferred until a future occasion . A petition to the Prov . Grand Lodge of Benevolence , for relief in favour
of Bro . Jos . Ehvood , in great distress , was presented and signed in open lodge . The lodge was finally closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity , A o . 292 . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , the following officers were at their posts : —Bro . Thomas Wylie , W . M ., in the
chair ; Bros . Hamer , P . M ., as I . P . M .- ; Pelham , S . W . ; Wilson , J . W . ; R . Wylie , P . M ., as . Sec . ; S . Y . Hess , P . M ., Treas . ; Hnstwick , J . D ., and Evans , l . G . Visitors , Bros . Hill ( W . M . 1276 ) , and Robinson ( W . M . 1013 . ) The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . then opened the lodge in . the second degree , and
the lecture on the tracing-board in that degree was given in its entirety by that veteran and accomplished Mason , Bro . Hamer , and at its conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was proposed to the lecturer by the J . D ., who in the course of his remarks wished to impress on the minds of the younger brethren especially , the necessity of gaining for themselves some of that Masonic lore which Bro .
Hamer is so able and willing to impart . The vote being seconded by Bro . Eastwood , was unanimously carried . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , and arrangements were made for working the seven sections ofthe first degree at the next regular lodge on June 13 th . Nothing more appearing for the good of the Craft in general , or that lodge in particular , it was closed in
accordance with ancient custom , when the brethren adjourned to supper , and after an evening spent in pleasant fraternal intercourse , separated at an early hour . BOTTOMS , WEST YORKSHIRE . —Lodge Prince George , A o . 30 S . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , May 14 th , Bro . Charles Frederic Binks , W . M ., presiding , supported by a goodly number of
P . M . ' s , officers , and brethren . Ihe lodge having been duly formed , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . J . E . Ainsworth proved his efficiency , and was duly passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened into the third degree , and the ordinary duties gone through . It was then closed down into the first degree , when the W . M . read the correspondence
received , amongst which was a . fae simile of a letter received from the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , in reply to a vote of condolence and sympathy sent to him from the Charity Committee of West Yorkshire on the occasion of his late sad bereavement . £ 2 was then voted from the lodge fund to Bro . J . Greenwood , P . M ., to relieve his immediate necessities , and a subscription was commenced
amongst the brethren , which was heartily responded to , and realised a handsome sum , Bro . Greenwood having been a member of the lodge for 40 years . Bro . E . Halliday , J . W ., then presented to the lodge ( on behalf of four Halifax brethren ) a life-like portrait ofthe Earl de Grey ami Ripon , elegantly mounted and framed . The W . M ., on behalf of lhe lodge , was pleased to accept it , and
thanks were unanimously given lo the brethren for their handsome gift . The lodge was then closed in due form , after which the brethren assembled for refreshment . The W . M . occupied the chair , and after ihe'usual loyal toasts hail been responded to , he rose lo propose the toast ofthe evening , "' 1 he Right lion . Earl de Grey and Ripon , newly-installed Grand Master of all England and
Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , and in the course of an elegant address , said the members of Prince George Lodge were singularly fortunate in holding their regular meeting on the same day on which the installation of the Grand Master took place , as it enabled them to be amongst the first to acknowledge him at the festive board as the Grand Master of England , and that the Craft
throughout the kingdom were fortunate in having so good a Mason and noble a brother to occupy that proud position . —( The toast was drank in bumpers , with great enthusiasm , honours , and loud cheers . )—The Deputy Grand Master and other toasts , sentiments , and songs followed , aud a most enjoyable evening was spent . Bro . Siddall presided at the organ , and rendered good service . The
words of a new song by Bro . Hartley were handed over to Bro . Ilalliday to be set to appropriate music . The following is a copy of the new Masonic Song by Bro . Hartley : — " Come , Brethren , come , let us join in a song , Let ' s be happy , for time's on the wing ; To enjoy this short life surely cannot be wrong , Then we'll drive away care as we sing .
Our hands let us join , and all welcome the sign , That wilh mystic import shows our plan , If a brother be sad , let us make his heart glad , And give him a lift if we can . Chorus—Brotherly love , relief , and truth , Every trouble through life will assuage , May these precepts divine be a guide for our vonlli
And a comfort to rest on in age . " If poverty dwells at a poor brother ' s door , Let us each sympathise wilh his grief ; For he's no less a brother because he is poor , Then we'll join lo aflord him relief . 'Tis ever more blessed to give than receive , And good Masons acknowledge lhe plan ;
And none who have power refuse , we believe , To give one a lift if they can . Chorus . " To the vile tongue of slander our cars shall be shut , And base falsehood to speak none shall dare ; For our faith in the merits of Truth we have put , And we act , as wc ought , on the square .