Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 2 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The Quatuor Coronati Lodge has arranged a very attractive programme for its summer outing this vear , which should be one of the most popular of the many excursions of that Lodge . It 1 ms been decided to make the ancient City of Chester the centre of the excursion , and the many interesting architectural fcatmes which it contains -ampl y warrants
the visit . The local brethren , moreover , have determined that a very pleasant and instructive time shall be spent . « ¦ < * ¦ «& Bro . Alfred J . Robbins , P . M . of the Gallery Lodge , No . 1928 , w : ts the subject , recently , of a genial caricature at the hands of the inimitable " F . C . G . " the cartoonist of the Westminster Gazette . It took the form of a Christmas and New Year ' s
Greeting Card , and those who have the pleasure of the acquaintance of the able journalist and excellent Mason , whom it so cleverly depicts , will readily recognise under the quaint guise of the pictorial art of ancient Egypt , the familiar personality of Bro . Robbins . « S > & < 3 >
Lincolnshire Freemasons will have heard with regret of the resignation , through failing health , of Bro . W . Harling Sissons , of the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire , which he had held for nearly thirteen years . Bro . Harling Sissons , who has been residing at Duddington
Vicarage , Stamford , is taking up residence in the South of France . Canon Bullock , P . G . Chaplain , Vicar of Spalding , has been appointed to succeed him as Deputy Prov . Grand Master .
The Province of Durham , with its 45 lodges and between four and live thousand members , is particularly interested in the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for 1906 , when the Right Hon . Lord Barnard will preside . Alread y , in response to the preliminary circular issued by those in charge of the matter , the sum of £ 1 , 150 has been
contributed , and the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Barnard , has generously promised the sum of 100 guineas towards the fund , and alread y forwarded a moiety of 50 guineas . Lady Barnard has also shown her interest by sending a cheque for ten guineas , an example , it is hoped , that others may follow . The province of Durham has several beneficiaries in the institution receiving its benefits , and just recently four petitions from widows were accepted for future election .
< s » £ > ® For the purpose of installing R . W . Bro . the Earl of Dartmouth as Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch Province of Staffordshire , in succession to Lieut .-Col . J . A . Bindley , V . C ., who has resigned the appointment after
twelve years' service , a Convocation was held at Wolverhampton on the 27 th February , The Installation ceremony was performed by the Right Hon . Earl Amherst , Pro Grand Z ., and among the officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter present were Comps . Sir Edward Letchworth , F . S . A ., G . S . E ., Lieut .-Col . Bindley , Lieut .-Col . G . W . Walker , Provincial Grand
S . E ., R . G . Venables ( Shropshire ) , G . Beech ( Warwickshire ) , F . Richardson , P . G . Reg . , G . D . C ., J . F . Pepper , G . C . Kent , J . Bodenham , and upwards of 100 members from the various chapters throughout the province . Lord Dartmouth appointed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Companions , J . F . Pepper , Prov . Grand H . ; W . Lister , Prov . Grand J . ;
Col . Walker , Prov . Grand Scribe E . ; G . C . Kent , Treasurer ; H . Wilkins , Registrar ; W . Allman , P . S . ; J . J . Smith , first assistant ; W . Webster , second assistant ; Elijah Jones , S . B . ; W . Baker . St . B . ; L . W . Potts , D . C . ; T . E . Mitchell , Asst D . C . ;
J . Jackson , Organist . O t & < s > In the evening a banquet was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Lord Dartmouth presiding . The usual Masonic toasts were honoured . Lord Dartmouth , in responding to the toast
of his health , proposed by Col . Bindley , said he undertook this duty in the Royal Arch in the firm confidence that he would receive the same loyalty , the same courtesy , and the same consideration which he had received from his brethren in the Craft—an association which had been one of the happiest and pleasantest in his life . In the course of the
evening Lord Dartmouth sent the good wishes of the assembl y to Bro . Sir Henry Irving . Sir Henry , from his room in the hotel , sent a reply acknowledging the " fraternal and loving greetings of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Staffordshire . " ' O »& <©¦
The committee of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund met on March 2 nd , at Plymouth , to arrange for the annual meeting and election on Wednesday , April 5 th . W . Bro . F . B . Westlake , D . P . G . M ., presided , and there were also present W . Bros . J . B . Gover , Hon . Secretary ; W . Allsford , Hon . Treasurer ; C . G . Withell , C . Mtttten , C . Piper ( Exeter ) ,
E . Fage , S . Broad , F . Maitland and W . A . Staton . It was decided to hold the meeting at Plymouth at three o ' clock in the afternoon of the 5 th prox ., and to declare one vacancy , but in the event of there being three or more applications , to elect two children on the fund . A committee was appointed to examine petitions and place candidates on the list .
msms ^^ mmmygym ml POPULAR SCOTCH WHISKY / S jjjiiiji § fggMjji ^^ ^^^^^^^ SfsoLE PROPRIETORS JAMES BUCHANAN & . CO .. L ° SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLERS / l N ^ ^ = I llll
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The Quatuor Coronati Lodge has arranged a very attractive programme for its summer outing this vear , which should be one of the most popular of the many excursions of that Lodge . It 1 ms been decided to make the ancient City of Chester the centre of the excursion , and the many interesting architectural fcatmes which it contains -ampl y warrants
the visit . The local brethren , moreover , have determined that a very pleasant and instructive time shall be spent . « ¦ < * ¦ «& Bro . Alfred J . Robbins , P . M . of the Gallery Lodge , No . 1928 , w : ts the subject , recently , of a genial caricature at the hands of the inimitable " F . C . G . " the cartoonist of the Westminster Gazette . It took the form of a Christmas and New Year ' s
Greeting Card , and those who have the pleasure of the acquaintance of the able journalist and excellent Mason , whom it so cleverly depicts , will readily recognise under the quaint guise of the pictorial art of ancient Egypt , the familiar personality of Bro . Robbins . « S > & < 3 >
Lincolnshire Freemasons will have heard with regret of the resignation , through failing health , of Bro . W . Harling Sissons , of the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire , which he had held for nearly thirteen years . Bro . Harling Sissons , who has been residing at Duddington
Vicarage , Stamford , is taking up residence in the South of France . Canon Bullock , P . G . Chaplain , Vicar of Spalding , has been appointed to succeed him as Deputy Prov . Grand Master .
The Province of Durham , with its 45 lodges and between four and live thousand members , is particularly interested in the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for 1906 , when the Right Hon . Lord Barnard will preside . Alread y , in response to the preliminary circular issued by those in charge of the matter , the sum of £ 1 , 150 has been
contributed , and the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Barnard , has generously promised the sum of 100 guineas towards the fund , and alread y forwarded a moiety of 50 guineas . Lady Barnard has also shown her interest by sending a cheque for ten guineas , an example , it is hoped , that others may follow . The province of Durham has several beneficiaries in the institution receiving its benefits , and just recently four petitions from widows were accepted for future election .
< s » £ > ® For the purpose of installing R . W . Bro . the Earl of Dartmouth as Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch Province of Staffordshire , in succession to Lieut .-Col . J . A . Bindley , V . C ., who has resigned the appointment after
twelve years' service , a Convocation was held at Wolverhampton on the 27 th February , The Installation ceremony was performed by the Right Hon . Earl Amherst , Pro Grand Z ., and among the officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter present were Comps . Sir Edward Letchworth , F . S . A ., G . S . E ., Lieut .-Col . Bindley , Lieut .-Col . G . W . Walker , Provincial Grand
S . E ., R . G . Venables ( Shropshire ) , G . Beech ( Warwickshire ) , F . Richardson , P . G . Reg . , G . D . C ., J . F . Pepper , G . C . Kent , J . Bodenham , and upwards of 100 members from the various chapters throughout the province . Lord Dartmouth appointed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Companions , J . F . Pepper , Prov . Grand H . ; W . Lister , Prov . Grand J . ;
Col . Walker , Prov . Grand Scribe E . ; G . C . Kent , Treasurer ; H . Wilkins , Registrar ; W . Allman , P . S . ; J . J . Smith , first assistant ; W . Webster , second assistant ; Elijah Jones , S . B . ; W . Baker . St . B . ; L . W . Potts , D . C . ; T . E . Mitchell , Asst D . C . ;
J . Jackson , Organist . O t & < s > In the evening a banquet was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Lord Dartmouth presiding . The usual Masonic toasts were honoured . Lord Dartmouth , in responding to the toast
of his health , proposed by Col . Bindley , said he undertook this duty in the Royal Arch in the firm confidence that he would receive the same loyalty , the same courtesy , and the same consideration which he had received from his brethren in the Craft—an association which had been one of the happiest and pleasantest in his life . In the course of the
evening Lord Dartmouth sent the good wishes of the assembl y to Bro . Sir Henry Irving . Sir Henry , from his room in the hotel , sent a reply acknowledging the " fraternal and loving greetings of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Staffordshire . " ' O »& <©¦
The committee of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund met on March 2 nd , at Plymouth , to arrange for the annual meeting and election on Wednesday , April 5 th . W . Bro . F . B . Westlake , D . P . G . M ., presided , and there were also present W . Bros . J . B . Gover , Hon . Secretary ; W . Allsford , Hon . Treasurer ; C . G . Withell , C . Mtttten , C . Piper ( Exeter ) ,
E . Fage , S . Broad , F . Maitland and W . A . Staton . It was decided to hold the meeting at Plymouth at three o ' clock in the afternoon of the 5 th prox ., and to declare one vacancy , but in the event of there being three or more applications , to elect two children on the fund . A committee was appointed to examine petitions and place candidates on the list .
msms ^^ mmmygym ml POPULAR SCOTCH WHISKY / S jjjiiiji § fggMjji ^^ ^^^^^^^ SfsoLE PROPRIETORS JAMES BUCHANAN & . CO .. L ° SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLERS / l N ^ ^ = I llll