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The Library And Museum Of The Grand Lodge Of England.
The Library and Museum of the Grand Lodge of England .
cTheir Origin and ^ Progress—( Continued . ) BY HENRY SADLER .
T 1 TE are precluded by want of space from giving \/ y prominence to many of the valuable donations , for which we are indebted to these brethren , but , as the originals are always on view , we would suggest that our readers come and see for themselves .
The handsome oval jewel , bearing in relief the figures of the three Grand Masters , who are said to have presided at the building of King Solomon ' s Temple , was one of the earliest contributions to the museum made by His Honour , Judge Philbrick , K . C .
( Photo JCIile Portrait Co . ) PAST IfASTKH'S JEWEL , ITS . ; . Pre / enleil hij . Imlije Pliilliriri ; P . G . M ' . We have several of a similar design but of different make , one of bronze , one of silver , and a third a beautiful specimen of Battersea enamel . They were used as presentation jewels to Past Masters of the " Modern" lodges in
ll'litiln Mite Portrait Cu . ) [{ OVAL AltCII I'lilNCIP . U / S JEWEL , Ism CENTU 11 V . J ' rrstulril / ,, / Qiori /' . A ' liniini / . ' Sim . the latter half of the i < Sth century . The one photographed for this paper is of more than usual importance , having an inscription on the back with particulars which are lacking
in others . The inscription is as follows : — " The Gift of the Patriotic Lodge to Robert Kidder , K . W . M ., for liis Steady and Upright Conduct , yune 2 , 9 , ij 8 $ . " The Patriotic Lodge was constituted at Croydon in 178 3 , and was erased from the list of lodges in 1822 , having been several years in abeyance . The line old 18 th century Royal Arch Principal ' s jewel r
one of several presentations , by George Kenning and Son , is unique , being the only example of the kind in our museum . The square and compasses are composed of paste brilliants ,. and the triple triangle in the centre is of garnets , set in silver , the frame work of the jewel being gilt . The unique silver
breast jewel , one of the gifts of Spencer and Co ., is , or was , worn by the members of the Lodge of St . John and St . Paul Malta . Bros . Henry G . and Walter Spilling , who are also liberal contributors to our museum , are here represented by a P . Z . jewel ot unusual design and excellent workmanship ,, presented by the Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 , to one of its founders in 1850 .
U'lu'to Utile Portrait Co . ) MEM ' -l' - i'S JEWEL 01- ' J . OJXJU ST . J 01 J . V AND ST . PAUL . J ' rrti ' iitril 1 / 1 / Sjieiieer , f- Co . The handsome old collar jewel , given by Samuel VaJlentine , is deservedly much admired . It is composed of
the finest paste brilliants , red , white , topaz—yellow and green , artistically arranged , is apparently of French make , and was probably intended for the Master of a French Lodge in the hitter half of the 18 th century . Owing to the absence of colour the photograph hardly does justice to its beauty .
We consider that the gem of this class is the beautiful little Past Master ' s jewel , presented to Dr . Reynolds by the Royal Lodge in 1777 . It is of enamel and line gold , and the workmanship is of the highest order . The central emblems are of dark bluewith a border of red , on which is the
, motto , " Friendship and Benevolence " in gold letters . The border on the reverse is formed of clasped hands . So far as we know it is quite unique , for we are not aware of the existence of another of the same design . It was evidently
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Library And Museum Of The Grand Lodge Of England.
The Library and Museum of the Grand Lodge of England .
cTheir Origin and ^ Progress—( Continued . ) BY HENRY SADLER .
T 1 TE are precluded by want of space from giving \/ y prominence to many of the valuable donations , for which we are indebted to these brethren , but , as the originals are always on view , we would suggest that our readers come and see for themselves .
The handsome oval jewel , bearing in relief the figures of the three Grand Masters , who are said to have presided at the building of King Solomon ' s Temple , was one of the earliest contributions to the museum made by His Honour , Judge Philbrick , K . C .
( Photo JCIile Portrait Co . ) PAST IfASTKH'S JEWEL , ITS . ; . Pre / enleil hij . Imlije Pliilliriri ; P . G . M ' . We have several of a similar design but of different make , one of bronze , one of silver , and a third a beautiful specimen of Battersea enamel . They were used as presentation jewels to Past Masters of the " Modern" lodges in
ll'litiln Mite Portrait Cu . ) [{ OVAL AltCII I'lilNCIP . U / S JEWEL , Ism CENTU 11 V . J ' rrstulril / ,, / Qiori /' . A ' liniini / . ' Sim . the latter half of the i < Sth century . The one photographed for this paper is of more than usual importance , having an inscription on the back with particulars which are lacking
in others . The inscription is as follows : — " The Gift of the Patriotic Lodge to Robert Kidder , K . W . M ., for liis Steady and Upright Conduct , yune 2 , 9 , ij 8 $ . " The Patriotic Lodge was constituted at Croydon in 178 3 , and was erased from the list of lodges in 1822 , having been several years in abeyance . The line old 18 th century Royal Arch Principal ' s jewel r
one of several presentations , by George Kenning and Son , is unique , being the only example of the kind in our museum . The square and compasses are composed of paste brilliants ,. and the triple triangle in the centre is of garnets , set in silver , the frame work of the jewel being gilt . The unique silver
breast jewel , one of the gifts of Spencer and Co ., is , or was , worn by the members of the Lodge of St . John and St . Paul Malta . Bros . Henry G . and Walter Spilling , who are also liberal contributors to our museum , are here represented by a P . Z . jewel ot unusual design and excellent workmanship ,, presented by the Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 , to one of its founders in 1850 .
U'lu'to Utile Portrait Co . ) MEM ' -l' - i'S JEWEL 01- ' J . OJXJU ST . J 01 J . V AND ST . PAUL . J ' rrti ' iitril 1 / 1 / Sjieiieer , f- Co . The handsome old collar jewel , given by Samuel VaJlentine , is deservedly much admired . It is composed of
the finest paste brilliants , red , white , topaz—yellow and green , artistically arranged , is apparently of French make , and was probably intended for the Master of a French Lodge in the hitter half of the 18 th century . Owing to the absence of colour the photograph hardly does justice to its beauty .
We consider that the gem of this class is the beautiful little Past Master ' s jewel , presented to Dr . Reynolds by the Royal Lodge in 1777 . It is of enamel and line gold , and the workmanship is of the highest order . The central emblems are of dark bluewith a border of red , on which is the
, motto , " Friendship and Benevolence " in gold letters . The border on the reverse is formed of clasped hands . So far as we know it is quite unique , for we are not aware of the existence of another of the same design . It was evidently