Article Some Notes on Freemasonry in Australasia.– –(Continued). ← Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia.– –(Continued).
"This being the first meeting , no former minutes existed . "The W . M . deferred investing his officers until the next meeting of the lodge . " Proposed by Bro . Stocks , seconded by Bro . H . Coles , that Mr . James Walker Jackson , of O'Connell Street , merchant ' s clerk , aged 21 , be admitted for initiation .
" Proposed by Bro . Stocks , seconded by Bro . Coles , that Capt . H . J . Lyas , of ship Ouccii of England , aged , be admitted for initiation . " Proposed by Bro . Stocks , seconded by Bro . Coles , that Capt . J . D . Mowatt , of ship Samuel Haddington , be admitted for initiation .
No other business being before the meeting the lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony at 10 o'clock . "J . MURPHY . " W . MACGUIKK , Acting Secretary . " The proceedings , it will be gathered , were of an unpretentious character , at all events , vastly different to the
elaborate ceremonial of the present day , whether in Australia or in England . The Grand Lodge warrant is dated July 31 st , 18 55 , and the then number of the lodge was 942 , altered to 656 , as a consequence of the " closing up" in 1863 .
Amongst those present , supporting the Provincial Grand Master , were Brothers John Williams , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and subsequently twice Provincial or District Grand Master ; H . P . Coles , Provincial Grand Treasurer ; William MacGuire , Provincial Grand Secretary ; Ellis Deeper , T . 13 .
Davidson , and A . Moore , Australia Lodge of Harmony , No . 814 , afterwards No . 55 6 , and now No . 5 , New South Wales Constitution , Sydney ; D . K . Campbell , W . Jackson , and J . Y . Patten , Sydney Samaritan Lodge , No . 8 43 , after No . 578 , which became extinct in 18 74 ; M . Charlton , and L . Lipman , Lodge of Australia , No . 54 8 , after No . 390 , Sydnev , and now No . 3 , New South Wales Constitution ;
J . Glossop , Lodge of Harmony , No . 267 , Liverpool , now No . 220 , Garston , Liverpool ; W . Rose , Cambrian Lodge , No . 472 , now No . 3 64 , Neath , Glamorganshire ; J . Lyle , Prudence Lodge , No . 266 , Leigh , Lancashire , and now No . 219 , Todmorden . At the following meeting Sir S . Osborne Gibbes , Bart .,
who that year succeeded Capt . Long-Innes , as head of the Province , was present . It is recorded that he was a P . M . of All Soul ' s Lodge , No . 199 ( now No . 170 ) , at Weymouth , and a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Dorsetshire . He was
the second baronet , a member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand , and father of the present baronet , Sir Edward Osborne Gibbes , of Wellington . He died in 1 S 74 . Further , at this meeting , it was resolved to make Bro . J . H . Wilton , of Enoch Lodge , No . 11 , London ( still on the roll under the same number ) , a Master Mason .
And , in closing these reminiscences of the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , it is worthy of note that one of its earlj * initiates was the late Major-General Lord John Henry Taylottr , appointed Junior Grand Warden of England in 1888 , uncle to the late Earl of Bective , Provincial Grand
Master of Cumberland and Westmorland , and brother to the Marquis of Headfort , Senior Grand Warden of Ireland . Lord John Taylour was , about the period referred to , A . D . C . to Lord Lisgar , Governor of New South Wales . Again , Bro . the Hon . A . T . Holroyd , a Master in Equity , and the fourth
Provincial Grand Master of New South Wales , was a founder of the famous old lodge . It must not be omitted to mention that the Jubilee of the Cambrian Lodge of Australia was fittingly and worthily celebrated on the 23 rd of February , 1905 .
( To be continued ) .
The GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., 112 , Regent Street , W ., invite inspection of their magnificent stock of Solid Silver Tea Services , which is the finest in the World . Many of the designs are reproductions of the antique at about one-eighth the cost of the original , whilst others are the Company ' s special registered designs , and cannot be obtained elsewhere . _ ^^^^^_ SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES MfinP , RflTF , _^_^_ wB-WK __^_* . Supplied M : imil '; ii .-tiu-ir ' s Cash lUUJ-ilftftllJ \<^ ^^^ ' W Prices , s : iviii « purchasers nil usual PRICES . W J . m W ... « l , ! . U-pr .. hts . ^ fc . ^ L . £ > A SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES in New and OiijiiiKn Di-signs . ami al iiiiisl Mink-rate Pricis . Xi-iv lllustraUil Catalogue Post I ' . *^ NEW CATALOGUE , THE " ACANTHUS ; " TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE . SELECTIONS FORWARDED OLD SILVER CONTAINING IX SOI . III SII . VKU . Tn TUC ^ ,, UTDU TllliL-llill KXL-llllllUf ¦>! ' I ' llvdlllStll (<«• C ; ish . == oo . LLUSTXATIONS , C .....,, rM .. « T « , I ' . n . O . HCC P „ t , . s .. « :. r Hm ,-I . .-... SILVERSMITHS S 5 IITHS Al . l . l A \ ' ^ K f . \ . 11 . Sunny K Snxs , Mil . ) , Ink- ,, i Oirnliill , K CO . C . ., Ltd ., 3 7 r 9 c ETRVRD . 112 & 110 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . -AROS ^ LONOOM , ^¦^^^^^ K ^^^^^^^^ MM ^ a ^^^ M ^ MH ^^ MiM ^^^ aH ^^ nMI ^^^ M ^ ni ^ MBHnBHaH ^^ HMI ^ MB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^^^^ En ^^^^^^^ HM ^ Mi ^^^^ M ^^ H ^^^^^^^ H ^^^^ Hl ^ Hi ^ BBnMB
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia.– –(Continued).
"This being the first meeting , no former minutes existed . "The W . M . deferred investing his officers until the next meeting of the lodge . " Proposed by Bro . Stocks , seconded by Bro . H . Coles , that Mr . James Walker Jackson , of O'Connell Street , merchant ' s clerk , aged 21 , be admitted for initiation .
" Proposed by Bro . Stocks , seconded by Bro . Coles , that Capt . H . J . Lyas , of ship Ouccii of England , aged , be admitted for initiation . " Proposed by Bro . Stocks , seconded by Bro . Coles , that Capt . J . D . Mowatt , of ship Samuel Haddington , be admitted for initiation .
No other business being before the meeting the lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony at 10 o'clock . "J . MURPHY . " W . MACGUIKK , Acting Secretary . " The proceedings , it will be gathered , were of an unpretentious character , at all events , vastly different to the
elaborate ceremonial of the present day , whether in Australia or in England . The Grand Lodge warrant is dated July 31 st , 18 55 , and the then number of the lodge was 942 , altered to 656 , as a consequence of the " closing up" in 1863 .
Amongst those present , supporting the Provincial Grand Master , were Brothers John Williams , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and subsequently twice Provincial or District Grand Master ; H . P . Coles , Provincial Grand Treasurer ; William MacGuire , Provincial Grand Secretary ; Ellis Deeper , T . 13 .
Davidson , and A . Moore , Australia Lodge of Harmony , No . 814 , afterwards No . 55 6 , and now No . 5 , New South Wales Constitution , Sydney ; D . K . Campbell , W . Jackson , and J . Y . Patten , Sydney Samaritan Lodge , No . 8 43 , after No . 578 , which became extinct in 18 74 ; M . Charlton , and L . Lipman , Lodge of Australia , No . 54 8 , after No . 390 , Sydnev , and now No . 3 , New South Wales Constitution ;
J . Glossop , Lodge of Harmony , No . 267 , Liverpool , now No . 220 , Garston , Liverpool ; W . Rose , Cambrian Lodge , No . 472 , now No . 3 64 , Neath , Glamorganshire ; J . Lyle , Prudence Lodge , No . 266 , Leigh , Lancashire , and now No . 219 , Todmorden . At the following meeting Sir S . Osborne Gibbes , Bart .,
who that year succeeded Capt . Long-Innes , as head of the Province , was present . It is recorded that he was a P . M . of All Soul ' s Lodge , No . 199 ( now No . 170 ) , at Weymouth , and a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Dorsetshire . He was
the second baronet , a member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand , and father of the present baronet , Sir Edward Osborne Gibbes , of Wellington . He died in 1 S 74 . Further , at this meeting , it was resolved to make Bro . J . H . Wilton , of Enoch Lodge , No . 11 , London ( still on the roll under the same number ) , a Master Mason .
And , in closing these reminiscences of the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , it is worthy of note that one of its earlj * initiates was the late Major-General Lord John Henry Taylottr , appointed Junior Grand Warden of England in 1888 , uncle to the late Earl of Bective , Provincial Grand
Master of Cumberland and Westmorland , and brother to the Marquis of Headfort , Senior Grand Warden of Ireland . Lord John Taylour was , about the period referred to , A . D . C . to Lord Lisgar , Governor of New South Wales . Again , Bro . the Hon . A . T . Holroyd , a Master in Equity , and the fourth
Provincial Grand Master of New South Wales , was a founder of the famous old lodge . It must not be omitted to mention that the Jubilee of the Cambrian Lodge of Australia was fittingly and worthily celebrated on the 23 rd of February , 1905 .
( To be continued ) .
The GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., 112 , Regent Street , W ., invite inspection of their magnificent stock of Solid Silver Tea Services , which is the finest in the World . Many of the designs are reproductions of the antique at about one-eighth the cost of the original , whilst others are the Company ' s special registered designs , and cannot be obtained elsewhere . _ ^^^^^_ SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES MfinP , RflTF , _^_^_ wB-WK __^_* . Supplied M : imil '; ii .-tiu-ir ' s Cash lUUJ-ilftftllJ \<^ ^^^ ' W Prices , s : iviii « purchasers nil usual PRICES . W J . m W ... « l , ! . U-pr .. hts . ^ fc . ^ L . £ > A SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES in New and OiijiiiKn Di-signs . ami al iiiiisl Mink-rate Pricis . Xi-iv lllustraUil Catalogue Post I ' . *^ NEW CATALOGUE , THE " ACANTHUS ; " TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE . SELECTIONS FORWARDED OLD SILVER CONTAINING IX SOI . III SII . VKU . Tn TUC ^ ,, UTDU TllliL-llill KXL-llllllUf ¦>! ' I ' llvdlllStll (<«• C ; ish . == oo . LLUSTXATIONS , C .....,, rM .. « T « , I ' . n . O . HCC P „ t , . s .. « :. r Hm ,-I . .-... SILVERSMITHS S 5 IITHS Al . l . l A \ ' ^ K f . \ . 11 . Sunny K Snxs , Mil . ) , Ink- ,, i Oirnliill , K CO . C . ., Ltd ., 3 7 r 9 c ETRVRD . 112 & 110 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . -AROS ^ LONOOM , ^¦^^^^^ K ^^^^^^^^ MM ^ a ^^^ M ^ MH ^^ MiM ^^^ aH ^^ nMI ^^^ M ^ ni ^ MBHnBHaH ^^ HMI ^ MB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^^^^ En ^^^^^^^ HM ^ Mi ^^^^ M ^^ H ^^^^^^^ H ^^^^ Hl ^ Hi ^ BBnMB