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Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Masonic Charities that had ever been held in the Province of Hertfordshire . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of " Success to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " entered at some length into its history , more especially of the period during which the scheme for the removal of the schools to Bushey
THE GRAND TREASURER . has been in progress . The announcement that although the cost of the new buildings had amounted to ^ 140 , 000 , they had been opened free from debt , and that the invested funds
of the Institution were larger than when the removal from Wood Green was first entertained was received with much gratification . Bro . McLeod , Secretary to the Institution , then read the list of subscriptions which had been the result of the efforts
of 853 Stewards . The total amount being ^ 3 6 , 393 is . 4 d ., of which London contributed , £ 15 , 906 7 s . 6 d ., and the provinces and Districts abroad , £ 20 , 4 86 13 s . iocl ., the amount being in excess of that of any previous Festival , except that of the Centenary celebration at the Albert Hall in 1898 . Following as it did a similar announcement in connection with the Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls
held in the previous month , the result is most gratifying , as indicating not only a maintenance of the normal income , but a largely increased and growing interest in the welfare
SOME OP THE HOYS . of these Institutions by the Craft at large . The figures announced were as follows : — London , represented by 4 67 Stewards ^ 15 , 906 7 6
The Provinces , represented by 376 Stewards ... ... ... ... 20 , 017 I 0 6 Foreign Stations , represented by 10 Stewards ... ... ... ... 4 6 9 3 4 Total £ 3 > 393 1 4
It is satisfactory to record that the whole of the arrangements for the Festival were carried out in the most perfect manner , nothing being wanting in the efforts of those responsible for the comfort and pleasure of those attending . It does not argue the possession of any special gift of prophecy to say that this is not the last of the Festivals to be held at Bushey .
Consecration Of The Beach Lodge, No. 2955.
Consecration of the Beach Lodge , No . 2955 .
THE consecration of the Beach Lodge , No . 2955 , named after the late Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., for over thirty years Grand Master of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , took place recently at the Masonic Hall , Southampton , in the presence of a large gathering of brethren from all parts of the province . The ceremony was conducted
by the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Augustus F . Webster , Bart ., who was accompanied by his Deputy , Bro . Edgar Goble , and a large number of Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Ellice Beach , P . G . D ., son of the late P . G . M ., and who is one of the founders of the
lodge , came from the Continent specially to attend the meeting , and the Provincial Grand Master , by a happy inspiration , requested him to undertake the very first work in the afternoon ' s proceedings , with which request Bro . Beach complied . The beautiful ceremony of consecration was
splendidly worked by the Provincial Grand Master . The Provincial Grand Master said it gave him the greatest pleasure to attend there to consecrate a new lodge , which made the number of lodges in the province exactly fifty . He hoped Masonry would continue to flourish , and that the
number of lodges would go on increasing . He was particularly pleased to consecrate a lodge which was named after the late beloved Bro . Beach , who for over thirty years
was Grand Master of the province , and did magnificent work , and he should like to add what pleasure he had in seeing present the son of their late Provincial Grand Master , and in asking him to undertake the first work in connection with that interesting ceremony . After the ceremony of consecration , Bro . R . W . Denness
, P . M . 1780 , was installed by the Provincial Grand Master as Worshipful Master of the lodge , and the following officers were appointed , viz ., Bros . J . E . Adams , Acting I . P . M . ; T . A . A . Cleveland , S . W . ; C . E . Price , J . W . ; G . Woodford , P . M . 1780 , Treasurer ; A . Curtis , P . M . 1780 , Secretary ;
E . A . Lisle , S . D . ; J . A . Crowther , J . D . ; W . J . Feltham , I . G . ; W . J . Miller , P . M . 1461 , D . C . ; Lovell Stevens , P . M . 359 , Organist ; T . White and E . C . Jarvis , Stewards ; and Gilbert Henley , Tyler . Several votes of thanks were accorded , and the newly-installed Worshipful Master handed to the
Provincial Grand Master a cheque for £ 20 towards the Perpetual Presentation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , which is to be purchased ( a Boys' School Presentation having already been bought ) as a memorial to the late Bro . Beach .
After the lodge was closed , the brethren assembled at the South Western Hotel , where , to the number of nearly a hundred , they partook of a banquet .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Masonic Charities that had ever been held in the Province of Hertfordshire . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of " Success to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " entered at some length into its history , more especially of the period during which the scheme for the removal of the schools to Bushey
THE GRAND TREASURER . has been in progress . The announcement that although the cost of the new buildings had amounted to ^ 140 , 000 , they had been opened free from debt , and that the invested funds
of the Institution were larger than when the removal from Wood Green was first entertained was received with much gratification . Bro . McLeod , Secretary to the Institution , then read the list of subscriptions which had been the result of the efforts
of 853 Stewards . The total amount being ^ 3 6 , 393 is . 4 d ., of which London contributed , £ 15 , 906 7 s . 6 d ., and the provinces and Districts abroad , £ 20 , 4 86 13 s . iocl ., the amount being in excess of that of any previous Festival , except that of the Centenary celebration at the Albert Hall in 1898 . Following as it did a similar announcement in connection with the Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls
held in the previous month , the result is most gratifying , as indicating not only a maintenance of the normal income , but a largely increased and growing interest in the welfare
SOME OP THE HOYS . of these Institutions by the Craft at large . The figures announced were as follows : — London , represented by 4 67 Stewards ^ 15 , 906 7 6
The Provinces , represented by 376 Stewards ... ... ... ... 20 , 017 I 0 6 Foreign Stations , represented by 10 Stewards ... ... ... ... 4 6 9 3 4 Total £ 3 > 393 1 4
It is satisfactory to record that the whole of the arrangements for the Festival were carried out in the most perfect manner , nothing being wanting in the efforts of those responsible for the comfort and pleasure of those attending . It does not argue the possession of any special gift of prophecy to say that this is not the last of the Festivals to be held at Bushey .
Consecration Of The Beach Lodge, No. 2955.
Consecration of the Beach Lodge , No . 2955 .
THE consecration of the Beach Lodge , No . 2955 , named after the late Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., for over thirty years Grand Master of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , took place recently at the Masonic Hall , Southampton , in the presence of a large gathering of brethren from all parts of the province . The ceremony was conducted
by the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Augustus F . Webster , Bart ., who was accompanied by his Deputy , Bro . Edgar Goble , and a large number of Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Ellice Beach , P . G . D ., son of the late P . G . M ., and who is one of the founders of the
lodge , came from the Continent specially to attend the meeting , and the Provincial Grand Master , by a happy inspiration , requested him to undertake the very first work in the afternoon ' s proceedings , with which request Bro . Beach complied . The beautiful ceremony of consecration was
splendidly worked by the Provincial Grand Master . The Provincial Grand Master said it gave him the greatest pleasure to attend there to consecrate a new lodge , which made the number of lodges in the province exactly fifty . He hoped Masonry would continue to flourish , and that the
number of lodges would go on increasing . He was particularly pleased to consecrate a lodge which was named after the late beloved Bro . Beach , who for over thirty years
was Grand Master of the province , and did magnificent work , and he should like to add what pleasure he had in seeing present the son of their late Provincial Grand Master , and in asking him to undertake the first work in connection with that interesting ceremony . After the ceremony of consecration , Bro . R . W . Denness
, P . M . 1780 , was installed by the Provincial Grand Master as Worshipful Master of the lodge , and the following officers were appointed , viz ., Bros . J . E . Adams , Acting I . P . M . ; T . A . A . Cleveland , S . W . ; C . E . Price , J . W . ; G . Woodford , P . M . 1780 , Treasurer ; A . Curtis , P . M . 1780 , Secretary ;
E . A . Lisle , S . D . ; J . A . Crowther , J . D . ; W . J . Feltham , I . G . ; W . J . Miller , P . M . 1461 , D . C . ; Lovell Stevens , P . M . 359 , Organist ; T . White and E . C . Jarvis , Stewards ; and Gilbert Henley , Tyler . Several votes of thanks were accorded , and the newly-installed Worshipful Master handed to the
Provincial Grand Master a cheque for £ 20 towards the Perpetual Presentation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , which is to be purchased ( a Boys' School Presentation having already been bought ) as a memorial to the late Bro . Beach .
After the lodge was closed , the brethren assembled at the South Western Hotel , where , to the number of nearly a hundred , they partook of a banquet .