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The Charles Warren Lodge, No. 1832 (E.C.).
Rt . Wor . Bro . C . A . Blackboard , replying for the Rt . Wor . D . G . Master ( who was absent through indisposition ) , congratulated the Charles Warren Lodge on the choice they had made in electing Wor . Bro . Jeffrey as Master , and he felt assured that under the ruling of the new Master the Charles Warren Lodge would lose none of its former
reputation . Wor . . Bro . Blackboard also tendered an apology for the absence of the D . G . Master . The toast of " The Worshipful Master " was proposed by the I . P . M ., Bro . A . H . Jenkins , who congratulated the lodge upon the choice they had made , and from the interest that Wor . Bro . Jeffrey took in the working of the lodge during
the number of years which he had been Secretary , he felt sure that it would continue to prosper . The Wor . Master , replying , thanked the brethren for the proud position they hud placed him in , and he hoped that during his Mastership the lodge would lose none of its former splendour , and that he would be able to give every
satisfaction . The other toasts were "The I . P . M . and Installing Master , " "The Sister Lodges and Visiting Brethren , " and "The Officers , Present and Past , " which were all duly honoured . The Tyler ' s toast terminated a very pleasant and enjoyable evening .
Freemasonry In Australia.
Freemasonry in Australia .
TT would appear from an address delivered by the state I governor , R . W . Bro . Sir Harry Rawson , P . G . W . Eng ., on the occasion of the installation of the Grand Master for New South Wales at Sydney , that the Charities are now occupying the attention of the brethren of that jurisdiction
in a very marked degree . He gave some interesting figures with respect to Masonic benevolent funds . In 1891 , the Grand Lodge and Benevolent Funds amounted to . £ 5306 ; to-day , a sum of ^ 13 . 234 was at credit . The Freemasons ' Benevolent Fund increased from ^ 1400 to over ^ 8000 . The
funds of the Freemasons' Orphan Society progressed from ¦ £ 16 , 926 to ^ 25 , 619 in the period under review . Reference to the numerical strength of the Order showed that when
Lord Carrington vacated the Grand Master ' s chair in 1891 , there were 182 lodges in active work , with a membership of a little over 8000 , In May last the number of lodges had increased to 198 , with a membership of over 10 , 000 . The Grand Master , dealing with the question of Masonic Charities ,
said that a perusal of the accounts disclosed that an annual subscription from the Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund was- — apparently an archaic custom , evidently a tradition for long passed years—made to only one metropolitan hospital . He suggested an increase in the vote from the General Purposes
Fund to such an extent as would enable subscriptions to all the leading hospitals of the city , and particularly the endowment of a cot in the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children .
YET ANOTHER NURSE and ^ rtQ , ^ j ^^? t^mCocoa NURSE STADDEN , 20 , Gainsford Road , Kentish Town , N . W ., writes : " Sonic time buck I sent for a sample of Dr . Tibbies ' Yi-Cocoa , being at the time verv much run down in health , and thought that I would like' to try it , for I think that most people will agree that a nurse ' s life is not all sunshine and roses , especially in such cases as mine , where they do a great amount of lunacy work . Well now , I have much pleasure hi saying that Dr . Tibbies' Yi-Cocoa is the most stimulating and benelicial for all who are suffering physical and mental loss . I shall continue to speak most highly in its favour , for I have derived much hcnclU from its use . " " Undoubted purity and strength . " Medical Magazine . " In the front rank of really valuable foods . " VAVOVRKU 11 Y ^ LM y ^ r THE IIOMKS AND HOSPITALS OK W ^ gJ-COCQCL tlKKAT HKITAIX . Daintv Sample Tin Kree to any Address . Address Dr . TIBBIES' VI-C 0 C 0 A , Ltd . 69 , liunhill I . ow , London , K . C . JET * DATNTY SAMPLE FREE . " 3 PH
( West Side of First Avenue Hotel )
Having received our New Stock comprising ; i large selection of tlie highest class of Worsted and Cheviot Coalings , Scotch Suitings , and Cashmere Trouserings , we beg to solicit an early inspection , feeling sure we can give every satisfaction .
, - - - ,. .
PYeehold Land the safest investment . —Land to suit all classes of customers .
MESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., in conjunction with Messrs . Protheroe & Morris , beg to announce the following forthcoming SALES of FREEHOLD LAND in plots : — ASHFORD , MIDDLESEX , WEDNESDAY , SEPT . 14 th , 1904 . STAINES ( Penlon Hook Estate ) , TUESDAY , SEPT . 20 th , 1904 . RAMSGATE ( Mansion Park Estate } , WEDNESDAY , SEPT . 28 th , 190 +. ROMFORD , ESSEX , THURSDAY , SEPT . 30 th , 1904 . The land will be sold free of lithe and land tax . The new roads at Ashford and Romford are kerbed , and the surface water drains laid in accordance with the local by-laws . The new roads at Ramsgate and Staines are well formed , free of expense to the purchaser . Intending purchasers will leave London on morning of sales . For full particulars , tickets , & c , apply Messrs . Payne , Trapps & Co ., ir , Queen Victoria-street , E . C .
Messrs . A . J . HOWARD & Co .,
Estate Hcjents , Surveyors , Xicensefc Ualuers , JSrewers Bgeitts , anb SLicensefc property Experts ,
i > 9 nnfl CASH—For disposal , Free Lease , very desirable Tavern in 3 _ U ; UUU crood main road , and surrounded by choice neighbourhood , gross profits . £ 2 , 600 per annum . Excellent Billiard Saloon ( 2 Tables ) and specially built Masonic Hall ground floor , fowling Green . Splendid Home . Gentleman ' s properly .
Parties wishing to dispose of or purchase Public Houses , Hotels , Taverns , Beer Houses , and Off Licences , and all kinds of Licensed properties will find this an excellent medium .
Cash Advanced to enable Purchasers to Complete , and on all kinds of Security , £ 25 upwards .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Charles Warren Lodge, No. 1832 (E.C.).
Rt . Wor . Bro . C . A . Blackboard , replying for the Rt . Wor . D . G . Master ( who was absent through indisposition ) , congratulated the Charles Warren Lodge on the choice they had made in electing Wor . Bro . Jeffrey as Master , and he felt assured that under the ruling of the new Master the Charles Warren Lodge would lose none of its former
reputation . Wor . . Bro . Blackboard also tendered an apology for the absence of the D . G . Master . The toast of " The Worshipful Master " was proposed by the I . P . M ., Bro . A . H . Jenkins , who congratulated the lodge upon the choice they had made , and from the interest that Wor . Bro . Jeffrey took in the working of the lodge during
the number of years which he had been Secretary , he felt sure that it would continue to prosper . The Wor . Master , replying , thanked the brethren for the proud position they hud placed him in , and he hoped that during his Mastership the lodge would lose none of its former splendour , and that he would be able to give every
satisfaction . The other toasts were "The I . P . M . and Installing Master , " "The Sister Lodges and Visiting Brethren , " and "The Officers , Present and Past , " which were all duly honoured . The Tyler ' s toast terminated a very pleasant and enjoyable evening .
Freemasonry In Australia.
Freemasonry in Australia .
TT would appear from an address delivered by the state I governor , R . W . Bro . Sir Harry Rawson , P . G . W . Eng ., on the occasion of the installation of the Grand Master for New South Wales at Sydney , that the Charities are now occupying the attention of the brethren of that jurisdiction
in a very marked degree . He gave some interesting figures with respect to Masonic benevolent funds . In 1891 , the Grand Lodge and Benevolent Funds amounted to . £ 5306 ; to-day , a sum of ^ 13 . 234 was at credit . The Freemasons ' Benevolent Fund increased from ^ 1400 to over ^ 8000 . The
funds of the Freemasons' Orphan Society progressed from ¦ £ 16 , 926 to ^ 25 , 619 in the period under review . Reference to the numerical strength of the Order showed that when
Lord Carrington vacated the Grand Master ' s chair in 1891 , there were 182 lodges in active work , with a membership of a little over 8000 , In May last the number of lodges had increased to 198 , with a membership of over 10 , 000 . The Grand Master , dealing with the question of Masonic Charities ,
said that a perusal of the accounts disclosed that an annual subscription from the Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund was- — apparently an archaic custom , evidently a tradition for long passed years—made to only one metropolitan hospital . He suggested an increase in the vote from the General Purposes
Fund to such an extent as would enable subscriptions to all the leading hospitals of the city , and particularly the endowment of a cot in the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children .
YET ANOTHER NURSE and ^ rtQ , ^ j ^^? t^mCocoa NURSE STADDEN , 20 , Gainsford Road , Kentish Town , N . W ., writes : " Sonic time buck I sent for a sample of Dr . Tibbies ' Yi-Cocoa , being at the time verv much run down in health , and thought that I would like' to try it , for I think that most people will agree that a nurse ' s life is not all sunshine and roses , especially in such cases as mine , where they do a great amount of lunacy work . Well now , I have much pleasure hi saying that Dr . Tibbies' Yi-Cocoa is the most stimulating and benelicial for all who are suffering physical and mental loss . I shall continue to speak most highly in its favour , for I have derived much hcnclU from its use . " " Undoubted purity and strength . " Medical Magazine . " In the front rank of really valuable foods . " VAVOVRKU 11 Y ^ LM y ^ r THE IIOMKS AND HOSPITALS OK W ^ gJ-COCQCL tlKKAT HKITAIX . Daintv Sample Tin Kree to any Address . Address Dr . TIBBIES' VI-C 0 C 0 A , Ltd . 69 , liunhill I . ow , London , K . C . JET * DATNTY SAMPLE FREE . " 3 PH
( West Side of First Avenue Hotel )
Having received our New Stock comprising ; i large selection of tlie highest class of Worsted and Cheviot Coalings , Scotch Suitings , and Cashmere Trouserings , we beg to solicit an early inspection , feeling sure we can give every satisfaction .
, - - - ,. .
PYeehold Land the safest investment . —Land to suit all classes of customers .
MESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., in conjunction with Messrs . Protheroe & Morris , beg to announce the following forthcoming SALES of FREEHOLD LAND in plots : — ASHFORD , MIDDLESEX , WEDNESDAY , SEPT . 14 th , 1904 . STAINES ( Penlon Hook Estate ) , TUESDAY , SEPT . 20 th , 1904 . RAMSGATE ( Mansion Park Estate } , WEDNESDAY , SEPT . 28 th , 190 +. ROMFORD , ESSEX , THURSDAY , SEPT . 30 th , 1904 . The land will be sold free of lithe and land tax . The new roads at Ashford and Romford are kerbed , and the surface water drains laid in accordance with the local by-laws . The new roads at Ramsgate and Staines are well formed , free of expense to the purchaser . Intending purchasers will leave London on morning of sales . For full particulars , tickets , & c , apply Messrs . Payne , Trapps & Co ., ir , Queen Victoria-street , E . C .
Messrs . A . J . HOWARD & Co .,
Estate Hcjents , Surveyors , Xicensefc Ualuers , JSrewers Bgeitts , anb SLicensefc property Experts ,
i > 9 nnfl CASH—For disposal , Free Lease , very desirable Tavern in 3 _ U ; UUU crood main road , and surrounded by choice neighbourhood , gross profits . £ 2 , 600 per annum . Excellent Billiard Saloon ( 2 Tables ) and specially built Masonic Hall ground floor , fowling Green . Splendid Home . Gentleman ' s properly .
Parties wishing to dispose of or purchase Public Houses , Hotels , Taverns , Beer Houses , and Off Licences , and all kinds of Licensed properties will find this an excellent medium .
Cash Advanced to enable Purchasers to Complete , and on all kinds of Security , £ 25 upwards .