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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
It need hardly be stated that the mode of working is in strict conformity with the system in vogue at the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , at which the Preceptor was for many years a regular attendant , as also at the Kirby Lodge of Instruction .
STATISTICS 1901-1902 . Place of meeting , Holborn Viaduct Hotel , on Wednesday evenings at 6 . 30 , from 1 st October to 30 th June ; 119 members on the Register ; 3 6 meetings during the session ; average weekly attendance , 15 . Second Annual Festival , 29 th January ,
1902 . President , Rt . W . Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., P . G . W . Work—Initiation Ceremony , and Charge and Sections 1 and 5 of the First Lecture ; numbers present , 88 . It is believed that this is the lirst occasion when a ceremony was worked at a Festival of any Lodge of
Instruction working under Emulation auspices , the custom previously being to work a Lecture . Printed programmes of work were started and the lirst half of the evening always devoted to working the Ceremony on the programme of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement
for the following Friday . The second part to the Lectures or the Installation Ceremony . We learn from the by-laws that , following the example of its sister , the Kirby Lodge of Instruction , the practice of disposing of the surplus funds of the lodge in aid of the
Masonic Charities b y ballot , open to those members who have attended at least fifteen meetings during the current year , is in vogue here .
STATISTICS 1 902-1903 . 194 members on the Register ; 37 meetings during the session ; average weekly attendance , 19 . Third Annual Festival , 4 U 1 February , 1 903 . President , V . Wor . Bro . The Rev . F . B . Bethune Norman-Lee , Chaplain to the Forces
, P . G . Chaplain . The Ceremony of Passing and the 2 nd and 5 th Sections of the Second Lecture were worked . Numbers present , 128 . The place of meeting and arrangement of the work was the same as hist year . The Managing Committee and executive officers are : Bros . John H . Jenks , P . Gd . ' "
Steward , P . M . 8 , Preeeplor ; Robert S . ciiandler , W . M . 19 62 ; David D . West , P . M . 108 ; Algernon L . Collins , J . W . 1460 ; Joseph H . Criekmay . J . W . 1962 ; William M . Ward , 19 62 ; William H . Latham , P . M . 19 62 , Treasurer ; Leon V . Walker , P . M . 1962 , Seerelary ; Charles Folhott 19 62 Assistant
, , Secretary . Average attendances do not include Festivals or inaugural meeting . The Lodge of Instruction was started principally for members of the mother Lodge , but other members are now in a large majority . At the end of last session the numbers
were : London Hi lie Brigade Lodge , 42 ; Lodge of Honor and Generosity , 11 ; British Lodge , 10 ; other Lodges , 131 . We are of opinion that the foregoing figures are unique , lor never before in our experience of Lodges of Instruction has so large a measure of support been given b y a mother Lod ge to its offspring in so brief a period .
ST . BRIDE LODGE OK INSTRUCTION , NO . 2817 . The birth of this , the latest off-shoot of the Emulation Lod ge of Improvement , was celebrated with much eelal at the Hotel Cecil on the 4 th January , 1902 . The following brethren worked the inaugural
ceremony , that of installing Bro . John F . Robots , the Preceptor elect " ' : Bros . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C . ; Charles Lewis , P . P . G . D . Essex ; Robert E . F . Lander , P . P . G . D . Herts ; William G Kentish , P . G . Std . B . ; Edward P . Debenham , Preceptor of the Langton Lod ge of Instruction ; George Rankin , Preceptor of the Kirb
y Lodge of Instruction ; and John H . Jenks , P . G . S , Preceptor of the London Rille Brigade Lod ge of Instruction , ' the other brethren being members of the committee of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . There was an attendance of close on a hundred Founders and visitors , including the following ¦ Bros . Aid . Sir Frank-Green , Bart ., P . O . W ., W . M . of the St . Bride Lodge , who
presided at the banquet ; Aid . II . B . Marshall , Sheriff oi London , Grand Treasurer ; Aid . W . Vaughan Morgan , P . G . T . ; John Slrachan , K . C , G . Registrar ; Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Registrar ; J . I ) . Langton , P . D . G . D . C ; J . Russell , P . G . Std . B . ; and Henry Sadler , G . Tyler . The parent Lodge , from which it derives its name and
sanction , having been in existence only about 18 months , probably did not deem itself strong enough to support a Lodge ol Instruction bv its own membership , therefore enlisted the aid of Lancastrian Lodge , No . 2528 , and it was from these two Lodges that a majority of the 7 ( 1 Founders hailed .
As may be readily anticipated , a most successful year ol work followed this enthusiastic Inauguration , the average attendance at the weekly meetings being about 18 . The membership having increased to 160 it was decided to celebrate the success of the Lodge by a Festival , which eventually took place at the Holborn Restaurant on the
31 st of March last , about 200 brethren being present . The ceremony of initiation and charge were rehearsed by Bros . Oliver Nolcutt , as W . M . ; A . V . Hunt , as S . W . ; W . B . Sansoin , as J . W . ; E . S . Jams , as S . D . ; Ernest Jukes , as J . D . ; and A . Ashbee , as I . G . The First and Seventh Sections
of the First Lecture were worked by Bros . F . G . Barnes and Joseph R . Hosker respectively , Bro . John F . Roberts , P . M . 26 50 , Preceptor , as W . M . Subsequently the Preceptor announced that the average attendance at the weekly meetings during the current year had been 26 .
Having had the good fortune to be present on the occasion , we can safely say that we have never received a greater Masonic treat nor passed a more enjoyable evening . The whole of the work was admirably done and apparently to the entire satisfaction of a numerous and
critical audience . We trust it may be the forerunner of many similar gatherings . Bro . R . Clay Sucllow presided at the banquet , the proceedings at which were enlivened by an excellent programme of music .
The practice of balloting for the surplus funds of the Lodge in aid of the Masonic Charities prevails here as it does in the several other Lodges of Instruction emanating from the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . The Lodge holds its meetings at St . Bride Foundation Institute , Bride Lane , on Wednesday evenings , at 3 . 10 , from
1 st October to 30 th June . The members of the committee of management are : —W . Bros . John F . Roberts , P . M . 2 ( 150 and 26 93 , Preceptor ; Frank C Buxton , W . M . 2328 ; Alfred W . Letts , W . M . 2817 ; Charles J . Drummond , P . M . 2817 ; Joseph R . Hosker , P . M . 2328 ; Robert E . F . Lander . P . M .
2545 , P . P . G . D . Herts . Treasurer—Bro . John W . Soppilt , Secretary 2528 . Secretary—Bro . Oliver Nolcutt , | . W . 29 V ) , J . D . 2920 , 2817 . Honorary Members—W . Bros . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C . ; Joseph Russell , P . G . Standard Bearer ; Charles Lewis , P . P . G . D . Essex ; Robert E . F . Lander ,
P . P . G . D . Herts ; Edward P . Debenham , Preceptor , Langton Lodge of Instruction ; George J . V . Rankin , Preceptor , Kirby Lodge of Instruction ; and John H . Jenks , Preceptor , London Rille Brigade Lodge of Instruction .
I REASrRERS AND SECRETARIES OK Till-: EMULATION LoDGK OK IMPROVEMENT . Owing to the absence of the earl y records of the Lodge we are unable to vouch for the complete accuracy of the following list , particularly as regards the earlier dates and names , which must be taken approximatel y or as near as we can get to the actual dates of appointment : —
TREASURERS . ' ^ . i Q- . i . -i J "'"' Dowley , P . M . Burlington Lodge , No . 9 . 18 30-40 Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . Deacon . 1841-4 ( 1 Treasurer not mentioned in Masonic journals , but we have reason for thinking that S . B .
Wilson continued in office . 1847-80 John M . Hervey , P . G . D . Grand Secretary . 1880-1900 Thomas Fenn , P . G . Warden , eic . 1900- Sir Edward Letchworlh , F . S . A ., P . G . I ) ., Grand Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
It need hardly be stated that the mode of working is in strict conformity with the system in vogue at the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , at which the Preceptor was for many years a regular attendant , as also at the Kirby Lodge of Instruction .
STATISTICS 1901-1902 . Place of meeting , Holborn Viaduct Hotel , on Wednesday evenings at 6 . 30 , from 1 st October to 30 th June ; 119 members on the Register ; 3 6 meetings during the session ; average weekly attendance , 15 . Second Annual Festival , 29 th January ,
1902 . President , Rt . W . Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., P . G . W . Work—Initiation Ceremony , and Charge and Sections 1 and 5 of the First Lecture ; numbers present , 88 . It is believed that this is the lirst occasion when a ceremony was worked at a Festival of any Lodge of
Instruction working under Emulation auspices , the custom previously being to work a Lecture . Printed programmes of work were started and the lirst half of the evening always devoted to working the Ceremony on the programme of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement
for the following Friday . The second part to the Lectures or the Installation Ceremony . We learn from the by-laws that , following the example of its sister , the Kirby Lodge of Instruction , the practice of disposing of the surplus funds of the lodge in aid of the
Masonic Charities b y ballot , open to those members who have attended at least fifteen meetings during the current year , is in vogue here .
STATISTICS 1 902-1903 . 194 members on the Register ; 37 meetings during the session ; average weekly attendance , 19 . Third Annual Festival , 4 U 1 February , 1 903 . President , V . Wor . Bro . The Rev . F . B . Bethune Norman-Lee , Chaplain to the Forces
, P . G . Chaplain . The Ceremony of Passing and the 2 nd and 5 th Sections of the Second Lecture were worked . Numbers present , 128 . The place of meeting and arrangement of the work was the same as hist year . The Managing Committee and executive officers are : Bros . John H . Jenks , P . Gd . ' "
Steward , P . M . 8 , Preeeplor ; Robert S . ciiandler , W . M . 19 62 ; David D . West , P . M . 108 ; Algernon L . Collins , J . W . 1460 ; Joseph H . Criekmay . J . W . 1962 ; William M . Ward , 19 62 ; William H . Latham , P . M . 19 62 , Treasurer ; Leon V . Walker , P . M . 1962 , Seerelary ; Charles Folhott 19 62 Assistant
, , Secretary . Average attendances do not include Festivals or inaugural meeting . The Lodge of Instruction was started principally for members of the mother Lodge , but other members are now in a large majority . At the end of last session the numbers
were : London Hi lie Brigade Lodge , 42 ; Lodge of Honor and Generosity , 11 ; British Lodge , 10 ; other Lodges , 131 . We are of opinion that the foregoing figures are unique , lor never before in our experience of Lodges of Instruction has so large a measure of support been given b y a mother Lod ge to its offspring in so brief a period .
ST . BRIDE LODGE OK INSTRUCTION , NO . 2817 . The birth of this , the latest off-shoot of the Emulation Lod ge of Improvement , was celebrated with much eelal at the Hotel Cecil on the 4 th January , 1902 . The following brethren worked the inaugural
ceremony , that of installing Bro . John F . Robots , the Preceptor elect " ' : Bros . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C . ; Charles Lewis , P . P . G . D . Essex ; Robert E . F . Lander , P . P . G . D . Herts ; William G Kentish , P . G . Std . B . ; Edward P . Debenham , Preceptor of the Langton Lod ge of Instruction ; George Rankin , Preceptor of the Kirb
y Lodge of Instruction ; and John H . Jenks , P . G . S , Preceptor of the London Rille Brigade Lod ge of Instruction , ' the other brethren being members of the committee of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . There was an attendance of close on a hundred Founders and visitors , including the following ¦ Bros . Aid . Sir Frank-Green , Bart ., P . O . W ., W . M . of the St . Bride Lodge , who
presided at the banquet ; Aid . II . B . Marshall , Sheriff oi London , Grand Treasurer ; Aid . W . Vaughan Morgan , P . G . T . ; John Slrachan , K . C , G . Registrar ; Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Registrar ; J . I ) . Langton , P . D . G . D . C ; J . Russell , P . G . Std . B . ; and Henry Sadler , G . Tyler . The parent Lodge , from which it derives its name and
sanction , having been in existence only about 18 months , probably did not deem itself strong enough to support a Lodge ol Instruction bv its own membership , therefore enlisted the aid of Lancastrian Lodge , No . 2528 , and it was from these two Lodges that a majority of the 7 ( 1 Founders hailed .
As may be readily anticipated , a most successful year ol work followed this enthusiastic Inauguration , the average attendance at the weekly meetings being about 18 . The membership having increased to 160 it was decided to celebrate the success of the Lodge by a Festival , which eventually took place at the Holborn Restaurant on the
31 st of March last , about 200 brethren being present . The ceremony of initiation and charge were rehearsed by Bros . Oliver Nolcutt , as W . M . ; A . V . Hunt , as S . W . ; W . B . Sansoin , as J . W . ; E . S . Jams , as S . D . ; Ernest Jukes , as J . D . ; and A . Ashbee , as I . G . The First and Seventh Sections
of the First Lecture were worked by Bros . F . G . Barnes and Joseph R . Hosker respectively , Bro . John F . Roberts , P . M . 26 50 , Preceptor , as W . M . Subsequently the Preceptor announced that the average attendance at the weekly meetings during the current year had been 26 .
Having had the good fortune to be present on the occasion , we can safely say that we have never received a greater Masonic treat nor passed a more enjoyable evening . The whole of the work was admirably done and apparently to the entire satisfaction of a numerous and
critical audience . We trust it may be the forerunner of many similar gatherings . Bro . R . Clay Sucllow presided at the banquet , the proceedings at which were enlivened by an excellent programme of music .
The practice of balloting for the surplus funds of the Lodge in aid of the Masonic Charities prevails here as it does in the several other Lodges of Instruction emanating from the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . The Lodge holds its meetings at St . Bride Foundation Institute , Bride Lane , on Wednesday evenings , at 3 . 10 , from
1 st October to 30 th June . The members of the committee of management are : —W . Bros . John F . Roberts , P . M . 2 ( 150 and 26 93 , Preceptor ; Frank C Buxton , W . M . 2328 ; Alfred W . Letts , W . M . 2817 ; Charles J . Drummond , P . M . 2817 ; Joseph R . Hosker , P . M . 2328 ; Robert E . F . Lander . P . M .
2545 , P . P . G . D . Herts . Treasurer—Bro . John W . Soppilt , Secretary 2528 . Secretary—Bro . Oliver Nolcutt , | . W . 29 V ) , J . D . 2920 , 2817 . Honorary Members—W . Bros . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C . ; Joseph Russell , P . G . Standard Bearer ; Charles Lewis , P . P . G . D . Essex ; Robert E . F . Lander ,
P . P . G . D . Herts ; Edward P . Debenham , Preceptor , Langton Lodge of Instruction ; George J . V . Rankin , Preceptor , Kirby Lodge of Instruction ; and John H . Jenks , Preceptor , London Rille Brigade Lodge of Instruction .
I REASrRERS AND SECRETARIES OK Till-: EMULATION LoDGK OK IMPROVEMENT . Owing to the absence of the earl y records of the Lodge we are unable to vouch for the complete accuracy of the following list , particularly as regards the earlier dates and names , which must be taken approximatel y or as near as we can get to the actual dates of appointment : —
TREASURERS . ' ^ . i Q- . i . -i J "'"' Dowley , P . M . Burlington Lodge , No . 9 . 18 30-40 Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . Deacon . 1841-4 ( 1 Treasurer not mentioned in Masonic journals , but we have reason for thinking that S . B .
Wilson continued in office . 1847-80 John M . Hervey , P . G . D . Grand Secretary . 1880-1900 Thomas Fenn , P . G . Warden , eic . 1900- Sir Edward Letchworlh , F . S . A ., P . G . I ) ., Grand Secretary .