Article Monthly Masonic Summary. Page 1 of 1
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Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
MA . SOUICA . LLY AVO bave but little to note or to record . English Masonry is , more or less , in " recess , " and though the provinces still g ive proof of life and work , —Avitness the recent Prov . Grand Lodge meetings in Somersetshire and Dorsetshire—as a general ruleEnglish
Free-, , masonry is in a dormant condition . Nearly all the London Lodges are closed until October or November , and a good many provincial ones . In Spain in old days at the witching hour of noon Avas the inevitable '' siesta , " and then , as if by
general consent , everybody Avent into a state of repose . On one occasion during the old Carlist Avar of all , Avbile skirmishing was going on vigorously , the hour of " siesta" came , and then , as if by some mysterious yet potent cbarm , tbe combatants on both sides sank into a tranquillizing slumber , only at the trumpet ' s call and the drum's rattle to resume their
arms , to spring like the classic legend from the earth , and continue their unquiet employment . Freemasonry , now in recess or " en ret-raite , " will soon revive in tenfold vigour for the fray , Avhether in lodge or out , whether at labour or refreshment .
Bro . Caubet's report of a year ' s work of "Les Loges de l'Heliopolis , " at Bucharest , is most gratifying , as showing hoiv 25 ractically useful Freemasonry can be . The report appeared in the " Freemason" of the 15 th September , and is well Avorth reading . We are inclined to think that
some of our good brethren at home Avill open their eyes a little at perusing such a remarkable evidence of Masonic zeal and activity . Of course in Great Britain such a condition of affairs could hardl y take place , neither Avould such a system
^ practicall y Avork probably ivith us ; but in a new country , so far a virgin soil for Freemasonry , one likes to see the genuine " Good Samaritanism" of the Craft so
genuine ancl so living . All honour to the -Roumanian Freemasons . The material prosperity of Freemasonry is beginning to tell its OAVH tale . For sometime past the rapid increase of lodge members has been a subject of no little anxiety to all reflecting Freemasons .
It is quite clear that a great many are entering into Freemasonry for what they can eventually get , and a large number ought not to be admitted at all Avho annually are received Avithout a question into our order . By tbe course Avhich we
are pursuing in this respect Ave are giving a premium to pauperism and improvidence . These are hard words , but they are true . Hence come those frequent ajjpeals for enlarged accommodation in our educational institutionsand increased grants
, from oar Board of Benevolence . The Girls' School is now too limited for the candidates AA-JIO claim admittance , and some increase in tbe accommodation will
have to be provided . Whether the present school can possibly be enlarged seems more than doubtful , ancl if so , if its site can he sold for building land at a large price , the amount so obtained may provide for rebuilding the school elseAvhere . This most valuable institution deserves the
Avarm and active support of our great and benevolent order . The Ultramontane controversy goes on in full "furore . " "The Secret Warfare of Freemasonry against the Church and State , " recently published by Burns & Co .
, the Roman Catholic booksellers , ancl very smartly got up , is a translation of a German Avork which appeared a feAV years back . It is at best but a Aveak performance , though the Avriter of it has contrived to string together a certain number of
salient extracts and telling passages , from its own " point de mire . " Freemasons do not seem much to mind all this abuse ; and Freemasonry seems to be extending rapidly , ancl moving on solidly and in "good form . " As a Wykehamist would say ,
let us give Avith heartfelt wishes " Omnibus Latomis !" K
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
MA . SOUICA . LLY AVO bave but little to note or to record . English Masonry is , more or less , in " recess , " and though the provinces still g ive proof of life and work , —Avitness the recent Prov . Grand Lodge meetings in Somersetshire and Dorsetshire—as a general ruleEnglish
Free-, , masonry is in a dormant condition . Nearly all the London Lodges are closed until October or November , and a good many provincial ones . In Spain in old days at the witching hour of noon Avas the inevitable '' siesta , " and then , as if by
general consent , everybody Avent into a state of repose . On one occasion during the old Carlist Avar of all , Avbile skirmishing was going on vigorously , the hour of " siesta" came , and then , as if by some mysterious yet potent cbarm , tbe combatants on both sides sank into a tranquillizing slumber , only at the trumpet ' s call and the drum's rattle to resume their
arms , to spring like the classic legend from the earth , and continue their unquiet employment . Freemasonry , now in recess or " en ret-raite , " will soon revive in tenfold vigour for the fray , Avhether in lodge or out , whether at labour or refreshment .
Bro . Caubet's report of a year ' s work of "Les Loges de l'Heliopolis , " at Bucharest , is most gratifying , as showing hoiv 25 ractically useful Freemasonry can be . The report appeared in the " Freemason" of the 15 th September , and is well Avorth reading . We are inclined to think that
some of our good brethren at home Avill open their eyes a little at perusing such a remarkable evidence of Masonic zeal and activity . Of course in Great Britain such a condition of affairs could hardl y take place , neither Avould such a system
^ practicall y Avork probably ivith us ; but in a new country , so far a virgin soil for Freemasonry , one likes to see the genuine " Good Samaritanism" of the Craft so
genuine ancl so living . All honour to the -Roumanian Freemasons . The material prosperity of Freemasonry is beginning to tell its OAVH tale . For sometime past the rapid increase of lodge members has been a subject of no little anxiety to all reflecting Freemasons .
It is quite clear that a great many are entering into Freemasonry for what they can eventually get , and a large number ought not to be admitted at all Avho annually are received Avithout a question into our order . By tbe course Avhich we
are pursuing in this respect Ave are giving a premium to pauperism and improvidence . These are hard words , but they are true . Hence come those frequent ajjpeals for enlarged accommodation in our educational institutionsand increased grants
, from oar Board of Benevolence . The Girls' School is now too limited for the candidates AA-JIO claim admittance , and some increase in tbe accommodation will
have to be provided . Whether the present school can possibly be enlarged seems more than doubtful , ancl if so , if its site can he sold for building land at a large price , the amount so obtained may provide for rebuilding the school elseAvhere . This most valuable institution deserves the
Avarm and active support of our great and benevolent order . The Ultramontane controversy goes on in full "furore . " "The Secret Warfare of Freemasonry against the Church and State , " recently published by Burns & Co .
, the Roman Catholic booksellers , ancl very smartly got up , is a translation of a German Avork which appeared a feAV years back . It is at best but a Aveak performance , though the Avriter of it has contrived to string together a certain number of
salient extracts and telling passages , from its own " point de mire . " Freemasons do not seem much to mind all this abuse ; and Freemasonry seems to be extending rapidly , ancl moving on solidly and in "good form . " As a Wykehamist would say ,
let us give Avith heartfelt wishes " Omnibus Latomis !" K