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General Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons, U.S.A., 1874.
stitution ancl history of the G . G . Chapter itself . It appears from the facts therein narrated that " all the Grand Chapters iu the United States except Florida ., Pennsylvania and Virginia , Avere either created by the G . G . Chapter or formed b y Chapters
chartered by it , and authorised to form a Grand Chapter solely upon the condition of obedience to the constitution and laws of G . G . Chapter . " On the foregoing being adu . itted , Ave cannot see but that Bro . Drummond is justified in stating that a
constituent of G . G . Chapter "has no more right , legal or moral , to throAv oft' its allegiance , than any subordinate Chapter has to throw off its allegiance to its Grand Chapter . " The G . G . H . P . alluded to the "Grand Mark Lodge of England" as follows : —
" You are aware that the degree of Mark Master Mason is not under the authority of the Grand Chapter of England , ancl is not required by it to be conferred before the Royal Arch ; and indeed is not recognised by it as a Masonic degree . This difference in the number and order of the
degrees has caused serious difficulty in relation to the admission of English Royal Arch Masons into our Chapters . * * * The Mark Grand Lodge has UOAV 186 lodges on its roll , and 7 , 645 members on its register . I understand that the Grand Chapter of
Ireland and Canada have recognised this Grand Lodge as the supreme authority in England , for the Mark degree . " * " Formal application has been made by a communication hereAvith submitted for recognition by this General Grand Chapter ,
so that Royal Arch Masons of England , AVIIO have received the Mark degree under the authority of this Grand Lod ge , may lie allowed to be received in Chapters in this CJimtry without receiving that degree here . I have very fully investigated the matter , ancl have no doubt that this Grand Lodge was formed in accordance with Masonic
precedents and Masonic laAV as established by long usage , and I earnestly recommend that the General Grand Chapter recognise the ' Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England ancl Wales ancl the Colonies
and Dependencies of the British CroAvn , ' as the supreme Masonic authority over the degree of Mark Master Masons in that jurisdiction , and all Mark Master Masons made under its authority as regular , and entitled to all the rights and privileges of the degree . " The letter referred to was from Grand
Mark Secretary , Bro . Frederick Binckes , the constant abainpion of the degree , but it is not necessary to insert it after the accurate sketch of its character by Bro . Drummond . We quite agree Avith Bro . Binckes that though the " Mark degree iu this country is ignored altogether by our
Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , between these bodies and this Grand Lodge there is no feeling of antagonism" neither will there ever be , so long as each other mind their OAVH business . It is Avell that all
interested m the subject should know that the Craft Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter are prohibited—even if ever so inclined- —• from recognising Mark Masonry , or indeed any degrees save their own , in accordance with the " Articles of Union " signed and agreed toA . D . 1813 ancl it is idle to
, , attempt to alter such a necessary condition . The " Committee on Foreign Correspondence" reported to the G . G . Chapter as follows : —
"In tbe matter of the application of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales , and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown , for recognition by this G . G . Chapter , your Committee , while disapproving in general the multiplication of Grand Masonic
bodies , titles ancl dignitaries , beyond the accepted system of organization , are of opinion that the peculiar circumstances of the case , and especially the status of English Mark Master Masons , emigrating to and applying for advancement in this
country , Avarrants exceptional legislation , and therefore recommend the adoption of the following : " Resolved . —That the General Grand
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America , hereby recognises the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales , & c ., as the ri g htful ancl supreme authority over the degree of Mark Master Masons in England and those Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn in Avhich no existing Grand Body claims jurisdiction over the degree . "
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General Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons, U.S.A., 1874.
stitution ancl history of the G . G . Chapter itself . It appears from the facts therein narrated that " all the Grand Chapters iu the United States except Florida ., Pennsylvania and Virginia , Avere either created by the G . G . Chapter or formed b y Chapters
chartered by it , and authorised to form a Grand Chapter solely upon the condition of obedience to the constitution and laws of G . G . Chapter . " On the foregoing being adu . itted , Ave cannot see but that Bro . Drummond is justified in stating that a
constituent of G . G . Chapter "has no more right , legal or moral , to throAv oft' its allegiance , than any subordinate Chapter has to throw off its allegiance to its Grand Chapter . " The G . G . H . P . alluded to the "Grand Mark Lodge of England" as follows : —
" You are aware that the degree of Mark Master Mason is not under the authority of the Grand Chapter of England , ancl is not required by it to be conferred before the Royal Arch ; and indeed is not recognised by it as a Masonic degree . This difference in the number and order of the
degrees has caused serious difficulty in relation to the admission of English Royal Arch Masons into our Chapters . * * * The Mark Grand Lodge has UOAV 186 lodges on its roll , and 7 , 645 members on its register . I understand that the Grand Chapter of
Ireland and Canada have recognised this Grand Lodge as the supreme authority in England , for the Mark degree . " * " Formal application has been made by a communication hereAvith submitted for recognition by this General Grand Chapter ,
so that Royal Arch Masons of England , AVIIO have received the Mark degree under the authority of this Grand Lod ge , may lie allowed to be received in Chapters in this CJimtry without receiving that degree here . I have very fully investigated the matter , ancl have no doubt that this Grand Lodge was formed in accordance with Masonic
precedents and Masonic laAV as established by long usage , and I earnestly recommend that the General Grand Chapter recognise the ' Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England ancl Wales ancl the Colonies
and Dependencies of the British CroAvn , ' as the supreme Masonic authority over the degree of Mark Master Masons in that jurisdiction , and all Mark Master Masons made under its authority as regular , and entitled to all the rights and privileges of the degree . " The letter referred to was from Grand
Mark Secretary , Bro . Frederick Binckes , the constant abainpion of the degree , but it is not necessary to insert it after the accurate sketch of its character by Bro . Drummond . We quite agree Avith Bro . Binckes that though the " Mark degree iu this country is ignored altogether by our
Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , between these bodies and this Grand Lodge there is no feeling of antagonism" neither will there ever be , so long as each other mind their OAVH business . It is Avell that all
interested m the subject should know that the Craft Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter are prohibited—even if ever so inclined- —• from recognising Mark Masonry , or indeed any degrees save their own , in accordance with the " Articles of Union " signed and agreed toA . D . 1813 ancl it is idle to
, , attempt to alter such a necessary condition . The " Committee on Foreign Correspondence" reported to the G . G . Chapter as follows : —
"In tbe matter of the application of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales , and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown , for recognition by this G . G . Chapter , your Committee , while disapproving in general the multiplication of Grand Masonic
bodies , titles ancl dignitaries , beyond the accepted system of organization , are of opinion that the peculiar circumstances of the case , and especially the status of English Mark Master Masons , emigrating to and applying for advancement in this
country , Avarrants exceptional legislation , and therefore recommend the adoption of the following : " Resolved . —That the General Grand
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America , hereby recognises the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales , & c ., as the ri g htful ancl supreme authority over the degree of Mark Master Masons in England and those Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn in Avhich no existing Grand Body claims jurisdiction over the degree . "