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Charter Of Scoon And Perth Lodge, A.D. 1658.
mantayned the same as ane member of the Lodge of Scoon : So that this Lodge is the most famous Lodge ( iff weell ordered ) within this Kingdome . Off tho which name of My lne ther hath continowed several ! gennerationes Mis . Measones to his Maties the Kings of Scotland , and M'is . oil the said Lodge of Scoon , till the yen . One thousand six hundreth and fiftie sevin yeires , at qch tyme the last Mr . Mylne being Mr . off the Lodge off Scoon deceased , And left behind hiin ane compleit Lodge of measones , friemen , aud
ffellow crafts , wh such off ther number as Wardens and others , to oversie them : And ordained that oue of the said number should choyse one of themselves to succeid as Master in his place . The names of whose persones ffollowes ; To Witt , Thomas Craich , measone ; ' aud Warden , then James Chrystie , James Wilsone , Andrew Norie , John Wast , James Roch , and Johne Toting , all measones , friemen , and fellow crafts , Who efter ther true and Lawfull Deliberatione , Understanding that the said Lodge could not
stand without ane Master . TIIEBPOB , they all in ane voice wnanimouslie , ( for keipeing of wnion and aimity among themselves , Did Nomynat and mak choyce of the said James Roch to be master of the said Lodge during all the dayes of his lyftyme : And the said Andrew Norie to be Warden theroff also during his lyftyme , or as the said Masters and fellow crafts finch ' s it convenient . And We , the saidis Masters , Warden , and bodie of the said Lodge off Scoon , resident within the brugh of Perth , Doe bind
and obleis ws , and our successoris , to stand and abyd to the ivhole acts maid be our predecessoris . And coniirmes the samene , Wheroff the tenner of a pairt of them ar to follow : To Witt , that no frieman , not residing Avithin this brugh , talc upon him to contradict any true tiling ( hat the ( frieman , resident Avithin tho brugh , speakis , acts , or does , nor goe to no other Lodge , nor mak ane Lodge among themselves , Seeing this Lodge is the priii ' . within the shire . And if any friemen or ffellow craft talc
hiinselff to any other Lodge , Tie shall not be holdin to return hither again to this Lodge , till he first pay the triple off that which he payed , either to our Lodge or to the Lodge wher he wes last : And to be putclenne from the company of the Lodge he was last in , And to suffer the Law of our Lodge at our pleasure . Lykas , we
doo continue the said James Roch Mr . off the said Lodge , And Andrew Norie , Warden foirsd , ivith the consent of us all ffor themselves and ther successores foirsd , to put tho foirsd act to executione ( with our consent ) agst the transgressoris . As also the acts following ; To Witt That no master within the brugh or without shall tak another friemans work till he first give it over , and be payit for what is done . Secondlie , that no Master goe betwixt another Master to seik work ffrom any persone with
whome the first Mr . is aggrieing , till once he quyt the bargane . Thirdlie , That no frieman talc another friemans prenteis or journeyman to work ivith him , either belonging to this Lodge or any other , except ( hey have ane frie dischairge from ther Master , nor rcsave any entered or wnentered , except for twentie dayes space onlie . And if they be discharged of ther Master , they are to have ther vott in the Lodge and Law thereof , iff they serve heirafter , — -fourthly , That all ffellow crafts that are past in this Lodge pay to the
Master Warden and ffellow crafts off the samene , The sowme off Sixleine Fund scottis money , besyd the gloves and dews therof , with Thrie Pund scottis at ther first incoming , to the Lodge efter they are past . And yt everie entered prenteis shall pay Tuentie merlds money , ivith ffourtie shilling , at ther first ineomeing to the Lodge , besyd the dews therof . And yt non shall be holdin to be can ' , for others , but if they doe not jmediatelie pay the soivmes afoirsd , they are to have a cautioner , not belonging to the sd Lod
ge , for the dew and lawfull payment therof . ffjd ' thlie , that no entered prenteis shall leave his Master or Masters to tak any work or task work aboue ffourtie shilling scottis , nor tak a prenteis . And if they doe in the contrair , they are to be dabared from the libertie of the said Lodge as ane fellow craft in all tyme to come . And Lastlie , Wee , and all of ws off ane mynd , consent , and assent , Doe bind and obleidge ivs , and our successoristo mantayne and hold the haill liberties and of the said
, wp previledges Lodge of Scoon as ane ancient frie Lodge , ffor entering and 2 Jassing within ourselves , as the bodie therof , residing within the brugh of Perth as sd is : And that soe long as the oun ryseth in the East and setteth in the west , as Ave wold wish the blessing of God to attend ws in till our Waves and actiones . Is TESTIMONY wherof we have submit it tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Charter Of Scoon And Perth Lodge, A.D. 1658.
mantayned the same as ane member of the Lodge of Scoon : So that this Lodge is the most famous Lodge ( iff weell ordered ) within this Kingdome . Off tho which name of My lne ther hath continowed several ! gennerationes Mis . Measones to his Maties the Kings of Scotland , and M'is . oil the said Lodge of Scoon , till the yen . One thousand six hundreth and fiftie sevin yeires , at qch tyme the last Mr . Mylne being Mr . off the Lodge off Scoon deceased , And left behind hiin ane compleit Lodge of measones , friemen , aud
ffellow crafts , wh such off ther number as Wardens and others , to oversie them : And ordained that oue of the said number should choyse one of themselves to succeid as Master in his place . The names of whose persones ffollowes ; To Witt , Thomas Craich , measone ; ' aud Warden , then James Chrystie , James Wilsone , Andrew Norie , John Wast , James Roch , and Johne Toting , all measones , friemen , and fellow crafts , Who efter ther true and Lawfull Deliberatione , Understanding that the said Lodge could not
stand without ane Master . TIIEBPOB , they all in ane voice wnanimouslie , ( for keipeing of wnion and aimity among themselves , Did Nomynat and mak choyce of the said James Roch to be master of the said Lodge during all the dayes of his lyftyme : And the said Andrew Norie to be Warden theroff also during his lyftyme , or as the said Masters and fellow crafts finch ' s it convenient . And We , the saidis Masters , Warden , and bodie of the said Lodge off Scoon , resident within the brugh of Perth , Doe bind
and obleis ws , and our successoris , to stand and abyd to the ivhole acts maid be our predecessoris . And coniirmes the samene , Wheroff the tenner of a pairt of them ar to follow : To Witt , that no frieman , not residing Avithin this brugh , talc upon him to contradict any true tiling ( hat the ( frieman , resident Avithin tho brugh , speakis , acts , or does , nor goe to no other Lodge , nor mak ane Lodge among themselves , Seeing this Lodge is the priii ' . within the shire . And if any friemen or ffellow craft talc
hiinselff to any other Lodge , Tie shall not be holdin to return hither again to this Lodge , till he first pay the triple off that which he payed , either to our Lodge or to the Lodge wher he wes last : And to be putclenne from the company of the Lodge he was last in , And to suffer the Law of our Lodge at our pleasure . Lykas , we
doo continue the said James Roch Mr . off the said Lodge , And Andrew Norie , Warden foirsd , ivith the consent of us all ffor themselves and ther successores foirsd , to put tho foirsd act to executione ( with our consent ) agst the transgressoris . As also the acts following ; To Witt That no master within the brugh or without shall tak another friemans work till he first give it over , and be payit for what is done . Secondlie , that no Master goe betwixt another Master to seik work ffrom any persone with
whome the first Mr . is aggrieing , till once he quyt the bargane . Thirdlie , That no frieman talc another friemans prenteis or journeyman to work ivith him , either belonging to this Lodge or any other , except ( hey have ane frie dischairge from ther Master , nor rcsave any entered or wnentered , except for twentie dayes space onlie . And if they be discharged of ther Master , they are to have ther vott in the Lodge and Law thereof , iff they serve heirafter , — -fourthly , That all ffellow crafts that are past in this Lodge pay to the
Master Warden and ffellow crafts off the samene , The sowme off Sixleine Fund scottis money , besyd the gloves and dews therof , with Thrie Pund scottis at ther first incoming , to the Lodge efter they are past . And yt everie entered prenteis shall pay Tuentie merlds money , ivith ffourtie shilling , at ther first ineomeing to the Lodge , besyd the dews therof . And yt non shall be holdin to be can ' , for others , but if they doe not jmediatelie pay the soivmes afoirsd , they are to have a cautioner , not belonging to the sd Lod
ge , for the dew and lawfull payment therof . ffjd ' thlie , that no entered prenteis shall leave his Master or Masters to tak any work or task work aboue ffourtie shilling scottis , nor tak a prenteis . And if they doe in the contrair , they are to be dabared from the libertie of the said Lodge as ane fellow craft in all tyme to come . And Lastlie , Wee , and all of ws off ane mynd , consent , and assent , Doe bind and obleidge ivs , and our successoristo mantayne and hold the haill liberties and of the said
, wp previledges Lodge of Scoon as ane ancient frie Lodge , ffor entering and 2 Jassing within ourselves , as the bodie therof , residing within the brugh of Perth as sd is : And that soe long as the oun ryseth in the East and setteth in the west , as Ave wold wish the blessing of God to attend ws in till our Waves and actiones . Is TESTIMONY wherof we have submit it tho