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The Modern Order Of "Knights Templar" In The British Dominions.
and of Kings as a semi-military body . At length Philip , King of Prance , at the commencement of tbe 1-ith century , coveting their possessions , and fearing their influence , persuaded the then Pope , Clement W , to join with him in suppressing the Order , and seizing their estates , most of which Philip subsequently appropriated to his own
use . The proceedings taken against the Templars for their suppression are matters of history . The Order was annihilated , and everywhere deprived of their estates , and the members reduced to poverty . A great number were received into the Order of St . John ( afterwards called Knights of Malta ) on the same footing as they stood in their own Order , strong evidence that the guilt of the Templars was not substantiated . The greater part of them , however , were dispersed over all parts of the world , driven here
aud there by persecution and distress , and gradually , as the members died off , or merged into other Orders , the name of Templars fell into oblivion , or was only remembered with pity for their unmerited fate . Some of them are supposed to have found refuge and sustenance amongst th' e ancient Society of Freemasons , who then , as now , were ever ready to aid distress , Avithout regard to country or religion . Such is the record of the rise and fall of this once famous Order , and the popular legend ancl belief of the connection that exists between them ancl Freemasonry .
Much diversity ot opinion has been expressed , and many conflicting statements advanced in the discussions entered into , as to the origin of the modern Order , ivhich originally formed no part of Freemasonry , but , as now constituted , is undoubtedly one of the Masonic degrees , fully recognized at the Union of the English Craft in 1813 as a distinct body , governed by its own laws and constitutions , attached to Craft Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , having nothing mystical in its ceremonial , its members being strictly confined to Freemasons professing ancl practising the Christian religion .
The precise date when , and by whom , it was first introduced and adopted by the English Craft has not been clearly ascertained , there being no trace , or a very faint one , of its existence in connection with Freemasonry in England prior to the middle of the last century , about the period when " Lawrence Dermott" reorganized the York Eite , working out , it is said , the English Royal Arch from a previous system , as the completion of the oriinal second part of the Master's degree . It is not impossible that he
g may also have introduced from France the Templar system , where it formed part of tbe higher Masonic degrees , as practised in Europe , claiming to be the successors of and a continuation of the ancient Chivalry of the Crusades ; but like many other matters connected with Freemasonry , this connection has been asserted , taught , believed , and handed
down from one generation to another without any very critical examination , for notwithstanding the strong arguments and circumstantial evidence employed , it has never been satisfactorily shown how the connection was brought about , ancl , unfortunately , there arc no records to show , or direct proof , that the jxresent Modern or Masonic Templars are the lineal and actual descendants of the early chivalric body . Masonic authorities havethereforenow generallarrived at the conclusion that' modern Tem
, , y - plary is an adaptation of the doctrines of the mediasval Order , introduced into the Masonic Body after the establishment of the present symbolic system . It is well to recollect that , up to the Union of the Grand Lodges in 1813 , English or St . John ' s Masonry was virtuall y Christian , as not until that date did it avowedly become universal , tolerating the Christian chivalric degrees .
Some Templars , no doubt , might have learnt the doctrines on which Masonry as p p ^^ g was founded , but it would seem more practical that Freemasons on ' the Continent of Europe , who wished to introduce some novelty into the pure ancl simple Craft system , relived , and attached the Templar Order to it , because it was not known " hat tho Templars had practised in secret , and no one could tell how much or liow little pt the charges against them truebut all could that there and
were , see was a mystery interest about that great ancl famous body ; the very circumstance of the name " Knights ™ Temple of Solomon " may also have led the Masonic body to claim a direct connection . . J -the origin of all Masonic degrees is enveloped and shrouded in mystery : ( he
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The Modern Order Of "Knights Templar" In The British Dominions.
and of Kings as a semi-military body . At length Philip , King of Prance , at the commencement of tbe 1-ith century , coveting their possessions , and fearing their influence , persuaded the then Pope , Clement W , to join with him in suppressing the Order , and seizing their estates , most of which Philip subsequently appropriated to his own
use . The proceedings taken against the Templars for their suppression are matters of history . The Order was annihilated , and everywhere deprived of their estates , and the members reduced to poverty . A great number were received into the Order of St . John ( afterwards called Knights of Malta ) on the same footing as they stood in their own Order , strong evidence that the guilt of the Templars was not substantiated . The greater part of them , however , were dispersed over all parts of the world , driven here
aud there by persecution and distress , and gradually , as the members died off , or merged into other Orders , the name of Templars fell into oblivion , or was only remembered with pity for their unmerited fate . Some of them are supposed to have found refuge and sustenance amongst th' e ancient Society of Freemasons , who then , as now , were ever ready to aid distress , Avithout regard to country or religion . Such is the record of the rise and fall of this once famous Order , and the popular legend ancl belief of the connection that exists between them ancl Freemasonry .
Much diversity ot opinion has been expressed , and many conflicting statements advanced in the discussions entered into , as to the origin of the modern Order , ivhich originally formed no part of Freemasonry , but , as now constituted , is undoubtedly one of the Masonic degrees , fully recognized at the Union of the English Craft in 1813 as a distinct body , governed by its own laws and constitutions , attached to Craft Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , having nothing mystical in its ceremonial , its members being strictly confined to Freemasons professing ancl practising the Christian religion .
The precise date when , and by whom , it was first introduced and adopted by the English Craft has not been clearly ascertained , there being no trace , or a very faint one , of its existence in connection with Freemasonry in England prior to the middle of the last century , about the period when " Lawrence Dermott" reorganized the York Eite , working out , it is said , the English Royal Arch from a previous system , as the completion of the oriinal second part of the Master's degree . It is not impossible that he
g may also have introduced from France the Templar system , where it formed part of tbe higher Masonic degrees , as practised in Europe , claiming to be the successors of and a continuation of the ancient Chivalry of the Crusades ; but like many other matters connected with Freemasonry , this connection has been asserted , taught , believed , and handed
down from one generation to another without any very critical examination , for notwithstanding the strong arguments and circumstantial evidence employed , it has never been satisfactorily shown how the connection was brought about , ancl , unfortunately , there arc no records to show , or direct proof , that the jxresent Modern or Masonic Templars are the lineal and actual descendants of the early chivalric body . Masonic authorities havethereforenow generallarrived at the conclusion that' modern Tem
, , y - plary is an adaptation of the doctrines of the mediasval Order , introduced into the Masonic Body after the establishment of the present symbolic system . It is well to recollect that , up to the Union of the Grand Lodges in 1813 , English or St . John ' s Masonry was virtuall y Christian , as not until that date did it avowedly become universal , tolerating the Christian chivalric degrees .
Some Templars , no doubt , might have learnt the doctrines on which Masonry as p p ^^ g was founded , but it would seem more practical that Freemasons on ' the Continent of Europe , who wished to introduce some novelty into the pure ancl simple Craft system , relived , and attached the Templar Order to it , because it was not known " hat tho Templars had practised in secret , and no one could tell how much or liow little pt the charges against them truebut all could that there and
were , see was a mystery interest about that great ancl famous body ; the very circumstance of the name " Knights ™ Temple of Solomon " may also have led the Masonic body to claim a direct connection . . J -the origin of all Masonic degrees is enveloped and shrouded in mystery : ( he