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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
March 5 th 1771 . —Charles LaAvson Mason in Bog-house , Avas admitted . — ANDREW SCOTT Mr . Augt— 1771 . —Robert Saunderson and Robert Niell Masons in Linton were admitted . —WILLIAM LYON Master . Novr . 12 th 1771 . —William ' Noble wright in Edinburgh admitted , & c—
WILLIAM LYON Master . Novr . 17 th 1772 . —William Walker Mason Newland Kirk admitted & c—ROBERT SCOTT Mr . March 1 st 1773 . —William Kedie and William Scott Wrights in this Bruagh ( Peebles ) admitted & c . —THOMAS STODDAKT Mr . Angst , 25 th 1773 . —Thomas Cairns Mason admitted & e . —THOMAS STODDAKT Mr .
Deer . 23 rd 1773 . —James Bartram Writer in this Brugh admitted & c . — THOMAS STODDART Mr . Deer . 27 th 1773 . —William Murray Mason in Peebles ' admitted & c . — THOMAS STODDART Mr . Deer . 14 th 1774 . —William Veitch James Vraquair Robert Hislop admitted & c . —THOMAS TWEEDDELL , Master .
Deer . 27 th 1774 . —Andrew Murray in Selkirk admitted & c . —THOMAS TWEEDDELL , Master . Janr . 2 nd 1775 . —George Brown Peebles admitted & c . — -THOMAS STONDARI Dep Mr . March 7 th 1775 . —Robert Somerviell in Linton admitted & c . —WILLIAM HARPER Mr .
Deer . 18 th 1776 . —Alexr . Ballantyne in Peebles admitted & c . —JOHN BROWN Mr . Deer . 26 th 1776 . —William Sydminton admitted & c . —JOHN BROAVN Mr . ( This minute is dated Glasgow May 8 fch , 1777 . How this occurs is not explained ) . —William Turnbnll Mason in Kelso admitted & c . Deer . 19 th 1777 . —John Tweeddell and John Wallace admitted & e . —JOHN HISLOP Master .
Deer . 25 th 1780 . — -Thomas Rod admitted , & c . —JOHN HISLOP Mr . Novr . 21 st 1783 . —William Thomson and Thos . Stodart admitted . —ROBERT SCOTT Mr . Novr . 26 th 1783 . —John Hastie admitted & e . —ROBERT BROAVN Senr . Then folloAvs this minute— Peebles 26 th Novr . 1783 .
The Lodge of Massons Peebles Kilwining conveined according to previous Warning . Having taken into their consideration the favour done them b y Mr . John Bartram writer in Edinburgh , Clerk to the Honourable Henry Erskine , his Majesties advocate for Scotland viz for making out a Petition to the Grand Lodge for having their names enrolled there— -and Alexander Crawford Masson iu Edinburgh for presenting said Petition to the Grand
Lodge . Do Hereby nominate appoint and Reseive the said Mr . John Bartram and Alexander Civwforcl , Hononravy Members of this Lodge and receives them accordingly ancl ordains the Master to sign this Minute , and our clerk to give out extracts . —ROBERT SCOTT Mr . Then follows copy of returns from Grand Lod ge for recording fees for fourteen Brethren , dated Edingburgh , 2 nd Deer ., 1783 , ancl other four returns dated 3 rd Jam * ., 1784 , signed by ROT . MEIKLE , Grd Clerk .
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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
March 5 th 1771 . —Charles LaAvson Mason in Bog-house , Avas admitted . — ANDREW SCOTT Mr . Augt— 1771 . —Robert Saunderson and Robert Niell Masons in Linton were admitted . —WILLIAM LYON Master . Novr . 12 th 1771 . —William ' Noble wright in Edinburgh admitted , & c—
WILLIAM LYON Master . Novr . 17 th 1772 . —William Walker Mason Newland Kirk admitted & c—ROBERT SCOTT Mr . March 1 st 1773 . —William Kedie and William Scott Wrights in this Bruagh ( Peebles ) admitted & c . —THOMAS STODDAKT Mr . Angst , 25 th 1773 . —Thomas Cairns Mason admitted & e . —THOMAS STODDAKT Mr .
Deer . 23 rd 1773 . —James Bartram Writer in this Brugh admitted & c . — THOMAS STODDART Mr . Deer . 27 th 1773 . —William Murray Mason in Peebles ' admitted & c . — THOMAS STODDART Mr . Deer . 14 th 1774 . —William Veitch James Vraquair Robert Hislop admitted & c . —THOMAS TWEEDDELL , Master .
Deer . 27 th 1774 . —Andrew Murray in Selkirk admitted & c . —THOMAS TWEEDDELL , Master . Janr . 2 nd 1775 . —George Brown Peebles admitted & c . — -THOMAS STONDARI Dep Mr . March 7 th 1775 . —Robert Somerviell in Linton admitted & c . —WILLIAM HARPER Mr .
Deer . 18 th 1776 . —Alexr . Ballantyne in Peebles admitted & c . —JOHN BROWN Mr . Deer . 26 th 1776 . —William Sydminton admitted & c . —JOHN BROAVN Mr . ( This minute is dated Glasgow May 8 fch , 1777 . How this occurs is not explained ) . —William Turnbnll Mason in Kelso admitted & c . Deer . 19 th 1777 . —John Tweeddell and John Wallace admitted & e . —JOHN HISLOP Master .
Deer . 25 th 1780 . — -Thomas Rod admitted , & c . —JOHN HISLOP Mr . Novr . 21 st 1783 . —William Thomson and Thos . Stodart admitted . —ROBERT SCOTT Mr . Novr . 26 th 1783 . —John Hastie admitted & e . —ROBERT BROAVN Senr . Then folloAvs this minute— Peebles 26 th Novr . 1783 .
The Lodge of Massons Peebles Kilwining conveined according to previous Warning . Having taken into their consideration the favour done them b y Mr . John Bartram writer in Edinburgh , Clerk to the Honourable Henry Erskine , his Majesties advocate for Scotland viz for making out a Petition to the Grand Lodge for having their names enrolled there— -and Alexander Crawford Masson iu Edinburgh for presenting said Petition to the Grand
Lodge . Do Hereby nominate appoint and Reseive the said Mr . John Bartram and Alexander Civwforcl , Hononravy Members of this Lodge and receives them accordingly ancl ordains the Master to sign this Minute , and our clerk to give out extracts . —ROBERT SCOTT Mr . Then follows copy of returns from Grand Lod ge for recording fees for fourteen Brethren , dated Edingburgh , 2 nd Deer ., 1783 , ancl other four returns dated 3 rd Jam * ., 1784 , signed by ROT . MEIKLE , Grd Clerk .