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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
Peebles 24 th June 1786 . —Copy for Recording names of 10 Brethren in Grand Lodge Books . —Signed by RD . MIEKLE , Grnd Clerk . Peebles , 24 th June , 1786 . —James Donaldson , saddler in Peebles , admitted . —ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Peebles , 12 th December , 1786 . —William Watson , John Hunter , William
Sanderson , and William Scott , entred Pellowcrafts . —ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Peebles , 15 th December , 1786 . —John Burton , apprentice to Mr . John Robertson , Commissary of Peebles , aud Robert Turnbull , Candlemaker in Peebles , admitted . —ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Peebles , 15 th December , 1786 . Copy of a letter to the Right Worshifull Master of Lodge of Free
p Massons , Peebles , Killwinuing , No . 25 , Peebles : — To the Rig ht Worshipfull Master , Worshipfull Wardens , the other officers and Bretharen of Peebles Killwinuing , Lodge No . 25 . Dr Brothers , when last I had the pleasure to meet you at your Respectable Lodge , agreeable to your request I send you as anexed for the use of the antient and Honourable Lodge of the Peebles KillAvinning No . 25—in addition to what you then
requested , I have taken the Libert y to add a sett of Jewells of Silver . I Platter myself this Intrusion will not be construed in any other light than as a small mark of my esteem—with every feeling wish to promote and encourage Massonry in my native country . I must request the Lodge will accept of this small token of my regard— -as a token I bear for their union ancl prosperity . I have the honour to be your affectionate Brother , ( Signed ) JOHN ROBERTSON .
Newcastle , 4 th December , 1786 . For the Peebles Killwinuing No . 25—3 Candle Sticks , 2 per Snuffers and snuffer stands , 1 Seall , 6 Jewells of Silver—all which I Beg the Lodge ' s acceptance of them—by their most affectionate Brother . ( Signed ) JOHN ROBERTSON .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne , 4 th December , 1786 . —All which was most thankfully received by the Lodge , and orders a letter of thanks to be wrote and sent to Mr . Robertson by their Secretary in their name . ARCHD , ROBERTSON . At page 110 of Minute Book the usual records are resumed , and St . John ' s Day meeting of 1786 is minuted the same as formerly . A list of 33 members is givenall of whom are marked paid . After the examination of the
, Pellowcrafts ancl apprentices , the following office-bearers were elected , tbe Master being sty led " Grand Master " : —Brother John Robertson of Newcastle , Depute Master John Hislop , Senior Warden Robert Marshall , Junior do . William Thomson , Treasurer John Johnstone , Senior Deacon Robert Smith , Junior do . William Sanderson , * Secy . James Bartram , ancl the Deput y Master and other office-bearers were qualified in the usual way . At this meeting the
following entrants were admitted , viz .: —William Tweedale , Mason in Loanhead ; James Bartram , Apprentice to Mr . William Little , Writer in Peebles ; William Parlie , Masson at Whim ; James Stevenson , Tenant in OverKidston , John Wilson in Linten , and Stephen Lawson there . ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Then follows an Inventory of Lodge property : —
"Peebles , 28 th Deer ., 1786 . Inventory of Jewells ancl Oloathing belonging to the Peebles Killwinuing Lodge as Delivered over by the Worshipfull Master to the Deacons this day—Imprems—One Maul , Eight Aprons trimed , Six Jewells of Silver , Three Candlesticks , two per of snuffers , with stands for do ., Eight Sashes , Three
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
Peebles 24 th June 1786 . —Copy for Recording names of 10 Brethren in Grand Lodge Books . —Signed by RD . MIEKLE , Grnd Clerk . Peebles , 24 th June , 1786 . —James Donaldson , saddler in Peebles , admitted . —ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Peebles , 12 th December , 1786 . —William Watson , John Hunter , William
Sanderson , and William Scott , entred Pellowcrafts . —ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Peebles , 15 th December , 1786 . —John Burton , apprentice to Mr . John Robertson , Commissary of Peebles , aud Robert Turnbull , Candlemaker in Peebles , admitted . —ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Peebles , 15 th December , 1786 . Copy of a letter to the Right Worshifull Master of Lodge of Free
p Massons , Peebles , Killwinuing , No . 25 , Peebles : — To the Rig ht Worshipfull Master , Worshipfull Wardens , the other officers and Bretharen of Peebles Killwinuing , Lodge No . 25 . Dr Brothers , when last I had the pleasure to meet you at your Respectable Lodge , agreeable to your request I send you as anexed for the use of the antient and Honourable Lodge of the Peebles KillAvinning No . 25—in addition to what you then
requested , I have taken the Libert y to add a sett of Jewells of Silver . I Platter myself this Intrusion will not be construed in any other light than as a small mark of my esteem—with every feeling wish to promote and encourage Massonry in my native country . I must request the Lodge will accept of this small token of my regard— -as a token I bear for their union ancl prosperity . I have the honour to be your affectionate Brother , ( Signed ) JOHN ROBERTSON .
Newcastle , 4 th December , 1786 . For the Peebles Killwinuing No . 25—3 Candle Sticks , 2 per Snuffers and snuffer stands , 1 Seall , 6 Jewells of Silver—all which I Beg the Lodge ' s acceptance of them—by their most affectionate Brother . ( Signed ) JOHN ROBERTSON .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne , 4 th December , 1786 . —All which was most thankfully received by the Lodge , and orders a letter of thanks to be wrote and sent to Mr . Robertson by their Secretary in their name . ARCHD , ROBERTSON . At page 110 of Minute Book the usual records are resumed , and St . John ' s Day meeting of 1786 is minuted the same as formerly . A list of 33 members is givenall of whom are marked paid . After the examination of the
, Pellowcrafts ancl apprentices , the following office-bearers were elected , tbe Master being sty led " Grand Master " : —Brother John Robertson of Newcastle , Depute Master John Hislop , Senior Warden Robert Marshall , Junior do . William Thomson , Treasurer John Johnstone , Senior Deacon Robert Smith , Junior do . William Sanderson , * Secy . James Bartram , ancl the Deput y Master and other office-bearers were qualified in the usual way . At this meeting the
following entrants were admitted , viz .: —William Tweedale , Mason in Loanhead ; James Bartram , Apprentice to Mr . William Little , Writer in Peebles ; William Parlie , Masson at Whim ; James Stevenson , Tenant in OverKidston , John Wilson in Linten , and Stephen Lawson there . ARCHD . ROBERTSON . Then follows an Inventory of Lodge property : —
"Peebles , 28 th Deer ., 1786 . Inventory of Jewells ancl Oloathing belonging to the Peebles Killwinuing Lodge as Delivered over by the Worshipfull Master to the Deacons this day—Imprems—One Maul , Eight Aprons trimed , Six Jewells of Silver , Three Candlesticks , two per of snuffers , with stands for do ., Eight Sashes , Three