Article REVIEWS OF NEW BOOKS. Page 1 of 1
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Reviews Of New Books.
[ Publishers are requested to send works for review not later than the 20 th of the month , addressed to the Editor of the .. " Freemasons' Monthly Magazine , " 74-5 , G-reat Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields . ]
" The Canadian Masonic Pioneer" Montreal . The sixth number , November 1 , of thrs-excellent periodical has reached us , replete with information and sagacious remarks . We cordially wish it success . — " The Masonic Messenger" New York : Drummond . Our worthy Brother keeps up to the mark , and supplies us with some valuable intelligence in the number , from which we shall extract in the proper place . — e ( An Exposition of the Author ' s-Experience as one of the Assured in the Alliance : " by Andrew Yan Sandau . London : Bartlett . This pamphlet proves incontestably that the author ' s assurance in that companv has been a
disastrous investment , and suggests some very useful hints for the guidance of persons , desirous of assuring their lives , in their selection of the office . The pamphlet is sound and practical , and does much credit to the clear argumentative power of Mr . Van Sandau . The advice conveyed is admirable . — " The Woman-Hater "a , Drama : by T . M . Allan , Esq . Lacy , Wellington-street , Strand . Although this play requires subdivision in the speeches to render it an acting drama , yet it possesses high excellencies . The plot is veiw good , and original ; the speeches natural ; the diction easy ; and the sentiments moral and instructive . It contains some severe hits at our modern education , in fact , turns upon manoeuvring
mothers and heartless daughters . We pronounce it confidently to be the coup d ' essai of a writer destined to occupy a very high rank amongst our dramatists . Mr . Allan is the brother , we believe , of the ill-fated but gifted young poet , whose works we referred to in a recent number . — " The Great Laiu of the Human Mind . " Saville and Edwards , Chandos-street , Co vent-garden .. The author says that this work begins the millenium . His endeavour seems to be to ascertain one law for every circumstance of creation and science , and to lay down a rule of scientificreligious principle which is to pervade the whole scheme of being . Whether he has succeeded or not , the reader must iudge for himself . We can onlv sav he has
brought forward immense research and unwearied application , with many original views . — "Transactions of the London and Middlesex Arclueological Society . " London : T . H . and F . Parker , Strand . The society of which the present is an account owes its origin to the indefatigable endeavours of G . Bish Webb , Esq ., its able "secretary , under whose auspices it sprang up as an emanation from the Surrey Archaaological Society . The book of Transactions is a very creditable production , though we perceive that it , in many ways , owes its excellence to the coadjutorship of the sister society , from whose publication the spear-head engraving has been taken . It would have been more courteous to have
acknowledged these debts to the Surrey , especially as Mr . Hugo—not Victor Hugoendeavours to give in his address a sketch of the London and Middlesex Society , and wholly ignores the services of Mr . Webb , with whose zeal it originated , and who has laboured for the society most praiseworthily in the very face of much discourtesy on the part of one who now appears anxious to carry away the honour of its foundation . We regret to learn that the cost of * the volume was far beyond the outlay which a judicious administration of the funds warranted . Probably , when a change is made in the committee , things will bo inn ended .
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Reviews Of New Books.
[ Publishers are requested to send works for review not later than the 20 th of the month , addressed to the Editor of the .. " Freemasons' Monthly Magazine , " 74-5 , G-reat Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields . ]
" The Canadian Masonic Pioneer" Montreal . The sixth number , November 1 , of thrs-excellent periodical has reached us , replete with information and sagacious remarks . We cordially wish it success . — " The Masonic Messenger" New York : Drummond . Our worthy Brother keeps up to the mark , and supplies us with some valuable intelligence in the number , from which we shall extract in the proper place . — e ( An Exposition of the Author ' s-Experience as one of the Assured in the Alliance : " by Andrew Yan Sandau . London : Bartlett . This pamphlet proves incontestably that the author ' s assurance in that companv has been a
disastrous investment , and suggests some very useful hints for the guidance of persons , desirous of assuring their lives , in their selection of the office . The pamphlet is sound and practical , and does much credit to the clear argumentative power of Mr . Van Sandau . The advice conveyed is admirable . — " The Woman-Hater "a , Drama : by T . M . Allan , Esq . Lacy , Wellington-street , Strand . Although this play requires subdivision in the speeches to render it an acting drama , yet it possesses high excellencies . The plot is veiw good , and original ; the speeches natural ; the diction easy ; and the sentiments moral and instructive . It contains some severe hits at our modern education , in fact , turns upon manoeuvring
mothers and heartless daughters . We pronounce it confidently to be the coup d ' essai of a writer destined to occupy a very high rank amongst our dramatists . Mr . Allan is the brother , we believe , of the ill-fated but gifted young poet , whose works we referred to in a recent number . — " The Great Laiu of the Human Mind . " Saville and Edwards , Chandos-street , Co vent-garden .. The author says that this work begins the millenium . His endeavour seems to be to ascertain one law for every circumstance of creation and science , and to lay down a rule of scientificreligious principle which is to pervade the whole scheme of being . Whether he has succeeded or not , the reader must iudge for himself . We can onlv sav he has
brought forward immense research and unwearied application , with many original views . — "Transactions of the London and Middlesex Arclueological Society . " London : T . H . and F . Parker , Strand . The society of which the present is an account owes its origin to the indefatigable endeavours of G . Bish Webb , Esq ., its able "secretary , under whose auspices it sprang up as an emanation from the Surrey Archaaological Society . The book of Transactions is a very creditable production , though we perceive that it , in many ways , owes its excellence to the coadjutorship of the sister society , from whose publication the spear-head engraving has been taken . It would have been more courteous to have
acknowledged these debts to the Surrey , especially as Mr . Hugo—not Victor Hugoendeavours to give in his address a sketch of the London and Middlesex Society , and wholly ignores the services of Mr . Webb , with whose zeal it originated , and who has laboured for the society most praiseworthily in the very face of much discourtesy on the part of one who now appears anxious to carry away the honour of its foundation . We regret to learn that the cost of * the volume was far beyond the outlay which a judicious administration of the funds warranted . Probably , when a change is made in the committee , things will bo inn ended .