Article PKOVINCXAL, ← Page 16 of 16 Article EOYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 3 →
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consecrated on the 18 th March last , and now is enabled to boast of 47 membersall of the greatest respectability . The toast of the " Army and Navy " was responded to by Captain Lowrie , and also by Bro . Robinson , R . N . The remaining toasts were , " Our Allies in the late War , " and " All poor and distressed Masons , whether dispersed over land or sea . "
The Brethren then separated , after passing an evening in harmony and true Masonic fellowship . Htjddersfield . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at their hall in Fitzwilliam-street , on Friday evening , November 7 th . Nearly sixty of the members were present , and a number of visiting Brethren . A gentleman was initiated into the Order , and Brethren Louis Bramson and Thomas Rymer Webb were passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft ; after which Bro . Walker
Mathewson , P . J . W ., was elected W . M . ; Bro . T . Robinson , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . J . Lee , P . M ., Tyler ; for the year ensuing Bro . Matthewson was one of the first initiated in this Lodge , and we congratulate the Brethren on a choice which reflects credit on themselves , and honour on the Lodge . Bro . Thomas Pearson Crosland , J . P ., was proposed as a joining member , and three gentlemen were also proposed as fit and proper persons to be made Masons . It having pleased the
G . A . O . T . U . to remove from this sublunary abode our highly esteemed D . Prov . G . M ., as a tribute of respect to his memory , the usual proceedings around the festive board were entirely omitted . A loss so important as that of Bro . Charles Lee cannot fail to be severely felt throughout the Province ; but by none more so than by the Brethren of the Lodge of Truth , in the welfare of which he ever evinced a deep interest .
Eoyal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The Quarterly Convocation was holden on the 5 th November , when Comp . Dobiejofflciated as M . E . Z . ; Parkinson , H . ; andRawson , J . ; supported by Comps . Havers , Crohn , Jones , Tomlinson , Biggs , Hervey , Masson , Cox , Le Veau , Goldsworthy , J . Smith , W . H . White , & c , & c . The Minutes of the last Court having been confirmed , the accounts were read , showing a balance in favour of Grand Chapter of £ 53 f . 19 s . 2 d .
Comp . J . Smith brought forward a motion for increasing the grant to the Widows ' Fund of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution from £ 35 to £ 50 ; thus keeping up the same proportion to the grant to the Male Fund as that of Grand Lodge . The motion , being seconded , was carried nem . con . Bro . White , G . E ., then brought forward a petition from some Companions at Antigua , for a Charter to hold a Chapter , which he had only received the previous Monday ; but its consideration was postponed , in consequence of there not having been time to submit it to Committee of Grand Chapter in the usual way . The Chapter was then closed .
LONDON CHAPTERS . Prudence Chapter ( No . 12 ) . —The Comps . of this excellent Chapter held their first Communication for the present season on the evening of ddie 17 th November , at Comp . Painters , the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; but the anticipated pleasures of the meeting were sadly overcast by the sudden and lamented death of Comp . Pike , the father of the Chapter and Scribe E . The business of the communication consisted in the exaltation of Bros . Picard , Lewis , and Van Oppen , all of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge . Comp . voTi . n . 5 a
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consecrated on the 18 th March last , and now is enabled to boast of 47 membersall of the greatest respectability . The toast of the " Army and Navy " was responded to by Captain Lowrie , and also by Bro . Robinson , R . N . The remaining toasts were , " Our Allies in the late War , " and " All poor and distressed Masons , whether dispersed over land or sea . "
The Brethren then separated , after passing an evening in harmony and true Masonic fellowship . Htjddersfield . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at their hall in Fitzwilliam-street , on Friday evening , November 7 th . Nearly sixty of the members were present , and a number of visiting Brethren . A gentleman was initiated into the Order , and Brethren Louis Bramson and Thomas Rymer Webb were passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft ; after which Bro . Walker
Mathewson , P . J . W ., was elected W . M . ; Bro . T . Robinson , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . J . Lee , P . M ., Tyler ; for the year ensuing Bro . Matthewson was one of the first initiated in this Lodge , and we congratulate the Brethren on a choice which reflects credit on themselves , and honour on the Lodge . Bro . Thomas Pearson Crosland , J . P ., was proposed as a joining member , and three gentlemen were also proposed as fit and proper persons to be made Masons . It having pleased the
G . A . O . T . U . to remove from this sublunary abode our highly esteemed D . Prov . G . M ., as a tribute of respect to his memory , the usual proceedings around the festive board were entirely omitted . A loss so important as that of Bro . Charles Lee cannot fail to be severely felt throughout the Province ; but by none more so than by the Brethren of the Lodge of Truth , in the welfare of which he ever evinced a deep interest .
Eoyal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The Quarterly Convocation was holden on the 5 th November , when Comp . Dobiejofflciated as M . E . Z . ; Parkinson , H . ; andRawson , J . ; supported by Comps . Havers , Crohn , Jones , Tomlinson , Biggs , Hervey , Masson , Cox , Le Veau , Goldsworthy , J . Smith , W . H . White , & c , & c . The Minutes of the last Court having been confirmed , the accounts were read , showing a balance in favour of Grand Chapter of £ 53 f . 19 s . 2 d .
Comp . J . Smith brought forward a motion for increasing the grant to the Widows ' Fund of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution from £ 35 to £ 50 ; thus keeping up the same proportion to the grant to the Male Fund as that of Grand Lodge . The motion , being seconded , was carried nem . con . Bro . White , G . E ., then brought forward a petition from some Companions at Antigua , for a Charter to hold a Chapter , which he had only received the previous Monday ; but its consideration was postponed , in consequence of there not having been time to submit it to Committee of Grand Chapter in the usual way . The Chapter was then closed .
LONDON CHAPTERS . Prudence Chapter ( No . 12 ) . —The Comps . of this excellent Chapter held their first Communication for the present season on the evening of ddie 17 th November , at Comp . Painters , the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; but the anticipated pleasures of the meeting were sadly overcast by the sudden and lamented death of Comp . Pike , the father of the Chapter and Scribe E . The business of the communication consisted in the exaltation of Bros . Picard , Lewis , and Van Oppen , all of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge . Comp . voTi . n . 5 a