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AppoiirTMTiNTS .--- / . o 4 ( 7 5 .---Tuesday , January 4 th , Beaufort / 120 ) ., Preemasons ^ Hall , at 7 ; Wednesday , 5 th , Moira ( 408 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 7 th . instriictlon . rr ^ L >\ tto , at 7 £ ; Chapter . — Thursday , 6 th , Hospitality ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 . CHANNEL ISLANDS . ' / : ¦/ -- . ; . Appoiktm-BN ^ at 7 | . Chapter . —Tuesday , 4 th , Hamtnond ( 829 ) , ditto , at 8 .
; - , : CHESHIRE . App ointment . —Chapter . —Saturday , January 1 st , Industry ( 465 ) , Norfolk Arms ; Wednesday , 5 th , Hyde ^ BlftKENHEAD . ^^ eSaM Z ^ Brethren of this Lodge was held at the Park Hotel , on Wednesday , December 15 th , The W . M ., Bro . 0 . N . Marshall , in th officers : —Bros . J . P . Piatt , W . Bultey , E . Willow Bulley , S . W . ; Bro . Thos . Piatt , J . W . Bro . W . Stevenson . A candidate mr the third degree being present , and found proficient , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., the ceremony being niost efiicieritly peribrmed by the W . M . This being the evening for the election of W . M . mr the ensum the Lodge was given for Bro . H . Bulley , S . W . Thes election was then made for Treasurer , when Bro . Clark Rampling , P . Prov . G . Superintendent of Works ( who has rilled this office since the formation of the Lodge ) was again unanimously elected . The Lodge then adjourned to banquet , and retired early , after spending a profitable and pleasant evening .
DEVON SHIRE . Appointments . — hodyes . —Monday , January 3 rd , Harmony ( 182 ) , Swan Inn , at 7 ; Fidelity ( 280 ) , Three Tuns , Tiverton , at 7 ; Bedford ( 351 ) , Private Booms , Tavistock , at 7 ; Tuesday ,. 4 th , St . John ' s ( 83 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Wednesday , 5 th ., Brunswick ( 185 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 190 ) , London Hotel , Sid mouth , at 7 . Chapter . —Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 5 . Tot ^ es . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 1012 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic rooms , Totnes , on Tuesday , 21 st December , Bro * Rev . W . Y . Daykin ,
W . 3 VL , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , presiding . One candidate was initiated . Bro . H . Bridges , P . M ., then passed Bro . Percy Hoekin to the second degree . The W . M . proposed the following resolutions ;— " That this Lodge desires to express its sympathy with the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , under the late groundless attack made upon his lordship in the Masonic Observer , and declares its unabated confidence in his just and impartial administration ; " seconded by Bro . Colonel T" > ,, „ Jl , -v 1- » -xl * ( C rnV-v «~» 4- v > nm > vi ! ni-i 1 A « V » l ~» » WnnfQ / 1 4 t \ + 1 » £ k T < T » £ l 4- V » . V » £ kV » V » 4 * "P ^ r \ V » 4- W » /~ V » 1 + Vv / " \ T + V » f \ Randolh That permission be granted to the Brethren at Dartmouth of the
p . " Pleiades Lodge , to meet for instruction under the usual restrictions . " " That the thanks of the Lodge be offered to Bro . T . H . Edmonds , for a stove he kindly presented to the Lodge . " This being a Lodge of emergency , these propositions were ordered to be _( hiBerted in the summons for the , r ' next Lodge . Two candidates for iiiitiationivere proposed ; and Bro . H , Toll , of Hapten , as a joining member . The Lodge was closed in ancient form , ancl with solemn prayer .
DORSETSHIRE . ArPoxnTMBWTfl .- —Xor /^ s . — "Wednesday , January 5 th * Faith and Unanimity ( 605 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , Dorchester , at 6 j Amity ( 160 ; , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 $ Thursday , 6 th , Unity ( 642 ) , ^ own Hal l , Poole , at 7 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
: ] 001 ^^ jkii . {; f
AppoiirTMTiNTS .--- / . o 4 ( 7 5 .---Tuesday , January 4 th , Beaufort / 120 ) ., Preemasons ^ Hall , at 7 ; Wednesday , 5 th , Moira ( 408 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 7 th . instriictlon . rr ^ L >\ tto , at 7 £ ; Chapter . — Thursday , 6 th , Hospitality ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 . CHANNEL ISLANDS . ' / : ¦/ -- . ; . Appoiktm-BN ^ at 7 | . Chapter . —Tuesday , 4 th , Hamtnond ( 829 ) , ditto , at 8 .
; - , : CHESHIRE . App ointment . —Chapter . —Saturday , January 1 st , Industry ( 465 ) , Norfolk Arms ; Wednesday , 5 th , Hyde ^ BlftKENHEAD . ^^ eSaM Z ^ Brethren of this Lodge was held at the Park Hotel , on Wednesday , December 15 th , The W . M ., Bro . 0 . N . Marshall , in th officers : —Bros . J . P . Piatt , W . Bultey , E . Willow Bulley , S . W . ; Bro . Thos . Piatt , J . W . Bro . W . Stevenson . A candidate mr the third degree being present , and found proficient , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., the ceremony being niost efiicieritly peribrmed by the W . M . This being the evening for the election of W . M . mr the ensum the Lodge was given for Bro . H . Bulley , S . W . Thes election was then made for Treasurer , when Bro . Clark Rampling , P . Prov . G . Superintendent of Works ( who has rilled this office since the formation of the Lodge ) was again unanimously elected . The Lodge then adjourned to banquet , and retired early , after spending a profitable and pleasant evening .
DEVON SHIRE . Appointments . — hodyes . —Monday , January 3 rd , Harmony ( 182 ) , Swan Inn , at 7 ; Fidelity ( 280 ) , Three Tuns , Tiverton , at 7 ; Bedford ( 351 ) , Private Booms , Tavistock , at 7 ; Tuesday ,. 4 th , St . John ' s ( 83 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Wednesday , 5 th ., Brunswick ( 185 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 190 ) , London Hotel , Sid mouth , at 7 . Chapter . —Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 5 . Tot ^ es . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 1012 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic rooms , Totnes , on Tuesday , 21 st December , Bro * Rev . W . Y . Daykin ,
W . 3 VL , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , presiding . One candidate was initiated . Bro . H . Bridges , P . M ., then passed Bro . Percy Hoekin to the second degree . The W . M . proposed the following resolutions ;— " That this Lodge desires to express its sympathy with the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , under the late groundless attack made upon his lordship in the Masonic Observer , and declares its unabated confidence in his just and impartial administration ; " seconded by Bro . Colonel T" > ,, „ Jl , -v 1- » -xl * ( C rnV-v «~» 4- v > nm > vi ! ni-i 1 A « V » l ~» » WnnfQ / 1 4 t \ + 1 » £ k T < T » £ l 4- V » . V » £ kV » V » 4 * "P ^ r \ V » 4- W » /~ V » 1 + Vv / " \ T + V » f \ Randolh That permission be granted to the Brethren at Dartmouth of the
p . " Pleiades Lodge , to meet for instruction under the usual restrictions . " " That the thanks of the Lodge be offered to Bro . T . H . Edmonds , for a stove he kindly presented to the Lodge . " This being a Lodge of emergency , these propositions were ordered to be _( hiBerted in the summons for the , r ' next Lodge . Two candidates for iiiitiationivere proposed ; and Bro . H , Toll , of Hapten , as a joining member . The Lodge was closed in ancient form , ancl with solemn prayer .
DORSETSHIRE . ArPoxnTMBWTfl .- —Xor /^ s . — "Wednesday , January 5 th * Faith and Unanimity ( 605 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , Dorchester , at 6 j Amity ( 160 ; , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 $ Thursday , 6 th , Unity ( 642 ) , ^ own Hal l , Poole , at 7 ,