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tracing boards then delivered by W . Bro . Lewis , P . IV ^^ the Brethren who had been recently initiated . Bro . Henry Elwell , a native of this town ; and intimately acquainted w ^ initiated at Montreal , Ganada , visited the Lodge on this occasion . After the banquet the MM . proposed the health of the visitor , Bro , Mexnj Elwell , who hailed from the new world , saying how gratifi
tion he had with that Brother that the working in the Lodges on the ^ other side of the Atlantic Was as near as possible to our own . In conclusion , he wished Bro . Elwell ^ and assured him that the feeling was reciprocated by present every happiness and prosperity in the journey that he v ^ take to Australia , and he did not doubt that as hearty a reception would be giveh himby the Lod ^ this evening— -for such was the feeling in Masonry . Bro . Elwel ^^
the gratification he experienced in being present- and that pleasure was greatly enhanced by seeing an old schoolfellow in the honourable ^ p ^ the Lodge , and to find him also so . welly qualified for the office | that he should be able to speak ^ the manner in which he had seen a Lodge conducted in his native town . He could fnrther assure the Brethren that the kindness he had expert from his remembrance .
WALES . : ; - Vv . & srpoxxv & am ! . ( ' - ~ Xo ^ . —Tuesday , December 7 th , Prince of Wales 969 ) , Thomass Arms Llanelly , at 7 .
ITOECESTERSHIRE . ^ ArpoiirrMiEirTS . —Lodges * —Monday , December 6 th , Semper Fidelis ( 772 ) , Crown Hotel , Worcester , at 6 £ ; Tuesday , 7 th , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' TaTern , Dudley , at 6 J . Dudley . —The Vernon Lodge XEo . 819 ) . —The usual meeting of the rnembers of this Lodge was held at the old Town Hall / on the 17 th Nov . The business of the evening was shorn of its fair proportions by the absence of the two candidates for initiation . Bro . Edward H . Davies , however , a candidate for the sublime degree of M . M ., was present , and he , having given satisfactory evidence of his progress in Masonry , was duly raised by the W . M ., Bro . Iloilier . At . the conclusion of the business of the evening , a very handsome Past Master s jewel was presented by the W . M . to Bra . Q . H . Deeley , P . M ., in considex-ation of the very valuable services he had rendered the Lodge during his year of ofiice ; the jewel bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the Brethren of the Vernon
Lodge , No . 819 , to Bro . G . H . Deeley , P . M ., No . 838 , P . Prov . G-. S . W ., in token of their fraternal regard and esteem . Dudley , a . l . 5862 . " Bro . Hollier concluded a very neat and appropriate address on presenting the above , by saying , " That this presentation must not be looked upon as a mere matter of form ; it was made with the warmest feelings of regard * Bro . Deeley had been very feebly supported by his officers , but had , notwithstanding , gone through a good many ceremonies in a highly praiseworthy manner . He had ruled his Lodge with kindness , thus
endearing himself to the Brethren , and it-was as a token of their respect and esteem that they had presented him with that jewel . " Bro . Deeley briefly , but feelingly revelled , expressing his gratitude to the Brethren for that flattering mark of their esteem , and said , " that their kindness would ever < live in liis remembrance , and that his best efforts should' be made to promote the prosperity of the Lodge / ' It was a matter of considerable regret to the Brethren , that Bro . W . Wigginton * , J . W ., was prevented being in his usual place in the Lodge , by the
sudden and unexpected death of his wife , which took place two days previously . In alluding to this very painful bereavement , the W . M . said that he felt sure it would not be considered out of place if he expressed that regret for the circumstance , which he , with every other Brother present , felt on that occasion , more particularly as it was to be feared that her last illness had been brought on by her unwearied attendance upon her husband during his late severe illness , phe usual routine buaiaesa haying beeu traveled , the Lodge was thm adjourned ,
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tracing boards then delivered by W . Bro . Lewis , P . IV ^^ the Brethren who had been recently initiated . Bro . Henry Elwell , a native of this town ; and intimately acquainted w ^ initiated at Montreal , Ganada , visited the Lodge on this occasion . After the banquet the MM . proposed the health of the visitor , Bro , Mexnj Elwell , who hailed from the new world , saying how gratifi
tion he had with that Brother that the working in the Lodges on the ^ other side of the Atlantic Was as near as possible to our own . In conclusion , he wished Bro . Elwell ^ and assured him that the feeling was reciprocated by present every happiness and prosperity in the journey that he v ^ take to Australia , and he did not doubt that as hearty a reception would be giveh himby the Lod ^ this evening— -for such was the feeling in Masonry . Bro . Elwel ^^
the gratification he experienced in being present- and that pleasure was greatly enhanced by seeing an old schoolfellow in the honourable ^ p ^ the Lodge , and to find him also so . welly qualified for the office | that he should be able to speak ^ the manner in which he had seen a Lodge conducted in his native town . He could fnrther assure the Brethren that the kindness he had expert from his remembrance .
WALES . : ; - Vv . & srpoxxv & am ! . ( ' - ~ Xo ^ . —Tuesday , December 7 th , Prince of Wales 969 ) , Thomass Arms Llanelly , at 7 .
ITOECESTERSHIRE . ^ ArpoiirrMiEirTS . —Lodges * —Monday , December 6 th , Semper Fidelis ( 772 ) , Crown Hotel , Worcester , at 6 £ ; Tuesday , 7 th , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' TaTern , Dudley , at 6 J . Dudley . —The Vernon Lodge XEo . 819 ) . —The usual meeting of the rnembers of this Lodge was held at the old Town Hall / on the 17 th Nov . The business of the evening was shorn of its fair proportions by the absence of the two candidates for initiation . Bro . Edward H . Davies , however , a candidate for the sublime degree of M . M ., was present , and he , having given satisfactory evidence of his progress in Masonry , was duly raised by the W . M ., Bro . Iloilier . At . the conclusion of the business of the evening , a very handsome Past Master s jewel was presented by the W . M . to Bra . Q . H . Deeley , P . M ., in considex-ation of the very valuable services he had rendered the Lodge during his year of ofiice ; the jewel bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the Brethren of the Vernon
Lodge , No . 819 , to Bro . G . H . Deeley , P . M ., No . 838 , P . Prov . G-. S . W ., in token of their fraternal regard and esteem . Dudley , a . l . 5862 . " Bro . Hollier concluded a very neat and appropriate address on presenting the above , by saying , " That this presentation must not be looked upon as a mere matter of form ; it was made with the warmest feelings of regard * Bro . Deeley had been very feebly supported by his officers , but had , notwithstanding , gone through a good many ceremonies in a highly praiseworthy manner . He had ruled his Lodge with kindness , thus
endearing himself to the Brethren , and it-was as a token of their respect and esteem that they had presented him with that jewel . " Bro . Deeley briefly , but feelingly revelled , expressing his gratitude to the Brethren for that flattering mark of their esteem , and said , " that their kindness would ever < live in liis remembrance , and that his best efforts should' be made to promote the prosperity of the Lodge / ' It was a matter of considerable regret to the Brethren , that Bro . W . Wigginton * , J . W ., was prevented being in his usual place in the Lodge , by the
sudden and unexpected death of his wife , which took place two days previously . In alluding to this very painful bereavement , the W . M . said that he felt sure it would not be considered out of place if he expressed that regret for the circumstance , which he , with every other Brother present , felt on that occasion , more particularly as it was to be feared that her last illness had been brought on by her unwearied attendance upon her husband during his late severe illness , phe usual routine buaiaesa haying beeu traveled , the Lodge was thm adjourned ,