Article Yv THE WEEK/ ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Yv The Week/
I .-cession to German claims , and that if any further demands are made he will stand on his rights . — -The affair of Mgr . Marilley , Bishop of Friburg , is about to be brought before the Swiss chambers . The government of Berne" objected to that prelate exercising his pastoral functions in the capital of the confederation , and the Papal nuncio remonstrated . A third plan of a cantonal constitutiori has been submitted to the vote of the population of Neufcliatei , and sanctioned by 5 , 730
votes against 3 , 385 , to the great mortification of the Radicals .- -The King and Queen of Prussia arrived at Trieste on the 17 th of November , on their way to Nice , where they intend to pass a great part of the winter . The secondary elections ( elections of members ) have taken place all over the Prussian monarchy . The result will not be ascertained for some time . The government showed some -symptoms of nervousness at the last minute , which will not serve its cause .- — - Since the earthquake , which took place in Portugal on the 11 th November , news
has been received from the principal provincial towns that the damage and loss of life have not been so great as was anticipated . There can be no doubt it was the most violent schock experienced since the great earthquake of 1755 . —— -News has been received from Athens , dated November 18 th . The news of Mr . Gladstone ' s mission to the Ionian Islands had created much excitement in diplomatic circles . The king had sent for the Russian ambassador . The published despatches of Sir J . Young , suggesting that the British government should retain only the islands of
Corfu and Paxe made a great sensation . It seems to be understood by the king and court , that if England withdraws from the other islands they will of necessity be annexed to Greece . The Russian ambassador is said to favour this view , as in point of fact the islands fromwhich we should retire would , annexed to Greece , fall under Russian influenee . —The intelligence from Calcutta is little more than corroborative of that brought by the last Bombay MaiL There is nothing of much interest from China .- ——The New Brunmiclcer denies the report that Lord Bury ' s
mission to America is connected with the projected union of the British provinces , and says that his visit is solely on the business of the great intercolonial railway from Halifax to Quebec , of which his lordship has been from the outset one of the most zealous supporters . ——Advices from Washington state that the secretary of the treasury will recommend a tax on tea and coffee . The governorship of Kansas has been offered to Samuel Keding . General Walker and Henningsen were reconciled . At Greensburg , Kentucky , the
mob had broken into a gaol , and hanged two murderers . Advices from Bermuda announce a terrific hurricane , doing great damage . Letters from San Francisco announce the close of the Oregon war , the Indians having sued for peace . The miners were returning from Fraser River , the gold found being insufficient to pay the diggers' wagers . New York politics are unchanged . The ship Indian Empire , which has been so long missing , arrived at Broaclhaven , on Friday , in perfect safety , and the passengers and crew all well , after an unprecedentedly tempestuous voyage .- At the Court of Bankruptcy an adjournment of a dividend meeting
has been ordered in the case of L . Fraughiadi , merchant , of Old Broad-street , whose bankruptcy occurred some time ago . The question arose whether proof could be made against two estates of parties carrying on business at different places , and the decision would depend on the result of an appeal at present pending before the House of Lords . ' An action for false imprisonment has been tried . Mrs . Truss , the wife of a- commission agent , was given into custody by one Smith , a fruiterer , at Deptford , on a charge of having attempted to pass at his shop a bad half sovereign . Being applied to " the tester , " a piece of it broke off , and without any further examination of the coin , the woman was given into custody . After her arrival at the police station the half-sovereign was sent out to bo examined , and was discovered to be good . She was released , and Smith offered her a sovereign to let the matter drop . But Mrs . Truss determined to bring the caso into a court of law , and the jury gave her damages , , £ 20 „< Roper ' s trial for arson is postponed
to next session .- ——Harmond , who threw his wife out of window in Westminster some time ago , was found guilty of manslaughter , and sentenced to penal servitude for lite . Councill , the pensioner , who attempted to murder Inspector Budd , at Woolwich , from motives of revenge , was also found guilty , and sentence of death was recorded against him . William Lemon Oliver was brought up lor
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Yv The Week/
I .-cession to German claims , and that if any further demands are made he will stand on his rights . — -The affair of Mgr . Marilley , Bishop of Friburg , is about to be brought before the Swiss chambers . The government of Berne" objected to that prelate exercising his pastoral functions in the capital of the confederation , and the Papal nuncio remonstrated . A third plan of a cantonal constitutiori has been submitted to the vote of the population of Neufcliatei , and sanctioned by 5 , 730
votes against 3 , 385 , to the great mortification of the Radicals .- -The King and Queen of Prussia arrived at Trieste on the 17 th of November , on their way to Nice , where they intend to pass a great part of the winter . The secondary elections ( elections of members ) have taken place all over the Prussian monarchy . The result will not be ascertained for some time . The government showed some -symptoms of nervousness at the last minute , which will not serve its cause .- — - Since the earthquake , which took place in Portugal on the 11 th November , news
has been received from the principal provincial towns that the damage and loss of life have not been so great as was anticipated . There can be no doubt it was the most violent schock experienced since the great earthquake of 1755 . —— -News has been received from Athens , dated November 18 th . The news of Mr . Gladstone ' s mission to the Ionian Islands had created much excitement in diplomatic circles . The king had sent for the Russian ambassador . The published despatches of Sir J . Young , suggesting that the British government should retain only the islands of
Corfu and Paxe made a great sensation . It seems to be understood by the king and court , that if England withdraws from the other islands they will of necessity be annexed to Greece . The Russian ambassador is said to favour this view , as in point of fact the islands fromwhich we should retire would , annexed to Greece , fall under Russian influenee . —The intelligence from Calcutta is little more than corroborative of that brought by the last Bombay MaiL There is nothing of much interest from China .- ——The New Brunmiclcer denies the report that Lord Bury ' s
mission to America is connected with the projected union of the British provinces , and says that his visit is solely on the business of the great intercolonial railway from Halifax to Quebec , of which his lordship has been from the outset one of the most zealous supporters . ——Advices from Washington state that the secretary of the treasury will recommend a tax on tea and coffee . The governorship of Kansas has been offered to Samuel Keding . General Walker and Henningsen were reconciled . At Greensburg , Kentucky , the
mob had broken into a gaol , and hanged two murderers . Advices from Bermuda announce a terrific hurricane , doing great damage . Letters from San Francisco announce the close of the Oregon war , the Indians having sued for peace . The miners were returning from Fraser River , the gold found being insufficient to pay the diggers' wagers . New York politics are unchanged . The ship Indian Empire , which has been so long missing , arrived at Broaclhaven , on Friday , in perfect safety , and the passengers and crew all well , after an unprecedentedly tempestuous voyage .- At the Court of Bankruptcy an adjournment of a dividend meeting
has been ordered in the case of L . Fraughiadi , merchant , of Old Broad-street , whose bankruptcy occurred some time ago . The question arose whether proof could be made against two estates of parties carrying on business at different places , and the decision would depend on the result of an appeal at present pending before the House of Lords . ' An action for false imprisonment has been tried . Mrs . Truss , the wife of a- commission agent , was given into custody by one Smith , a fruiterer , at Deptford , on a charge of having attempted to pass at his shop a bad half sovereign . Being applied to " the tester , " a piece of it broke off , and without any further examination of the coin , the woman was given into custody . After her arrival at the police station the half-sovereign was sent out to bo examined , and was discovered to be good . She was released , and Smith offered her a sovereign to let the matter drop . But Mrs . Truss determined to bring the caso into a court of law , and the jury gave her damages , , £ 20 „< Roper ' s trial for arson is postponed
to next session .- ——Harmond , who threw his wife out of window in Westminster some time ago , was found guilty of manslaughter , and sentenced to penal servitude for lite . Councill , the pensioner , who attempted to murder Inspector Budd , at Woolwich , from motives of revenge , was also found guilty , and sentence of death was recorded against him . William Lemon Oliver was brought up lor