Article THE MASONIC MIRROR Page 1 of 13 →
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The Masonic Mirror
. .. .,..: MASONIC : MEMS . . The & W . Deputy Grand Master , the Eight Hon . Lord Panrnure > has consented to take the chair , should his health permit ) at the festival of the Boys' School , to be held in March next .
\ : A m : eetimg of the Stewards for the approaching fostw Boyal Benevolent Institution , was held oilIMday , when t ^ Bros . G . Barrett , F . Beadon , B . B . C Dr . Harcourt , Treasurer ^ and Bro . S . iLldrieh , Hon . Sec . The glee room abomination will be dispeMed with .
: '¦¦ ; : ¦ ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦/ r . QTJABTERL , Y COMMUNICATION . The quarterly convocation of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday ^ Dec . 1 st , the M . W . Grand Master the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , presiding , supported by Bros , Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M . for Hampshire , aw D . G . M , ; Gol . Brownrigg , S . G . W . ; Wyndham Portal , J . G . W . ; S . Tomkins , Grand Treas . ; Roxburgh , G . Beg . ; Gray Clarke , G . Sec ; Crohn , G . Sec . German
Correspondence ; P . Scott , S . G . D . ; Hopwood , J . G . D . ; Moore and Ward , G . Chaplains ; Jennings , G . D . C ; Woods , Asst . G . D . C . ; Gooch , G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec ; Horsley , G . Org . ; Smith , G . Purs . ; Hall , Past G . B > eg ., and Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire ; Dobie , Past G . Beg ., and Prov . G . M ., Surrey ; Bowyer , Prov . G . M .,
Oxfordshire ; Pleming , Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Bagshaw , Prov . G . M ., Essex ; Beadon , Pattison , W . H . Smith , Dobree , Dundas , Hebeler , and Sirr , Past Grand Wardens ; Sir J . W . Hayes , Past G . Chap . ; W . H . White , Past G . Sec ; Potter , Faudell , Udall , T . E . White , Hervey , ^ Nelson , Plavers , Jones , Wilson , J . N . Tomkins , Past Grand Deacons ; Le Veau , Evans , Biggs , and Masson , Past Grand Sword Bearers ; Breitling , Past G . Pursuivant .
The Grand Master apologized for the absence of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Panmure , who would have been present had it not been for the severe indisposition under which he was labouring .
THE MnUJTEH . The minutes of the previous quarterly communication were then read ; and on the'question'being put—Bro . Mason rose to call attention to a resolution of the last Grand . Lodge . He tfaid that he did so with considerable reluctance ' and with very great pain ; but he
considered that , on the part of a Freemason , a sense of duty and a determination to perform it , should take the precedence of all other feelings . He considered that the bulwark of Freemasonry was the Book of Constitutions , and so long as they adhered-to that they would be sure to be right . But if it should bo permitted to < uiy member of Grand Lodge to choose for himself what part of the' Book of Con-
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The Masonic Mirror
. .. .,..: MASONIC : MEMS . . The & W . Deputy Grand Master , the Eight Hon . Lord Panrnure > has consented to take the chair , should his health permit ) at the festival of the Boys' School , to be held in March next .
\ : A m : eetimg of the Stewards for the approaching fostw Boyal Benevolent Institution , was held oilIMday , when t ^ Bros . G . Barrett , F . Beadon , B . B . C Dr . Harcourt , Treasurer ^ and Bro . S . iLldrieh , Hon . Sec . The glee room abomination will be dispeMed with .
: '¦¦ ; : ¦ ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦/ r . QTJABTERL , Y COMMUNICATION . The quarterly convocation of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday ^ Dec . 1 st , the M . W . Grand Master the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , presiding , supported by Bros , Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M . for Hampshire , aw D . G . M , ; Gol . Brownrigg , S . G . W . ; Wyndham Portal , J . G . W . ; S . Tomkins , Grand Treas . ; Roxburgh , G . Beg . ; Gray Clarke , G . Sec ; Crohn , G . Sec . German
Correspondence ; P . Scott , S . G . D . ; Hopwood , J . G . D . ; Moore and Ward , G . Chaplains ; Jennings , G . D . C ; Woods , Asst . G . D . C . ; Gooch , G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec ; Horsley , G . Org . ; Smith , G . Purs . ; Hall , Past G . B > eg ., and Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire ; Dobie , Past G . Beg ., and Prov . G . M ., Surrey ; Bowyer , Prov . G . M .,
Oxfordshire ; Pleming , Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; Bagshaw , Prov . G . M ., Essex ; Beadon , Pattison , W . H . Smith , Dobree , Dundas , Hebeler , and Sirr , Past Grand Wardens ; Sir J . W . Hayes , Past G . Chap . ; W . H . White , Past G . Sec ; Potter , Faudell , Udall , T . E . White , Hervey , ^ Nelson , Plavers , Jones , Wilson , J . N . Tomkins , Past Grand Deacons ; Le Veau , Evans , Biggs , and Masson , Past Grand Sword Bearers ; Breitling , Past G . Pursuivant .
The Grand Master apologized for the absence of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Panmure , who would have been present had it not been for the severe indisposition under which he was labouring .
THE MnUJTEH . The minutes of the previous quarterly communication were then read ; and on the'question'being put—Bro . Mason rose to call attention to a resolution of the last Grand . Lodge . He tfaid that he did so with considerable reluctance ' and with very great pain ; but he
considered that , on the part of a Freemason , a sense of duty and a determination to perform it , should take the precedence of all other feelings . He considered that the bulwark of Freemasonry was the Book of Constitutions , and so long as they adhered-to that they would be sure to be right . But if it should bo permitted to < uiy member of Grand Lodge to choose for himself what part of the' Book of Con-