Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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* djonrned to a banquet , at which nearly forty were present . The progress the British Oak Lodge has made in its first year's existence proves tbe requirement of a lodge in the neighbourhood , its members being all in some way connected with the commerce particularly attached to the mercantile marine . Much praise is due to the founders , Bros . Fairbairns , Mitcheson , and Norton , for its success . R OAK LODGE ( No 1173 . )—This select lodge held its
OTAL . monthly meeting on Wednesday 22 nd January , at Bro . Stevens , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Dr . Dixon , W . M ., Bro . H . A . Collington , P . Af ¦ 164 , a member of this lodge , opened the lodge in his usual excellent and impressive manner , assisted by the officers , Bros . Scott , S . W . ; Wilton , J . W . ; Smyth , S . D . ; Stahur JDWeirI . G . who were all well up in their work . Ballots
.. ; , , were taken for two gentlemen , who were candidates for Freemasonry , which were declared to he unanimous in favour of their admission , but they were not present , so the ceremony was deferred until the next lodge meeting . Bro . Dr . Dixon , W . M ., then took the chair , and in his usual well known , efficient manner , passed Bro . Babtz to the degree of a F . C . Bro . Wm . Scott , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the
ensuing year ; Bro . Stevens Sen ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The business being ended , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very pleasant evening together . Visitor , Bro . Eli Perry , No . 2 , S . C .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge of Charity ( No . 270 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , Jan . 21 st ., at the Masonic Hall , Union-street . The Lodge being opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . Aaron Woolf , the minutes read , & c ., Mr . James Spry was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , the ceremonies being performed by Bro . P . M . Browning in the most impressive manner . The lecture on the first tracing board
was ably delivered by Bro . P . M . Pollard , P . Prov . G . Treas . The attendance of brethren was unusually large , and nothing could exceed the unamity of feeling that prevailed , and a most pleasant evening was spent .
KENT . CHATHAM . —Boyal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . — This lodge was opened at the Swan Hotel , on Wednesday , the 22 nd ult ., in due form with the usual solemnities , and Mr . Field initiated to the mysteries of the Craft . After which the ceremony of installation was performed by Bvo . Cooley , the W . M . and P . Prov . G . D . Kent ; who installed his successor , Bro . George Arthur Everist , the W . M . elect and P . Prov . G . Purs , of
Kent , to the Master's Chair , in a very impressive maimer , in the presence of the following distinguished brethren : —Bros . Ashley , P . M . 20 , and P . Prov . D . G . M . ; Wm . Saunders , P . M . 20 , Prov . G . Treas . ; Chas . Isaacs , P . M . 20 , Prov . G . Sec ; Gifford , P . M . 20 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Gardner , P . M . 709 , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . J . Everist , P . M . 91 , P . Prov . G . A . D . C . ; Fred . White , W . M . 709 ; Cruttenden , Sen ., P . M . 741 , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Pearson , P . M . 741 P . Prov . G . D . ; PageW . M . 741 together with about thirt
, , , y of the brethren of the Lodge . After the ceremony was completed the W . M . appointed his officers in the following order , Bros . Solomon , S . W . ; Sly , J . W . ; W . Saunders , Treas ; Skiller , Sec ; Radley , S . D .: E . Mudd , J . D . ; Kappee , I . G . ; Isaacs , D . C . ; Thomas Everist and Jones , Stewards ; after the proclamation the lodge was duly closed . The brethren then proceeded to an excellent banquet supplied at the lodge hotel , when about
forty of the brethren sat down and enjoyedthemselves in a reall y happy and Masonic manner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M ., and duly responded to by the brethren . The evening was enlivened by some excellent songs from Bros . Everist , Thos . Barnes , Pearson and severalof the brethren . This social evening then ended very much to the satisfaction of all who were present . GEAVESEND . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) . —The above lodge was opened for business on Monday , at the Town Hall , on the 20 th inst ., Bro . Nettleingham presiding . After the usual minutes and business was completed this lodge was closed . The Lodge
of Sympathy ( No . 732 ) , Bro . Frederick White , W . M ., was opened in the same hall , and the minutes of the previous meet « ing was confirmed and proclaimed . This Lodge was also closed , after which the brethren of both lodges retired to a very excellent banquet , supplied by Mrs . Doughty , of the Prince of Orange Hotel . The brethren were presided over by Bro . Dobson , the Treasurer of both lodges , who is also the D . Prov . G . M . Kent . After the cloth was removed the usual Masonic and
loyal toasts were drank . The evening was enlivened by some excellent songs from Bro . Thos . Everist of No . 20 , a visitor , and also by several of the brethren . The proceedings were conducted in a most satisfactory manner to all concerned .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . NEW CHURCH IN ROSENDALE . —Lodge of Tranquility ( No . 341 ) . —The annual festival of this well-conducted and truly admirable lodge , came off on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., when upwards of forty brethren assembled round the festive board , which was amply supplied with the good things of the table by our hostess of the Boar's Head . The lodge being opened for the dispatch of business between the hours of four and five , Bro .
Lawrence Ormerod , Prov . G . S . D ., presented to tbe W . M ., Bro . Henry Lord , a donation of £ 5 ( colllected by Mrs . Lawrence Ormerod , wife of the presentor ) to the Freemasons Widows ' Fund . Bro . ORMEROD , when presenting the donation , stated that it gave his wife great pleasure at all times , when the opportunity presented itself , whereby she could assist by her humble means the Masonic Charities , especially the AVidows ' Fund . —Bro . LORDW . M . said the example set by a worth
, , y lady , wife of a worthy brother , could not fail in producing a benignant and laudatory effect in East Lancashire , and , further , he conceived it to be the duty of the brethren of No . 341 to add another ; 65 to the sum so handsomely presented . There were present the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . Rev . J . B . Phillips , M . A .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Doionshire Lodge ( No . 864 ) . —This lodge was opened in the rooms at the Crown Hotel , on Thursday , Jan . 23 rd , 1 S 62 , by the W . M ., Ero . J . B . Hughes , P . G . S ., assisted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of the last meeting were read over and confirmed . Bro . Read being desirous to take the third degree , was examined in the former to shew his progress , and being satisfactory , was raised to that degree by Bro .
Shepherd , P . M ., the W . M . acting as S . D . Bro . C . J . Banister advocated the cause of the Royal Benevolent Institution , when several sums were given to him to advance the list of Sir Thomas Hesketh , as Steward to that laudable institution . Several visitors were present , including Bros . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas .: C . J . Banister , P . G . D . C . ; and Bro . John Pepper , P . G . A . D . C . West Lancashire . Business of the lodge over it was closed in due form and with solemn prayer .
LIVERPOOL . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 35 ) . —This lodge was opened on Wednesday 2 nd , at the Adelprd Hotel , by the W . M . Bro . C . Sherlock , assisted by his officersand a full Lodge . Visitors Bros . S . Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire ; Captain Inglefield of H . M . S . the Majestic , stationed at this port , Moss , P . Prov . J . G . W ., of Gloster and Cheshire ; H . ' R . Hodges , P . G . S . of Dover ; Stephens , P . Prov . G . J . W . Cheshire ; S . P . Piatt ,
Prov . G . S . D . Cheshire ; Fenton , P . Prov . G . S . D . Cheshire ; J . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . West Lancashire ; Brabner , P . Prov . G . S . W . West Lancashire ; C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C . West Lancashire , P . Prov . G . S . D . Durham ; Younghusband , P . M . 294 ; Bros . Atherton , Newlands , Maugens , Rogers , P . M . ' s of Lodge 35 . The minutes of last meeting were read over and , ' confirmed . Four brethren were advanced to the F . C . degree by the W . M . Bro . L . J . StarkieS . W . son of the R . W .
, , Provincial Grand Master , was then presented for installation , being the W . M . elect , by Bros . Atherton and Newlands , to Bro . Cornelius Sherlock , who performed the ceremony with great precision . After the W . M . had been saluted and proclaimed , he invested Bros . Glyn , as S . W . ; Jefferson , J . W . ; Stoddart , Treas . ; Cutten , Sec . ; Blair , S . D . ; Marsh , J . D . ; Mosley , I . G . ; Coatsworth , D . C ; Smith , Tyler . The business of the lodge
over the brethren were called off for refreshment . Thehanquet was served in Bro . Radley's very best style , consisting of all the delicaces of the season , the chair was taken by L . G . N . Starkie , Jan ., W . M ., on his right were Bros . S . Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Blair , S . D . ; Moss , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Chester and Gloster ; Capt . Inglefield , Capt . Hay , C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C ., & c , on his left were Bros . C . Sherlock , P . M . ; Newlands , P . M . ; Atherton , P . M . ; Fenton , P . Prov . G . S . D . Cheshire ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
* djonrned to a banquet , at which nearly forty were present . The progress the British Oak Lodge has made in its first year's existence proves tbe requirement of a lodge in the neighbourhood , its members being all in some way connected with the commerce particularly attached to the mercantile marine . Much praise is due to the founders , Bros . Fairbairns , Mitcheson , and Norton , for its success . R OAK LODGE ( No 1173 . )—This select lodge held its
OTAL . monthly meeting on Wednesday 22 nd January , at Bro . Stevens , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Dr . Dixon , W . M ., Bro . H . A . Collington , P . Af ¦ 164 , a member of this lodge , opened the lodge in his usual excellent and impressive manner , assisted by the officers , Bros . Scott , S . W . ; Wilton , J . W . ; Smyth , S . D . ; Stahur JDWeirI . G . who were all well up in their work . Ballots
.. ; , , were taken for two gentlemen , who were candidates for Freemasonry , which were declared to he unanimous in favour of their admission , but they were not present , so the ceremony was deferred until the next lodge meeting . Bro . Dr . Dixon , W . M ., then took the chair , and in his usual well known , efficient manner , passed Bro . Babtz to the degree of a F . C . Bro . Wm . Scott , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the
ensuing year ; Bro . Stevens Sen ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The business being ended , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very pleasant evening together . Visitor , Bro . Eli Perry , No . 2 , S . C .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge of Charity ( No . 270 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , Jan . 21 st ., at the Masonic Hall , Union-street . The Lodge being opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . Aaron Woolf , the minutes read , & c ., Mr . James Spry was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , the ceremonies being performed by Bro . P . M . Browning in the most impressive manner . The lecture on the first tracing board
was ably delivered by Bro . P . M . Pollard , P . Prov . G . Treas . The attendance of brethren was unusually large , and nothing could exceed the unamity of feeling that prevailed , and a most pleasant evening was spent .
KENT . CHATHAM . —Boyal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . — This lodge was opened at the Swan Hotel , on Wednesday , the 22 nd ult ., in due form with the usual solemnities , and Mr . Field initiated to the mysteries of the Craft . After which the ceremony of installation was performed by Bvo . Cooley , the W . M . and P . Prov . G . D . Kent ; who installed his successor , Bro . George Arthur Everist , the W . M . elect and P . Prov . G . Purs , of
Kent , to the Master's Chair , in a very impressive maimer , in the presence of the following distinguished brethren : —Bros . Ashley , P . M . 20 , and P . Prov . D . G . M . ; Wm . Saunders , P . M . 20 , Prov . G . Treas . ; Chas . Isaacs , P . M . 20 , Prov . G . Sec ; Gifford , P . M . 20 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Gardner , P . M . 709 , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . J . Everist , P . M . 91 , P . Prov . G . A . D . C . ; Fred . White , W . M . 709 ; Cruttenden , Sen ., P . M . 741 , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Pearson , P . M . 741 P . Prov . G . D . ; PageW . M . 741 together with about thirt
, , , y of the brethren of the Lodge . After the ceremony was completed the W . M . appointed his officers in the following order , Bros . Solomon , S . W . ; Sly , J . W . ; W . Saunders , Treas ; Skiller , Sec ; Radley , S . D .: E . Mudd , J . D . ; Kappee , I . G . ; Isaacs , D . C . ; Thomas Everist and Jones , Stewards ; after the proclamation the lodge was duly closed . The brethren then proceeded to an excellent banquet supplied at the lodge hotel , when about
forty of the brethren sat down and enjoyedthemselves in a reall y happy and Masonic manner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M ., and duly responded to by the brethren . The evening was enlivened by some excellent songs from Bros . Everist , Thos . Barnes , Pearson and severalof the brethren . This social evening then ended very much to the satisfaction of all who were present . GEAVESEND . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) . —The above lodge was opened for business on Monday , at the Town Hall , on the 20 th inst ., Bro . Nettleingham presiding . After the usual minutes and business was completed this lodge was closed . The Lodge
of Sympathy ( No . 732 ) , Bro . Frederick White , W . M ., was opened in the same hall , and the minutes of the previous meet « ing was confirmed and proclaimed . This Lodge was also closed , after which the brethren of both lodges retired to a very excellent banquet , supplied by Mrs . Doughty , of the Prince of Orange Hotel . The brethren were presided over by Bro . Dobson , the Treasurer of both lodges , who is also the D . Prov . G . M . Kent . After the cloth was removed the usual Masonic and
loyal toasts were drank . The evening was enlivened by some excellent songs from Bro . Thos . Everist of No . 20 , a visitor , and also by several of the brethren . The proceedings were conducted in a most satisfactory manner to all concerned .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . NEW CHURCH IN ROSENDALE . —Lodge of Tranquility ( No . 341 ) . —The annual festival of this well-conducted and truly admirable lodge , came off on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., when upwards of forty brethren assembled round the festive board , which was amply supplied with the good things of the table by our hostess of the Boar's Head . The lodge being opened for the dispatch of business between the hours of four and five , Bro .
Lawrence Ormerod , Prov . G . S . D ., presented to tbe W . M ., Bro . Henry Lord , a donation of £ 5 ( colllected by Mrs . Lawrence Ormerod , wife of the presentor ) to the Freemasons Widows ' Fund . Bro . ORMEROD , when presenting the donation , stated that it gave his wife great pleasure at all times , when the opportunity presented itself , whereby she could assist by her humble means the Masonic Charities , especially the AVidows ' Fund . —Bro . LORDW . M . said the example set by a worth
, , y lady , wife of a worthy brother , could not fail in producing a benignant and laudatory effect in East Lancashire , and , further , he conceived it to be the duty of the brethren of No . 341 to add another ; 65 to the sum so handsomely presented . There were present the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . Rev . J . B . Phillips , M . A .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Doionshire Lodge ( No . 864 ) . —This lodge was opened in the rooms at the Crown Hotel , on Thursday , Jan . 23 rd , 1 S 62 , by the W . M ., Ero . J . B . Hughes , P . G . S ., assisted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of the last meeting were read over and confirmed . Bro . Read being desirous to take the third degree , was examined in the former to shew his progress , and being satisfactory , was raised to that degree by Bro .
Shepherd , P . M ., the W . M . acting as S . D . Bro . C . J . Banister advocated the cause of the Royal Benevolent Institution , when several sums were given to him to advance the list of Sir Thomas Hesketh , as Steward to that laudable institution . Several visitors were present , including Bros . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas .: C . J . Banister , P . G . D . C . ; and Bro . John Pepper , P . G . A . D . C . West Lancashire . Business of the lodge over it was closed in due form and with solemn prayer .
LIVERPOOL . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 35 ) . —This lodge was opened on Wednesday 2 nd , at the Adelprd Hotel , by the W . M . Bro . C . Sherlock , assisted by his officersand a full Lodge . Visitors Bros . S . Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire ; Captain Inglefield of H . M . S . the Majestic , stationed at this port , Moss , P . Prov . J . G . W ., of Gloster and Cheshire ; H . ' R . Hodges , P . G . S . of Dover ; Stephens , P . Prov . G . J . W . Cheshire ; S . P . Piatt ,
Prov . G . S . D . Cheshire ; Fenton , P . Prov . G . S . D . Cheshire ; J . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . West Lancashire ; Brabner , P . Prov . G . S . W . West Lancashire ; C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C . West Lancashire , P . Prov . G . S . D . Durham ; Younghusband , P . M . 294 ; Bros . Atherton , Newlands , Maugens , Rogers , P . M . ' s of Lodge 35 . The minutes of last meeting were read over and , ' confirmed . Four brethren were advanced to the F . C . degree by the W . M . Bro . L . J . StarkieS . W . son of the R . W .
, , Provincial Grand Master , was then presented for installation , being the W . M . elect , by Bros . Atherton and Newlands , to Bro . Cornelius Sherlock , who performed the ceremony with great precision . After the W . M . had been saluted and proclaimed , he invested Bros . Glyn , as S . W . ; Jefferson , J . W . ; Stoddart , Treas . ; Cutten , Sec . ; Blair , S . D . ; Marsh , J . D . ; Mosley , I . G . ; Coatsworth , D . C ; Smith , Tyler . The business of the lodge
over the brethren were called off for refreshment . Thehanquet was served in Bro . Radley's very best style , consisting of all the delicaces of the season , the chair was taken by L . G . N . Starkie , Jan ., W . M ., on his right were Bros . S . Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Blair , S . D . ; Moss , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Chester and Gloster ; Capt . Inglefield , Capt . Hay , C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C ., & c , on his left were Bros . C . Sherlock , P . M . ; Newlands , P . M . ; Atherton , P . M . ; Fenton , P . Prov . G . S . D . Cheshire ;