Article IRELAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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o-ive more than a faint idea of the inestimable value of a book of this nature , wherein have been recorded the names of nearly 2000 members of the lodge within a century , and with perhaps a trifling exception in their own holography . Among them appears , in a fine hold hand , the name of " Zachary Macaulay , " presumed to be the father of the late Lord Macaulay . Unfortunately , in this case neither the profession , residence , nor
age has been given . Having spent about an hour in a harmonious manner , interspearsed with an abundance of vocal music , sentiments , and toasts , all separated shortly prior to 11 o'clock . AA e may here remark that this is the 14 th visitation which the Depute Prov . G . M . and his Office Bearers , have made to the lodges in his province since October , in each of which they met with a most flattering reception , except in one lodge , which ledto its suspension for six weeks . These visitations have been the means of spurring on the Office Bearers to a more active discharge of the duties of their respective offices , and greatly advanced the prosperity of the Craft in the province .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CXRUS CHAPTER ( NO . 21 . )—A convocation took place at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-street , on Tuesday , January 28 th—present : E . Comps . J . AVatson , Z . ; G . Lambert , H . ; Rev . J . R . Wood , J . After the minutes of the preceding Chapter had been confirmed , a conclave of Installed Principals was opened , consisting of Comps . Marillier , Barringer , AVhite ,
Lavender , How , and Banister , when Comp . Lambert was installed M . E . Z . ; Comps . AVood , II . ; and Spratt , J . Comp . T . R . AVhite was invested as Scribe E . ; Comp . Levison , Scribe N . ; Comp . Harrison , P . S . Comp . Marillier was re-invested as Treasurer , and Comp . Barringer as Steward . Comp . Barringer rose and said , that before the Chapter was closed , he desired to claim the sympathy of the members in behalf of the families of the miners lost by the recent dreadful calamity in the
Hartley colliery , and asked for a contribution of three guineas in aid of the subscriptions being raised ; the vote being duly seconded , was carried unanimously . Two brethren were proposed for exaltation , and another for joining . The Comps . adjourned to the banquet , there being twenty present . The visitors were—Comps . Muggeridge , ( of No . 7 ) , Banister , ( of No . 267 ) , AVatts , ( No . 21 S ) , and How , ( of No . 769 . ) POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER ( NO . 778 . )—A convocation of
this Chapter was holden at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., when Bro . Nowakowski , J . W ., of lodge ( No . 778 ) , was exalted . Comps . Sharman , M . E . Z . ; Boyd , H . ; Watson . J . ; Matthew Cooke , E . ; Geo . States , as P . Soj . ; Shrewsbury , Michalski , and others were present , and a most agreeable evening was spent . ROBERT BURNS CHAPTER ( No . 25 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Tavernon Monday lastComps
, , . Harrison . Z . ; Collard , H . ; and Allen as J . A duly qualified brother having been exalted into tho Order , the election of the officers for the ensuing year was proceeded with , when Comps . Collard was elected Z . ; Farmer , H . ; and Le Gassick , J . A P . Principal's jewel was voted to Comp . Harrison , and all being ended , the companions adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Merchants' Chapter ( No . 294 ) . —This chapter was opened on Monday , 20 th Jan .. at the Temple , Hope-street , by M . E . Z . Comp . Younghusband , Z . ; P . M . E . Z . Comp . James Hamer , as H . ; M . E . Z . Comp . C . J . Banister , as J . ; Comp . Jacob , S . E . ; Comp . Bull , S . N . ; Comp . Mott , P . S . The minutes of last meeting were read over and confirmed . There being no business before the Chapter , instruction was given by the M . E . principals , and the chapter was closed in solemn form .
Mark Masonry.
THE SOUTIIWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 . )—This lodge will hold its next meeting at Bro . Stevens ' s , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent , on next Monday , February , at 7 precisely , in consequence of the numerous applications of the brethren iu this neighbourhood wdio are anxious to be advanced to the sublime degree of Mark Master in their own locality .
{ From the Indian Freemason' friend . ) GENERAL BOILEATT . The Calcutta Englishman has the following announcement : — "Our Masonic readers will be interested to know that the Provincial Grand Mastership of the District of Bengal has been offered to Major General Boileau , of the Engineer Corps . "
ST . JOHN ' LODGE , CALCUTTA . In accordance with intimation previously given , the Officiating Provincial Grand Master paid a visit of ceremony to St . John's Lodge , on Friday , the 8 th November . He was attended by R . AV . Bro . J . B . Roberts , Offg . D . Prov . G . M . ; R . AV . Bro . F . Jennings , S . G . AV . ; R . AV . Bro . H . Sandemau , J . G . AV . ; and R . W . Bro . W . Clark , Past S . G . W . The Officiating Provincial Grand Master was received with the usual ceremonies , and it was not
till about the close of the evening that the object of the visit was disclosed . It was to confer the rank of a Past Warden of the Grand Lodge on W . Bro . John AV . Brown , who is now the J . D . of the Grand Lodge , Past Master , and Officiating AVorshipful Master of Lodge St . John's . This act was a thoughtful , just , and graceful regognition by the Officiating Provincial Grand Master of Bro . Brown's high Masonic character , and a fitting tribute to his devoted zeal and active services in the
cause of Masonry , which is highly acceptable to the whole Craft . The pressing claims of other candidates for preferment , and a variety of circumstances , have apparently prevented the Officiating Provincial Grand Master from advancing Bro . Brown in the Grand Lodge as he could have wished , and as Bro . Brown deserved , but he has now fully compensated for any
disapointment which may have been felt ou the subject . AVhenever Masonry requires assistance in any department , Bro . Brown is about the first person thought of , and although all he does is in a modest , retiring , diffident manner , yet it is always most effectually and satisfactorily accomplished . The announcement of the intention of the Officiating Provincial Grand Master was received with marks of approbation by the Lodge , and there is not one dissentient voice throughout the whole Craft in the
province as to the propriety of the measure , since Bro . Brown has fairly earned the high distinction conferred on him . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Eastern Archipelago , R . AV . the Rev . Dr . Smyth , was present , and was especially greeted in the lodge . He made a very appropriate and eloquent speech in returning thanks for his health being drunk at the snpper table , in which he dilated on the principles of Freemasonryshowing their elevating and ennobling character
, , and expatiated on the elements of durability and universality which are inseparable from its peculiar spirit and constitution . There were other very interesting adresses throughout the evening , especially those delivered by the Officiating Provincial Grand Master and his Officiating Deputy , and by the Junior Grand Warden .
ALLAHABAD . The brethren of Lodge Independance with Philantrophy ( No . 550 ) , held a special meeting on Wednesday , the 31 st October , for the purpose of greeting Bros . AVm . H . HofT , and AV . M . Benwell , members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bengal , and several other brethren , visitors at tbe station , most of whom were from Lueknow . The Master , W . Bro . C . G . Sim , after opening the lodgeand formally acquainting the brethren with
, the special object of the meeting , closed it , and led the way to the supper-room . The hospitality of the lodge was fully appreciated . After the usual toasts , the AV . M . proposed " The Health of the Alsitors , " of " The Officiating Provincial Grand Master , " and also of " The Provincial Grand Secretary , " who was present , and who looked profoundly amazed under the formidable obligation of having to return thanks for three distinct toasts , each of which had been received with hearty cheers . He stated
that , although at that time only a sojourner at the station , he was not a stranger to the lodge , having been one of its P . M ' s in 1 S 58 , and that , many years before , his father , RW . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff , had also been a member of it . He congratulated the Lodge ou the improvement which had taken place in its condition from the time that it had been placed under the hirani of its late Master , our lamented Bro . Colonel Knollys . He assured the brethren that the Officiating Provincial Grand Master would be gratified to learn that the members and guests of the Allahabad Lodge had so unanimously and harmoni ously
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
o-ive more than a faint idea of the inestimable value of a book of this nature , wherein have been recorded the names of nearly 2000 members of the lodge within a century , and with perhaps a trifling exception in their own holography . Among them appears , in a fine hold hand , the name of " Zachary Macaulay , " presumed to be the father of the late Lord Macaulay . Unfortunately , in this case neither the profession , residence , nor
age has been given . Having spent about an hour in a harmonious manner , interspearsed with an abundance of vocal music , sentiments , and toasts , all separated shortly prior to 11 o'clock . AA e may here remark that this is the 14 th visitation which the Depute Prov . G . M . and his Office Bearers , have made to the lodges in his province since October , in each of which they met with a most flattering reception , except in one lodge , which ledto its suspension for six weeks . These visitations have been the means of spurring on the Office Bearers to a more active discharge of the duties of their respective offices , and greatly advanced the prosperity of the Craft in the province .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CXRUS CHAPTER ( NO . 21 . )—A convocation took place at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-street , on Tuesday , January 28 th—present : E . Comps . J . AVatson , Z . ; G . Lambert , H . ; Rev . J . R . Wood , J . After the minutes of the preceding Chapter had been confirmed , a conclave of Installed Principals was opened , consisting of Comps . Marillier , Barringer , AVhite ,
Lavender , How , and Banister , when Comp . Lambert was installed M . E . Z . ; Comps . AVood , II . ; and Spratt , J . Comp . T . R . AVhite was invested as Scribe E . ; Comp . Levison , Scribe N . ; Comp . Harrison , P . S . Comp . Marillier was re-invested as Treasurer , and Comp . Barringer as Steward . Comp . Barringer rose and said , that before the Chapter was closed , he desired to claim the sympathy of the members in behalf of the families of the miners lost by the recent dreadful calamity in the
Hartley colliery , and asked for a contribution of three guineas in aid of the subscriptions being raised ; the vote being duly seconded , was carried unanimously . Two brethren were proposed for exaltation , and another for joining . The Comps . adjourned to the banquet , there being twenty present . The visitors were—Comps . Muggeridge , ( of No . 7 ) , Banister , ( of No . 267 ) , AVatts , ( No . 21 S ) , and How , ( of No . 769 . ) POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER ( NO . 778 . )—A convocation of
this Chapter was holden at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., when Bro . Nowakowski , J . W ., of lodge ( No . 778 ) , was exalted . Comps . Sharman , M . E . Z . ; Boyd , H . ; Watson . J . ; Matthew Cooke , E . ; Geo . States , as P . Soj . ; Shrewsbury , Michalski , and others were present , and a most agreeable evening was spent . ROBERT BURNS CHAPTER ( No . 25 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Tavernon Monday lastComps
, , . Harrison . Z . ; Collard , H . ; and Allen as J . A duly qualified brother having been exalted into tho Order , the election of the officers for the ensuing year was proceeded with , when Comps . Collard was elected Z . ; Farmer , H . ; and Le Gassick , J . A P . Principal's jewel was voted to Comp . Harrison , and all being ended , the companions adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Merchants' Chapter ( No . 294 ) . —This chapter was opened on Monday , 20 th Jan .. at the Temple , Hope-street , by M . E . Z . Comp . Younghusband , Z . ; P . M . E . Z . Comp . James Hamer , as H . ; M . E . Z . Comp . C . J . Banister , as J . ; Comp . Jacob , S . E . ; Comp . Bull , S . N . ; Comp . Mott , P . S . The minutes of last meeting were read over and confirmed . There being no business before the Chapter , instruction was given by the M . E . principals , and the chapter was closed in solemn form .
Mark Masonry.
THE SOUTIIWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 . )—This lodge will hold its next meeting at Bro . Stevens ' s , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent , on next Monday , February , at 7 precisely , in consequence of the numerous applications of the brethren iu this neighbourhood wdio are anxious to be advanced to the sublime degree of Mark Master in their own locality .
{ From the Indian Freemason' friend . ) GENERAL BOILEATT . The Calcutta Englishman has the following announcement : — "Our Masonic readers will be interested to know that the Provincial Grand Mastership of the District of Bengal has been offered to Major General Boileau , of the Engineer Corps . "
ST . JOHN ' LODGE , CALCUTTA . In accordance with intimation previously given , the Officiating Provincial Grand Master paid a visit of ceremony to St . John's Lodge , on Friday , the 8 th November . He was attended by R . AV . Bro . J . B . Roberts , Offg . D . Prov . G . M . ; R . AV . Bro . F . Jennings , S . G . AV . ; R . AV . Bro . H . Sandemau , J . G . AV . ; and R . W . Bro . W . Clark , Past S . G . W . The Officiating Provincial Grand Master was received with the usual ceremonies , and it was not
till about the close of the evening that the object of the visit was disclosed . It was to confer the rank of a Past Warden of the Grand Lodge on W . Bro . John AV . Brown , who is now the J . D . of the Grand Lodge , Past Master , and Officiating AVorshipful Master of Lodge St . John's . This act was a thoughtful , just , and graceful regognition by the Officiating Provincial Grand Master of Bro . Brown's high Masonic character , and a fitting tribute to his devoted zeal and active services in the
cause of Masonry , which is highly acceptable to the whole Craft . The pressing claims of other candidates for preferment , and a variety of circumstances , have apparently prevented the Officiating Provincial Grand Master from advancing Bro . Brown in the Grand Lodge as he could have wished , and as Bro . Brown deserved , but he has now fully compensated for any
disapointment which may have been felt ou the subject . AVhenever Masonry requires assistance in any department , Bro . Brown is about the first person thought of , and although all he does is in a modest , retiring , diffident manner , yet it is always most effectually and satisfactorily accomplished . The announcement of the intention of the Officiating Provincial Grand Master was received with marks of approbation by the Lodge , and there is not one dissentient voice throughout the whole Craft in the
province as to the propriety of the measure , since Bro . Brown has fairly earned the high distinction conferred on him . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Eastern Archipelago , R . AV . the Rev . Dr . Smyth , was present , and was especially greeted in the lodge . He made a very appropriate and eloquent speech in returning thanks for his health being drunk at the snpper table , in which he dilated on the principles of Freemasonryshowing their elevating and ennobling character
, , and expatiated on the elements of durability and universality which are inseparable from its peculiar spirit and constitution . There were other very interesting adresses throughout the evening , especially those delivered by the Officiating Provincial Grand Master and his Officiating Deputy , and by the Junior Grand Warden .
ALLAHABAD . The brethren of Lodge Independance with Philantrophy ( No . 550 ) , held a special meeting on Wednesday , the 31 st October , for the purpose of greeting Bros . AVm . H . HofT , and AV . M . Benwell , members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bengal , and several other brethren , visitors at tbe station , most of whom were from Lueknow . The Master , W . Bro . C . G . Sim , after opening the lodgeand formally acquainting the brethren with
, the special object of the meeting , closed it , and led the way to the supper-room . The hospitality of the lodge was fully appreciated . After the usual toasts , the AV . M . proposed " The Health of the Alsitors , " of " The Officiating Provincial Grand Master , " and also of " The Provincial Grand Secretary , " who was present , and who looked profoundly amazed under the formidable obligation of having to return thanks for three distinct toasts , each of which had been received with hearty cheers . He stated
that , although at that time only a sojourner at the station , he was not a stranger to the lodge , having been one of its P . M ' s in 1 S 58 , and that , many years before , his father , RW . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff , had also been a member of it . He congratulated the Lodge ou the improvement which had taken place in its condition from the time that it had been placed under the hirani of its late Master , our lamented Bro . Colonel Knollys . He assured the brethren that the Officiating Provincial Grand Master would be gratified to learn that the members and guests of the Allahabad Lodge had so unanimously and harmoni ously