Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
doubting it when your eyes met the firm expression of the man who habitually overcame difficulties ; whose self-reliance had become a proverb ; or scanned his massive proportions surmounted by a singularly well-formed head , a glance at which latter infallibly impressed one with the belief that had he but received a liberal education , Robert Angell would have been a very famous man . he entertained and others bhis extra
Many an evening me y - ordinary conversational powers ; drawing freely from his equally extraordinary memory stores of anecdotes of his past life , ranging from the days when he was with the allied forces when they occupied Paris in 1815 , to the present hour . And , making every allowance for the hyperboles which ( although in his accounts must have been exceedingly few ) are yet an ingredient in an old soldier's autobiographythe events of his chequerecl
, life would read like a romance , and most instructive romance too , for it would inculcate the most beneficial of all doctrines—that ot the Dignity of Labour . AVhen I think of those times with him , and reflect that the jpoor fellow is now under hatches , I can scarcely avoid applying to him in my mind these lines of Tom Bowling , which are set to an air which Keats would have called so " mournful wild " like Peona ' s
song" His form was of the manliest beauty , His heart was kind and soft , Faithful below he did his duty But now he's gone aloft . " NOTE—The above affords a proof that Masonry , like the Christian religion , is suited to the humble as well as to the great in mind and station . —Ed . Kurrachee Herald .
The Week.
The Queen and family still remain at Osborne . Her Majesty sent daily telegrams to Hartley during the suspense in trying to save the victims of the late Hartley Colliery accident . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of Loudon rose to a very high pitch last week . This is the more remarkable , as the deaths in the previous week had shown a considerable decline , the numbers that week being 1391 ; last week 1569 , or an increase of nearl 200 . Compared with the corrected average of the last ten
y years , the increase is 148 . The severe cold we had at the beginning of the week had , doubtless , something to do with these results . It appears that the diseases more than usually active were the various forms of typhus fever . The births have also fallen off this week , the numbers being 1 S 01 , against a corrected average of 1973 births . Lord Pahnerston has issued the usual circular to his supporters , reminding them that Parliament meets on the 6 th Februaryand requesting their
attend-, ance that day , as " matters of considerable importance" await the consideration of the Legislature . Lord Lyons has been created a Grand Cross of the Bath—in recognition , no doubt , of the tact and ability he displayed in the performance of the delicate duties recently devolving upon him as Her Majesty ' s representative at AVashington . The question of improving the approaches to the Great
Exhibition has been vexmg the authorities for some months past . There has been more trouble about these approaches than there was about the erection of the building itself . It is now , however , we understand , determined that a road shall be made across Kensington Gardens , constructed in such a way as not to interfere with the convenience of the public , and to be paid for by those who require its use in the form of a . toll .- An interesting discussion on the subject of single-shaft collieries
took place at a meeting of the Manchester Geological Society , on Tuesday . The speakers included two colliery inspectors and other gentlemen of experience in mining matters ; and the opinion was unanimous against the system of sinking only a single shaft and relying upon the precarious expedient of brattices . Great satisfaction was expressed at the step taken by Sir George Grey in directing an inquiry to be made into a question of such vast moment to so many thousands of our
labouring population . The end of aU the exciting and dangerous efforts that have been made for the last ten days at Hartley New Colliery has at last been reached . The bodies of the suffocated men and boys have all been reached , brought up ¦ to the surface of the earth , coffined , and identified by their mourning relations . This termination is very different from that which was hoped for a week ago , when , at the peril of their own lives , the hardy miners ventured into the cavern
while the stones were still falling , animated by the hope that they would yet be in time to save their comrades from the most horrible of all deaths . That hope has been disappointed , and nothing remains to these brave men but the consciousness that they have done their duty , and that England , with the Queen at its head , applauds their generous devotion . For the bereaved sufferers all that can be done we are satisfied will be done . Her Majesty has sent a donation of £ 200 , and several
thousands have been subscribed in the locality ; while in the metropolis also a large sum has been raised . In the central Criminal Court Henry AVells Young , a solicitor , charged with forging powers of attorney for the transfer of stock , has been convicted , and sentenced to twenty year ' s penal servitude . A man named Quigley was tried for murder , but the jury brought in a verdict of manslaughter , and he was sentenced to twent ' penal servitude . A similar
y years sentence was passed on a person named Crane , for an attempt to murder his brother under peculiar circumstances . Sheffield has obtained of late an unenviable notoriety among tbe towns of the kingdom . The latest crime imputed to one of its inhabitants is not the least atrocious , though it has nothing to do with the trade outrages which characterised the other atrocities . In this case a man is charged with attempting to poison his wife and child . The le had been living on bad
coup terms of late , and on Monday morning the man rose early and left the house . His wife rose afterwards and made tea for her breakfast , which had a peculiar taste ; she put a portion away in a bottle , threw the rest away , and then made some other tea , which was free from harm . The man has been apprehended and committed on remand ; but there is a bitterness about the
woman m her mode of giving evidence which would render it desirable carefully to examine her testimony . —— -At the close of last week a heavy storm raged in the Irish Channel , causing great damage to shipping—attended , we regret to have to add , with much loss of life . One of the most painful of the disasters recorded is the wreck at Annestown , on the Waterford coast , of a large ship , believed from the papers washed ashore , to be the Indian Ocean . This vessel belonged to Messrs . Baines , of
Liverpool , and was bound for Sydney , New South Wales . She had no passengers , but her crew numbered twenty-five men and boys , all of whom have perished . Two other fatal wrecks are reported from AVaterford , —one of them having occurred near the spot where the Indian Ocean went to pieces . From Milford we have the melancholy intelligence that two large ships foundered with all on board , while making for the Haven ; that a barque had gone ashore and become a total wreck ; and that a
fourth ship , lying close to the docks , was in great danger . It will be remembered that tbe English and French Ambassadors in China demanded the payment of £ 200 , 000 as a fine for the treacherous butchery by the imperial troops of a party of European officers , soldiers , and civilians , in the year I 860 . The money has been paid , aud our Government has allotted to the legal representatives of Captain Brabazon , Lieutenant de Norman , Lieutenant Andersonand Mr . Boulb £ 15000 eachto the
, y , , ; representatives of Private Phipps , of the 1 st Dragoon Guards , £ 2 , 400 ; and to the families of the eight Sikhs who were murdered , £ 12 , 000 . Messrs . Loch and Parkes , who were subjected to much ill-treatment and the grossest indignities , take £ 8 , 000 each .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The French Chambers were opened on Monday by the Emperor in person . As anticipated , his Majesty's speech was particularly pacific , and was remarkable for the absence of any allusion calculated to alarm or create distrust to foreign powers . His relations with foreign powers , the emperor said , gave him the most entire satisfaction , and he alluded to the visits he had received from several Sovereigns , particularly from the King of Prussia , which he said had
contributed to confirm the amicable relations at present existing . The civil war in America , his Majesty said , had seriously affected the commercial interests of France , but as the rights of neutrals had been been respected , they could only hope for its speedy termination . After a slight reference to the late war in China , and the present operations , in conjunction with England and Spain , against Mexico , to protect the national interests , and to suppress attempts against humanity and the law of nationshis
, Majesty passed on to the consideration of the financial condition of the empire , the means proposed for meeting the present immense deficit , and the measures to be adopted for preventing similar results for the future , on all which subjects our readers are already well informed . His Majesty takes the same view of the deficit as M . Troplong , and considers the glory attained in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
doubting it when your eyes met the firm expression of the man who habitually overcame difficulties ; whose self-reliance had become a proverb ; or scanned his massive proportions surmounted by a singularly well-formed head , a glance at which latter infallibly impressed one with the belief that had he but received a liberal education , Robert Angell would have been a very famous man . he entertained and others bhis extra
Many an evening me y - ordinary conversational powers ; drawing freely from his equally extraordinary memory stores of anecdotes of his past life , ranging from the days when he was with the allied forces when they occupied Paris in 1815 , to the present hour . And , making every allowance for the hyperboles which ( although in his accounts must have been exceedingly few ) are yet an ingredient in an old soldier's autobiographythe events of his chequerecl
, life would read like a romance , and most instructive romance too , for it would inculcate the most beneficial of all doctrines—that ot the Dignity of Labour . AVhen I think of those times with him , and reflect that the jpoor fellow is now under hatches , I can scarcely avoid applying to him in my mind these lines of Tom Bowling , which are set to an air which Keats would have called so " mournful wild " like Peona ' s
song" His form was of the manliest beauty , His heart was kind and soft , Faithful below he did his duty But now he's gone aloft . " NOTE—The above affords a proof that Masonry , like the Christian religion , is suited to the humble as well as to the great in mind and station . —Ed . Kurrachee Herald .
The Week.
The Queen and family still remain at Osborne . Her Majesty sent daily telegrams to Hartley during the suspense in trying to save the victims of the late Hartley Colliery accident . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of Loudon rose to a very high pitch last week . This is the more remarkable , as the deaths in the previous week had shown a considerable decline , the numbers that week being 1391 ; last week 1569 , or an increase of nearl 200 . Compared with the corrected average of the last ten
y years , the increase is 148 . The severe cold we had at the beginning of the week had , doubtless , something to do with these results . It appears that the diseases more than usually active were the various forms of typhus fever . The births have also fallen off this week , the numbers being 1 S 01 , against a corrected average of 1973 births . Lord Pahnerston has issued the usual circular to his supporters , reminding them that Parliament meets on the 6 th Februaryand requesting their
attend-, ance that day , as " matters of considerable importance" await the consideration of the Legislature . Lord Lyons has been created a Grand Cross of the Bath—in recognition , no doubt , of the tact and ability he displayed in the performance of the delicate duties recently devolving upon him as Her Majesty ' s representative at AVashington . The question of improving the approaches to the Great
Exhibition has been vexmg the authorities for some months past . There has been more trouble about these approaches than there was about the erection of the building itself . It is now , however , we understand , determined that a road shall be made across Kensington Gardens , constructed in such a way as not to interfere with the convenience of the public , and to be paid for by those who require its use in the form of a . toll .- An interesting discussion on the subject of single-shaft collieries
took place at a meeting of the Manchester Geological Society , on Tuesday . The speakers included two colliery inspectors and other gentlemen of experience in mining matters ; and the opinion was unanimous against the system of sinking only a single shaft and relying upon the precarious expedient of brattices . Great satisfaction was expressed at the step taken by Sir George Grey in directing an inquiry to be made into a question of such vast moment to so many thousands of our
labouring population . The end of aU the exciting and dangerous efforts that have been made for the last ten days at Hartley New Colliery has at last been reached . The bodies of the suffocated men and boys have all been reached , brought up ¦ to the surface of the earth , coffined , and identified by their mourning relations . This termination is very different from that which was hoped for a week ago , when , at the peril of their own lives , the hardy miners ventured into the cavern
while the stones were still falling , animated by the hope that they would yet be in time to save their comrades from the most horrible of all deaths . That hope has been disappointed , and nothing remains to these brave men but the consciousness that they have done their duty , and that England , with the Queen at its head , applauds their generous devotion . For the bereaved sufferers all that can be done we are satisfied will be done . Her Majesty has sent a donation of £ 200 , and several
thousands have been subscribed in the locality ; while in the metropolis also a large sum has been raised . In the central Criminal Court Henry AVells Young , a solicitor , charged with forging powers of attorney for the transfer of stock , has been convicted , and sentenced to twenty year ' s penal servitude . A man named Quigley was tried for murder , but the jury brought in a verdict of manslaughter , and he was sentenced to twent ' penal servitude . A similar
y years sentence was passed on a person named Crane , for an attempt to murder his brother under peculiar circumstances . Sheffield has obtained of late an unenviable notoriety among tbe towns of the kingdom . The latest crime imputed to one of its inhabitants is not the least atrocious , though it has nothing to do with the trade outrages which characterised the other atrocities . In this case a man is charged with attempting to poison his wife and child . The le had been living on bad
coup terms of late , and on Monday morning the man rose early and left the house . His wife rose afterwards and made tea for her breakfast , which had a peculiar taste ; she put a portion away in a bottle , threw the rest away , and then made some other tea , which was free from harm . The man has been apprehended and committed on remand ; but there is a bitterness about the
woman m her mode of giving evidence which would render it desirable carefully to examine her testimony . —— -At the close of last week a heavy storm raged in the Irish Channel , causing great damage to shipping—attended , we regret to have to add , with much loss of life . One of the most painful of the disasters recorded is the wreck at Annestown , on the Waterford coast , of a large ship , believed from the papers washed ashore , to be the Indian Ocean . This vessel belonged to Messrs . Baines , of
Liverpool , and was bound for Sydney , New South Wales . She had no passengers , but her crew numbered twenty-five men and boys , all of whom have perished . Two other fatal wrecks are reported from AVaterford , —one of them having occurred near the spot where the Indian Ocean went to pieces . From Milford we have the melancholy intelligence that two large ships foundered with all on board , while making for the Haven ; that a barque had gone ashore and become a total wreck ; and that a
fourth ship , lying close to the docks , was in great danger . It will be remembered that tbe English and French Ambassadors in China demanded the payment of £ 200 , 000 as a fine for the treacherous butchery by the imperial troops of a party of European officers , soldiers , and civilians , in the year I 860 . The money has been paid , aud our Government has allotted to the legal representatives of Captain Brabazon , Lieutenant de Norman , Lieutenant Andersonand Mr . Boulb £ 15000 eachto the
, y , , ; representatives of Private Phipps , of the 1 st Dragoon Guards , £ 2 , 400 ; and to the families of the eight Sikhs who were murdered , £ 12 , 000 . Messrs . Loch and Parkes , who were subjected to much ill-treatment and the grossest indignities , take £ 8 , 000 each .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The French Chambers were opened on Monday by the Emperor in person . As anticipated , his Majesty's speech was particularly pacific , and was remarkable for the absence of any allusion calculated to alarm or create distrust to foreign powers . His relations with foreign powers , the emperor said , gave him the most entire satisfaction , and he alluded to the visits he had received from several Sovereigns , particularly from the King of Prussia , which he said had
contributed to confirm the amicable relations at present existing . The civil war in America , his Majesty said , had seriously affected the commercial interests of France , but as the rights of neutrals had been been respected , they could only hope for its speedy termination . After a slight reference to the late war in China , and the present operations , in conjunction with England and Spain , against Mexico , to protect the national interests , and to suppress attempts against humanity and the law of nationshis
, Majesty passed on to the consideration of the financial condition of the empire , the means proposed for meeting the present immense deficit , and the measures to be adopted for preventing similar results for the future , on all which subjects our readers are already well informed . His Majesty takes the same view of the deficit as M . Troplong , and considers the glory attained in