Article SOUTH WALES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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South Wales.
some manipulation of plumb-rule , level , and square by the Prov . J . G . W ., the Prov . G . S . W ., and the D . Prov . G . M ., the production of plans by an architect ( not the Prov . G . Supt . of Works , nor even a Mason ) , and a presentation of the three well-known Masonic elements of consecration in so many silver
cream jugs ; hut , I repeat , the ceremony of laying the stone was performed by the lady , in further proof of which I have onl y to assert that the public advertisement announced that the ceremony would be performed by the said lady , " assisted by the Freema ? sons , " aud the public press reported that the
proceedings had been thus conducted . I spare the Province auy more pointed allusions , ancl I had looked for better things from the D . PI-OA \ G . M . ; but I vouch for the accuracy of my statement , and offer you this apology for not furnishing your valuable journal Avith a detailed report of proceedings GO unique and thoroughly un-Masonic . Yours trul y , A HATES OB TOM-FOOLERY .
The following is a copy of the circular sent out -. — Cambrian Lodge , Heath , September 17 th , 1864 . DEAR SIR AND BROTIIEB ,, —It is my pleasing duty to inform you that tbe ceremony of laying the .- foundationstone of the new church at Neath Avill be performed Avith Masonic honours , by T . M . Talbot , Esq ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , assisted by the Grand Officers and brethren of this province , on Thursday , the 22 nd instant .
As a large gathering is particularly desirable , may I ask the favour of your attendance . The lodge will be opened punctually at S . 30 p . m . A cold collation will be provided by Bro . H . Hancock , at the Castle Hotel , at 5 p . m . —Tickets , 3 s . 6 d ., inclusive of attendance . Iu the evening , at eight o ' clock , a graud concert will
take place at Alderman Da \ 'ies ' s School-rooms . The following artistes will be present : — Ma . JOHN THOMAS , ( Pencerdd Gwalia ) , MK . BKINSLEY RICHARDS , MR . J . BALSIE , CIIATTEKTON ( Prif Delynor Lloegr ) , Miss EDITH "WYNNE ( Eos Oymru Pencerddes ) , MR . L . W . LEWIS ( Llew Llwyfo );
And a hi ghly-efficient Chorus under the conductorship of Dr . Davies , of Swansea . Railway arrangements are being made , and will in due course be published by the respective companies . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , "W . WHITTINGTON , "W . M .
NEAV OEGAN AT YORK . —On Thursday evening last , a very beautiful and finely toned organ was completed and tried in the presence of a large number of the Craft , at the Freemasons ' Hall . This instrument has been built by Mr . W . Denman , of Chapter House-street , York , upon whom it must reflect lasting credit , as all who have heard it pronounce the organ to be all but faultless . On this occasion full justice was done to its powers by Mr . W . H . Strickland , who performed upon it a
selection of choice and appropriate music . The organ has a very elegant exterior , having been for some time subject to the decorative art of Mr . Gibson Hartley . Its compass ranges from CO to G in alt ., and it contains six stops , viz ., open diapason , viol di gamba , stop bass , ancl stop treble , principal , flute , bourdon , and coupler . Though all these stops are exquisitely voiced , yet a particular charm is attached to tlie flute , and the viol di gamba , both of Avhich are remarkable selections of splendidly and accurately toned organ pipes .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The new loclge , Province of Warwickshire , which is about to be formed is to be named the Fletcher Lodge—a graceful compliment to Bro . Dr . Bell Fletcher , an earnest and zealous Mason . A Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire is to be held at the Masonic Hall , Leeds , on AVednesday , the Sth of October .
CHESHIRE . PEOVINCIAE GEAND LODG-E . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the residence of Bro . W . Bass , DniiUinfield Loclge , Duukinfield , on Thursday , 21 st ult . After the business ofthe loclge a procession of the brethren passed through the principal streets , which were gaily decorated with flags , banners , evergreens , & c , to St . John's Church , Duukinfield ,
where full cathedral service was performed under the direction of the Prov . G . Organist , and a sermon was preached by the Prov . G . Chaplain , after which a collection was made in aid of the Ashton District Infirmary and . the Provincial Fund of Benevolence . The collection realised £ 15 . A banquet took place at the Mechanics' Institution in the evening , which was attended by about 250 of the brethren . A collection was made after dinner on behalf of the Cheshire Educational Masonic Institute , Avhich realised £ 6 Gs . —[ A noble sum this for 250 brethren to subscribe—about 6 d . each for education . —ED .
WALES ( SOUTH ) . LAYING- THE FOUNDATION STONE or NEATH NEW COTTECF . On Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., the . foundation stone of the new church at Neath Avas laid , with full Masonic honours . About three o'clock a procession was formed , which passed through tbe principal streets to the site of the new church , in Orchard-street . At the gate of the field the procession divided itself , and the
Freemasons passed through the centre , followed in consecutive order by the mayor ancl corporation and the other bodies . The principal opening to the ground was well decorated , the chief entrance having the Prince of Wales's plume and a finely executed arch , upon which was inscribed , in letters of "leaf , " " Enter into His gates with thanksgiving . " This was a beautiful device . Over the platform Avere the words , surrounded with and flowers"Jesus Christ is our chief
cornerevergreens , stone . " Numberless flags and banners made out the procession , AA'hich gave great delight to the inhabitants , Avho all endeavoured to vio with each other in the good work . After the procession returned to the-site , it was addressed by the Rector in a speech most appropriate to the undertaking , and also by Bro Theodore Talbot , D . Prov . G . M .
Tlie D . Pitov . G . MASTEB then called upon the G . Supt . of Works to place the plato upon the bottle in the foundation stone , which having been done , The RECTOK , addressing Mrs . Gwyn , said , "I ask you in the name of the committee to accept of this trowel . " The troive , which was of most beautiful workmanship , and the blade of solid silver , bore the following inscription -. — " This trowel was presented to Mrs . Gwyn , on the occasion of
her laying the foundation stone of St . David ' s Church , on the site given by her husband , Hoivel Gwyn , Esq ., of Duffryn . — Sept . 22 ml , 1864 . " The D . PEOV . G . MASTEB then poured from three small silver jugs a quantity of corn , Avine , and oil—the corn being an emblem of plenty , the Avine of brotherhood , and the oil of anointing—having special reference to the period Avhen Jacob anointed tbe illar at Bethel after seeing the ladder in a vision . This
p part of the ceremony having been completed , Mrs . Gwyn spread tbe mortar over the foundation stone , and the top was then lowered to its proper place . The D . Prov . G . M . then formally adjusted the square , level , and p lumb-rule to the foundation stone , saying , " Thus by our square conduct , level steps , and upright intentions , we hope to ascend to that Grand Lodge above
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
South Wales.
some manipulation of plumb-rule , level , and square by the Prov . J . G . W ., the Prov . G . S . W ., and the D . Prov . G . M ., the production of plans by an architect ( not the Prov . G . Supt . of Works , nor even a Mason ) , and a presentation of the three well-known Masonic elements of consecration in so many silver
cream jugs ; hut , I repeat , the ceremony of laying the stone was performed by the lady , in further proof of which I have onl y to assert that the public advertisement announced that the ceremony would be performed by the said lady , " assisted by the Freema ? sons , " aud the public press reported that the
proceedings had been thus conducted . I spare the Province auy more pointed allusions , ancl I had looked for better things from the D . PI-OA \ G . M . ; but I vouch for the accuracy of my statement , and offer you this apology for not furnishing your valuable journal Avith a detailed report of proceedings GO unique and thoroughly un-Masonic . Yours trul y , A HATES OB TOM-FOOLERY .
The following is a copy of the circular sent out -. — Cambrian Lodge , Heath , September 17 th , 1864 . DEAR SIR AND BROTIIEB ,, —It is my pleasing duty to inform you that tbe ceremony of laying the .- foundationstone of the new church at Neath Avill be performed Avith Masonic honours , by T . M . Talbot , Esq ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , assisted by the Grand Officers and brethren of this province , on Thursday , the 22 nd instant .
As a large gathering is particularly desirable , may I ask the favour of your attendance . The lodge will be opened punctually at S . 30 p . m . A cold collation will be provided by Bro . H . Hancock , at the Castle Hotel , at 5 p . m . —Tickets , 3 s . 6 d ., inclusive of attendance . Iu the evening , at eight o ' clock , a graud concert will
take place at Alderman Da \ 'ies ' s School-rooms . The following artistes will be present : — Ma . JOHN THOMAS , ( Pencerdd Gwalia ) , MK . BKINSLEY RICHARDS , MR . J . BALSIE , CIIATTEKTON ( Prif Delynor Lloegr ) , Miss EDITH "WYNNE ( Eos Oymru Pencerddes ) , MR . L . W . LEWIS ( Llew Llwyfo );
And a hi ghly-efficient Chorus under the conductorship of Dr . Davies , of Swansea . Railway arrangements are being made , and will in due course be published by the respective companies . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , "W . WHITTINGTON , "W . M .
NEAV OEGAN AT YORK . —On Thursday evening last , a very beautiful and finely toned organ was completed and tried in the presence of a large number of the Craft , at the Freemasons ' Hall . This instrument has been built by Mr . W . Denman , of Chapter House-street , York , upon whom it must reflect lasting credit , as all who have heard it pronounce the organ to be all but faultless . On this occasion full justice was done to its powers by Mr . W . H . Strickland , who performed upon it a
selection of choice and appropriate music . The organ has a very elegant exterior , having been for some time subject to the decorative art of Mr . Gibson Hartley . Its compass ranges from CO to G in alt ., and it contains six stops , viz ., open diapason , viol di gamba , stop bass , ancl stop treble , principal , flute , bourdon , and coupler . Though all these stops are exquisitely voiced , yet a particular charm is attached to tlie flute , and the viol di gamba , both of Avhich are remarkable selections of splendidly and accurately toned organ pipes .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The new loclge , Province of Warwickshire , which is about to be formed is to be named the Fletcher Lodge—a graceful compliment to Bro . Dr . Bell Fletcher , an earnest and zealous Mason . A Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire is to be held at the Masonic Hall , Leeds , on AVednesday , the Sth of October .
CHESHIRE . PEOVINCIAE GEAND LODG-E . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the residence of Bro . W . Bass , DniiUinfield Loclge , Duukinfield , on Thursday , 21 st ult . After the business ofthe loclge a procession of the brethren passed through the principal streets , which were gaily decorated with flags , banners , evergreens , & c , to St . John's Church , Duukinfield ,
where full cathedral service was performed under the direction of the Prov . G . Organist , and a sermon was preached by the Prov . G . Chaplain , after which a collection was made in aid of the Ashton District Infirmary and . the Provincial Fund of Benevolence . The collection realised £ 15 . A banquet took place at the Mechanics' Institution in the evening , which was attended by about 250 of the brethren . A collection was made after dinner on behalf of the Cheshire Educational Masonic Institute , Avhich realised £ 6 Gs . —[ A noble sum this for 250 brethren to subscribe—about 6 d . each for education . —ED .
WALES ( SOUTH ) . LAYING- THE FOUNDATION STONE or NEATH NEW COTTECF . On Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., the . foundation stone of the new church at Neath Avas laid , with full Masonic honours . About three o'clock a procession was formed , which passed through tbe principal streets to the site of the new church , in Orchard-street . At the gate of the field the procession divided itself , and the
Freemasons passed through the centre , followed in consecutive order by the mayor ancl corporation and the other bodies . The principal opening to the ground was well decorated , the chief entrance having the Prince of Wales's plume and a finely executed arch , upon which was inscribed , in letters of "leaf , " " Enter into His gates with thanksgiving . " This was a beautiful device . Over the platform Avere the words , surrounded with and flowers"Jesus Christ is our chief
cornerevergreens , stone . " Numberless flags and banners made out the procession , AA'hich gave great delight to the inhabitants , Avho all endeavoured to vio with each other in the good work . After the procession returned to the-site , it was addressed by the Rector in a speech most appropriate to the undertaking , and also by Bro Theodore Talbot , D . Prov . G . M .
Tlie D . Pitov . G . MASTEB then called upon the G . Supt . of Works to place the plato upon the bottle in the foundation stone , which having been done , The RECTOK , addressing Mrs . Gwyn , said , "I ask you in the name of the committee to accept of this trowel . " The troive , which was of most beautiful workmanship , and the blade of solid silver , bore the following inscription -. — " This trowel was presented to Mrs . Gwyn , on the occasion of
her laying the foundation stone of St . David ' s Church , on the site given by her husband , Hoivel Gwyn , Esq ., of Duffryn . — Sept . 22 ml , 1864 . " The D . PEOV . G . MASTEB then poured from three small silver jugs a quantity of corn , Avine , and oil—the corn being an emblem of plenty , the Avine of brotherhood , and the oil of anointing—having special reference to the period Avhen Jacob anointed tbe illar at Bethel after seeing the ladder in a vision . This
p part of the ceremony having been completed , Mrs . Gwyn spread tbe mortar over the foundation stone , and the top was then lowered to its proper place . The D . Prov . G . M . then formally adjusted the square , level , and p lumb-rule to the foundation stone , saying , " Thus by our square conduct , level steps , and upright intentions , we hope to ascend to that Grand Lodge above