Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST INDIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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of Bro . Smith , C . E ., " not only as a distinguished visitor , and introducing two other highly distinguished visitors , but more especially as the proprietor of tlie FHEEJUSOXS' MAGAZINE , for without its aid Masonry would he in a state of darkness — they would know nothing of their meetings , nothing of Grand Lodge , nothing of their Charities , in short—it would be darkness that would be severely felt , and hoped the MAGAZINE would never loose its favour amongst them .
Bro . SMITH , while thanking them for their toast of prosperity to the MAGAZINE , could assure them that he never took it with the intention of retaining its proprietorship . He simply came to the rescue to prevent its fall , and he was happy to say the property , from a losing speculation when he first took it , was now a paying one ; and , having rescued it from its losing position , he was anxious to see it the property of the Craft , and it was proposed to establish a company for that purpose
to which the brethren were invited to subscribe . Several other toasts followed , including that of " The Grand Treasurer , Bro . AVhittey , " " The Masonic Charities , and Bro . T . F . Ravensliaw , the Steward for the Boys' School , " "The Past Grand Officers , and Bro . Weaver , " & c , and the company broke up about nine o'clock . Amongst the company present we noticed Bros . Alderman Jacob , of Hull , S . G . W . of Yorkshire ; Professor Gliusher , 33 ; W .
Smith , C . K , P . G . S ., P . M . 33 , 840 , & c ; J . Kelway , Prov . J . G . AV ., Somerset ; H . Weaver , P . Prov . G . W . ; J . Burt , P . Prov . G . W . ; Stancomb , P . Prov . G . W . ; AVhittey , P . Prov . -G . W . ; Humphries , W . M . 976 ; Lawson , AV . M . 632 ; S . Hayward , W . M . 335 ; Gibbs , AV . M . 663 ; Berry , Giddings , Ford , & e . AVe must not omit to mention that the thanks of the brethren were not forgotten to Bro . Simon "Watson Taylor for a very liberal supply of venison and game .
AVe learn that a reply has been received from Lord Donegall to the official communication recently addressed to him hy the G rand Lodge of Ireland . An imperative sense of duty and a concern for the harmony , and even for the existence of the Masonic body in Ireland , required that the Grand Lodge should seek from Lord Donegall an explanation of his violation of one of the standing orders of Masonry , by the introduction of subjects having a political characterat the Masonic Festival in
, Belfast . In his reply , we believe Lord Donegall candidly admits his error , and expresses his regret at having selected that occasion to make observations , Avhose tendency and character the Masonic body had reason to complain of . His lordship's reply will , of course , be laid before the Grand Lodgo on the first Thursday in October , ancl will then be fully considered . —Lrish Times .
West Indies.
JAMAICA . LATING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE THE KINGSTON IIEBEEW ALMSHOUSE . The foundation stone of the projected Kingston Hebrew almshouse was laid on Monday , August 15 th , with Masonic honours . It was originally intended by the directors of the institution to have * a purely religious ceremony on the occasion ,
but it having- become known that the members of the fraternity Avere not unwilling to lend their invaluable aid , it was resolved on making application to the Prov . G . M . for the attendance of the lodges . Accordingly , a deputation consisting of the Rev . A . H . Delevante , and Sfessrs . Isaac Lawton and H . J . Jacobs , Availed on Bro . Dr . Hamilton , Prov . G . M ., and officially requested him to sanction the proceedings . The worshipful brother at once consented , and invested the Friendly
Lodge with authority to make the necessary arrangements for carrying ont tbe desire of the requisitionists . Monday was not very convenient to gentlemen in business , as , besides being post day , it was a day on which several civic meetings Avere held , and on which an important trial took place in the Circuit Court . Nevertheless , there Avas a large attendance of the members of the Craft . The last who arrived at the lodge room was the R . AV . the Prov . G . M ., who wore his several jewels and decorations as the head of the Grand Lodge of
England in the island . He was received with the honours attache ! to his high office , aud on entering the room he was offered tli 3 chair by " Bro . Sollas , who had already opened the proceeding i as Master of the-Friendly Lodge , the Prov . G . M ., however , declined to accept the proffered seat , and Bro . Sollas proceeded to distribute the properties . On the conclusion of this important branch of the proceedingsthe several lodges were formedand the procession move 1
, , on in inversed order . Bro . G . Arnaboldi , dressed as Principal Marshal , rode in front on a spirited steed with a drawn sword . On either side the procession rode two Assistant Marshals , t > beep the way clear , and to preserve the order of march . Immediately in front of the Phcenix Lodge , went the band ot tha Kingston A'blunteers—tlie men being dressed in their bluo uniform , and wearing their swords . The first among the to her
Masons who entered the streets were six sailors attached Majesty ' s ships-of-war AhouMr and Petrel . These jolly-looking Englishmen wove their nautical costume , and carried wands in their hands . Their aprons were neatly trimmed , and on their breasts were their Crimean medals . The presence of these men imparted an interest to the proceeding , which has never before been attached to any similar procession in the island , and demonstrated the true brotherhood which exists among Freemasons . After them walked the members and officers of the Phoenix Loclge of Port Royal . Bro . Isaac Lawton , hy request ,
carried the Bible , and Bro . F . 0 . L . Fatchs ( ofthe Royal Navy ) the Master of the current year , carried the gavel . Then came the Union and Concordia Lodge , of which Bro . Elijah Abrahams acted as Master . In this lodge there was also a pleasing circumstance to be noticed . Several Haitien gentlemen , of known political differences , walked beside each other as offic 3 bearers . They had sunk their political animosities , and had met on a latform of union and brotherhood . They
manip fested a deep interest in the proceedings , and must have rejoiced at finding themselves able , in a free country , to meet as members of the same Order . The third was the Sussex Lodge , of which the R . W . Bro . Dr . Hamilton is Master . The place of the worthy Doctor was occupied on this occasion by Bro . George J . Peynado , Bro . Henry Ford carrying the Bible . The two last-named brothers wore the uniform of the Kingston
Volunteer Cavalry . Bro . John Morce was dressed as a lieutenant in the Artillery . Several of the members of this lodge , being also members of the Grand Lodge , joined the latter , and thus reduced the strength of the Sussex . The Sussex Avas followed by the Royal , of which Bro . Richard Langley is Master . Bro . the Hon . Robert Osborn , the oldest Past Master present , carried the Bible ; the Wardens and other officers their appropriate insignias . This lodge is the oldest in the city , having been in existence for over seventy years . Tlie greater number of the old Masons in Jamaica were made in the Royal , many of whom have been the founders of similar institutions both
there and elsewhere . The Hamilton Lodge , of Spanish lown , not being represented , the Friendly came next , according to previous arrangement . Bro . Vaz , P . M . ( one of the oldest Masons in Kingston ) carried the Bible ; Bro . David R . D'Costa , the cornucopia with corn ; Bro . Michael Law ten , the tankard with wine ; the R . W . D . Grand Master ( of the Scotch Lodge ) Colin Campbell , the cruse with oil ; Bro . H . J . Jacobs , S . W . the levelBro . Daniel R . D'CostaJ . W . the plumb ;
, ; , , Bro . Gabriel R . D'Covdova , Treas ., the plate with coins ; Bro . Barnet Stines , junior , Sec , the parchment scroll , containing the history of the Hebrew Benevolent Society to the present date ; Bros . S . Maduro , the banner s D . C . Bcri-riqntts , the rough ashlar ; and S . Magnus ( of Spanish Town ) , the sword , as Tyler . There were six Stewards carrying Avands , besides the unofficial members of the lodge . Immediately after came the
officers of the'Provineial Grand Loclge of East Jamaica . Bros . Joseph Francis , and J . AV . Whitbonrne ( both dressed as lieutenants of the A olunteer Infantry Corps ) walked together , followed by Bros . J . E . Pieterzs , James Derbyshire , and others . Bros . John Ware , the Prov . G . Sec , of East Jamaica , and E . AV . Lewis , Acting Prov . Sec , of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland Aveve also in attendance . After these came two carriages . In the first were Bros . A . H . Delevanteand Dr .
, Myers , Prov . J . G . Chap ., and in the other Avere Bros . Robert Hamilton , PIOT . G . M ., and J . K . Fingzies , Prov . G . M . of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The latter officer Avore a black rosette , and'had his decorations draped with black , in consequence of tlie recent death of the Duke of Athol , the late Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . As the Avord " march" Avas given hy the Principal Marshal ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of Bro . Smith , C . E ., " not only as a distinguished visitor , and introducing two other highly distinguished visitors , but more especially as the proprietor of tlie FHEEJUSOXS' MAGAZINE , for without its aid Masonry would he in a state of darkness — they would know nothing of their meetings , nothing of Grand Lodge , nothing of their Charities , in short—it would be darkness that would be severely felt , and hoped the MAGAZINE would never loose its favour amongst them .
Bro . SMITH , while thanking them for their toast of prosperity to the MAGAZINE , could assure them that he never took it with the intention of retaining its proprietorship . He simply came to the rescue to prevent its fall , and he was happy to say the property , from a losing speculation when he first took it , was now a paying one ; and , having rescued it from its losing position , he was anxious to see it the property of the Craft , and it was proposed to establish a company for that purpose
to which the brethren were invited to subscribe . Several other toasts followed , including that of " The Grand Treasurer , Bro . AVhittey , " " The Masonic Charities , and Bro . T . F . Ravensliaw , the Steward for the Boys' School , " "The Past Grand Officers , and Bro . Weaver , " & c , and the company broke up about nine o'clock . Amongst the company present we noticed Bros . Alderman Jacob , of Hull , S . G . W . of Yorkshire ; Professor Gliusher , 33 ; W .
Smith , C . K , P . G . S ., P . M . 33 , 840 , & c ; J . Kelway , Prov . J . G . AV ., Somerset ; H . Weaver , P . Prov . G . W . ; J . Burt , P . Prov . G . W . ; Stancomb , P . Prov . G . W . ; AVhittey , P . Prov . -G . W . ; Humphries , W . M . 976 ; Lawson , AV . M . 632 ; S . Hayward , W . M . 335 ; Gibbs , AV . M . 663 ; Berry , Giddings , Ford , & e . AVe must not omit to mention that the thanks of the brethren were not forgotten to Bro . Simon "Watson Taylor for a very liberal supply of venison and game .
AVe learn that a reply has been received from Lord Donegall to the official communication recently addressed to him hy the G rand Lodge of Ireland . An imperative sense of duty and a concern for the harmony , and even for the existence of the Masonic body in Ireland , required that the Grand Lodge should seek from Lord Donegall an explanation of his violation of one of the standing orders of Masonry , by the introduction of subjects having a political characterat the Masonic Festival in
, Belfast . In his reply , we believe Lord Donegall candidly admits his error , and expresses his regret at having selected that occasion to make observations , Avhose tendency and character the Masonic body had reason to complain of . His lordship's reply will , of course , be laid before the Grand Lodgo on the first Thursday in October , ancl will then be fully considered . —Lrish Times .
West Indies.
JAMAICA . LATING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE THE KINGSTON IIEBEEW ALMSHOUSE . The foundation stone of the projected Kingston Hebrew almshouse was laid on Monday , August 15 th , with Masonic honours . It was originally intended by the directors of the institution to have * a purely religious ceremony on the occasion ,
but it having- become known that the members of the fraternity Avere not unwilling to lend their invaluable aid , it was resolved on making application to the Prov . G . M . for the attendance of the lodges . Accordingly , a deputation consisting of the Rev . A . H . Delevante , and Sfessrs . Isaac Lawton and H . J . Jacobs , Availed on Bro . Dr . Hamilton , Prov . G . M ., and officially requested him to sanction the proceedings . The worshipful brother at once consented , and invested the Friendly
Lodge with authority to make the necessary arrangements for carrying ont tbe desire of the requisitionists . Monday was not very convenient to gentlemen in business , as , besides being post day , it was a day on which several civic meetings Avere held , and on which an important trial took place in the Circuit Court . Nevertheless , there Avas a large attendance of the members of the Craft . The last who arrived at the lodge room was the R . AV . the Prov . G . M ., who wore his several jewels and decorations as the head of the Grand Lodge of
England in the island . He was received with the honours attache ! to his high office , aud on entering the room he was offered tli 3 chair by " Bro . Sollas , who had already opened the proceeding i as Master of the-Friendly Lodge , the Prov . G . M ., however , declined to accept the proffered seat , and Bro . Sollas proceeded to distribute the properties . On the conclusion of this important branch of the proceedingsthe several lodges were formedand the procession move 1
, , on in inversed order . Bro . G . Arnaboldi , dressed as Principal Marshal , rode in front on a spirited steed with a drawn sword . On either side the procession rode two Assistant Marshals , t > beep the way clear , and to preserve the order of march . Immediately in front of the Phcenix Lodge , went the band ot tha Kingston A'blunteers—tlie men being dressed in their bluo uniform , and wearing their swords . The first among the to her
Masons who entered the streets were six sailors attached Majesty ' s ships-of-war AhouMr and Petrel . These jolly-looking Englishmen wove their nautical costume , and carried wands in their hands . Their aprons were neatly trimmed , and on their breasts were their Crimean medals . The presence of these men imparted an interest to the proceeding , which has never before been attached to any similar procession in the island , and demonstrated the true brotherhood which exists among Freemasons . After them walked the members and officers of the Phoenix Loclge of Port Royal . Bro . Isaac Lawton , hy request ,
carried the Bible , and Bro . F . 0 . L . Fatchs ( ofthe Royal Navy ) the Master of the current year , carried the gavel . Then came the Union and Concordia Lodge , of which Bro . Elijah Abrahams acted as Master . In this lodge there was also a pleasing circumstance to be noticed . Several Haitien gentlemen , of known political differences , walked beside each other as offic 3 bearers . They had sunk their political animosities , and had met on a latform of union and brotherhood . They
manip fested a deep interest in the proceedings , and must have rejoiced at finding themselves able , in a free country , to meet as members of the same Order . The third was the Sussex Lodge , of which the R . W . Bro . Dr . Hamilton is Master . The place of the worthy Doctor was occupied on this occasion by Bro . George J . Peynado , Bro . Henry Ford carrying the Bible . The two last-named brothers wore the uniform of the Kingston
Volunteer Cavalry . Bro . John Morce was dressed as a lieutenant in the Artillery . Several of the members of this lodge , being also members of the Grand Lodge , joined the latter , and thus reduced the strength of the Sussex . The Sussex Avas followed by the Royal , of which Bro . Richard Langley is Master . Bro . the Hon . Robert Osborn , the oldest Past Master present , carried the Bible ; the Wardens and other officers their appropriate insignias . This lodge is the oldest in the city , having been in existence for over seventy years . Tlie greater number of the old Masons in Jamaica were made in the Royal , many of whom have been the founders of similar institutions both
there and elsewhere . The Hamilton Lodge , of Spanish lown , not being represented , the Friendly came next , according to previous arrangement . Bro . Vaz , P . M . ( one of the oldest Masons in Kingston ) carried the Bible ; Bro . David R . D'Costa , the cornucopia with corn ; Bro . Michael Law ten , the tankard with wine ; the R . W . D . Grand Master ( of the Scotch Lodge ) Colin Campbell , the cruse with oil ; Bro . H . J . Jacobs , S . W . the levelBro . Daniel R . D'CostaJ . W . the plumb ;
, ; , , Bro . Gabriel R . D'Covdova , Treas ., the plate with coins ; Bro . Barnet Stines , junior , Sec , the parchment scroll , containing the history of the Hebrew Benevolent Society to the present date ; Bros . S . Maduro , the banner s D . C . Bcri-riqntts , the rough ashlar ; and S . Magnus ( of Spanish Town ) , the sword , as Tyler . There were six Stewards carrying Avands , besides the unofficial members of the lodge . Immediately after came the
officers of the'Provineial Grand Loclge of East Jamaica . Bros . Joseph Francis , and J . AV . Whitbonrne ( both dressed as lieutenants of the A olunteer Infantry Corps ) walked together , followed by Bros . J . E . Pieterzs , James Derbyshire , and others . Bros . John Ware , the Prov . G . Sec , of East Jamaica , and E . AV . Lewis , Acting Prov . Sec , of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland Aveve also in attendance . After these came two carriages . In the first were Bros . A . H . Delevanteand Dr .
, Myers , Prov . J . G . Chap ., and in the other Avere Bros . Robert Hamilton , PIOT . G . M ., and J . K . Fingzies , Prov . G . M . of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The latter officer Avore a black rosette , and'had his decorations draped with black , in consequence of tlie recent death of the Duke of Athol , the late Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . As the Avord " march" Avas given hy the Principal Marshal ,