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The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. Vi.
( From our own Correspondent . ) "We have from time to time kept the brethren , advised of the progress of events in connection with the Masonic revolt of which Glasgow has for several months been the scene . Our last communication ' embraced the report by the Committee of the Supreme
Grand Chapter , relative to the proceedings of the disaffected , and an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting held by those companions in Glasgow , on the 12 fch September last , at which they resolved upon demanding from Supreme Chapter , not only redress of their fancied grievances , but a radical change in the
very constitution of the Order . The demands are thus expressed .- — 1 st . To demand from Supreme Chapter aud Committee a full retraction of their interference with the Provincial Grand Superintendent and the Provincial Grand Chapter in the discharge of his and their duties ; also that they apoligise to Companion Dr . Walker Arnott ,
for said interference , and delete from the records of Supreme Chapter all minutes having reference thereto . 2 nd . That fbr the insulting and unbecoming language used towards Companion Dr . Arnott , by Companions D . Murray Lyon and George Good , these companions be suspended for such period as may be deemed sufficient ; such suspension to continue in force until a suitable
apology has been tendered , and that the Supreme Chapter will cause the Ayr Kilwinning Chapter ( No . 80 ) , to delete from their minute-book the minute referring to Dr . Walker Arnott . 3 rd . That Supremo Chapter request Companion Dr . Walker Arnott , to resume all the offices formerly held by him .
4 th . That for the future better government of the body the meetings of Supreme Chapter and Supreme Committee shall be held in Edinburgh and Glasgow alternately , and that the half of the office-bearers of Supreme Chapter and members of Supreme Committee be chosen from the west of Scotland .
A copy of this manifesto having been forwarded to Grand Scribe E , for presentation to the Supreme Grand Chapter , with a request that an answer might be returned within thirty days , Grand Committee , from a conviction that the more the truth was known the smaller would be the probability of
their demands being complied with , vu'inted the same as an appendix to their report and furnished every member of Supreme Chapter with a copy . Like the three Tooley-street tailors , who in their famous petition designated them : " We the people of England , " the handful of companions meeting in Glasgowon the
, 12 th Sept ., introduce themselves to " the world " as "the Royal Arch Masons of the West of Scotland , " and in this presumed capacity have had the audacity , in the most imperious terms , to dictate to the head of the Order of which they are subordinate members . But leaving the future to demonstrate the strength
of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Glasgow , we proceed to shew how far the insurgents have succeeded in bullying the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland into compliance , with their commands .
Meeting Of Grand Chapter.
By order of the Supreme Grand Committee , a special meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter was held in the Ereemasons Hall , Edinburgh , on the evening of Monday the 20 th instant , " to consider report bv the committee of the Supreme Grand Eoyal Arch Chanter of Scotlandrelative to certain proceedings
, adopted by members of the Order in Glasgow ; to dispose of the demands made by said members , aud to adopt such measures as the Supreme Chapter maythink necessary in reference to the Chapter and companions who have taken part in the ju'oceedings in Glasgowreferred to in report . "
, The throne was occupied by the Past Grand First Principal , C ' omp . J . "Whyte Melville , of Bsnnochy and Strathkinness ; Comp . Lord Loughborough was in his place as Grand IE . ; and the Depute Grand Principal , Comp . Sir John Douglas , K . C . B ., officiated as Grand J .
Tiie meeting is said to have been the largest ever held in Edinburgh of the Eoyal Arch degree . Among the Grand Office-bearers and members jneseat we observed the following : — -the Grand Principals above mentioned ; L . Mackersey , W . S ., Grand Scribe E . ; J . Johnstone Cotton , Grand Scribe IN " . ; 0 . J . Stewart ,
W . S ., Grand Treasurer ; Alexander Hay , Grand Recorder ; Thomas Dryborough , Eirst Grand Sojourner ; E . D . Me'Cowan , Third Grand Sojourner ; Win . Mann , Grand Chancellor ; " W . Belfrage , Grand Sword Bearer ; W . Campbell , Chairman of Committee ; S . Soinerville of Ampherlaw ; J . B . Douglas , W . S . ; R . S . Hunter , Deputy Commissary General ; Stewart Watson ; James TaitJuniorW . S . ; IT . Veale
, , , JI . D . ; W . D . MacRitchie , M . D . ¦ William Henry ; W . H . Corrie ; A . Mitchell ; W . D . Adams , M . D . ; ~ W . D . Alder ; George B . Brown ; John Lawrie ; Robert Chambers , Junior ; D . Skirving ; P . Cowan , P . Z . No . 18 ; D . Murray Lyon , P . J . No . 80 ; S . E . Trotter ; Richard " Wilson ; Ebsworth , & c .
The chapter having been opened in due form , the Grand Scribe E . read to the meeting the minutes of last quarterly communication , in so far as those related to the vesting in Comp . " Whyte Melville of all the powers and privileges of Past Grand Z ., consequent upon the resignation of Dr . Walker Arnott ;
also the minute of committee , of date Sth October , 1862 , appointing a special meeting oi the Supreme Chapter to be called , ancl for the purposes of this meeting both minutes were approved of .
lhe PAST GEAITD Z . thought it unnecessary to say anything further on the subject of this meeting , than that in consequence of unavoidable absence from the meetings of Supreme Grand Chapter he was , previous to the presentation ofthe Committee ' s report , unaware of the circumstances leading to the Masonic rebellion of which Glasgow was at present the scene . He had
, however , read very carefully the report , bearing on that subject , submitted by Grand Committee , and had formed his own conclusions ; but having been called upon to preside that evening , he would refrain from expressing any opinion on the matters to be . discussed . As every member of Supreme Chapter bad been
supplied with a copy of the report of Grand Committee , including appendix , he thought that report might now be considered to have been read . This was agreed to . Excellent Companion LOED LOTJGUBOKOUGH having
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The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. Vi.
( From our own Correspondent . ) "We have from time to time kept the brethren , advised of the progress of events in connection with the Masonic revolt of which Glasgow has for several months been the scene . Our last communication ' embraced the report by the Committee of the Supreme
Grand Chapter , relative to the proceedings of the disaffected , and an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting held by those companions in Glasgow , on the 12 fch September last , at which they resolved upon demanding from Supreme Chapter , not only redress of their fancied grievances , but a radical change in the
very constitution of the Order . The demands are thus expressed .- — 1 st . To demand from Supreme Chapter aud Committee a full retraction of their interference with the Provincial Grand Superintendent and the Provincial Grand Chapter in the discharge of his and their duties ; also that they apoligise to Companion Dr . Walker Arnott ,
for said interference , and delete from the records of Supreme Chapter all minutes having reference thereto . 2 nd . That fbr the insulting and unbecoming language used towards Companion Dr . Arnott , by Companions D . Murray Lyon and George Good , these companions be suspended for such period as may be deemed sufficient ; such suspension to continue in force until a suitable
apology has been tendered , and that the Supreme Chapter will cause the Ayr Kilwinning Chapter ( No . 80 ) , to delete from their minute-book the minute referring to Dr . Walker Arnott . 3 rd . That Supremo Chapter request Companion Dr . Walker Arnott , to resume all the offices formerly held by him .
4 th . That for the future better government of the body the meetings of Supreme Chapter and Supreme Committee shall be held in Edinburgh and Glasgow alternately , and that the half of the office-bearers of Supreme Chapter and members of Supreme Committee be chosen from the west of Scotland .
A copy of this manifesto having been forwarded to Grand Scribe E , for presentation to the Supreme Grand Chapter , with a request that an answer might be returned within thirty days , Grand Committee , from a conviction that the more the truth was known the smaller would be the probability of
their demands being complied with , vu'inted the same as an appendix to their report and furnished every member of Supreme Chapter with a copy . Like the three Tooley-street tailors , who in their famous petition designated them : " We the people of England , " the handful of companions meeting in Glasgowon the
, 12 th Sept ., introduce themselves to " the world " as "the Royal Arch Masons of the West of Scotland , " and in this presumed capacity have had the audacity , in the most imperious terms , to dictate to the head of the Order of which they are subordinate members . But leaving the future to demonstrate the strength
of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Glasgow , we proceed to shew how far the insurgents have succeeded in bullying the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland into compliance , with their commands .
Meeting Of Grand Chapter.
By order of the Supreme Grand Committee , a special meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter was held in the Ereemasons Hall , Edinburgh , on the evening of Monday the 20 th instant , " to consider report bv the committee of the Supreme Grand Eoyal Arch Chanter of Scotlandrelative to certain proceedings
, adopted by members of the Order in Glasgow ; to dispose of the demands made by said members , aud to adopt such measures as the Supreme Chapter maythink necessary in reference to the Chapter and companions who have taken part in the ju'oceedings in Glasgowreferred to in report . "
, The throne was occupied by the Past Grand First Principal , C ' omp . J . "Whyte Melville , of Bsnnochy and Strathkinness ; Comp . Lord Loughborough was in his place as Grand IE . ; and the Depute Grand Principal , Comp . Sir John Douglas , K . C . B ., officiated as Grand J .
Tiie meeting is said to have been the largest ever held in Edinburgh of the Eoyal Arch degree . Among the Grand Office-bearers and members jneseat we observed the following : — -the Grand Principals above mentioned ; L . Mackersey , W . S ., Grand Scribe E . ; J . Johnstone Cotton , Grand Scribe IN " . ; 0 . J . Stewart ,
W . S ., Grand Treasurer ; Alexander Hay , Grand Recorder ; Thomas Dryborough , Eirst Grand Sojourner ; E . D . Me'Cowan , Third Grand Sojourner ; Win . Mann , Grand Chancellor ; " W . Belfrage , Grand Sword Bearer ; W . Campbell , Chairman of Committee ; S . Soinerville of Ampherlaw ; J . B . Douglas , W . S . ; R . S . Hunter , Deputy Commissary General ; Stewart Watson ; James TaitJuniorW . S . ; IT . Veale
, , , JI . D . ; W . D . MacRitchie , M . D . ¦ William Henry ; W . H . Corrie ; A . Mitchell ; W . D . Adams , M . D . ; ~ W . D . Alder ; George B . Brown ; John Lawrie ; Robert Chambers , Junior ; D . Skirving ; P . Cowan , P . Z . No . 18 ; D . Murray Lyon , P . J . No . 80 ; S . E . Trotter ; Richard " Wilson ; Ebsworth , & c .
The chapter having been opened in due form , the Grand Scribe E . read to the meeting the minutes of last quarterly communication , in so far as those related to the vesting in Comp . " Whyte Melville of all the powers and privileges of Past Grand Z ., consequent upon the resignation of Dr . Walker Arnott ;
also the minute of committee , of date Sth October , 1862 , appointing a special meeting oi the Supreme Chapter to be called , ancl for the purposes of this meeting both minutes were approved of .
lhe PAST GEAITD Z . thought it unnecessary to say anything further on the subject of this meeting , than that in consequence of unavoidable absence from the meetings of Supreme Grand Chapter he was , previous to the presentation ofthe Committee ' s report , unaware of the circumstances leading to the Masonic rebellion of which Glasgow was at present the scene . He had
, however , read very carefully the report , bearing on that subject , submitted by Grand Committee , and had formed his own conclusions ; but having been called upon to preside that evening , he would refrain from expressing any opinion on the matters to be . discussed . As every member of Supreme Chapter bad been
supplied with a copy of the report of Grand Committee , including appendix , he thought that report might now be considered to have been read . This was agreed to . Excellent Companion LOED LOTJGUBOKOUGH having