Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
His Grace the Duke of St . Albans , Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire , has graciously consented to preside at- the next anniversary festival of the Girls' School in May next . The Kentish brethren have purchased a beautifully-designed masonic bracelet , value £ 126 , for presentation to Lady Holmesdale , the wife ofthe Prov . G . M . This costly jewel was intended
to have been a wedding present to her Ladyship , but not being -completed in time will be presented on her return to Lintonplace . The Anniversary Festival of the Athelstan Lodge of Instruction is to take place on Thursday next , at Bro . Adams ' , Union Tavern , ( Air-street , Regent-street , when a good a muster of the
brethren is anticipated . The M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., has given his patronage to the Scottish Masonic Calendar , which is hereafter to be called " The British , Irish , ancl Colonial Masonic Calendar , Pocket-book , and Diary . " Bro . Spencer announces for immediate publication , from the
pen of our rev . Bro . Dr . Oliver , a new work , under the title ofthe Freemasons' Treasury , " comprising fifty-two short lectures on the theory and practice of symbolical masonry , adapted for delivery in open lodge or at lodges of instruction , in which obscure passages in the ritual are explained , errors corrected , the landmarks classed , old traditions ventilated , and the whole system simplified and made easy of attainment to any industrious brother . "
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR- BOYS . A Quarterly General Court of the governors and subscribers was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on on Monday , the 20 th inst . John Symor . ds , Esq ,, V . P ., in the chair . There were also present—Bros . Captain Creaton , C . Robinson , Head , H . J .
Thompson , Leveau , J . Udall , Enipson , Patten , B . Cox , Sheen , AV . AVinn , T ' . P ., Nutt , Sherry , S . B . Wilson , Young , & c , & c . The Secretary having read the advertisement convening the meeting , the minutes of the last Quarterly Court was read and -confirmed , and the minutes of the meeting of the General Committee , held since that date , were reported .
On motions duly made and seconded , it was resolved : — " That in rule -13 ( relating to the number of boys to be admitted to the Institution ) the number ' seventy-two' be substituted for ' seventy . ' And that the following words bo added to rule -11— 'And such reselution shall not require confirmation at a subsequent Quarterly Court . ' " A ballot then took place for the election of five boys from the ¦ approved list of candidates , with the following result : —
SUCCESSFUL . A otes . 1 Glass , Win . And 3923 2 Tet-lcy , Fred H 2956 3 James , . 1 . Anderson 2169 4 Rumblon , AValter 2210 5 Turner , C . F 1 G 18 UKSI-CCES 3 IUL . G AVeeks , W . F , 1303
7 Bead , Frank 11 I 4 . J . 5 8 Noel , Thomas 137 " -i . 9 Porestley , AV . H ' .. 972 10 Parkinson , AV . H 760 11 Hanham , AAMI 72 S 12 Bird , II . G 637 13 AVilson , 15 . C 231 14 Bick , Hv 223 15 Wildman , H . W 152
The Masonic Mirror.
16 Lewis , Jno 143 17 Crabtree , B . T 122 18 Dawson AV 101 19 Bice , H . F 63 20 Jackson , H . J — 21 AVoodstock , B — Some disappointment was occasioned by a clerical error in the announcement of the numbers , which gave a slightly different
result , but the above is the corrected return , as published in the daily papers of the 21 st inst ., and certified by the scrutineers . A vote of thanks was unanimously tendered to the brethren who had so efficiently conducted the duties of scrutineers , viz ., Bros . John Udall , H . Empson , Geo . Barrett , Geo . Robins , C . Bobinson , and Capt . Creaton , the numbers having been declared
within three-quarters of an hour of the close of the poll . The proceedings terminated with a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., for his courteous and able conduct in the chair , which , as well as the former , was suitably acknowledged , " We have been requested to publish the following letter , though it , in some measure , reflects upon ourselves . We are free to admit the report was omitted by accident , an editor being out of town at the time . As regards the irregularity alluded to , it
is to be regretted , but is of the less consequence , as it was discovered before the meeting closed . TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASON ' S ItACfAZIXE A 2 . D MASONIC 3 IIIEH 0 H . SIB , —I , and doubtless hundreds of brethren throughout the country , have been much surprised at not seeing any account of the late election of candidates for the Boys' School , in your last issue . This election was announced to take place on Monday tlie 20 th October ; but both the advertisement columns and the
Masonic intelligence of last Saturday ' s MAGAZINE are perfectly silent on the subject . The Hampshire brethren , who were much interested in the success of certain candidates , were driven to seek information in a local paper , which contains a mysterious allusion to the perpetration of some mistake in the course of the election . AVith all deference , I take leave to assert that this omission , whether it is to be imputed to negligence on the part of the
execution of the Institution , or to an oversight on the part of the management of the MAGAZINE—is not calculated to satisfy the requirements of the brethren or to promote the interests of the charity . I am , Sir , yours faithfully and fraternally , ALI-BED SMITH , AV . M ., No . 90 . Winchester , 26 th October , 1862 .
MOTTKT LEBANON- LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —This well-known old established lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , September 21 st , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of the AV . M ., Bro . It . Slade , ( caused by his absence from town , ) Bro . D . Davies , P . M . and Treas ., took the chair . The business of the evening was the initiation of Mr . Gunnell , who , being properly introduced , was duly initiated
in our worthy P . M . 's well-known excellent style . He was ably assisted by Bros . AValters , Harris , Moore , AVatkins , Bell , Dixon , Levy , ami many others . This being rather a slack night , none of the passings , raisings , or initiates being in attendance , the lodge was soon closed . There being no banquet , the brethren separated at the close of the business . BOTAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High Street ,
Deptford , on Wednesday , October 22 nd . The AV . M ., Bro . AV . Scott , assisted by his officers , AA'ilton , Stalir , AValters , Stevens , AVeir , P . M ., Pembroke , Mills , and Dixon , P . M ., opened his lodge . There was a heavy list of business to be got through , viz ., five initiations and two passings . The first ceremony which was taken in hand was the passing of Bros . Hodgson and Rosenstock to the degree of Fellow Craft . The ceremony was gone through in the first-rate stle for which the AA . M . is
proy verbial . The large amount of business which the W . M . knew had to follow this ceremony reluctantly compelled him to refrain from giving his usual lecture on the Second Tracing Board . The next ceremony was tho initiation of Messrs . Nottebohm , Hawker , and Voss . This ceremony , like the preceding was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
His Grace the Duke of St . Albans , Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire , has graciously consented to preside at- the next anniversary festival of the Girls' School in May next . The Kentish brethren have purchased a beautifully-designed masonic bracelet , value £ 126 , for presentation to Lady Holmesdale , the wife ofthe Prov . G . M . This costly jewel was intended
to have been a wedding present to her Ladyship , but not being -completed in time will be presented on her return to Lintonplace . The Anniversary Festival of the Athelstan Lodge of Instruction is to take place on Thursday next , at Bro . Adams ' , Union Tavern , ( Air-street , Regent-street , when a good a muster of the
brethren is anticipated . The M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., has given his patronage to the Scottish Masonic Calendar , which is hereafter to be called " The British , Irish , ancl Colonial Masonic Calendar , Pocket-book , and Diary . " Bro . Spencer announces for immediate publication , from the
pen of our rev . Bro . Dr . Oliver , a new work , under the title ofthe Freemasons' Treasury , " comprising fifty-two short lectures on the theory and practice of symbolical masonry , adapted for delivery in open lodge or at lodges of instruction , in which obscure passages in the ritual are explained , errors corrected , the landmarks classed , old traditions ventilated , and the whole system simplified and made easy of attainment to any industrious brother . "
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR- BOYS . A Quarterly General Court of the governors and subscribers was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on on Monday , the 20 th inst . John Symor . ds , Esq ,, V . P ., in the chair . There were also present—Bros . Captain Creaton , C . Robinson , Head , H . J .
Thompson , Leveau , J . Udall , Enipson , Patten , B . Cox , Sheen , AV . AVinn , T ' . P ., Nutt , Sherry , S . B . Wilson , Young , & c , & c . The Secretary having read the advertisement convening the meeting , the minutes of the last Quarterly Court was read and -confirmed , and the minutes of the meeting of the General Committee , held since that date , were reported .
On motions duly made and seconded , it was resolved : — " That in rule -13 ( relating to the number of boys to be admitted to the Institution ) the number ' seventy-two' be substituted for ' seventy . ' And that the following words bo added to rule -11— 'And such reselution shall not require confirmation at a subsequent Quarterly Court . ' " A ballot then took place for the election of five boys from the ¦ approved list of candidates , with the following result : —
SUCCESSFUL . A otes . 1 Glass , Win . And 3923 2 Tet-lcy , Fred H 2956 3 James , . 1 . Anderson 2169 4 Rumblon , AValter 2210 5 Turner , C . F 1 G 18 UKSI-CCES 3 IUL . G AVeeks , W . F , 1303
7 Bead , Frank 11 I 4 . J . 5 8 Noel , Thomas 137 " -i . 9 Porestley , AV . H ' .. 972 10 Parkinson , AV . H 760 11 Hanham , AAMI 72 S 12 Bird , II . G 637 13 AVilson , 15 . C 231 14 Bick , Hv 223 15 Wildman , H . W 152
The Masonic Mirror.
16 Lewis , Jno 143 17 Crabtree , B . T 122 18 Dawson AV 101 19 Bice , H . F 63 20 Jackson , H . J — 21 AVoodstock , B — Some disappointment was occasioned by a clerical error in the announcement of the numbers , which gave a slightly different
result , but the above is the corrected return , as published in the daily papers of the 21 st inst ., and certified by the scrutineers . A vote of thanks was unanimously tendered to the brethren who had so efficiently conducted the duties of scrutineers , viz ., Bros . John Udall , H . Empson , Geo . Barrett , Geo . Robins , C . Bobinson , and Capt . Creaton , the numbers having been declared
within three-quarters of an hour of the close of the poll . The proceedings terminated with a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., for his courteous and able conduct in the chair , which , as well as the former , was suitably acknowledged , " We have been requested to publish the following letter , though it , in some measure , reflects upon ourselves . We are free to admit the report was omitted by accident , an editor being out of town at the time . As regards the irregularity alluded to , it
is to be regretted , but is of the less consequence , as it was discovered before the meeting closed . TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASON ' S ItACfAZIXE A 2 . D MASONIC 3 IIIEH 0 H . SIB , —I , and doubtless hundreds of brethren throughout the country , have been much surprised at not seeing any account of the late election of candidates for the Boys' School , in your last issue . This election was announced to take place on Monday tlie 20 th October ; but both the advertisement columns and the
Masonic intelligence of last Saturday ' s MAGAZINE are perfectly silent on the subject . The Hampshire brethren , who were much interested in the success of certain candidates , were driven to seek information in a local paper , which contains a mysterious allusion to the perpetration of some mistake in the course of the election . AVith all deference , I take leave to assert that this omission , whether it is to be imputed to negligence on the part of the
execution of the Institution , or to an oversight on the part of the management of the MAGAZINE—is not calculated to satisfy the requirements of the brethren or to promote the interests of the charity . I am , Sir , yours faithfully and fraternally , ALI-BED SMITH , AV . M ., No . 90 . Winchester , 26 th October , 1862 .
MOTTKT LEBANON- LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —This well-known old established lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , September 21 st , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of the AV . M ., Bro . It . Slade , ( caused by his absence from town , ) Bro . D . Davies , P . M . and Treas ., took the chair . The business of the evening was the initiation of Mr . Gunnell , who , being properly introduced , was duly initiated
in our worthy P . M . 's well-known excellent style . He was ably assisted by Bros . AValters , Harris , Moore , AVatkins , Bell , Dixon , Levy , ami many others . This being rather a slack night , none of the passings , raisings , or initiates being in attendance , the lodge was soon closed . There being no banquet , the brethren separated at the close of the business . BOTAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High Street ,
Deptford , on Wednesday , October 22 nd . The AV . M ., Bro . AV . Scott , assisted by his officers , AA'ilton , Stalir , AValters , Stevens , AVeir , P . M ., Pembroke , Mills , and Dixon , P . M ., opened his lodge . There was a heavy list of business to be got through , viz ., five initiations and two passings . The first ceremony which was taken in hand was the passing of Bros . Hodgson and Rosenstock to the degree of Fellow Craft . The ceremony was gone through in the first-rate stle for which the AA . M . is
proy verbial . The large amount of business which the W . M . knew had to follow this ceremony reluctantly compelled him to refrain from giving his usual lecture on the Second Tracing Board . The next ceremony was tho initiation of Messrs . Nottebohm , Hawker , and Voss . This ceremony , like the preceding was