Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Lodge M Eetings &C., For Week Ending June 10th, 1871.
METEOPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Monday , June 5 th . LODGES . —Royal Alpha , AVillis ' s Booms , St . James ' s ; Joppa . Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street ; Asaph , Freemasons's Hall . CHAPTER . —Victoria , Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue Basinghall-street . Tuesday , June Sth .
Colonial Board at 3 . LODGE . —St . John , Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead ; Grosvenor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway ; Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern , Mile End ; Golden Rule , Great AVestern Hotel , Bayswater ; Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern , Canonbury . CHAPTER : —Temperance , AVhite Swan , Deptford . Wednesday , . Time 7 th
Quarterly Communication Grand Lodge . Thursday , June Sth . LODGES . —AA ' estmoreland and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall ; Bank of England , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars ; Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton , Essex ; Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters Road , Holloway . CHATTEES . — Eoyal Jubilee , Horns Tavern , Keunington ; Beadon ,
Greyhound Hotel , Dulwich . Friday June , Qth . LODGE . —Caledonian , Ship aud Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . CHAPTERS . —Friendship , AVillis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s ; Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . Saturday , June 10 th . LODGES . —Loudon , Freemasons' Hall ; Caveac , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars ; Granits , Freemasons' Hall .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Monday , June 5 th . LODGES . —Temple , Old George , St . Mary Axe . E . C ; Justice , Eoyal Albert , New Cross-id , Deptford ; St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., " Alount-st ., Grosveinr-sq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., AA est-sq ., Southwaik ; High Cross , AVhite Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Eastern Star , Soyal Ho ., Burdctt-rd ., Mile-end-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav .,
Haverstock Hill ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft Place , Mile End , E . ; Tower Hamlets' Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercial E , oad , E . ; Union Waterloo , King's Arms , AVoolwieh ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Motcoinb Street , Belgrave Square ; Sincerity , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch Street ; Prince Regent Club , Prince Regent Tavern , 111 , East Road , City Road , E . G . ; AA elliugton , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
Tuesday , June 6 th . LODGES . —Faith , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Mctrop . Dist . Rail ., A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyno Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . John's-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AVhite Hart ,
Abchurchlane ; Sidney Lodge , Cambridge Hotel , Upper Norwood Pythagorean , Prince ot Orange , Greenwich ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-st . New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., New AVandsworth . CHAPTER . —Metropolitan , Price ' s Portugal Ho ., F ! eet-st Mount Sion , White Hart , Bishopsgate-st . ; Robert Burns c ussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' s Lane . Wednesday , Juue 7 tli .
LODGES . —Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-st ; United Strength Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; Israel , Rising Sun Tav . Globe Road ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Murk's , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lam ; heth ; Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckbam-Rye Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherhie-st .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-stree-Eoyal Union , Bro . Duddy's , AVinsiey-st ., Oxford-street . CHAPTER . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-street . Grosvenor-square . Thursday , June Sth-LODGES . —Fidelity , Goat aud Compasses , Euston-road ; Kent , Dukeol York , Borough-rd „ Southwark ; United Mariners , Three
Cranes , Mile-end-rd . ; Vitruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George's , Globe Tav ., Eoyal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-square ; Tranquility , SugarLoafTav ., Great St . Helen ' s , E . G . ; Whittington , Crown Hotel , 41 , High Holborn ; Eoyal Oak , Eoyal Oak Tavern , Deptford ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ,, Alctoriapark , at 7 ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell Alley ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Merchant Navy , Jamaica Tav ., AV . India Dock Eoad . Poplar . CHAPTER , —Joppa , Prospect of AVhitby Tav ., 57 ,
AVappiugwan . Friday , June 9 th . LODGES—St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Cheyne-walk , Chelsea Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford > Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . ; United Pilgrims , Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd's Lane , Brixton ; AVestbourne , the Grapes , Duke-st ., Manchester Florence NihtingaleFreemasons' Tav . Woolwich ;
square ; g , , Ranelagh , Eoyal Sussex Hotel , Broadway , Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three . Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Victoria , Andertous' Ho . ; Fleet-st . ; Hervey , Swan , AValhaiii-green ; Metropolitan , Price's Portugal Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Charter House , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 27 , Goswell-rd . ; Bobert Burns , Union Tav-Air-street , Eegent-st . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes ;
Lily , Greyhound , Ho ., Eiehmond ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresham Street ; Eoyal Standard , Marquess Tavern ; Canonbury . CHAPTERS . —Domatic , Fisher's Eestaurant , Victoria Station . Saturday , Jane Wth . LODGE . —Sphinx , Stirling Castle , Camberwell . CHAPTERS . — Mount Sinai , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street ; Domatic , Horns , Keunington .
To Correspondents.
* * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-. street , Strand , W . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly .
Our Correspondents , and especially our Foreign Exchanges are requested to Address in full to "The Editor of The Freemason's Magazine and Masonic Mirror , 19 , Salisbury Street , Strand , Loudon , AV . C . " Letters and Papers , Address , "Freemasons' Magazine , " London although mostly reaching us are liable to miscarriageand
, are invariably delayed in delivery . ERRATA—At page 407 , second column , third line from top , for " took place there" read " took place then , " and the same on seventh line from top ; twelfth line for "Buchanan ' s" read " Buchan's . " MENDERS OE THE HIGH GRADES . —It has frequently been observed by Craft Masons that when members of the Craft obtain ,
rank and status in "the High Grades , " they cease to appear at the usual Masonic gatherings of the Craft ; , except they are entitled to sit upon the dais in Grand Lodge . G . W . L . —Those degrees erroneously called the "Babylonish Pass " belong to the A . and A . Rite , and are conferred by al l Rose tjt Chapters which can if they like work them iuexfcenso As many of the Lodges of Instruction have a recess during the summer months , Secretaries aro requested to notify us thereof , so that they may he omitted from the list .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Lodge M Eetings &C., For Week Ending June 10th, 1871.
METEOPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Monday , June 5 th . LODGES . —Royal Alpha , AVillis ' s Booms , St . James ' s ; Joppa . Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street ; Asaph , Freemasons's Hall . CHAPTER . —Victoria , Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue Basinghall-street . Tuesday , June Sth .
Colonial Board at 3 . LODGE . —St . John , Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead ; Grosvenor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway ; Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern , Mile End ; Golden Rule , Great AVestern Hotel , Bayswater ; Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern , Canonbury . CHAPTER : —Temperance , AVhite Swan , Deptford . Wednesday , . Time 7 th
Quarterly Communication Grand Lodge . Thursday , June Sth . LODGES . —AA ' estmoreland and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall ; Bank of England , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars ; Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton , Essex ; Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters Road , Holloway . CHATTEES . — Eoyal Jubilee , Horns Tavern , Keunington ; Beadon ,
Greyhound Hotel , Dulwich . Friday June , Qth . LODGE . —Caledonian , Ship aud Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . CHAPTERS . —Friendship , AVillis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s ; Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . Saturday , June 10 th . LODGES . —Loudon , Freemasons' Hall ; Caveac , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars ; Granits , Freemasons' Hall .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Monday , June 5 th . LODGES . —Temple , Old George , St . Mary Axe . E . C ; Justice , Eoyal Albert , New Cross-id , Deptford ; St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., " Alount-st ., Grosveinr-sq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., AA est-sq ., Southwaik ; High Cross , AVhite Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Eastern Star , Soyal Ho ., Burdctt-rd ., Mile-end-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav .,
Haverstock Hill ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft Place , Mile End , E . ; Tower Hamlets' Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercial E , oad , E . ; Union Waterloo , King's Arms , AVoolwieh ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Motcoinb Street , Belgrave Square ; Sincerity , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch Street ; Prince Regent Club , Prince Regent Tavern , 111 , East Road , City Road , E . G . ; AA elliugton , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
Tuesday , June 6 th . LODGES . —Faith , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Mctrop . Dist . Rail ., A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyno Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . John's-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AVhite Hart ,
Abchurchlane ; Sidney Lodge , Cambridge Hotel , Upper Norwood Pythagorean , Prince ot Orange , Greenwich ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-st . New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., New AVandsworth . CHAPTER . —Metropolitan , Price ' s Portugal Ho ., F ! eet-st Mount Sion , White Hart , Bishopsgate-st . ; Robert Burns c ussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' s Lane . Wednesday , Juue 7 tli .
LODGES . —Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-st ; United Strength Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; Israel , Rising Sun Tav . Globe Road ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Murk's , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lam ; heth ; Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckbam-Rye Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherhie-st .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-stree-Eoyal Union , Bro . Duddy's , AVinsiey-st ., Oxford-street . CHAPTER . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-street . Grosvenor-square . Thursday , June Sth-LODGES . —Fidelity , Goat aud Compasses , Euston-road ; Kent , Dukeol York , Borough-rd „ Southwark ; United Mariners , Three
Cranes , Mile-end-rd . ; Vitruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George's , Globe Tav ., Eoyal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-square ; Tranquility , SugarLoafTav ., Great St . Helen ' s , E . G . ; Whittington , Crown Hotel , 41 , High Holborn ; Eoyal Oak , Eoyal Oak Tavern , Deptford ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ,, Alctoriapark , at 7 ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell Alley ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Merchant Navy , Jamaica Tav ., AV . India Dock Eoad . Poplar . CHAPTER , —Joppa , Prospect of AVhitby Tav ., 57 ,
AVappiugwan . Friday , June 9 th . LODGES—St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Cheyne-walk , Chelsea Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford > Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . ; United Pilgrims , Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd's Lane , Brixton ; AVestbourne , the Grapes , Duke-st ., Manchester Florence NihtingaleFreemasons' Tav . Woolwich ;
square ; g , , Ranelagh , Eoyal Sussex Hotel , Broadway , Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three . Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Victoria , Andertous' Ho . ; Fleet-st . ; Hervey , Swan , AValhaiii-green ; Metropolitan , Price's Portugal Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Charter House , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 27 , Goswell-rd . ; Bobert Burns , Union Tav-Air-street , Eegent-st . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes ;
Lily , Greyhound , Ho ., Eiehmond ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresham Street ; Eoyal Standard , Marquess Tavern ; Canonbury . CHAPTERS . —Domatic , Fisher's Eestaurant , Victoria Station . Saturday , Jane Wth . LODGE . —Sphinx , Stirling Castle , Camberwell . CHAPTERS . — Mount Sinai , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street ; Domatic , Horns , Keunington .
To Correspondents.
* * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-. street , Strand , W . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly .
Our Correspondents , and especially our Foreign Exchanges are requested to Address in full to "The Editor of The Freemason's Magazine and Masonic Mirror , 19 , Salisbury Street , Strand , Loudon , AV . C . " Letters and Papers , Address , "Freemasons' Magazine , " London although mostly reaching us are liable to miscarriageand
, are invariably delayed in delivery . ERRATA—At page 407 , second column , third line from top , for " took place there" read " took place then , " and the same on seventh line from top ; twelfth line for "Buchanan ' s" read " Buchan's . " MENDERS OE THE HIGH GRADES . —It has frequently been observed by Craft Masons that when members of the Craft obtain ,
rank and status in "the High Grades , " they cease to appear at the usual Masonic gatherings of the Craft ; , except they are entitled to sit upon the dais in Grand Lodge . G . W . L . —Those degrees erroneously called the "Babylonish Pass " belong to the A . and A . Rite , and are conferred by al l Rose tjt Chapters which can if they like work them iuexfcenso As many of the Lodges of Instruction have a recess during the summer months , Secretaries aro requested to notify us thereof , so that they may he omitted from the list .