Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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a period of ten years and upwards . Bro . AA'illiam Romaine Callendcr , P . S . G . AV ., occupied the chair , and Bro . James Payne , AV . M . Lodge 204 , the vice-chair . After the removal of the cloth , and some few Masonic toasts had been drank , the chairman , in a most appropriate and eloquent speech , proposed the toast of the evening , which he concluded by presenting to Bro . Baldwin , in the name of the subscribers , a gold watch , having a suitable inscription engraved inside the casean Albert chain
, and locket , together with a purse of 250 guineas , accompanied by a handsomely-bound volume containing a list of the subscribers , preceded by a most elaborately-illuminated title page and address . The toast and presentation having been suitably acknowledged by Bro . Baldwin , the remainder of the evening was passed in that social and agreeable manner well known by the members of the Craft .
MIDDLESEX . UXBEIDGE . —Moyal Union Lodge ( No . 332 ) . —The members of this lodge held their meeting at the Chequers Inn , on Monday , the 16 th May . The following brethren were present , viz ..- — Bros . AV . Coombes , AV . M ., presiding , supported by Herring , S . W ., and Chegwidden , J . AV . There was a large number of members present , and the following visitors : —Bros . Cockcroff , P . M . 142 ; DaleyP . M . 752 ; and Ohern 33 . Bros . Irving and
, , Besant were raised to the third degree . Bros . Ileill and Fehrenbach were passed to the second degree . Mr . Fenn was initiated . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . On the cloth being drawn , the W . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " " The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Most Worshipful Grand Master , " followed by " The Earl de Grey and Riponthe Riht AVorshiful Deputy
, g p Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The W . M . next gave " The Visitors . " Bro . Cockcroff returned thanks for the visitors . He was much pleased with his reception , and could not sit down without expressing his great admiration of the able manner in which the AV . M . had gone through the duties of the lodge that evening . The AV . M . then proposed the toast of " The Initiate . " Bro . Fenn responded . He had long
intended to be a Mason , and would promise that he would do all in his power to become a good Mason , and a worthy member of the Order . Bro . Daley , P . M ., having been intrusted with the gavel , would next propose "The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Coombes . " In doing so , he must say that he was surprised to see such a young Mason as the Worshipful Master perform the ceremonies so beautifully , and rendered each degree in an easy , gentlemanly , and impressive manner , which
could not fail to make a lasting impression on the candidate . He congratulated the Royal Union Lodge in having such a Master . The AA ' . M ., in acknowledging tho compliment , said he had no doubt Bro . Daley had spoken of him in a manner that far exceeded his merits , but he could assure the brethren that it was at all times his earnest desire to perform the duties of the chair so as to give them satisfaction . He would continue to do soand would do his best to promote the interests of the
, Royal Union Lodge . The W . M . then proposed "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . Weedon . After some other toasts , the lodge was closed , to enable the metropolitan brethren to catch the train for London , highly delighted with the pleasant evening which had been spent .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The installation of Bro . Major Adair as Provincial Grand Master of Somerset took place at Bath on Monday , the 23 rd nit . This event alone would have attracted a goodly number of Masons from the various lodges of the province , but a deeper and more general interest was imparted to the proceedings by the laying of the foundation-stone of the Albert Memorial Win < r
of the United Hospital by the newly-installed Prov . G . M . with Masonic honours . The Provincial Grand Lodge—which was attended by 320 brethren—was held in the Ball Room , where the ceremony of installing Bro . Major Adair as Prov . G . M . of Somerset , was performed by his uncle , the R . AV . Bro . Colonel Shafto Adair , Prov . G . M . of Suffolk . Bro . Pyne officiated at the organ . At the conclusion of the installation , which was most impressively performed , exciting the marked admiration of the brethren , the
newly-elected Prov . G . M . proceeded to appoint the following officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . Dr . F . H . AYoodforde , 201 ... Prov . S . G . W . „ AV . F . Bennett , 53 Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . C . Davy , 53 Prov . G . Chap . „ Rev . W . AA . Martin , 135 ... Assist . Chap .
„ E . T . Payne , 53 Prov . G . Treas . „ W . Brice , 135 Prov . G . Reg . „ J . B . Marwood , Acting Sec . } „ r „ for Rich . Smith , 291 j BeC-„ G . C . Maim , 41 Prov . S . G . D . „ John Ryall , 329 Prov . J . G . D . „ John E . Gill , 53 Prov . G . Supt . of Works . Dr . F . Farmer 135 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .
„ , „ AV . Mole Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ —Hyatt Prov . G . S . B . „ AA . E . Reeves , 906 Prov . G . Org . „ W . A . Grimes , 973 Prov . G . Purst . „ — Harris Prov . Assist . Purst . „ — Hellier , 41 Prov . G . Tyler . S . Strong 53 " 1
„ , „ AV . Hodge 1 " S- ^ . S ! l 1 \ - Prov . G . Stewards . „ —Davies „ —¦ Mourant ' „ George Denham J
Having presented the various officers with their several collars , addressing to each a few fraternal observations , the Prov . G . M . requested that the brethren would accompany him to lay the foundation-stone of the Hospital , and return to the assembly rooms at the end of the ceremony , to conclude the business of the Grand Lodge . The brethren accordingly accompanied the Prov . G . M ., in the order mentioned in another columnand subsequentlre-assembled at the roomsi \ here after
, y , some routine business had been transacted , Bro . Dr . Falconer made an able and earnest appeal to the brethren to assist in a specific portion of the work of the restoration of Bath Abbey Church ( the west front being suggested ) , to which the Prov . G . M . gave his hearty support , ancl we understand that a circular in behalf of the Restoration Fund will be forwarded to the various lodges of the province .
The Prov . G . M . then addressed the brethren in feeling and appropriate terms in reference to the high and responsible position in which ho had been placed , and the lodge was closed in due form . From the manner in which the appointment of the new Prov . G . M . has been received , and tho favourable impression made by him , there is no doubt that the unanimity which has characterized the Province of Somerset under the late beloved Prov .
G . M ., Col . K . K . Tynte , and also under the able superintendence of the worthy D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Brydges , during an interregnum of three years , will be continued under the reign of Bro . Major Adair , and we may truly say of the brethren of the province— " Behold how good and joj fill a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity . "
THE BANQUET . Between five and six o ' clock all the brethren , whose engagements would allow them to remain , sat clown to dinner in the supper-saloon of the Assembly-rooms suite . The repast , which was provided by Bro . Gibbs , was admirably laid out , and did the utmost credit to the caterer . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . Bro . Major Adair , presided , and was supported on either hand by Bros . Col . Shafto AdairProv . G . M . of Suffolk ; Col . Shute ,
, Prov . G . M . of Bristol ; Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; Westropp , D . Prov . G . M . of North Minister ; Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . of Somerset ; Farrer , Prov . S . G . W . of Berks and Bucks ; and other distinguished members of the Craft . The company numbered upwards of 125 . Grace was said before and after meat by the Prov . G . Chap . The gallery of the apartment was occupied by ladies , who wero liberally supplied with
refreshments , and appeared to take great interest in the proceedings . The CHAIRMAN said the first toast he had to propose was sure of a hearty reception , not only from a Masonic body , hut from every body of Englishmen . All Englishmen felt most deeply attached to her Gracious Majesty the Queen of England —( cheers)—and Masons above all yielded in loyalty to no men in the kingdom . ( Renewed cheers . ) In their reverence to supreme authority , they were all bound as citizens , as well as Masons , to respect the Queen ; but they had now to regard her Majesty in another position—in a position of extreme interest
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
a period of ten years and upwards . Bro . AA'illiam Romaine Callendcr , P . S . G . AV ., occupied the chair , and Bro . James Payne , AV . M . Lodge 204 , the vice-chair . After the removal of the cloth , and some few Masonic toasts had been drank , the chairman , in a most appropriate and eloquent speech , proposed the toast of the evening , which he concluded by presenting to Bro . Baldwin , in the name of the subscribers , a gold watch , having a suitable inscription engraved inside the casean Albert chain
, and locket , together with a purse of 250 guineas , accompanied by a handsomely-bound volume containing a list of the subscribers , preceded by a most elaborately-illuminated title page and address . The toast and presentation having been suitably acknowledged by Bro . Baldwin , the remainder of the evening was passed in that social and agreeable manner well known by the members of the Craft .
MIDDLESEX . UXBEIDGE . —Moyal Union Lodge ( No . 332 ) . —The members of this lodge held their meeting at the Chequers Inn , on Monday , the 16 th May . The following brethren were present , viz ..- — Bros . AV . Coombes , AV . M ., presiding , supported by Herring , S . W ., and Chegwidden , J . AV . There was a large number of members present , and the following visitors : —Bros . Cockcroff , P . M . 142 ; DaleyP . M . 752 ; and Ohern 33 . Bros . Irving and
, , Besant were raised to the third degree . Bros . Ileill and Fehrenbach were passed to the second degree . Mr . Fenn was initiated . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . On the cloth being drawn , the W . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " " The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Most Worshipful Grand Master , " followed by " The Earl de Grey and Riponthe Riht AVorshiful Deputy
, g p Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The W . M . next gave " The Visitors . " Bro . Cockcroff returned thanks for the visitors . He was much pleased with his reception , and could not sit down without expressing his great admiration of the able manner in which the AV . M . had gone through the duties of the lodge that evening . The AV . M . then proposed the toast of " The Initiate . " Bro . Fenn responded . He had long
intended to be a Mason , and would promise that he would do all in his power to become a good Mason , and a worthy member of the Order . Bro . Daley , P . M ., having been intrusted with the gavel , would next propose "The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Coombes . " In doing so , he must say that he was surprised to see such a young Mason as the Worshipful Master perform the ceremonies so beautifully , and rendered each degree in an easy , gentlemanly , and impressive manner , which
could not fail to make a lasting impression on the candidate . He congratulated the Royal Union Lodge in having such a Master . The AA ' . M ., in acknowledging tho compliment , said he had no doubt Bro . Daley had spoken of him in a manner that far exceeded his merits , but he could assure the brethren that it was at all times his earnest desire to perform the duties of the chair so as to give them satisfaction . He would continue to do soand would do his best to promote the interests of the
, Royal Union Lodge . The W . M . then proposed "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . Weedon . After some other toasts , the lodge was closed , to enable the metropolitan brethren to catch the train for London , highly delighted with the pleasant evening which had been spent .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The installation of Bro . Major Adair as Provincial Grand Master of Somerset took place at Bath on Monday , the 23 rd nit . This event alone would have attracted a goodly number of Masons from the various lodges of the province , but a deeper and more general interest was imparted to the proceedings by the laying of the foundation-stone of the Albert Memorial Win < r
of the United Hospital by the newly-installed Prov . G . M . with Masonic honours . The Provincial Grand Lodge—which was attended by 320 brethren—was held in the Ball Room , where the ceremony of installing Bro . Major Adair as Prov . G . M . of Somerset , was performed by his uncle , the R . AV . Bro . Colonel Shafto Adair , Prov . G . M . of Suffolk . Bro . Pyne officiated at the organ . At the conclusion of the installation , which was most impressively performed , exciting the marked admiration of the brethren , the
newly-elected Prov . G . M . proceeded to appoint the following officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . Dr . F . H . AYoodforde , 201 ... Prov . S . G . W . „ AV . F . Bennett , 53 Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . C . Davy , 53 Prov . G . Chap . „ Rev . W . AA . Martin , 135 ... Assist . Chap .
„ E . T . Payne , 53 Prov . G . Treas . „ W . Brice , 135 Prov . G . Reg . „ J . B . Marwood , Acting Sec . } „ r „ for Rich . Smith , 291 j BeC-„ G . C . Maim , 41 Prov . S . G . D . „ John Ryall , 329 Prov . J . G . D . „ John E . Gill , 53 Prov . G . Supt . of Works . Dr . F . Farmer 135 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .
„ , „ AV . Mole Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ —Hyatt Prov . G . S . B . „ AA . E . Reeves , 906 Prov . G . Org . „ W . A . Grimes , 973 Prov . G . Purst . „ — Harris Prov . Assist . Purst . „ — Hellier , 41 Prov . G . Tyler . S . Strong 53 " 1
„ , „ AV . Hodge 1 " S- ^ . S ! l 1 \ - Prov . G . Stewards . „ —Davies „ —¦ Mourant ' „ George Denham J
Having presented the various officers with their several collars , addressing to each a few fraternal observations , the Prov . G . M . requested that the brethren would accompany him to lay the foundation-stone of the Hospital , and return to the assembly rooms at the end of the ceremony , to conclude the business of the Grand Lodge . The brethren accordingly accompanied the Prov . G . M ., in the order mentioned in another columnand subsequentlre-assembled at the roomsi \ here after
, y , some routine business had been transacted , Bro . Dr . Falconer made an able and earnest appeal to the brethren to assist in a specific portion of the work of the restoration of Bath Abbey Church ( the west front being suggested ) , to which the Prov . G . M . gave his hearty support , ancl we understand that a circular in behalf of the Restoration Fund will be forwarded to the various lodges of the province .
The Prov . G . M . then addressed the brethren in feeling and appropriate terms in reference to the high and responsible position in which ho had been placed , and the lodge was closed in due form . From the manner in which the appointment of the new Prov . G . M . has been received , and tho favourable impression made by him , there is no doubt that the unanimity which has characterized the Province of Somerset under the late beloved Prov .
G . M ., Col . K . K . Tynte , and also under the able superintendence of the worthy D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Brydges , during an interregnum of three years , will be continued under the reign of Bro . Major Adair , and we may truly say of the brethren of the province— " Behold how good and joj fill a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity . "
THE BANQUET . Between five and six o ' clock all the brethren , whose engagements would allow them to remain , sat clown to dinner in the supper-saloon of the Assembly-rooms suite . The repast , which was provided by Bro . Gibbs , was admirably laid out , and did the utmost credit to the caterer . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . Bro . Major Adair , presided , and was supported on either hand by Bros . Col . Shafto AdairProv . G . M . of Suffolk ; Col . Shute ,
, Prov . G . M . of Bristol ; Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; Westropp , D . Prov . G . M . of North Minister ; Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . of Somerset ; Farrer , Prov . S . G . W . of Berks and Bucks ; and other distinguished members of the Craft . The company numbered upwards of 125 . Grace was said before and after meat by the Prov . G . Chap . The gallery of the apartment was occupied by ladies , who wero liberally supplied with
refreshments , and appeared to take great interest in the proceedings . The CHAIRMAN said the first toast he had to propose was sure of a hearty reception , not only from a Masonic body , hut from every body of Englishmen . All Englishmen felt most deeply attached to her Gracious Majesty the Queen of England —( cheers)—and Masons above all yielded in loyalty to no men in the kingdom . ( Renewed cheers . ) In their reverence to supreme authority , they were all bound as citizens , as well as Masons , to respect the Queen ; but they had now to regard her Majesty in another position—in a position of extreme interest