Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Channel Islands.
brethren , is a sentiment which lies deeply impressed on the heart of each of you , and this is what enables you to honour us by your presence . Again , dear brethren , accept a hearty welcome . " Bro . Hovius , on the part of the brethren of St . Malo , and Bro . Rosseau , for the Masons of Rennes , briefly responded to this address , in terms expressive of their deep sense of the fraternal reception accorded to them , and of their gratification in assisting at the solemn ceremony of the day .
All the preliminaries having been gone through with tiled doors , tlle procession was formed hy the energetic and methodical Director of Ceremonies , Bro . H . L . Manuel , assisted by Bro . F . Le Mais'cre . The party was headed by a band under the direction of Bro . Hosking , and at intervals were many elegant banners belonging to the Prov . G . M ., the different lodges of Jersey , Guernsey , St . Malo , and Rennes . Then came two Tylers with drawn swords , Bro . Lo Cras , P . M ., taking the
direction of the front . The lodges were arranged in order of seniority , the last formed going first , thus : The Prince of AVales' Lodge , the St . Aubin's Lodge , the Royal Alfred Lodge , the Cesaree Lodge , tho Samaras Lodge , tho Royal Sussex Lodge , the Mechanics' Lodge , and lastly the Yarborough Lodge , the oldest in Jersey , established in 1780 . Then came the brethren from St . Malo and Rennes , the former under the presidency of Bro . Hovius , W . M . of the Logo de Bicnfaisance , the
latter under that of Bro . Rosseau , W . M . of the Logo de Parfaite Union , and here it may be mentioned that considerable interest was excited by tho variety of costume , which differs much from that of tho English brethren , being more showy . Next came the Guernsey brethren , among whom were noticed Bros . Hutchinson , S . G . W . ; Dr . CoU ' mtttc , G . See . ; Gilbert , J . AV . ; Bruard , P . J . W . ; Sparrow , P . J . W . ; Thorn , P .. T . W . ; Smithers , P . G . Reg . ; Prevot , Sword Bearer ; Draper , P . Dir . of Cers . ; and Strickland , Gaudion , De Carteret , and Stonchiko , Prov . G . Stewards . Those were followed by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Jersey , among the present and past officers of
which we noticed the following : —Bros . Starck , P . Prov . Gc Purst . ; Wilcocks , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; T . Gallichau , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; with whom was Bro . Watts , bearing the silver trowel , with which tbo first stone of the building had been laid , and which he had himself presented . Bros . Bsnouf and Prnssor , P . Prov . G . D . ' s , Adams , acting as Prov . G . Sec , bearing the " Book of Constitutions , " Westa-. vay , Prov . G . Reg . ; Du " jardin and DurellP . Prov . G . Treas . E . C .
, ; M . De Cartaret , Prov . G . Treas .: Le Roy , P . Prov . G . W . Brethren bearing a cornucopia with corn , ewers containing wine and oil , and a censor . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , acting as Chaplain , bearing tho Bible , with the square and compasses thereon . Bros . Kingsnorth , Prov . J . G . W . ; Donaldson , acting as Prov . J . G . D . ; James Johnson , acting as Prov . S . G . AV . ' ; LyonP . Prov . S . G . W . for Surrey ; and Dr . SmallPMas
, , .., visitors of distinction ; R . Crosse , D . Prov . G . M . ; Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M . for Guernsey ; Thomas , Prov . G . Sword Beaver ; J . J . Hammond ; tho R . W . ' Prov . G . M ., escorted by II . L . Manuel and J . Le Maistrc , Dirs . of Cers . ; E . Lyto , Prov . S . G . D . ; the Prov . G . Stewards , clothed in red ; Bros . Woodey , Dr . Le Cronier , Mannan , Le Ilardie , Stonelako and Gaudion ( the hist two from Guernseyacting for absent Jersey officers ) Bro
, , . Toms , Prov . ( i . Tyler . There were probably nearly 300 brethren iu the procession , which started at about half-past one , taking as the route Mindeii-placc , Halkett-placc , Bercsford-street , Bath-street , David-place , Stopford-road . The streets were of course filled with a dense crowd of spectators , as were also tho windows and balconies which commanded a view . On
arriving near the lemple , the procession opened , the brethren forming two rows , with an avenue between them , up which the Prov . G . M . and his officers first walked , and the others gradually closed in , finis reversing the order . The whole then made the circuit of the Temple , ascended the steps , and , having knocked at the door , gained admission , being received h y Bro . Le Quesne , Assist . Dir . of Cir . ; Bro . the Rev . E . Guille , Prov . G . Chap ., and others . On entering the Temple , the choir being in their laces
p , Bro . Charles Johnson , Prov . S . G . AV ., struck up a voluntary on the organ , and continued playing while the brethren were taking their seats . The Prov . G . M . occupied his chair at the east end , surrounded by his chief officers ; the brethren were disposed in ten rows down the room from east to west , tho front places on each side being reserved for the visitors from France and Guernsey . The Temple was completely filled , thus showing that the original intention to admit ladies could not have been
carried out . Order having been established at the call of the AV . M ., the Prov . G . Chap , offered up the following prayer : — "Almighty and Eternal God , Father and Supreme Ruler of the Universe , whose works proclaim Thy wisdom , power , and greatness , to Thy Divine Majesty we offer up our adoration , in grateful acknowledgment of the blessings which are so hberally distributed around us . Condescend , Almighty Father , to look down with favour from Thy celestial habitation on this feeble
attempt to extend Thy praise , aud graciously accept , on the celebration of our Solemn Rites , the faithful tribute of our gratitude to Thee . " The following anthem from Haydn's Creation was then given by the choir . Solo hy Miss Horton ancl chorus : — " The marvellous work behold amazed , the glorious hierarchy of Heaven , and to the ethereal vaults , resound the praise of God and of the second day . "
Tho vessels containing tho corn , wine , and oil were then taken from the brethren who had borne them , and placed on the pedestal by Bro . Du Javelin . Bro . Thos . Gallichau , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , and Architect of tho Temple , approaching the pedestal said , — " Right AVorshipful Sir , —I have to thank you and the promoters of this Temple for the honour I have received in being entrusted with its erection . I trust that the work has been ,
done to your satisfaction , and having completed my task , I now surrender into your hands the implements which were delivered to me at its commencement . " The Prov . G . Master briefly expressed the satisfaction of himself and the Board of Directors at the architect ' s conduct , and their approbation of tho manner in which the plans had been carried out . Bro . Le ContourSecretary to the Board of Management
, , then gave the following outline of the proceedings connected with the Temple since the laying of the foundation-stone : — "Right Worshipful Sir , —This day will mark a memorable epoch in the annals of the English Craft , in the province of Jersey , since the ceremony of consecration , which we are now assembled to perform , with your kind assistance , will imprint for ever an indeliible stamp on our proceedings , and will serve as a seal to the d . evotedness and sincerity of purpose of those
of one brethren in this island , who have endeavoured to extricate the Craft from the undignified position in which it has hitherto been placed . We shall henceforth he enabled to celebrate our solemn mysteries in a building worthy of us , and of the objects which it is our earnest desire to carry out , the promotion of progress in all that is good , of instruction , of charity . Right Worshipful Sir , the hall in which we are met together is now complete in all its parts ; the plans on which it has been
constructed have received the approbation of the shareholders of company which has undertaken its erection . That it may be applied to tho purpose for which it is intended , it only remains to give it the sanction which is necessary . In the name of the fraternity of Freemasons , I now therefore request that it may be solemnly dedicated by you , as the head of the province , according to ancient usage and custom . " The Prov . G . Master having expressed his willingness to
comply with the solicitation , commenced tho proceedings by reading the 2 nd chapter of the 2 nd book of Chronicles , from verse 1 to verse 11 . The 132 nd Psalm was chanted hy the choir . The following prayer was offered by the Prov . G . Chaplain : — " O , adorable Lord God , Maker of all things , and Judge of all men , we beseech Thee , regard with Thy special favour this our present undertaking , and grant that the work which we
have now commenced iu Thy name , may conduce to Thy glory , and to the good , temporal and eternal , of Thy dependent creatures . Let a scrupulous regard to the obligations which , in Thy name and under Thy all-seeing eye , shall be entered into , distinguish all upon whom the privileges of initiation shall be conferred , that they , abounding in all holy conversation and godliness , may become true and worthy members of our honourable Order , and that their practice may in all things correspond
with their profession . " The Prov . G . Master then left his chair , and advanced to tho west , preceded by the stewards , and attended by his principal officers , the organ playing . When the Prov . G . M . returned to the east , the music ceased , and he proclaimed the Temple dedicated to Freemasonry , concluding with a prayer for the blessing of Heaven upon it and upon all the works to he henceforth performed within its walls , to which the usual response , "So mote it be , " was chanted by the choir .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
brethren , is a sentiment which lies deeply impressed on the heart of each of you , and this is what enables you to honour us by your presence . Again , dear brethren , accept a hearty welcome . " Bro . Hovius , on the part of the brethren of St . Malo , and Bro . Rosseau , for the Masons of Rennes , briefly responded to this address , in terms expressive of their deep sense of the fraternal reception accorded to them , and of their gratification in assisting at the solemn ceremony of the day .
All the preliminaries having been gone through with tiled doors , tlle procession was formed hy the energetic and methodical Director of Ceremonies , Bro . H . L . Manuel , assisted by Bro . F . Le Mais'cre . The party was headed by a band under the direction of Bro . Hosking , and at intervals were many elegant banners belonging to the Prov . G . M ., the different lodges of Jersey , Guernsey , St . Malo , and Rennes . Then came two Tylers with drawn swords , Bro . Lo Cras , P . M ., taking the
direction of the front . The lodges were arranged in order of seniority , the last formed going first , thus : The Prince of AVales' Lodge , the St . Aubin's Lodge , the Royal Alfred Lodge , the Cesaree Lodge , tho Samaras Lodge , tho Royal Sussex Lodge , the Mechanics' Lodge , and lastly the Yarborough Lodge , the oldest in Jersey , established in 1780 . Then came the brethren from St . Malo and Rennes , the former under the presidency of Bro . Hovius , W . M . of the Logo de Bicnfaisance , the
latter under that of Bro . Rosseau , W . M . of the Logo de Parfaite Union , and here it may be mentioned that considerable interest was excited by tho variety of costume , which differs much from that of tho English brethren , being more showy . Next came the Guernsey brethren , among whom were noticed Bros . Hutchinson , S . G . W . ; Dr . CoU ' mtttc , G . See . ; Gilbert , J . AV . ; Bruard , P . J . W . ; Sparrow , P . J . W . ; Thorn , P .. T . W . ; Smithers , P . G . Reg . ; Prevot , Sword Bearer ; Draper , P . Dir . of Cers . ; and Strickland , Gaudion , De Carteret , and Stonchiko , Prov . G . Stewards . Those were followed by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Jersey , among the present and past officers of
which we noticed the following : —Bros . Starck , P . Prov . Gc Purst . ; Wilcocks , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; T . Gallichau , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; with whom was Bro . Watts , bearing the silver trowel , with which tbo first stone of the building had been laid , and which he had himself presented . Bros . Bsnouf and Prnssor , P . Prov . G . D . ' s , Adams , acting as Prov . G . Sec , bearing the " Book of Constitutions , " Westa-. vay , Prov . G . Reg . ; Du " jardin and DurellP . Prov . G . Treas . E . C .
, ; M . De Cartaret , Prov . G . Treas .: Le Roy , P . Prov . G . W . Brethren bearing a cornucopia with corn , ewers containing wine and oil , and a censor . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , acting as Chaplain , bearing tho Bible , with the square and compasses thereon . Bros . Kingsnorth , Prov . J . G . W . ; Donaldson , acting as Prov . J . G . D . ; James Johnson , acting as Prov . S . G . AV . ' ; LyonP . Prov . S . G . W . for Surrey ; and Dr . SmallPMas
, , .., visitors of distinction ; R . Crosse , D . Prov . G . M . ; Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M . for Guernsey ; Thomas , Prov . G . Sword Beaver ; J . J . Hammond ; tho R . W . ' Prov . G . M ., escorted by II . L . Manuel and J . Le Maistrc , Dirs . of Cers . ; E . Lyto , Prov . S . G . D . ; the Prov . G . Stewards , clothed in red ; Bros . Woodey , Dr . Le Cronier , Mannan , Le Ilardie , Stonelako and Gaudion ( the hist two from Guernseyacting for absent Jersey officers ) Bro
, , . Toms , Prov . ( i . Tyler . There were probably nearly 300 brethren iu the procession , which started at about half-past one , taking as the route Mindeii-placc , Halkett-placc , Bercsford-street , Bath-street , David-place , Stopford-road . The streets were of course filled with a dense crowd of spectators , as were also tho windows and balconies which commanded a view . On
arriving near the lemple , the procession opened , the brethren forming two rows , with an avenue between them , up which the Prov . G . M . and his officers first walked , and the others gradually closed in , finis reversing the order . The whole then made the circuit of the Temple , ascended the steps , and , having knocked at the door , gained admission , being received h y Bro . Le Quesne , Assist . Dir . of Cir . ; Bro . the Rev . E . Guille , Prov . G . Chap ., and others . On entering the Temple , the choir being in their laces
p , Bro . Charles Johnson , Prov . S . G . AV ., struck up a voluntary on the organ , and continued playing while the brethren were taking their seats . The Prov . G . M . occupied his chair at the east end , surrounded by his chief officers ; the brethren were disposed in ten rows down the room from east to west , tho front places on each side being reserved for the visitors from France and Guernsey . The Temple was completely filled , thus showing that the original intention to admit ladies could not have been
carried out . Order having been established at the call of the AV . M ., the Prov . G . Chap , offered up the following prayer : — "Almighty and Eternal God , Father and Supreme Ruler of the Universe , whose works proclaim Thy wisdom , power , and greatness , to Thy Divine Majesty we offer up our adoration , in grateful acknowledgment of the blessings which are so hberally distributed around us . Condescend , Almighty Father , to look down with favour from Thy celestial habitation on this feeble
attempt to extend Thy praise , aud graciously accept , on the celebration of our Solemn Rites , the faithful tribute of our gratitude to Thee . " The following anthem from Haydn's Creation was then given by the choir . Solo hy Miss Horton ancl chorus : — " The marvellous work behold amazed , the glorious hierarchy of Heaven , and to the ethereal vaults , resound the praise of God and of the second day . "
Tho vessels containing tho corn , wine , and oil were then taken from the brethren who had borne them , and placed on the pedestal by Bro . Du Javelin . Bro . Thos . Gallichau , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , and Architect of tho Temple , approaching the pedestal said , — " Right AVorshipful Sir , —I have to thank you and the promoters of this Temple for the honour I have received in being entrusted with its erection . I trust that the work has been ,
done to your satisfaction , and having completed my task , I now surrender into your hands the implements which were delivered to me at its commencement . " The Prov . G . Master briefly expressed the satisfaction of himself and the Board of Directors at the architect ' s conduct , and their approbation of tho manner in which the plans had been carried out . Bro . Le ContourSecretary to the Board of Management
, , then gave the following outline of the proceedings connected with the Temple since the laying of the foundation-stone : — "Right Worshipful Sir , —This day will mark a memorable epoch in the annals of the English Craft , in the province of Jersey , since the ceremony of consecration , which we are now assembled to perform , with your kind assistance , will imprint for ever an indeliible stamp on our proceedings , and will serve as a seal to the d . evotedness and sincerity of purpose of those
of one brethren in this island , who have endeavoured to extricate the Craft from the undignified position in which it has hitherto been placed . We shall henceforth he enabled to celebrate our solemn mysteries in a building worthy of us , and of the objects which it is our earnest desire to carry out , the promotion of progress in all that is good , of instruction , of charity . Right Worshipful Sir , the hall in which we are met together is now complete in all its parts ; the plans on which it has been
constructed have received the approbation of the shareholders of company which has undertaken its erection . That it may be applied to tho purpose for which it is intended , it only remains to give it the sanction which is necessary . In the name of the fraternity of Freemasons , I now therefore request that it may be solemnly dedicated by you , as the head of the province , according to ancient usage and custom . " The Prov . G . Master having expressed his willingness to
comply with the solicitation , commenced tho proceedings by reading the 2 nd chapter of the 2 nd book of Chronicles , from verse 1 to verse 11 . The 132 nd Psalm was chanted hy the choir . The following prayer was offered by the Prov . G . Chaplain : — " O , adorable Lord God , Maker of all things , and Judge of all men , we beseech Thee , regard with Thy special favour this our present undertaking , and grant that the work which we
have now commenced iu Thy name , may conduce to Thy glory , and to the good , temporal and eternal , of Thy dependent creatures . Let a scrupulous regard to the obligations which , in Thy name and under Thy all-seeing eye , shall be entered into , distinguish all upon whom the privileges of initiation shall be conferred , that they , abounding in all holy conversation and godliness , may become true and worthy members of our honourable Order , and that their practice may in all things correspond
with their profession . " The Prov . G . Master then left his chair , and advanced to tho west , preceded by the stewards , and attended by his principal officers , the organ playing . When the Prov . G . M . returned to the east , the music ceased , and he proclaimed the Temple dedicated to Freemasonry , concluding with a prayer for the blessing of Heaven upon it and upon all the works to he henceforth performed within its walls , to which the usual response , "So mote it be , " was chanted by the choir .