Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
made out his claim , has been brought to a close before the Lords Justices . Their lordships took time to consider their judgment in the affair . —•—Groat indeed are tho mysteries of some branches of British industry . It came out in the course of a case in which Yieo-CVumcellor Kindovsloy has given judgment , that some ingenious individuals have heen working an " invention , " which consists in mixing large quantities of Irish butter
with pork and beef fat . This compound has been offered to the public as pure butter ; but it is some satisfaction to know that the speculation has proved a failure . It may not be generally known that pure tallow is regularly sent into Dorsetshire for the manufacture of Dorset butter . At the Middlesex "Sessions , John Pearson and Jean Paul , were
indicted for selling indecent hooks and prints . Both prisoners pleaded guilty . Pearson was sentenced to 12 months' hard labour , and Paul to six months . On Tuesday morning an inquest was held at Bethnal-green , on the body of a young married woman who had died suddenly . According to the testimony of the surgeon who attended deceased , she had been
seized with violent sickness after eating a piece of Dutch cheese , much of which was sold in a condition altogether unlit for human food . The exhaustion consequent on the sickness , in his opinion , caused her deash . On AVednesday a married sister of Miss Harriet Mart-mean , while waiting for a train at theEsher and Chu-emont station of the Soouth-AVostern Railway ,
suddenly threw herself under the wheels of the approaching engine and was cut to pieces . The unfortunate lady had been in ill-health for some time . George Bryce , charged with the murder of Jane Seaton , at the village of Ratho , on the 16 th ult ., has been tried and found guilty at Edinburgh . He was sentenced to bo executed on the 21 st inst .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Iho session of the French Corps Legislatif was brought to a close on Saturday last , after an unusually long sitting . The President , the Duke de Morny , in the customary closing speech , strongly recommended conciliation amongst all parties , as conducive to the welfare and interests of the country . —¦—The cattle show at Evroux was visited by the Emperor and Empress of the French on Sunday , when
a display of fireworks took place , which set fire to the cattlesheds . Fortunately the animals were saved , although the sheds were destroyed , and some of the persons employed in extinguishing the flames injured . Tho state of affairs in Algeria must still ho serious , as more troops are under orders to sail for the scene of insurrection . Marshal Bugeaud , it is said , has
resolved to destroy the standing crops of the native tribes , and so reduce them to a state of famine in the coming winter . ' Such a policy , if carried out , must entail a good deal of hardship on the French themselves . The Gazelle contains an intimation
from the Danish Minister at the English Court , that the blockade of German ports by Danish ships of war , will be resumed on the 12 th insfc ., unless , in the meantime , the deliberations of the Conference bring about some arrangement of the dispute between Denmark and Germany . The Conference re-assembled on Saturday last , and , after two or three hours ' deliberation , adjourned until Thursday . The Observer says
the statements which have recently appeared as to an alleged arrangement for the settlement of the dispute between Denmark and Germany are not to be relied upon—the telegraphic accounts are evidently got up , and even the more elaborate and seemingly authoritative statements are only a little less reliable . Our contemporary gravely adds that in the altered
circumstances of the case it is scarcely to be expected that a very sudden solution can be arrived at . The Monileur announces that the neutral Powers represented in the London Conference have invited the Plenipotentiaries of the belligerents to solicit
The Week.
instructions for a prolongation of the suspension of hostilities between Denmark and the German Powers . The ministerial journal of Berlin declares that the English Cabinet has intimated its intention of proposing that in no case shall Kiel becomea Federal port , but that this presumption has been decisively rejected by the Representatives of Prussia , Austria , and the Federal Diet .
Advices have been received at Now York , that in consequence of outrages on Spanish subjects the Spanish admiral has commenced hostilities against Peru , and seized the Chincha Islands . —•—A despatch from Tripoli , in Africa , announces the explosion of a powder magazine near the telegraph station . Forty men were killed , aud the station was much damaged ; but the
telegraph lines were immediately restored , and the communication with Alexandria has not been interrupted . ——Reports that the Pope was very seriously ill , have for some time been circulated in Italy , but a despatch from Rome assures us that Pio Nono's health is now completely re-established . The people of the Danubian Principalities have pronounced , by an overwhelming majority , in favour of the new constitution proposed
by Prince Couza . INDIA , CHINA , & C . —Advices by the Overland Mail are from Calcutta to the 22 nd ult ., and from Hong-Kong to the 15 th . At Calcutta the only matter of interest was the state of the currency , which was causing a good deal of anxiety , and giving rise to much discussion . Iu China the Taepings were gradually losing tho districts which they had originally acquired ,
although there was still a force of about 40 , 000 men in the field . At Japan the Tycoon and Mikado were on good terms ; tho foreign traders' difficulty was occupying much attention . By a telegram from Bombay , dated the 11 th ult ., we learn that the Viceroy had arrived at Simla . The same telegram conveys the melancholy intelligence that the Rev . Isambart Lowenthal , missionary to the Afghans , has been murdered at Peshawur .
AMERICA . —The Scotia brings news from New York to the ISth ult . General Lee had not retreated ; Spottsyh-ania Court House had not been abandoned ; and the contending forces confronted each other , north of the Court House , where the Confederates occupied a strong position . Butler hod heen defeated , and compelled to retire , with great loss . The Federal General
Sigel had also been defeated at Newmarket ; whilst Banks had to inarch overland , fighting his way , to the Mississippi River . The extra steamer City of Cork brings intelligence from New York down to the afternoon of the 18 th ult . —that is some hours later than tho Scotia . General Grant reports tho roads improving ; ho was daily receiving reinforcements , and had
moved to attack Lee . The Secretary of War states that a draft will be ordered on the 1 st of July to meet the vacancies caused by the expiary of the term of service of the 100 days men , and other reductions .
To Correspondents.
J . M . —The article alluded to , " Masonry in Kent , " has not come to hand . GRAND CONCLAVE . —In Bro . Havers' letter last week , the words " last year" were erroneously printed for " of late years . " II . II . —Bro . Hopkins' ovation at the consecration of the new
Masonic Temple at Jersey is unavoidably postponed . S . S . —AA e cannot undertake to act as a Court of Appeal from the decisions of the Grand Secretary . If our opinion is wanted , it should he asked in the first instance .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
made out his claim , has been brought to a close before the Lords Justices . Their lordships took time to consider their judgment in the affair . —•—Groat indeed are tho mysteries of some branches of British industry . It came out in the course of a case in which Yieo-CVumcellor Kindovsloy has given judgment , that some ingenious individuals have heen working an " invention , " which consists in mixing large quantities of Irish butter
with pork and beef fat . This compound has been offered to the public as pure butter ; but it is some satisfaction to know that the speculation has proved a failure . It may not be generally known that pure tallow is regularly sent into Dorsetshire for the manufacture of Dorset butter . At the Middlesex "Sessions , John Pearson and Jean Paul , were
indicted for selling indecent hooks and prints . Both prisoners pleaded guilty . Pearson was sentenced to 12 months' hard labour , and Paul to six months . On Tuesday morning an inquest was held at Bethnal-green , on the body of a young married woman who had died suddenly . According to the testimony of the surgeon who attended deceased , she had been
seized with violent sickness after eating a piece of Dutch cheese , much of which was sold in a condition altogether unlit for human food . The exhaustion consequent on the sickness , in his opinion , caused her deash . On AVednesday a married sister of Miss Harriet Mart-mean , while waiting for a train at theEsher and Chu-emont station of the Soouth-AVostern Railway ,
suddenly threw herself under the wheels of the approaching engine and was cut to pieces . The unfortunate lady had been in ill-health for some time . George Bryce , charged with the murder of Jane Seaton , at the village of Ratho , on the 16 th ult ., has been tried and found guilty at Edinburgh . He was sentenced to bo executed on the 21 st inst .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Iho session of the French Corps Legislatif was brought to a close on Saturday last , after an unusually long sitting . The President , the Duke de Morny , in the customary closing speech , strongly recommended conciliation amongst all parties , as conducive to the welfare and interests of the country . —¦—The cattle show at Evroux was visited by the Emperor and Empress of the French on Sunday , when
a display of fireworks took place , which set fire to the cattlesheds . Fortunately the animals were saved , although the sheds were destroyed , and some of the persons employed in extinguishing the flames injured . Tho state of affairs in Algeria must still ho serious , as more troops are under orders to sail for the scene of insurrection . Marshal Bugeaud , it is said , has
resolved to destroy the standing crops of the native tribes , and so reduce them to a state of famine in the coming winter . ' Such a policy , if carried out , must entail a good deal of hardship on the French themselves . The Gazelle contains an intimation
from the Danish Minister at the English Court , that the blockade of German ports by Danish ships of war , will be resumed on the 12 th insfc ., unless , in the meantime , the deliberations of the Conference bring about some arrangement of the dispute between Denmark and Germany . The Conference re-assembled on Saturday last , and , after two or three hours ' deliberation , adjourned until Thursday . The Observer says
the statements which have recently appeared as to an alleged arrangement for the settlement of the dispute between Denmark and Germany are not to be relied upon—the telegraphic accounts are evidently got up , and even the more elaborate and seemingly authoritative statements are only a little less reliable . Our contemporary gravely adds that in the altered
circumstances of the case it is scarcely to be expected that a very sudden solution can be arrived at . The Monileur announces that the neutral Powers represented in the London Conference have invited the Plenipotentiaries of the belligerents to solicit
The Week.
instructions for a prolongation of the suspension of hostilities between Denmark and the German Powers . The ministerial journal of Berlin declares that the English Cabinet has intimated its intention of proposing that in no case shall Kiel becomea Federal port , but that this presumption has been decisively rejected by the Representatives of Prussia , Austria , and the Federal Diet .
Advices have been received at Now York , that in consequence of outrages on Spanish subjects the Spanish admiral has commenced hostilities against Peru , and seized the Chincha Islands . —•—A despatch from Tripoli , in Africa , announces the explosion of a powder magazine near the telegraph station . Forty men were killed , aud the station was much damaged ; but the
telegraph lines were immediately restored , and the communication with Alexandria has not been interrupted . ——Reports that the Pope was very seriously ill , have for some time been circulated in Italy , but a despatch from Rome assures us that Pio Nono's health is now completely re-established . The people of the Danubian Principalities have pronounced , by an overwhelming majority , in favour of the new constitution proposed
by Prince Couza . INDIA , CHINA , & C . —Advices by the Overland Mail are from Calcutta to the 22 nd ult ., and from Hong-Kong to the 15 th . At Calcutta the only matter of interest was the state of the currency , which was causing a good deal of anxiety , and giving rise to much discussion . Iu China the Taepings were gradually losing tho districts which they had originally acquired ,
although there was still a force of about 40 , 000 men in the field . At Japan the Tycoon and Mikado were on good terms ; tho foreign traders' difficulty was occupying much attention . By a telegram from Bombay , dated the 11 th ult ., we learn that the Viceroy had arrived at Simla . The same telegram conveys the melancholy intelligence that the Rev . Isambart Lowenthal , missionary to the Afghans , has been murdered at Peshawur .
AMERICA . —The Scotia brings news from New York to the ISth ult . General Lee had not retreated ; Spottsyh-ania Court House had not been abandoned ; and the contending forces confronted each other , north of the Court House , where the Confederates occupied a strong position . Butler hod heen defeated , and compelled to retire , with great loss . The Federal General
Sigel had also been defeated at Newmarket ; whilst Banks had to inarch overland , fighting his way , to the Mississippi River . The extra steamer City of Cork brings intelligence from New York down to the afternoon of the 18 th ult . —that is some hours later than tho Scotia . General Grant reports tho roads improving ; ho was daily receiving reinforcements , and had
moved to attack Lee . The Secretary of War states that a draft will be ordered on the 1 st of July to meet the vacancies caused by the expiary of the term of service of the 100 days men , and other reductions .
To Correspondents.
J . M . —The article alluded to , " Masonry in Kent , " has not come to hand . GRAND CONCLAVE . —In Bro . Havers' letter last week , the words " last year" were erroneously printed for " of late years . " II . II . —Bro . Hopkins' ovation at the consecration of the new
Masonic Temple at Jersey is unavoidably postponed . S . S . —AA e cannot undertake to act as a Court of Appeal from the decisions of the Grand Secretary . If our opinion is wanted , it should he asked in the first instance .