Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article THE QUALITY OF MASONIC MEMBERSHIP Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
were invested as above . Two only of the six candidates on the circular were able to be present , namely , Sir II . St . John Halford , AV . M ., 1330 , and P . J . Smith , 523 . These Brethren were exalted in due form , ceremony being rendered by the M . E . Z ., assisted by Comp . Toller ; the historical lecture , and the latter portion of the mystical were delivered by the P . G . Supt ., the symbolical lecture and the explanation of the signs being given bthe Second Principal . The duties of P . Soj . werefor the
y , first time , ably performed by Comp . Crow . A candidate having been proposed for the next meeting , the Chapter was closed in form , It is much to be regretted that the meetings of thisprobably the finest and most impressive of all Masonic degrees have of late been so poorly attended . The Chapter numbers upwards of 70 subscribing members , but the attendance seldom exceeds one-sixth of that number . AVe believe that the Prov . Grand Chapter , which has been in abeyance for some years , will
be shortly reconstituted , and that the Prov . G . Supt . Comp . W . Kelly , will be formally installed iu his office . This event , which will doubtless bring together most of the R . A . Masons of the Province , anxious to do honour to one to whoso unvaried exertions , it may be said that R . A . Masonry in this Province owes its continued existence , will , ive trust , at the same time , be the means of diffusing a more general aud lasting interest iu the degree .
INSTRUCTION . THE R . A . CHAPTER OP IMPROVEMENT , whose meetings aro held every Thursday evening , at 7 o ' clock , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , has been very numerously attended during the month of October . Ou Thursday last , Companion Boyd ( in the absense of Companion Brett ) , had the whole management iu his hand , and a very enjoyable evening was
spent . The certainty of meeting either Comps . Brett or Boyd , and most freuqently both those distinguished R . A . Masons , is probably one of tbe greatest inducements that prompts embryo J _' s , IPs , and J's to attend so often , as if they can be made perfect in the duties of their respective offices , here perfection can be attained . AVe cannot speak too highly of Companion White , the officiating E , who , though always attentive to his duties , is ever ready to lend his assistance , if required , in
working the ceremonies . The manner in which the sections are worked imperceptibly lead the unskilled companion to a knowledge of the beautiful ritual , so that when called upon to fill any office in bis regular Chapter , be is able to discharge the duty with little or no difficulty to himself and satisfaction to the members . After the ceremony of exaltation , there is a change iu the work every night , the particulars of which may bo ascertained in the copy of the bye-laws .
Mark Masonry.
LANCASHIRE . PltoviNCiAL GRAND LODGE . —On Friday afternoon an annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Lancashire , convened by AVm . Romaine Callender , jun ., Esq ., Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master , was held in the Town Hall , Bury , all provincial grand officers , mastersand wardens of lodgesand other duly qualified brethren
, , within tbe province , being summoned to attend thereat , and all Mark Masons in the province requested to attend , while the attendance of brethren fron other provinces was invited . The brethren who attended appeared , as required , in Mark Mason's or Craft clothing , and with allpropcr insigina appertaining to their respective offices and ranks . The proceedings commenced about three o ' clockThe
follow-. ing appointments and investitures were made of officers in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of the County Palatine , by W . R . Callender , jun ., Esq ., R . VV . P . G . M . M . : — D . Prog . G . M . M . Lord Lindsay ; P . S . G . AV . Lord Skelmersdale ; P . J . G . W . Lieut .-Colonel Birchall ; P . G . M . O . AV . 0 . AValker P . G . S . O . J . R . Oovpelj P . G . J . 0 . J . Gibb Smith ; P . G . S . D .
Mark Masonry.
AV . H . Prince ; P . G . J . D . AVm . Ashworth ; P . G . Chaplain Rev . J . L . Figgins M . A . ; P . G . Treasurer John Duffield ; P . G . Registrar j . F . Tweedale ; P . G . Secretary John Clv . ulwiek ; P . G . Superintendent of AVorks Lawrence Booth ; F . R . I . B . A . P . G . Director of Ceremonies R . Butterworth ; P . G . Assistant Director of Ceremonies J . Ashworth ; P . G . Sivord Bearer John AVatson ; P . G . Standard Bearer J . D . Lancashire ; P . G . Organist Richard Seed ; P . G . I . G . Joseph Handley ; P . G . Tyler AVm .
Dawson ; P . G . Stewards Henry Maiden and Andrew Milne . Subsequent to the business of the afternoon , the brethren partook of a substantial dinner at the Derby Hotel , the chair being occupied by AV . R . Callender , jun ., Esq ., and the vice-chair by Bro . Lawrence Booth , who was installed in the afternoon as M . M . of the Callender Lodge , Bury . About fifty of the brethren were present . The Chairman , after giving the healths of tbe Queen , and H . ll . H . the Prince of Wales . & c , proposed " The Rev . George Raymond Porta ] , Most AVorshipful Grand Mark Master . " It had been sometimes said—and he believed ivithout anv cause of
reflection or complaint—that in proposing the official hoart of their craft , they proposed sometimes au unknown name , one they miglit never see , whose qualifications they were obliged to take second naud ; but with regard to the distinguished member who held tbe foremost position iu Mark Masonry , he must be known to a large number of brethren , for twelve months since ho honoured their annual ireetiiig with his presence . Under his guidance Mark Masonry , for the last two or three years , had
flourished to a greater extent that it was ever known before . He believed that to the Grand Mark Master ' s visit they owed much of the prosperity they rejoiced in . Bro . JOHN M . AVIKE , of Manchester , proposed " The Right Hon . Earl Percy , Right AVorshipful Deputy Grand Mark Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bros . Hayward , of Carlisle , and J . R . Goepel , of Liverpool , respondedthe latter remarking that the AA orshiful Grand
, p Mark Master hoped to hold a moveable grand lodge in Lancashire before his term of office expired . Lieutenant-colonel Pirchall , of Preston , proposed " AVilliam Romaine Callender , jun ., Esq ., R . VV . P . G . M . M . of Lancashire . " They had already had evidence of his utility in the present degree by the establishment of a provincial grand lodge for this provinceand the impetus given to Mark Masonry in the
-, pro vince over which he presided . The other usual toasts were given and duly responded to . _ At intervals between the addresses , a party of vocalists , consisting of Bros . Edmondson , Dumville , and Wroe , rendered a collecton of choice songs and glees , Bro . J . R . Fletcher presiding at the piano .
The Quality Of Masonic Membership
No greater mistake can be made hy a Lodge than to be ambitious of numbers , regardless of tbe character of the material . As a single false stone worked into a foundation may result in toppling the Avhole building down , so some unprincipled libertine may
destroy the whole credit of a Masonic edifice . The principle need of to-day is a strict scrutiny of the quality of the applicants for admission to out fraternity . Masonry has increased its adherents until it has become a popular institution . As long
as tbe Church of G-od -was persecuted it was pure . No man sought its sacred communion unless actuated by a principle ready to stand the test of martyrdom . But , ivhen it began to receive the patronage of Crowns , and tbe revenues of Empires , when there
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
were invested as above . Two only of the six candidates on the circular were able to be present , namely , Sir II . St . John Halford , AV . M ., 1330 , and P . J . Smith , 523 . These Brethren were exalted in due form , ceremony being rendered by the M . E . Z ., assisted by Comp . Toller ; the historical lecture , and the latter portion of the mystical were delivered by the P . G . Supt ., the symbolical lecture and the explanation of the signs being given bthe Second Principal . The duties of P . Soj . werefor the
y , first time , ably performed by Comp . Crow . A candidate having been proposed for the next meeting , the Chapter was closed in form , It is much to be regretted that the meetings of thisprobably the finest and most impressive of all Masonic degrees have of late been so poorly attended . The Chapter numbers upwards of 70 subscribing members , but the attendance seldom exceeds one-sixth of that number . AVe believe that the Prov . Grand Chapter , which has been in abeyance for some years , will
be shortly reconstituted , and that the Prov . G . Supt . Comp . W . Kelly , will be formally installed iu his office . This event , which will doubtless bring together most of the R . A . Masons of the Province , anxious to do honour to one to whoso unvaried exertions , it may be said that R . A . Masonry in this Province owes its continued existence , will , ive trust , at the same time , be the means of diffusing a more general aud lasting interest iu the degree .
INSTRUCTION . THE R . A . CHAPTER OP IMPROVEMENT , whose meetings aro held every Thursday evening , at 7 o ' clock , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , has been very numerously attended during the month of October . Ou Thursday last , Companion Boyd ( in the absense of Companion Brett ) , had the whole management iu his hand , and a very enjoyable evening was
spent . The certainty of meeting either Comps . Brett or Boyd , and most freuqently both those distinguished R . A . Masons , is probably one of tbe greatest inducements that prompts embryo J _' s , IPs , and J's to attend so often , as if they can be made perfect in the duties of their respective offices , here perfection can be attained . AVe cannot speak too highly of Companion White , the officiating E , who , though always attentive to his duties , is ever ready to lend his assistance , if required , in
working the ceremonies . The manner in which the sections are worked imperceptibly lead the unskilled companion to a knowledge of the beautiful ritual , so that when called upon to fill any office in bis regular Chapter , be is able to discharge the duty with little or no difficulty to himself and satisfaction to the members . After the ceremony of exaltation , there is a change iu the work every night , the particulars of which may bo ascertained in the copy of the bye-laws .
Mark Masonry.
LANCASHIRE . PltoviNCiAL GRAND LODGE . —On Friday afternoon an annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Lancashire , convened by AVm . Romaine Callender , jun ., Esq ., Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master , was held in the Town Hall , Bury , all provincial grand officers , mastersand wardens of lodgesand other duly qualified brethren
, , within tbe province , being summoned to attend thereat , and all Mark Masons in the province requested to attend , while the attendance of brethren fron other provinces was invited . The brethren who attended appeared , as required , in Mark Mason's or Craft clothing , and with allpropcr insigina appertaining to their respective offices and ranks . The proceedings commenced about three o ' clockThe
follow-. ing appointments and investitures were made of officers in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of the County Palatine , by W . R . Callender , jun ., Esq ., R . VV . P . G . M . M . : — D . Prog . G . M . M . Lord Lindsay ; P . S . G . AV . Lord Skelmersdale ; P . J . G . W . Lieut .-Colonel Birchall ; P . G . M . O . AV . 0 . AValker P . G . S . O . J . R . Oovpelj P . G . J . 0 . J . Gibb Smith ; P . G . S . D .
Mark Masonry.
AV . H . Prince ; P . G . J . D . AVm . Ashworth ; P . G . Chaplain Rev . J . L . Figgins M . A . ; P . G . Treasurer John Duffield ; P . G . Registrar j . F . Tweedale ; P . G . Secretary John Clv . ulwiek ; P . G . Superintendent of AVorks Lawrence Booth ; F . R . I . B . A . P . G . Director of Ceremonies R . Butterworth ; P . G . Assistant Director of Ceremonies J . Ashworth ; P . G . Sivord Bearer John AVatson ; P . G . Standard Bearer J . D . Lancashire ; P . G . Organist Richard Seed ; P . G . I . G . Joseph Handley ; P . G . Tyler AVm .
Dawson ; P . G . Stewards Henry Maiden and Andrew Milne . Subsequent to the business of the afternoon , the brethren partook of a substantial dinner at the Derby Hotel , the chair being occupied by AV . R . Callender , jun ., Esq ., and the vice-chair by Bro . Lawrence Booth , who was installed in the afternoon as M . M . of the Callender Lodge , Bury . About fifty of the brethren were present . The Chairman , after giving the healths of tbe Queen , and H . ll . H . the Prince of Wales . & c , proposed " The Rev . George Raymond Porta ] , Most AVorshipful Grand Mark Master . " It had been sometimes said—and he believed ivithout anv cause of
reflection or complaint—that in proposing the official hoart of their craft , they proposed sometimes au unknown name , one they miglit never see , whose qualifications they were obliged to take second naud ; but with regard to the distinguished member who held tbe foremost position iu Mark Masonry , he must be known to a large number of brethren , for twelve months since ho honoured their annual ireetiiig with his presence . Under his guidance Mark Masonry , for the last two or three years , had
flourished to a greater extent that it was ever known before . He believed that to the Grand Mark Master ' s visit they owed much of the prosperity they rejoiced in . Bro . JOHN M . AVIKE , of Manchester , proposed " The Right Hon . Earl Percy , Right AVorshipful Deputy Grand Mark Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bros . Hayward , of Carlisle , and J . R . Goepel , of Liverpool , respondedthe latter remarking that the AA orshiful Grand
, p Mark Master hoped to hold a moveable grand lodge in Lancashire before his term of office expired . Lieutenant-colonel Pirchall , of Preston , proposed " AVilliam Romaine Callender , jun ., Esq ., R . VV . P . G . M . M . of Lancashire . " They had already had evidence of his utility in the present degree by the establishment of a provincial grand lodge for this provinceand the impetus given to Mark Masonry in the
-, pro vince over which he presided . The other usual toasts were given and duly responded to . _ At intervals between the addresses , a party of vocalists , consisting of Bros . Edmondson , Dumville , and Wroe , rendered a collecton of choice songs and glees , Bro . J . R . Fletcher presiding at the piano .
The Quality Of Masonic Membership
No greater mistake can be made hy a Lodge than to be ambitious of numbers , regardless of tbe character of the material . As a single false stone worked into a foundation may result in toppling the Avhole building down , so some unprincipled libertine may
destroy the whole credit of a Masonic edifice . The principle need of to-day is a strict scrutiny of the quality of the applicants for admission to out fraternity . Masonry has increased its adherents until it has become a popular institution . As long
as tbe Church of G-od -was persecuted it was pure . No man sought its sacred communion unless actuated by a principle ready to stand the test of martyrdom . But , ivhen it began to receive the patronage of Crowns , and tbe revenues of Empires , when there