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as you are aware , discontinued ; and I trust that the Pocket-Book and Calendar , which I havo already prepared in skeleton for the press , will meet with a more ready and a more general sale . I have bestowed considerable labor upon it , and tbe bare mention of the fact that the surplus proceeds will be devoted to the relief of our poor , should induce subscribers . I offer no remark upon the proposition of tbe Committee to alter the mode
of calculating the dues of Calcutta Lodges , as no definite recommendation is put forward , and the republication of our bye-laws will 'form a fitting opportunity for tho discussion of the subject in the event of the Finance Committee making any specific proposition . The motion on this subject by the District Grand Secretary will not probably bo opposed ; and if adopted , I will ask our Bro . to use every endeavor to have
the proceedings of this evening ' s meeting printed and issued without delay , in order tbat Masters of up-country Lodges may have an early opportunity of communicating their views upon any changes which they or their Brethren may deem advisable , to the committee which will be appointed to revise tbe bye-laws , prior to re-print . The committee will , I am sure , be glad to receive suggestions from any Brethren who may wish to offer them on this very important subject . I have pleasure iu
announcing that Lodge of tho Isles , at Port Blair , has been resuscitated . I would wish to correct a portion of my address at our quarterly communication of December last , referring to that Lodge , in which I acquainted you that Bro . Berrill had been guilty of a grave offence , and had consequently absconded from the Settlement . What I stated was gathered from tho papers which were submitted to mo with the case ; and if they misled methey misled also tho Deputy Grand Master and the
, Members of this District Grand Lodge generally . I cannot even now say positively that we have been misled in the matter , for it is unquestionably the fact tbat Bro . Berrill did " get into trouble with the Civil Authorities , " and tbat bo suddenl y left the Settlement . There is no proof , however , tbat he rendered
himself in any way criminally liable by doing so . I should , of course , be sorry to say anything in Grand lodge that might injure a Brother's reputation , and as the words which I used , and whicli , as I have above stated , were gathered from the papers connected with the case , do not ; now appear tome to have been justified , I wish to retract them as publicly as I uttered them ; and Bro . Berrill , while accepting this explanation , will understand that the remarks made both bmyself and bRW
y y .. Bro . Judge were unprompted by any motive beyond tbo furtherance of tha general good of our Masonic Society . 1 have no reason to correct or to modify anything which I said regarding tbe Lodge at large at Port Blair , or the proceedings which reflected so much discredit upon it . I have to report to you that Lodge Harmony at Cawnpore , has been resuscitated under tbe auspices of Bro . Dr . Giraud , of the 19 th Hussars ; aud sincereltrust tbat
I y , under the able management of that Bro ., tbe Lodge will speedily regain its old name for exaellencc among tho Lodges of the north-western Provinces . Warrants have been received from England for the new Lodges at Dinapore and Lahore , and bear the following numbers : — Dinapore , True Brothers , 1210 ; Lahore , Ravee , 1215 . I am sorry to have to report the following exclusions from Lod
ge Anchor and Hope , at Howrah : Bros . R . N . Burgess , T . C . D . Ritchie . 0 W . W . Raven , James Tomkins , Charles Middleton , John Whyte , W . L . K . Soliague , and J . Robb . Also . — Bro . H . Holfred from Lodge Hope , 413 , Meerut . Also : —Bros . Thomas Eraser Campbell , W . A . Mitchell , and M . G . Shircore from Lodge St . Andrew in the East , 401 , Scotland , specially reported by tbe Worshiful Master of that Lod for incorporation in
p ge our proceedings . You will learn with regret that the M . Wor . G . M . the Earl of Zetland has decided to make British Burmah a separate Masonic district , by which arrangement six Lodges will be removed from tbe jurisdiction of this District Grand Lodge . ( . To he continued . )
GLASGOW INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS . LAYING THE COKNEE-STONE OF THE NEIV BUILDISG AT MILLEESTON . On the afternoon of Thursday , the 27 th August , the cornerstone of a building designed to give increased means of carrying out the purposes of the Industrial Schools Act was laid at Moss-
bank , Millerston , by tbe Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , M . W ., Grand Master Mason of Scotland . The proceedings were the occasion of much lively interest both in Glasgow and at Millerston . Tbe Glasgow brethren , together with a number from other provinces , mustered iu George Square at mid-day , and were conveyed to Stepps by railway . Tho Lord Provost and Magistratestbe Deacons of
, the various trades , the directors of the Glasgow Industrial Schools , and a considerable number of the leading citizens , reached Millerston by private conveyance . About two o'clock tbe Grand Lodge was opened in Millerston Free Church . There were present the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason , the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B . ; tbe Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington , R . W . Dep . G . M . ; Col . Campbell of
Blythswood , Prov . G . M ., Renfrewshire ( East ); Hector F . M'Lean , W . S ., Prov . G . M ., Lanarkshire ( Upper Ward ); W . A . Laurie , W . S ., G . Sec . ; W . Officer , Acting S . G . W . ; Thos . Ramsay ( R . W . M . No . 3- ) Acting J . G . W . ; Henry Glassford Bel ) , Sheriff of Lanarkshire , Acting S . G . D . ; Jas . Sellers , Jun . ; Capt . Ramsay , G . S . B . ; C . S . Law , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Coghill , G . Mareschal ; A . Hay , G . Jeweller ; A . J . Stewart , W . S ., G . Clerk ;
Wm . M . Bryce , G . Tyler ; and the following Grand Stewards : — Bros . Owen Gough , F . Law , T . Pearson , J . M'Culloch , and Capt . M'Casland . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow consisted of Bros . W . M . Neilson , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; F . A . Barrow , S . Prov . G . M . ; William Smith , Prov . G . Sec . ; James Wallace , Prov . G . S . D . ; Robert Robb , Prov . G . Mareschal ; W . Alexander , Prov . J . G ., Robert Craig , Prov . G . B . B . ; James
Loith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Donaldson , Prov . G . D . Music ; James Campbell , Acting Prov . G . S . B . ; Thomas Mullin , Acting Prov . G . I . G . ; James Pollock , Prov . G . Tyler . The Glasgow Lodges represented were , Nos . 3-, 4 , 27 , 73 , 87 , 103 , 117 , 128 , 178 , 219 , 275 , 332 , 333 , 354 , 360 , 362 , 408 , 413 , 414 , 441 , and 4 G 5 . Edinburgh was represented by No . 160 Linlithgow . Nos . 17 and 160 ; StirlingNo . 30 ; Wishaw , No . 31
, Port Glasgow , No . 68 ; Chreptou , No . 147 ; Pollokshaws , No . 153 ; Coatbridge , No . 177 ; Johnstone , No . 242 ; Dunlop , No . 311 ; Busby , No . 458 . The Grand Lodge having been opened , a procession was formed by Prov . G . Mareschal Bro . Bobb , in tho following
order : —Band of the 25 th Regiment ; Field Battery Lanarkshire Artillery , under command of Captain M'Dowall ; directors of the New Industrial Schools ; clergy and friends ; Trades' House ; Lord Provost and Magistrates ; Masonic deputation . The procession having arrived at the new schools , where a largo assemblage had gathered , the members of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge , the Lord Provost and Magistrates , the directors , and some others , were accommodated on a platform on the roof
of tbo building . The Lord Provost , in presenting Lord Dalhousie with the silver trowel to be used in the ceremony , gave a brief sketch of the history of the Glasgow Industrial Schools , and expressed a hope that the new building , when completed , would exercise a most beneficial and practical effect in the amelioration of the juvenile criminal population . His Lordship remarked further , that the call to the citizens of Glasgow for subscriptions towards
its erection had been very abundantly and , he might say , very pleasantly answered . In a very short time there had been collected no fewer than £ 6 , 000 , and this notwithstanding a very general depression of trade in tbe district . This , he hoped , was an earnest that the sum of £ 2 , 000 , yet required to complete the building , would be raised before long , so that the operations of the institution might be proceeded with free of debt .
Lord Dalhousie , in reply , said that this was not masonieally tho period of the business when it became his duty as Grand Master , to address a few observations upon the work which be had undertaken to perform . He would , therefore , on that occasion simply confine himself to an expression of thanks for the -manner in which there had been placed in his hands a trowel with which to perform one of the most benevolent works that even the City of Glasgow could be engaged in . He should
endeavor , with tlie assistance of his brethren , to perform the ceremony bo had been invited to , and he assured them that he would keep that trowel iu memory of the honor which bad been conferred upon tbe Grand Lodge , and of the flattering manner in which be himself had been received that day , as well as of the great and benevolent work tbey were about to engage in . The Acting G . Chap , ( the Rev . Alex . Thomson , of Millerston , ) having asked the Divine blessing on the proceedings , the G . M . called upon the G . Treas ., G . See ., and G . Clerk to place the coins and documents in the cavity of the stone , and the architect
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as you are aware , discontinued ; and I trust that the Pocket-Book and Calendar , which I havo already prepared in skeleton for the press , will meet with a more ready and a more general sale . I have bestowed considerable labor upon it , and tbe bare mention of the fact that the surplus proceeds will be devoted to the relief of our poor , should induce subscribers . I offer no remark upon the proposition of tbe Committee to alter the mode
of calculating the dues of Calcutta Lodges , as no definite recommendation is put forward , and the republication of our bye-laws will 'form a fitting opportunity for tho discussion of the subject in the event of the Finance Committee making any specific proposition . The motion on this subject by the District Grand Secretary will not probably bo opposed ; and if adopted , I will ask our Bro . to use every endeavor to have
the proceedings of this evening ' s meeting printed and issued without delay , in order tbat Masters of up-country Lodges may have an early opportunity of communicating their views upon any changes which they or their Brethren may deem advisable , to the committee which will be appointed to revise tbe bye-laws , prior to re-print . The committee will , I am sure , be glad to receive suggestions from any Brethren who may wish to offer them on this very important subject . I have pleasure iu
announcing that Lodge of tho Isles , at Port Blair , has been resuscitated . I would wish to correct a portion of my address at our quarterly communication of December last , referring to that Lodge , in which I acquainted you that Bro . Berrill had been guilty of a grave offence , and had consequently absconded from the Settlement . What I stated was gathered from tho papers which were submitted to mo with the case ; and if they misled methey misled also tho Deputy Grand Master and the
, Members of this District Grand Lodge generally . I cannot even now say positively that we have been misled in the matter , for it is unquestionably the fact tbat Bro . Berrill did " get into trouble with the Civil Authorities , " and tbat bo suddenl y left the Settlement . There is no proof , however , tbat he rendered
himself in any way criminally liable by doing so . I should , of course , be sorry to say anything in Grand lodge that might injure a Brother's reputation , and as the words which I used , and whicli , as I have above stated , were gathered from the papers connected with the case , do not ; now appear tome to have been justified , I wish to retract them as publicly as I uttered them ; and Bro . Berrill , while accepting this explanation , will understand that the remarks made both bmyself and bRW
y y .. Bro . Judge were unprompted by any motive beyond tbo furtherance of tha general good of our Masonic Society . 1 have no reason to correct or to modify anything which I said regarding tbe Lodge at large at Port Blair , or the proceedings which reflected so much discredit upon it . I have to report to you that Lodge Harmony at Cawnpore , has been resuscitated under tbe auspices of Bro . Dr . Giraud , of the 19 th Hussars ; aud sincereltrust tbat
I y , under the able management of that Bro ., tbe Lodge will speedily regain its old name for exaellencc among tho Lodges of the north-western Provinces . Warrants have been received from England for the new Lodges at Dinapore and Lahore , and bear the following numbers : — Dinapore , True Brothers , 1210 ; Lahore , Ravee , 1215 . I am sorry to have to report the following exclusions from Lod
ge Anchor and Hope , at Howrah : Bros . R . N . Burgess , T . C . D . Ritchie . 0 W . W . Raven , James Tomkins , Charles Middleton , John Whyte , W . L . K . Soliague , and J . Robb . Also . — Bro . H . Holfred from Lodge Hope , 413 , Meerut . Also : —Bros . Thomas Eraser Campbell , W . A . Mitchell , and M . G . Shircore from Lodge St . Andrew in the East , 401 , Scotland , specially reported by tbe Worshiful Master of that Lod for incorporation in
p ge our proceedings . You will learn with regret that the M . Wor . G . M . the Earl of Zetland has decided to make British Burmah a separate Masonic district , by which arrangement six Lodges will be removed from tbe jurisdiction of this District Grand Lodge . ( . To he continued . )
GLASGOW INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS . LAYING THE COKNEE-STONE OF THE NEIV BUILDISG AT MILLEESTON . On the afternoon of Thursday , the 27 th August , the cornerstone of a building designed to give increased means of carrying out the purposes of the Industrial Schools Act was laid at Moss-
bank , Millerston , by tbe Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , M . W ., Grand Master Mason of Scotland . The proceedings were the occasion of much lively interest both in Glasgow and at Millerston . Tbe Glasgow brethren , together with a number from other provinces , mustered iu George Square at mid-day , and were conveyed to Stepps by railway . Tho Lord Provost and Magistratestbe Deacons of
, the various trades , the directors of the Glasgow Industrial Schools , and a considerable number of the leading citizens , reached Millerston by private conveyance . About two o'clock tbe Grand Lodge was opened in Millerston Free Church . There were present the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason , the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B . ; tbe Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington , R . W . Dep . G . M . ; Col . Campbell of
Blythswood , Prov . G . M ., Renfrewshire ( East ); Hector F . M'Lean , W . S ., Prov . G . M ., Lanarkshire ( Upper Ward ); W . A . Laurie , W . S ., G . Sec . ; W . Officer , Acting S . G . W . ; Thos . Ramsay ( R . W . M . No . 3- ) Acting J . G . W . ; Henry Glassford Bel ) , Sheriff of Lanarkshire , Acting S . G . D . ; Jas . Sellers , Jun . ; Capt . Ramsay , G . S . B . ; C . S . Law , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Coghill , G . Mareschal ; A . Hay , G . Jeweller ; A . J . Stewart , W . S ., G . Clerk ;
Wm . M . Bryce , G . Tyler ; and the following Grand Stewards : — Bros . Owen Gough , F . Law , T . Pearson , J . M'Culloch , and Capt . M'Casland . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow consisted of Bros . W . M . Neilson , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; F . A . Barrow , S . Prov . G . M . ; William Smith , Prov . G . Sec . ; James Wallace , Prov . G . S . D . ; Robert Robb , Prov . G . Mareschal ; W . Alexander , Prov . J . G ., Robert Craig , Prov . G . B . B . ; James
Loith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Donaldson , Prov . G . D . Music ; James Campbell , Acting Prov . G . S . B . ; Thomas Mullin , Acting Prov . G . I . G . ; James Pollock , Prov . G . Tyler . The Glasgow Lodges represented were , Nos . 3-, 4 , 27 , 73 , 87 , 103 , 117 , 128 , 178 , 219 , 275 , 332 , 333 , 354 , 360 , 362 , 408 , 413 , 414 , 441 , and 4 G 5 . Edinburgh was represented by No . 160 Linlithgow . Nos . 17 and 160 ; StirlingNo . 30 ; Wishaw , No . 31
, Port Glasgow , No . 68 ; Chreptou , No . 147 ; Pollokshaws , No . 153 ; Coatbridge , No . 177 ; Johnstone , No . 242 ; Dunlop , No . 311 ; Busby , No . 458 . The Grand Lodge having been opened , a procession was formed by Prov . G . Mareschal Bro . Bobb , in tho following
order : —Band of the 25 th Regiment ; Field Battery Lanarkshire Artillery , under command of Captain M'Dowall ; directors of the New Industrial Schools ; clergy and friends ; Trades' House ; Lord Provost and Magistrates ; Masonic deputation . The procession having arrived at the new schools , where a largo assemblage had gathered , the members of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge , the Lord Provost and Magistrates , the directors , and some others , were accommodated on a platform on the roof
of tbo building . The Lord Provost , in presenting Lord Dalhousie with the silver trowel to be used in the ceremony , gave a brief sketch of the history of the Glasgow Industrial Schools , and expressed a hope that the new building , when completed , would exercise a most beneficial and practical effect in the amelioration of the juvenile criminal population . His Lordship remarked further , that the call to the citizens of Glasgow for subscriptions towards
its erection had been very abundantly and , he might say , very pleasantly answered . In a very short time there had been collected no fewer than £ 6 , 000 , and this notwithstanding a very general depression of trade in tbe district . This , he hoped , was an earnest that the sum of £ 2 , 000 , yet required to complete the building , would be raised before long , so that the operations of the institution might be proceeded with free of debt .
Lord Dalhousie , in reply , said that this was not masonieally tho period of the business when it became his duty as Grand Master , to address a few observations upon the work which be had undertaken to perform . He would , therefore , on that occasion simply confine himself to an expression of thanks for the -manner in which there had been placed in his hands a trowel with which to perform one of the most benevolent works that even the City of Glasgow could be engaged in . He should
endeavor , with tlie assistance of his brethren , to perform the ceremony bo had been invited to , and he assured them that he would keep that trowel iu memory of the honor which bad been conferred upon tbe Grand Lodge , and of the flattering manner in which be himself had been received that day , as well as of the great and benevolent work tbey were about to engage in . The Acting G . Chap , ( the Rev . Alex . Thomson , of Millerston , ) having asked the Divine blessing on the proceedings , the G . M . called upon the G . Treas ., G . See ., and G . Clerk to place the coins and documents in the cavity of the stone , and the architect