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Channel Islands.
lodge is able to make any grant , I will gladly undertake to see that it is proper disbursed . " Believe me , yours fraternally , "JOHN STEVENS , S 58 . " Eagle House , St . Helier . " Some discussion took place , in the course of which the AV . M . stated that , owing to a partial suspension of the by-laws during
the first year of the existence of the lodge , in order to provide for the purchase of furniture , there was but little more than £ 2 in the hands of the Treasurer , applicable to the purpose . The result was that a resolution was passed appropriating the sum of £ 2 for the children of the late Bro . Capt . Johnstone . A gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting on the proposition of Bro . Watson , seconded by the W . M . The lodge was closed at half-past eight with the usual forms , the brethren retired to another room for refreshment , and soon after half-past nine the party broke up .
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) BENGAL . DlSIEICT GEAND CHAMEB . The annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of Bengal was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the -5 th November , 1863 . Present : Hugh D . Sandeman , G . Supt . ;
Frederick Jennings , D . G . Supt . ; John AV . Brown , G . Principal J . ; William H . Hoff , Grand Scribe E . ; James B . Knight , G . Principal Soj . ; Tliomas Dickson , G . Treas . ; James I-I . Linton , G . Sword Bearer ; Charles J . Evans , G . Standard Bearer ; Charles K . Dove , Or . Dir . of Cers . ; William B . Collins , II . of Chapter Holy Zion ; David J . Daniel , G . Janitor ; and Comps . T . B . Lane , W . G . Baxter , ancl J . A . Hoffmann , of Chapter Hope .
The following Companions were absent : —John B . Roberts , G . Principal II . ; William Clark , C . F ., G . Scribe N . ; Henry T . Prinsep , First G . Assist . Soj . ; Brook S . B . Parlby , Second G . Assist . Soj . ; William H . Abbott , G . Reg . ; James G . Bowerman , Grand . Org . ; William J . Judge , Past Principal Z . of Chapter Hope . The G . SUEEEINTENDENT addressed the assembled Companions . He stated that the following chapters were in full working
order ;—Hor , e , Calcutta ; Holy Zion , Calcutta ; Firm Hope , Meerut ; Dalhousie , Simla ; Mount Sion , Benares ; Ramsay , Lucknow ; "Umballa , Umballa ; St . John the Baptist , Mussoorie ; Punjab , Lahore . The Border Chapter at Peshawar was still in abeyance , but would probably be revived . The Chapter at Allahabad had shown no signs of revival . The following chapters were in arrears of returns and payments , and their
neglect added considerably to the labour of the Grand Scribe E .: —Firm Hope , Meernt , for 1 SG 2 ; St . John tiie Baptist , Mussoorie , for three years , from I 860 ; Umballa , Umballa , for 1862 ; Punjab , Lahore , for 1802 ; Dalhousie , Simla , lor three years , from I 860 . The finances of the District Grand Chapter were not iu a very good position , and a heavy outlay had been incurred in the purchase of jewels , clothing , and regalia , as , at the last convocation , it had not been considered proper
that the District Grand Chapter should be constantly dependent upon Chapter Hope for such articles . The Grand Superiiitendent , alluded to the improper conduct of a companion at Cawnpore , who had opened a Scotch chapter therein a highly irregular manner . The attention of the ruling authorities among the Scotch Masons in Bengal had , however , been attracted to his conduct . The same brother had recently been suspended in Craft Masonry for contumacy . His proceedings in Royal
Arch Masonry , the Grand Superintendent observed , evinced a similar disregard of all Masonic law and precedent , if not a positive violation of his 0 . B . The Grand Superintendent had lately visited the chapters in Calcutta , and also the chapter at Bennies , and had been exceedingly gratified by the manner in which they had been worked . At Benares and elsewhere , a notion prevailed that every Master Mason could be exalted one month after taking the third degree , without a dispensation .
This was an error , which would he detrimental to the interests of Masonry ; for when promotion was gained too rapidly , the honours of the Craft were likely to be held in small esteem . Tho companions working under the Grand Chapter of Scotland
appeared to hold the same opinion , and a mutual understanding had been tacitly arrived at that , except under very special circumstances , the Royal Arch Degree would not be given to any one who had not been a Master Mason for at least three months . The Grand Superintendent hoped that , eventually , the good old period of one year would be invariably fixed as the time of probation . The Grand Superintendent noticed that a new edition of the regulations of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England
was about to be published . He mentioned this for the information of those who might wish to register themselves as subscribers . The next regular meeting of the District Grand Chapter would be held ( ON . ) on Thursday , the 3 rd November ,
1864 . The G . SCRIBE E . read the Finance Committee ' s Report on the audit of the G . Treasurer's accounts . The balance in hand amounted to Rs . 1 , 810 , of which Rs . 1 , 000 was a fixed deposit in the Agra Bank . Moved by Comp . AV . H . HOFE , seconded by Comp . F . JENNINGS , and carried : — " That as the amount available for the expenses recently incurred is insufficient , the amount of interest
which has accrued on the fixed deposit be transferred to the current account . " The G . SUPERINTENDENT read a letter from London from the G . Scribe E ., stating that the appointment of D . G . Supt . could not be recognised . The following appointments were made for the ensuing year : — John W . Brown Second G . Principal H . AVilliam ClarkeCF Third G . Principal J .
, William H . Hoff . G . Scribe E . James B . Knight G . Scribe N . Brook S . B . Parlby G . Principal Soj . James H . Linton First G . Assist . Soj . , Charles J . Evans Second G . Assist . Soj . Charles K . Dove G . Reg . Thomas Lane G . Sword Bearer . AVilliam B . Collins G . Standard Bearer .
William G . Baxter G . Dir . of Cers . Comp . Thomas Dickson continued to hold the office of G . Treas ., corresponding to the appointment held by him in the District Grand Lodge . Each officer , on being invested with his badge of office , received a suitable address from the G . Supt ., who specially alluded to the aid he . had received from Comp . Lane on his recent visit to the Masons at some of the Mofussil stations .
The G . SUPERINTENDENT also passed a high eulogium on Comp . F . Jennings , for the services he had rendered to Royal Arch Masonry in Bengal . It was resolved that the by-laws of the District Grand Chapter should be re-printed . A few alterations would he necessary , such as the substitution of the name of M . E . Comp . Hugh Sandeman for that of M . E . Comp . James Ramsay in the first law , the revision of the list of chapters in by-law 7 , & e .
It was further resolved that any companion desirous of keeping the jewel or clothing of his office in his personal custody should he allowed to do so , on depositing the full value of the same in the hands of the G . Treasurer . The District Grand Chapter was then closed in due form , and the Companions proceeded to the banquet room . We mns ; not omit to notice the beauty of the regalia supplied by Bro . R . Spencer , from the Masonic depot in Great Queenstreet , London .
THE PEOVINCIAL GRAND MASTER AT ALLAHABAD . AVe ( Indian Freemasons' Friend ) have received from a correspondent at Allahabad the following account of the Prov . G . M . 's visit to Lodge Independence with Philauthroplvy , on Monday , the 19 th October : — The members of Lodge Independence with Philanthrophy had a goodly gathering last evening , to do honour to the Prov .
G . M ., who paid them an official visit , and who , I think , must have gone away well pleased with the hearty welcome which was given to him . The lodge met at half-past seven , ancl after the usual form of opening had been gone through , the Deacons were ordered out to usher in the Prov . G . M . and Bro . Thomas Lane , who bad accompanied him as S . G . W . On entering the lodge , the Prov . G . M . took the tendered Hiram and ascended the E . chair , Bro . Lane assuming that of the S . W . in the West . Bro . Sandeman then addressed the lodge at some length , taking a retrospective view of its rises and fills since the days when he had ruled it , both as S . AV . aud Master , and finally compliment-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
lodge is able to make any grant , I will gladly undertake to see that it is proper disbursed . " Believe me , yours fraternally , "JOHN STEVENS , S 58 . " Eagle House , St . Helier . " Some discussion took place , in the course of which the AV . M . stated that , owing to a partial suspension of the by-laws during
the first year of the existence of the lodge , in order to provide for the purchase of furniture , there was but little more than £ 2 in the hands of the Treasurer , applicable to the purpose . The result was that a resolution was passed appropriating the sum of £ 2 for the children of the late Bro . Capt . Johnstone . A gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting on the proposition of Bro . Watson , seconded by the W . M . The lodge was closed at half-past eight with the usual forms , the brethren retired to another room for refreshment , and soon after half-past nine the party broke up .
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) BENGAL . DlSIEICT GEAND CHAMEB . The annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of Bengal was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the -5 th November , 1863 . Present : Hugh D . Sandeman , G . Supt . ;
Frederick Jennings , D . G . Supt . ; John AV . Brown , G . Principal J . ; William H . Hoff , Grand Scribe E . ; James B . Knight , G . Principal Soj . ; Tliomas Dickson , G . Treas . ; James I-I . Linton , G . Sword Bearer ; Charles J . Evans , G . Standard Bearer ; Charles K . Dove , Or . Dir . of Cers . ; William B . Collins , II . of Chapter Holy Zion ; David J . Daniel , G . Janitor ; and Comps . T . B . Lane , W . G . Baxter , ancl J . A . Hoffmann , of Chapter Hope .
The following Companions were absent : —John B . Roberts , G . Principal II . ; William Clark , C . F ., G . Scribe N . ; Henry T . Prinsep , First G . Assist . Soj . ; Brook S . B . Parlby , Second G . Assist . Soj . ; William H . Abbott , G . Reg . ; James G . Bowerman , Grand . Org . ; William J . Judge , Past Principal Z . of Chapter Hope . The G . SUEEEINTENDENT addressed the assembled Companions . He stated that the following chapters were in full working
order ;—Hor , e , Calcutta ; Holy Zion , Calcutta ; Firm Hope , Meerut ; Dalhousie , Simla ; Mount Sion , Benares ; Ramsay , Lucknow ; "Umballa , Umballa ; St . John the Baptist , Mussoorie ; Punjab , Lahore . The Border Chapter at Peshawar was still in abeyance , but would probably be revived . The Chapter at Allahabad had shown no signs of revival . The following chapters were in arrears of returns and payments , and their
neglect added considerably to the labour of the Grand Scribe E .: —Firm Hope , Meernt , for 1 SG 2 ; St . John tiie Baptist , Mussoorie , for three years , from I 860 ; Umballa , Umballa , for 1862 ; Punjab , Lahore , for 1802 ; Dalhousie , Simla , lor three years , from I 860 . The finances of the District Grand Chapter were not iu a very good position , and a heavy outlay had been incurred in the purchase of jewels , clothing , and regalia , as , at the last convocation , it had not been considered proper
that the District Grand Chapter should be constantly dependent upon Chapter Hope for such articles . The Grand Superiiitendent , alluded to the improper conduct of a companion at Cawnpore , who had opened a Scotch chapter therein a highly irregular manner . The attention of the ruling authorities among the Scotch Masons in Bengal had , however , been attracted to his conduct . The same brother had recently been suspended in Craft Masonry for contumacy . His proceedings in Royal
Arch Masonry , the Grand Superintendent observed , evinced a similar disregard of all Masonic law and precedent , if not a positive violation of his 0 . B . The Grand Superintendent had lately visited the chapters in Calcutta , and also the chapter at Bennies , and had been exceedingly gratified by the manner in which they had been worked . At Benares and elsewhere , a notion prevailed that every Master Mason could be exalted one month after taking the third degree , without a dispensation .
This was an error , which would he detrimental to the interests of Masonry ; for when promotion was gained too rapidly , the honours of the Craft were likely to be held in small esteem . Tho companions working under the Grand Chapter of Scotland
appeared to hold the same opinion , and a mutual understanding had been tacitly arrived at that , except under very special circumstances , the Royal Arch Degree would not be given to any one who had not been a Master Mason for at least three months . The Grand Superintendent hoped that , eventually , the good old period of one year would be invariably fixed as the time of probation . The Grand Superintendent noticed that a new edition of the regulations of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England
was about to be published . He mentioned this for the information of those who might wish to register themselves as subscribers . The next regular meeting of the District Grand Chapter would be held ( ON . ) on Thursday , the 3 rd November ,
1864 . The G . SCRIBE E . read the Finance Committee ' s Report on the audit of the G . Treasurer's accounts . The balance in hand amounted to Rs . 1 , 810 , of which Rs . 1 , 000 was a fixed deposit in the Agra Bank . Moved by Comp . AV . H . HOFE , seconded by Comp . F . JENNINGS , and carried : — " That as the amount available for the expenses recently incurred is insufficient , the amount of interest
which has accrued on the fixed deposit be transferred to the current account . " The G . SUPERINTENDENT read a letter from London from the G . Scribe E ., stating that the appointment of D . G . Supt . could not be recognised . The following appointments were made for the ensuing year : — John W . Brown Second G . Principal H . AVilliam ClarkeCF Third G . Principal J .
, William H . Hoff . G . Scribe E . James B . Knight G . Scribe N . Brook S . B . Parlby G . Principal Soj . James H . Linton First G . Assist . Soj . , Charles J . Evans Second G . Assist . Soj . Charles K . Dove G . Reg . Thomas Lane G . Sword Bearer . AVilliam B . Collins G . Standard Bearer .
William G . Baxter G . Dir . of Cers . Comp . Thomas Dickson continued to hold the office of G . Treas ., corresponding to the appointment held by him in the District Grand Lodge . Each officer , on being invested with his badge of office , received a suitable address from the G . Supt ., who specially alluded to the aid he . had received from Comp . Lane on his recent visit to the Masons at some of the Mofussil stations .
The G . SUPERINTENDENT also passed a high eulogium on Comp . F . Jennings , for the services he had rendered to Royal Arch Masonry in Bengal . It was resolved that the by-laws of the District Grand Chapter should be re-printed . A few alterations would he necessary , such as the substitution of the name of M . E . Comp . Hugh Sandeman for that of M . E . Comp . James Ramsay in the first law , the revision of the list of chapters in by-law 7 , & e .
It was further resolved that any companion desirous of keeping the jewel or clothing of his office in his personal custody should he allowed to do so , on depositing the full value of the same in the hands of the G . Treasurer . The District Grand Chapter was then closed in due form , and the Companions proceeded to the banquet room . We mns ; not omit to notice the beauty of the regalia supplied by Bro . R . Spencer , from the Masonic depot in Great Queenstreet , London .
THE PEOVINCIAL GRAND MASTER AT ALLAHABAD . AVe ( Indian Freemasons' Friend ) have received from a correspondent at Allahabad the following account of the Prov . G . M . 's visit to Lodge Independence with Philauthroplvy , on Monday , the 19 th October : — The members of Lodge Independence with Philanthrophy had a goodly gathering last evening , to do honour to the Prov .
G . M ., who paid them an official visit , and who , I think , must have gone away well pleased with the hearty welcome which was given to him . The lodge met at half-past seven , ancl after the usual form of opening had been gone through , the Deacons were ordered out to usher in the Prov . G . M . and Bro . Thomas Lane , who bad accompanied him as S . G . W . On entering the lodge , the Prov . G . M . took the tendered Hiram and ascended the E . chair , Bro . Lane assuming that of the S . W . in the West . Bro . Sandeman then addressed the lodge at some length , taking a retrospective view of its rises and fills since the days when he had ruled it , both as S . AV . aud Master , and finally compliment-