Article MOTHER KILWINNING. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Mother Kilwinning.
Boyle of Shewalton , Hamilton of Grange , Rev . J . Henderson of Irvine , & c . The Most Worshipful the Grand Master was in the chair , and " after the most deliberate consideration" the Lairds of Blair , Druniley , Smithson , Craighouse , ShewaltonAuchenharvieand the Collector of His
, , Majesty ' s Customs at Irvine , were appointed a Committtee , armed with powers in every respect similar to those granted by Grand Lodge to their Committee .
Thus commissioned , the representatives of the two Grand Lodge assembled at Glasgow—the Star Inn there liaving been fixed upon as the place of meeting—on the l-lfch October , 1807 , and after a lengthened conference agreed to and signed the following minute of terms of agreement , subject of course to the ajjproval of their respective lodges : —
" At Glasgow , the 14 th day of October , 1807 . " At a meeting of the Committees appointed by the Grand Lodge ef Scotland and the Mother Lodge of Kilwinning , vested by their respective constituents with full powers for the adjustment of their Masonic differences .
" Present on the part of the Grand Lodge—William Inglis , Esq ., Substitute Grand Master , Sir John Stewart , Bart ., of Allanbank ; Alexander Laurie , Esq . ; William Guthrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary j and James Bartram , Esq ., Grand Clerk . "And on the part of the Mother Lodge ,
Kilwinning—William Blair , Esq ., of Blair , Master ; Robert Davidson , Esq ., of Drumley , Depute Master ; Alex . M Gown , Esq ., of Smithston , Senior Warden ; Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., of Grange ; Robt . Montgomerie , Esq ., of Craighouse ; and James Crichton , Esq ., Collector of His Majesty ' s
Customs , Irvine . "The Committee having exhibited and exchanged their respective powers , and carefully considered the matters in dispute , reciprocally agree as follows : — " 1 st . That the Mother Lodge , Kilwinning
shall renounce all right of granting Charters , and come in along with all the Lodges holding under her , to the bosom of the Grand Lodge . " 2 clly . That ah the Lodges holding of Mother Kilwinning shall be obliged to obtain from the Grand Lodge , confirmations of their respective Charters , for , which a fee of three guineas only shall be exigible .
" oclly . That the Mother Kilwinning shall be placed at the head of the Roll of the Grand Lodge , under the denomination of Mother Kilwinning ; and her Daughter Lodges shall , in the meantime , be placed at the end of the said Roll , and as they shall apply for confirmations ; but under this
express declaration , that so soon as the Roll shall be arranged and corrected , which is in present contemplation , the Lodges holding of Mother Kilwinning shall be entitled to be ranked according- to the dates of their original Charters , and of those granted by the Grand Lodge .
" 4 thly . That Mother Kilwinning and her Daughter Lodges shall have the same interest in and management of the funds of the Grand Lodge , as the other Lodges now holding of her , —Mother Lodge , Kilwinning , contributing annually to the said funds a sum not less than two shillings and
sixpence for each intrant , and her Daughter Lodges contributing in the same manner as the present Lodges holding of the Grand Lodge . Sthly . That the Master of the Mother Lodge , Kilwinning , for the time , shall be ipso facto Provincial Grand Master for the Ayrshire District . And ,
Lastly . While both Committees are satisfied that the preceding arrangement will be hi ghly conducive to the honour and interests of Scottish Masonry , and though vested with the fullest powers to make a final adjustment , the Committee do only respectfully recommend its adoption to their respective constituents . "William Inglis , S . G . M . Will . Blair . Jo . Stewart . Robt . Davidson .
Alex . Laurie . Robt . Montgomerie . Wm . Guthrie , Gd . Secy . Alex . M'Gown . Ja . Bartram , Gd . Clk . Alex . Hamilton . James Crichton . " This minute was submitted to an extraordinary meeting of the Mother Lodge , held on the 6 th of
November , 1807 , at which were present twentyone members , composed with one or two exceptions of the same brethren by whom the reporters had previously been appointed . The Most Worshipful the Grand Master having , on behalf of the Committee , reported the result of their conference
with Grand Lodge , and produced a copy of the Minute of Agreement , the following resolution was adopted by the Lodge : — " The Agreement come to by the Committees of the Grand Lodo-e and the Mother Lodge , having' been taken into consideration by this meeting , they unanimousl
y did , and hereby do , ratify ancl approve of the same in all respects . " The minute proceeds : "It was afterwards moved by the Acting Senior Warden , that the thanks of the Mother Lod ge be given to the members of the committee for the great trouble and attention they have taken in bringing the
matter in dispute between the two Lodges to such an honourable conclusion for all parties concerned , aud so much for the good of Masonry in general . And the health of the Committee was drunk
standing , with all the honours of Masonry . It was further motioned by our Most Worshipful Grand Master , that the members of the Committee of Grand Lodge be admitted members of the Mother Lodge , Grand Lodge to be served with a copy of the minute , and a committee named to proceed to
Edinburgh , after the ratification of the agreement , and report to Mother Lodge at the St . Andrew Festival ; and to regulate the clothing and other ceremonial to be used on that occasion . " From the construction of the above minute , it would appear as if refreshment had been intro-
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Mother Kilwinning.
Boyle of Shewalton , Hamilton of Grange , Rev . J . Henderson of Irvine , & c . The Most Worshipful the Grand Master was in the chair , and " after the most deliberate consideration" the Lairds of Blair , Druniley , Smithson , Craighouse , ShewaltonAuchenharvieand the Collector of His
, , Majesty ' s Customs at Irvine , were appointed a Committtee , armed with powers in every respect similar to those granted by Grand Lodge to their Committee .
Thus commissioned , the representatives of the two Grand Lodge assembled at Glasgow—the Star Inn there liaving been fixed upon as the place of meeting—on the l-lfch October , 1807 , and after a lengthened conference agreed to and signed the following minute of terms of agreement , subject of course to the ajjproval of their respective lodges : —
" At Glasgow , the 14 th day of October , 1807 . " At a meeting of the Committees appointed by the Grand Lodge ef Scotland and the Mother Lodge of Kilwinning , vested by their respective constituents with full powers for the adjustment of their Masonic differences .
" Present on the part of the Grand Lodge—William Inglis , Esq ., Substitute Grand Master , Sir John Stewart , Bart ., of Allanbank ; Alexander Laurie , Esq . ; William Guthrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary j and James Bartram , Esq ., Grand Clerk . "And on the part of the Mother Lodge ,
Kilwinning—William Blair , Esq ., of Blair , Master ; Robert Davidson , Esq ., of Drumley , Depute Master ; Alex . M Gown , Esq ., of Smithston , Senior Warden ; Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., of Grange ; Robt . Montgomerie , Esq ., of Craighouse ; and James Crichton , Esq ., Collector of His Majesty ' s
Customs , Irvine . "The Committee having exhibited and exchanged their respective powers , and carefully considered the matters in dispute , reciprocally agree as follows : — " 1 st . That the Mother Lodge , Kilwinning
shall renounce all right of granting Charters , and come in along with all the Lodges holding under her , to the bosom of the Grand Lodge . " 2 clly . That ah the Lodges holding of Mother Kilwinning shall be obliged to obtain from the Grand Lodge , confirmations of their respective Charters , for , which a fee of three guineas only shall be exigible .
" oclly . That the Mother Kilwinning shall be placed at the head of the Roll of the Grand Lodge , under the denomination of Mother Kilwinning ; and her Daughter Lodges shall , in the meantime , be placed at the end of the said Roll , and as they shall apply for confirmations ; but under this
express declaration , that so soon as the Roll shall be arranged and corrected , which is in present contemplation , the Lodges holding of Mother Kilwinning shall be entitled to be ranked according- to the dates of their original Charters , and of those granted by the Grand Lodge .
" 4 thly . That Mother Kilwinning and her Daughter Lodges shall have the same interest in and management of the funds of the Grand Lodge , as the other Lodges now holding of her , —Mother Lodge , Kilwinning , contributing annually to the said funds a sum not less than two shillings and
sixpence for each intrant , and her Daughter Lodges contributing in the same manner as the present Lodges holding of the Grand Lodge . Sthly . That the Master of the Mother Lodge , Kilwinning , for the time , shall be ipso facto Provincial Grand Master for the Ayrshire District . And ,
Lastly . While both Committees are satisfied that the preceding arrangement will be hi ghly conducive to the honour and interests of Scottish Masonry , and though vested with the fullest powers to make a final adjustment , the Committee do only respectfully recommend its adoption to their respective constituents . "William Inglis , S . G . M . Will . Blair . Jo . Stewart . Robt . Davidson .
Alex . Laurie . Robt . Montgomerie . Wm . Guthrie , Gd . Secy . Alex . M'Gown . Ja . Bartram , Gd . Clk . Alex . Hamilton . James Crichton . " This minute was submitted to an extraordinary meeting of the Mother Lodge , held on the 6 th of
November , 1807 , at which were present twentyone members , composed with one or two exceptions of the same brethren by whom the reporters had previously been appointed . The Most Worshipful the Grand Master having , on behalf of the Committee , reported the result of their conference
with Grand Lodge , and produced a copy of the Minute of Agreement , the following resolution was adopted by the Lodge : — " The Agreement come to by the Committees of the Grand Lodo-e and the Mother Lodge , having' been taken into consideration by this meeting , they unanimousl
y did , and hereby do , ratify ancl approve of the same in all respects . " The minute proceeds : "It was afterwards moved by the Acting Senior Warden , that the thanks of the Mother Lod ge be given to the members of the committee for the great trouble and attention they have taken in bringing the
matter in dispute between the two Lodges to such an honourable conclusion for all parties concerned , aud so much for the good of Masonry in general . And the health of the Committee was drunk
standing , with all the honours of Masonry . It was further motioned by our Most Worshipful Grand Master , that the members of the Committee of Grand Lodge be admitted members of the Mother Lodge , Grand Lodge to be served with a copy of the minute , and a committee named to proceed to
Edinburgh , after the ratification of the agreement , and report to Mother Lodge at the St . Andrew Festival ; and to regulate the clothing and other ceremonial to be used on that occasion . " From the construction of the above minute , it would appear as if refreshment had been intro-