Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Comps . AVatson , Blackburn , Newton , Robinson , Kirby , Carpenter , Allen , ancl Hewlett ( the immediate P . Z . ) . Among the visitors were Comps . Horsley , Manico , Bryant , Maney , R . M . Smith , Fairburn , Webber , Norman , & c . There was one exaltation ( Bro . Tripp ) . The business of the Chapter being concluded , the Comps . adjourned to an excellent banquet . —Comp . HORSLEY , in returning thanks for the visitors , said that he had never seen such excellent working in any chapter ; that all the officers , from the highest to the lowest ,
were most efficient , and should very much like to see the same e fficiency in his own chapter . —Comp . Fairburn ( 1122 ) said the working could not be excelled . —Comp . HARRISON , M . E . Z ., in returning thanks , said he had now attained the summit of his ambition—that of being elected M . E . Z . of so excellent and numerous a chapter as the Robert Burns , ancl that he woulcl endeavour during his rule to maintain the position the chapter then held in the Order ; ancl he hopecl the Comps . wouldat the end of twelve
, months , say the work was well clone ancl that the Robert Burns Royal Arch Chapter woulcl hold the proud position of being one of the best working R . A . Chapter . —Comp . HEWLETT , P . Z ., on behalf of the P . Z ' s ., said that he was , with the other P . Zs ., in the sere and yellow leaf , but hoped he should live to see the present M . E . Z . one ofthe additional yellow leaves ; but the M . E . Z . might depend upon him for any assistance at any time if he required it , although they were sure that his excellent knowledge ot R . A . Masonry was such
that very little would be required of them .- —Comp . AVATSON , P . Z ., stated that he had been a member seventeen years that day , and that this was tbe eighteenth installation he had witnessed in the chapter , Comp . Tonibleson being the father of the chapter , ancl he the eldest son ; and this was the only installation but one that the Principals had installed their successors , which of course was a source of great gratification to him . —The Rev . Comp . LAUGHLIN said , although a minister of the gospel , he had the good of Freemasonry
very much at heart , ancl paid as much attention to it as be could , ancl pleaded no excuse to attend save sickness ; and he could not see anything in Freemasonry that be would not inculcate to any of bis flock , and be felt he never should . This was one of the most delightful evenings the Robert Burns Chapter ever had , and it was very much enhanced by the excellent singing of Comps . Genge , Ransford , Shoubridge , and others . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 206 ) . —On Thursday , the 28 th nit ., the companions of this chapter met at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane . The business before the convocation was that of
installing the Principals , investing the Officers , and exalting two brethren . Comp . Suter was placed in the chair of M . E . Z . ; Tvrrell , H . ; Brett , J . ; Buss , B . ; Cottebrune , N . ; and the P . Soj . left open . The visitors were , Comps . AA'' . Watson , H . Potter , H . Garrod , Queely , B . p . Todd , ancl Jas . AV . Adams . The brethren exalted were Comps . Goldstandt ancl Serle . By tbe unanimous vote of the chapter a jewel was presented to Comp . Joseph Smith , P . First Principal and Treas . bearing the following inscription : —
, " Presented to Comp . Joseph Smith , by tbe Domatic Chapter ( No . 206 ) , in testimony of its appreciation of the zeal and ability displayed by him as M . E . Z . during the year ending March 27 th , 1861 . " No other business being before the chapter , tbe same was closed , ancl tbe Comps . adjourned to dinner . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and peculiar toasts of the Order were iven ; andin the course of proposing that of " The Grand H . and
g , other Grancl Officers , " the M . E . Z . said , lie feared he should not do justice to the toast ; but he gave " The Health of the Grand Officers , " coupling it with the name of Comp . Joseph Smith , their immediate Past First principal and Treasurer . —Comu . JOSEPH SMITH said , the very handsome jewel ivith which be bad been invested that evening was the last be had received from his brother Masons , and he fully appreciated it ss an earnest of tbeir good opinion . He
might be allowed to say th . it he had got used to that sort of thing , for he had received so many honours that it was nothing new to him ; still , in that case , it was a novelty , because , although be bad served the office of a First Principal before , that was the first jewel he bad received from his Royal Arch Companions , it being the custom not to give a jewel in the other chapter to which he belonged , and he therefore felt very proud of the unanimous vote that hacl caused the decoration in question to be awarded to him . He
had always done his best for the chapter , and always should ; and as they bad marked their estimate of his endeavours in the way tbey had , so it would give him the greatest pleasure always to wear their gift , and remember that it took precedence as bis first Royal Arch jewel . He returned thanks to all the companions for the present to himself , ancl also on behalf of the toast proposed . —The M . E . Z . hacl been unable to perform the ceremony of exaltation that nihtand
g , Comp . T . A . Adams hacl kindly officiated for him ; but he felt that no one could give a heartier welcome to their two newly-exalted Comps ., Goldstandt and Serle , than himself , ancl he then called upon the members present to drink their health . —Comp . Goldstandt returned thanks . —Comp . JOSEPH SMITH said , it was his duty to propose the health of their newly installed M . E . Z ., ancl the duty of
Royal Arch.
the Comps . to respond . He could say that be was a good Mason and did his dut y in his lodge , and he felt sure they woulcl not regret elevating him to the highest position in the chapter . —The M . E . Z . returned thanks in : i few words . —The M . E . Z . next said , their visitors , Comps . Watson , Potter , Queely , Garrod , Todd , and J . AV . Adams , demanded , and he was sure woulcl receive , a hearty welcome , for they were each , and all , proud to see them . —Comp . AVATSON , oa behalf of all , tendered their best thanks . For himself , he hacl
great pleasure in keeping up bis intimacy with them , considering that he first visited the Domatic Chapter twenty years ago , and the only member of it remaining now was their Past Principal and Janitor , Comp . Blount . At all times he was ready to take part in assisting to perform a ceremony , and he knew that every visitorwould vie with him in wishing the chapter its long and accustomed prosperity-. —The M . E . Z . then proceeded to propose the health of the Past Principalscoupling the same with the name of Comp .
, Carpenter . —Comp . CARPENTER , in a very humorous manner , said ,, he did not know why be should be fixed upon to return thanks , bub supposed it was upon the principle that tbe worst-looking man in that rank should do all the hard work , as it was impossible to spoil his beauty , ancl might damage the appearance of bis more fortunate associates . Whatever was the reason , he could assure them tbe Past Principals were a very efficient body , and could do something ,,
ancl they were willing , ancl ready , to do all that became men . Tbeir modesty prevented him alluding more particularly to their capabilities , or to enumerate their special and collective virtues ; sotliey were quite content to leave their characters in the hands of
tbe companions , and only desired to drink the health of the M . E . Z ., his officers , ancl that of everybody else connected with the chapter . The M . E . Z . then gave the toast of " The H . and J . of the Chapter . " The IL , Comp . Tyrrell , had been compelled to leave immediately after the installation , and Comp . T . A . Adams , ivho hacl performed his duties , would respond . —Comp . T . A . ADAMS rose on behalf of Comp . Tyrrell , H-, and Brett , J ., to return thanks . The former had pressing businesswhich precluded hira from remainingbut
, , they were all aware of his zeal and ability . Their J ., Comp . Brett , could take his duties quite as easy as himself , , and he felt proud to see him so able . He had also to return thanks for their liberal contribution to the AVatson Testimonial Fund , as well as for putting their donation down in his , the No . 1 , book ; and he hoped they woulcl all live long , tnd be ready to dosuchgenerousacts for the future . —The M . E . Z . next gave "The Officers of the Chapter , and Comp .
Cottebrune , N . " —Camp . COTTEBRUNE , on behalf of the officers and himself , returned his most sincere thanks . They woulcl all endeavour to do their duty , ancl try to rival the Past Principals in working the subordinate offices to the best of their ability . —The M . E . Z . next gave " The Companions not in Office , coupling the samewith the name of Comp . Matthew Cooke , " who acknowledged the compliment . —CompJoseph Smith proposed " The Health of Comp
. . Ireland . "—Comp . IRELAND said , Comp . Smith first brought a lodge to his house , ancl he hoped his brother Masons ivould continue to be there for many years to come . He thanked tbem for the kind way in which Mrs . Ireland ' s and his own health had been proposed ancl received . The Janitor ' s toast brought the meeting to an end .
Knights Templar.
NEIVCASTLE -UPON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Encampment . — -An encampment of emergency was held on Friday , March 22 . Present : tbe E . G ., Sir Knt . A . Gillespie ; P . E . C ., H . Hotham ; H . G .. Ludwig , ancl tbe rest of the officers . Comps . Rosenburg and Popplewell , who had been approved of on the ballot , wore in attendance , and severally installed as Knights of this illustrious Order , P . E . C . Sir Knt . John Barker , 1 st Past G . Capt ., acting as Expert
for Comp . Popplewell , and Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , E . C . of the Jaques cle Molay Encampment , as Expert to Comp . Rosenburg . AVhen the encampment was closed , tbe brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a happy evening . Friday , the 29 th of March , being the regular clay for installing the E . C . elect , the conclave was opened in due form by B . C . Alexander Gillespie , assisted by a large number of P . E . Cs . ancl Sir Knts ., members of this encampment . The minutes of two preceding meetings having
, been read and confirmed , the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . Henry Gabriel Ludwig was presented for installation in ancient form , ancl he was duly installed by Sir Knt . John Barker , P . E . C , and 1 st P . Grand Captain . The E . G . appointed his officers for the ensuing year : —• Sir Knts . Andrew Gillespie , P . E . C ; AVilliam Pnnshon , Prior ; William Dalxiel , Sub-Prior ; William Berkeley , Prelate ; John BarkerChancellorChas-IBanister 1 st CaptJohn Rutta
, ; . . , . ; ,. 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . AV . Atkinson , A ice-Cbancellor and Registrar ; . ) .. King , Expert ; J . T . Hoyle , Almoner ; H . H . Hammerbom , Capt . of Lines ; Henry Hotham , Treas . ; John Popplewell and W . Rosenburg , Heralds ; J . T . Trotter , Equerry . Alms were collected and ordered to be given to a deserving Frater in much distress . There-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Comps . AVatson , Blackburn , Newton , Robinson , Kirby , Carpenter , Allen , ancl Hewlett ( the immediate P . Z . ) . Among the visitors were Comps . Horsley , Manico , Bryant , Maney , R . M . Smith , Fairburn , Webber , Norman , & c . There was one exaltation ( Bro . Tripp ) . The business of the Chapter being concluded , the Comps . adjourned to an excellent banquet . —Comp . HORSLEY , in returning thanks for the visitors , said that he had never seen such excellent working in any chapter ; that all the officers , from the highest to the lowest ,
were most efficient , and should very much like to see the same e fficiency in his own chapter . —Comp . Fairburn ( 1122 ) said the working could not be excelled . —Comp . HARRISON , M . E . Z ., in returning thanks , said he had now attained the summit of his ambition—that of being elected M . E . Z . of so excellent and numerous a chapter as the Robert Burns , ancl that he woulcl endeavour during his rule to maintain the position the chapter then held in the Order ; ancl he hopecl the Comps . wouldat the end of twelve
, months , say the work was well clone ancl that the Robert Burns Royal Arch Chapter woulcl hold the proud position of being one of the best working R . A . Chapter . —Comp . HEWLETT , P . Z ., on behalf of the P . Z ' s ., said that he was , with the other P . Zs ., in the sere and yellow leaf , but hoped he should live to see the present M . E . Z . one ofthe additional yellow leaves ; but the M . E . Z . might depend upon him for any assistance at any time if he required it , although they were sure that his excellent knowledge ot R . A . Masonry was such
that very little would be required of them .- —Comp . AVATSON , P . Z ., stated that he had been a member seventeen years that day , and that this was tbe eighteenth installation he had witnessed in the chapter , Comp . Tonibleson being the father of the chapter , ancl he the eldest son ; and this was the only installation but one that the Principals had installed their successors , which of course was a source of great gratification to him . —The Rev . Comp . LAUGHLIN said , although a minister of the gospel , he had the good of Freemasonry
very much at heart , ancl paid as much attention to it as be could , ancl pleaded no excuse to attend save sickness ; and he could not see anything in Freemasonry that be would not inculcate to any of bis flock , and be felt he never should . This was one of the most delightful evenings the Robert Burns Chapter ever had , and it was very much enhanced by the excellent singing of Comps . Genge , Ransford , Shoubridge , and others . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 206 ) . —On Thursday , the 28 th nit ., the companions of this chapter met at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane . The business before the convocation was that of
installing the Principals , investing the Officers , and exalting two brethren . Comp . Suter was placed in the chair of M . E . Z . ; Tvrrell , H . ; Brett , J . ; Buss , B . ; Cottebrune , N . ; and the P . Soj . left open . The visitors were , Comps . AA'' . Watson , H . Potter , H . Garrod , Queely , B . p . Todd , ancl Jas . AV . Adams . The brethren exalted were Comps . Goldstandt ancl Serle . By tbe unanimous vote of the chapter a jewel was presented to Comp . Joseph Smith , P . First Principal and Treas . bearing the following inscription : —
, " Presented to Comp . Joseph Smith , by tbe Domatic Chapter ( No . 206 ) , in testimony of its appreciation of the zeal and ability displayed by him as M . E . Z . during the year ending March 27 th , 1861 . " No other business being before the chapter , tbe same was closed , ancl tbe Comps . adjourned to dinner . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and peculiar toasts of the Order were iven ; andin the course of proposing that of " The Grand H . and
g , other Grancl Officers , " the M . E . Z . said , lie feared he should not do justice to the toast ; but he gave " The Health of the Grand Officers , " coupling it with the name of Comp . Joseph Smith , their immediate Past First principal and Treasurer . —Comu . JOSEPH SMITH said , the very handsome jewel ivith which be bad been invested that evening was the last be had received from his brother Masons , and he fully appreciated it ss an earnest of tbeir good opinion . He
might be allowed to say th . it he had got used to that sort of thing , for he had received so many honours that it was nothing new to him ; still , in that case , it was a novelty , because , although be bad served the office of a First Principal before , that was the first jewel he bad received from his Royal Arch Companions , it being the custom not to give a jewel in the other chapter to which he belonged , and he therefore felt very proud of the unanimous vote that hacl caused the decoration in question to be awarded to him . He
had always done his best for the chapter , and always should ; and as they bad marked their estimate of his endeavours in the way tbey had , so it would give him the greatest pleasure always to wear their gift , and remember that it took precedence as bis first Royal Arch jewel . He returned thanks to all the companions for the present to himself , ancl also on behalf of the toast proposed . —The M . E . Z . hacl been unable to perform the ceremony of exaltation that nihtand
g , Comp . T . A . Adams hacl kindly officiated for him ; but he felt that no one could give a heartier welcome to their two newly-exalted Comps ., Goldstandt and Serle , than himself , ancl he then called upon the members present to drink their health . —Comp . Goldstandt returned thanks . —Comp . JOSEPH SMITH said , it was his duty to propose the health of their newly installed M . E . Z ., ancl the duty of
Royal Arch.
the Comps . to respond . He could say that be was a good Mason and did his dut y in his lodge , and he felt sure they woulcl not regret elevating him to the highest position in the chapter . —The M . E . Z . returned thanks in : i few words . —The M . E . Z . next said , their visitors , Comps . Watson , Potter , Queely , Garrod , Todd , and J . AV . Adams , demanded , and he was sure woulcl receive , a hearty welcome , for they were each , and all , proud to see them . —Comp . AVATSON , oa behalf of all , tendered their best thanks . For himself , he hacl
great pleasure in keeping up bis intimacy with them , considering that he first visited the Domatic Chapter twenty years ago , and the only member of it remaining now was their Past Principal and Janitor , Comp . Blount . At all times he was ready to take part in assisting to perform a ceremony , and he knew that every visitorwould vie with him in wishing the chapter its long and accustomed prosperity-. —The M . E . Z . then proceeded to propose the health of the Past Principalscoupling the same with the name of Comp .
, Carpenter . —Comp . CARPENTER , in a very humorous manner , said ,, he did not know why be should be fixed upon to return thanks , bub supposed it was upon the principle that tbe worst-looking man in that rank should do all the hard work , as it was impossible to spoil his beauty , ancl might damage the appearance of bis more fortunate associates . Whatever was the reason , he could assure them tbe Past Principals were a very efficient body , and could do something ,,
ancl they were willing , ancl ready , to do all that became men . Tbeir modesty prevented him alluding more particularly to their capabilities , or to enumerate their special and collective virtues ; sotliey were quite content to leave their characters in the hands of
tbe companions , and only desired to drink the health of the M . E . Z ., his officers , ancl that of everybody else connected with the chapter . The M . E . Z . then gave the toast of " The H . and J . of the Chapter . " The IL , Comp . Tyrrell , had been compelled to leave immediately after the installation , and Comp . T . A . Adams , ivho hacl performed his duties , would respond . —Comp . T . A . ADAMS rose on behalf of Comp . Tyrrell , H-, and Brett , J ., to return thanks . The former had pressing businesswhich precluded hira from remainingbut
, , they were all aware of his zeal and ability . Their J ., Comp . Brett , could take his duties quite as easy as himself , , and he felt proud to see him so able . He had also to return thanks for their liberal contribution to the AVatson Testimonial Fund , as well as for putting their donation down in his , the No . 1 , book ; and he hoped they woulcl all live long , tnd be ready to dosuchgenerousacts for the future . —The M . E . Z . next gave "The Officers of the Chapter , and Comp .
Cottebrune , N . " —Camp . COTTEBRUNE , on behalf of the officers and himself , returned his most sincere thanks . They woulcl all endeavour to do their duty , ancl try to rival the Past Principals in working the subordinate offices to the best of their ability . —The M . E . Z . next gave " The Companions not in Office , coupling the samewith the name of Comp . Matthew Cooke , " who acknowledged the compliment . —CompJoseph Smith proposed " The Health of Comp
. . Ireland . "—Comp . IRELAND said , Comp . Smith first brought a lodge to his house , ancl he hoped his brother Masons ivould continue to be there for many years to come . He thanked tbem for the kind way in which Mrs . Ireland ' s and his own health had been proposed ancl received . The Janitor ' s toast brought the meeting to an end .
Knights Templar.
NEIVCASTLE -UPON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Encampment . — -An encampment of emergency was held on Friday , March 22 . Present : tbe E . G ., Sir Knt . A . Gillespie ; P . E . C ., H . Hotham ; H . G .. Ludwig , ancl tbe rest of the officers . Comps . Rosenburg and Popplewell , who had been approved of on the ballot , wore in attendance , and severally installed as Knights of this illustrious Order , P . E . C . Sir Knt . John Barker , 1 st Past G . Capt ., acting as Expert
for Comp . Popplewell , and Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , E . C . of the Jaques cle Molay Encampment , as Expert to Comp . Rosenburg . AVhen the encampment was closed , tbe brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a happy evening . Friday , the 29 th of March , being the regular clay for installing the E . C . elect , the conclave was opened in due form by B . C . Alexander Gillespie , assisted by a large number of P . E . Cs . ancl Sir Knts ., members of this encampment . The minutes of two preceding meetings having
, been read and confirmed , the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . Henry Gabriel Ludwig was presented for installation in ancient form , ancl he was duly installed by Sir Knt . John Barker , P . E . C , and 1 st P . Grand Captain . The E . G . appointed his officers for the ensuing year : —• Sir Knts . Andrew Gillespie , P . E . C ; AVilliam Pnnshon , Prior ; William Dalxiel , Sub-Prior ; William Berkeley , Prelate ; John BarkerChancellorChas-IBanister 1 st CaptJohn Rutta
, ; . . , . ; ,. 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . AV . Atkinson , A ice-Cbancellor and Registrar ; . ) .. King , Expert ; J . T . Hoyle , Almoner ; H . H . Hammerbom , Capt . of Lines ; Henry Hotham , Treas . ; John Popplewell and W . Rosenburg , Heralds ; J . T . Trotter , Equerry . Alms were collected and ordered to be given to a deserving Frater in much distress . There-