Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Knights Templar.
lieing no further business , the encampment was closed . On the same day , a meeting of the Council of the Grancl Cross was held , presided over by the Grand Master , Sir Knt . AVilliam Berkeley , when Sir Knts . Comps . C . J . Banister and H . G . Ludwig were installed Knts . Grand Crosses of the H . T . of J . by the Grand Master , and took tbeir seats at the Council . PLYMOUTH . — Loyal Brunswick Encampment . —The regular . quarterly convocation of the above encampment was held in the
Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s Hall , on AVednesday , the 27 th March , 1 S 61 . Present , the following Sir Knts ., Dowse , E . C . ; Triseott , 1 st Capt . ; Thomas , 2 nd Capt . ( pro . tern . ) ; Lord Graves , Prelate ( pro . tern . ) ,- Merrifield , Capt . of Lines ( pro . tern . ) ; Rodd , Expert , and Blight , Registrar ( pro . tern . ) The encampment was opened in due form at four o ' clock , p . m ., and after the minutos of the former meeting were confirmed , Sir Knt . Thomas , P . E . C . of Veteran Encampment , presented the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . Lord
. Graves , for tbe benefit of installation to the chair . Tbe imposing ancl solemn ceremony was ably performed by E . Sir Knight I > owse , after which tbe E . C . appointed and invested the following Sir Knts . to offices in the encampment for the ensuing year . Triseott , 1 st Capt . ; Rodd , 2 nd Capt . of Cols . ; Merrifield , Prelate ; Ridley , Expert ; Mills , Capt . of Lines ; Thomas , Registrar ; Narracott , Almoner ; and Rogers , Equerry . At the close of the ceremony the E . C . proceeded to carry into effect the unanimous resolution of
the Sir Knts . at the last meeting by presenting Sir Knt . Dowse ivith a Past Commander's jewel , as a mark of their esteem and appreciation of his services to the Order in this neighbourhood , by reviving tbe Loyal Brunswick Encampment after it had been in abeyance for eight years and upwards , and for his unwearied exertions in bringing it to its present condition of efficiency and prosperity . Sir Knt . Dowse acknowledged this mark of their kind consideration of his services in a suitable and complimentary manner .
The encampment was then closed in solemn form at six o'clock . ST . GEORGE ' S ENCAMPMENT . —This encampment held its quarterly meeting on Friday , the 15 th inst ., at Radley's Hotel . This being the day appointed for installing Sir Knt . Dr . Harcourt as Eminent Commander "for the present year , that ceremony was performed very efficiently by Sir Knt . R . Costa , P . O . After tbe usual proclamation , the E . C . appointed the following Sir Knights as his officers : R . CostaP . CPrelate ; AV . Blenkin 1 st Capt . Wm . J .
, , , ; O'Donnavan , 2 nd Capt . ; R . Spencer , P . C , Reg . and Treas . ; Col . Thos . Goddard , Expert ; A . Sisson , 1 st S . B . ; AVm . Smith , 2 nd S . B . ; A . M . Moore , P . O ., Almoner ; AVm . Lyons , Capt . of Lines ; Dr . VV . C . Hood , 1 st Herald ; and Dr . E . S " . Willett , 2 nd Herald . The E . C . addressed each officer on his appointment , and trusted they woulcl be at their past and be regular in their attendance at the usual meetings of the encampment , during his year of office . The
E . C . then proceeded with the ceremony of installing into the K . T . degree , which lie went through most effectually , two R . A . Comaanions , H . J . Sparks , and T . Giubilei , both members of the . 'Ehapter of Fidelity , No . 3 , who , on the finish of the ceremony , were proclaimed in the customary manner . The visitors on this occasion were , Dr . Jones , of St . George Aboyne Encampment , Aberdeenand Jas . G . SmithP . E . C . ofthe Encampment of '
Obser-, , vance , No . 1 , who expressed much gratification at the working of this old encampment . The pleasure of the meeting was greatly enhanced by a visit from an old P . C of the encampment , Sir Knt . Col . G . A . Vernon , Prov . G . C . for Staffordshire , whose duties as P . G . M . as well as P . G . C . have taken up nearly the whole of his time , preventing bis attendance in London , which be much regretted , it severing , him from several old and valued friends . AVe
must not omit to mention that their respected P . C , Michael Costa , was present on this occasion . The newly installed Sir Knights expressed their acknowledgments ( after their healths bad been drunk ) at having joined so old and flourishing an euicampment .
Channel Islands.
JEESEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The regular meeting was held on Thursday , March 28 th . In the absence of the AV . M ., who was in England , the lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Schmitt , P . M . ; Bro . Le Cras , P . M ., acting as S . W ., and the chair of J . W . being occupied by tbe proper officer , Bro . Perrot . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed . The lodge having been opened , Bro . Edward De La Perrelle
underwent examination as to his progress , which having been satisfactorily terminated , be was duly raised to the rank of ; a Master Mason . The lodge was then resumed , and Bro . lie Gros , having proved his proficiency , was passed to the rank of a Fellow Craft . A long discussion ensued , in which many of the brethren took part , ' relative to the arrangements entered upon some months previously , for the purchase of a property to be exclusively devoted to Masonic purposes . From this the following resolution resulted : — "Tlwt Bros . If . L . Manuel , Charles
Hocquard , and Philip Binet be deputed to wait upon the Minister , or such other person or persons as represent the proprietors and congregation of the Independent Chapel in Grove-street , and to state to the said Minister or others , who are duly authorised , that the members of Lodge La Cesaree desire to be informed , at the latest on Tuesday next , if the legal representatives of the proprietors and congregation will be ready to pass the contract for the sale ofthe said chapel to this lodge on the following Saturday ; and
the said brethren are moreover commissioned to inform the proper parties , that , in case of refusal to pass the contract on the day named , and also in case an affirmative reply be not received on Tuesday next by the said brethren , the lodge will consider the negotiations at an end , and itself freed from all engagements with the proprietors ancl congregation of the Independent Chapel , or their representatives , and will act accordingly . " A conversation took lace relative to an inquiry which the AV . M . had been requested
p to make relative to tbe name of the lodge . Tbe acting W . M . reported that no satisfactory reply had been received , on which another resolution , similar to the former one , but expressed in stronger terms , was agreed upon , urging him to pursue the question with a view to a favourable termination . Bro . Schmitt was requested to confer with the W . M ' s . of the other lodges , as to the appointment of a general meeting of the members of the Craft in
the province , to receive a statement of a plan which is considered very feasible , for the purchase of a plot of ground in David-place , suitable for the erection of a Masonic Temple , which it is proposed to effect by the issue of shaves , of course subject to the reply from the proprietors of the Independent Chapel . The lodge ivas then closed , and tbe brethren partook of a light refreshment . SAMARES LODGE ( NO . 818 ) . — -This lodge met at the Masonic
rooms , in Museum-street , on Tuesday , March 26 th , at three p . m ., the regular quarterly clay of meeting for the business which ought to have been transacted by adjournment on January 22 nd , but which had been necessarily postponed , owing to the suspension of the AV . M . ( by the PrOv . G . M . ) , whose case was brought forward by appeal before Grand Lodge , as will be found on reference to tbe
proceedings , as recorded in THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE OI March 9 th . The lodge was opened in the first degree by the WM ., Bro . Du Jardin ; the chair in the west was occupied by the S . AV ., the Rev . Bro . Marett ; and that in the south by Bro . Parkes , acting as J . W . The minutes of the last two meetings were read and confirmed . The AV . M . entered into a long explanation of the circumstances which had prevented the holding of a lodge on January 22 , in conformity with a resolution which had been passed on January 8
, namely , that he had been suspended from all Masonic functions by the Prov . G . M ., under an evident misapprehension of his own powers , and of the arrangements provided in the Book of Constitutions for the government of a lodge by the last installed Master until a clue election ancl installation of his successor . He read the correspondence on both sides , detailing the circumstances which had led to that suspension . He then stated that , under a full
conviction of the correctness of his own views , and a sense of the injustice which had been exercised towards him , he bad felt it a duty to himself , to the lodge over which he ruled , and to the province , to enter an appeal against the decision to the Grand Lodge of England , and read the documents presented to that body both by himself and the Prov . G . M . He further stated that he had been to London for the purpose of enforcing his claims to consideration , and of entering into any explanation that might be required ; that , after a careful examination ofthe case by tbe Board of General Purposes ,
a recommendation favourable to bis claims had been presented to about 300 members of Grancl Lodge assembled at the Quarterly Communication ; that , consequently , by a unanimous vote , the decision of the Prov . G . M . hail been reversed , ancl he himself publicly restored to his Masonic position with every mark of respect . At tho conclusion of these statements , Bro . the Rev . C . Mavefct proposed , Bro . Sullivan seconded , and it was carried unanimously , "That the whole ofthe documents now read in reference to tbe suspension
of the AV . M . be recorded in the minutes of the lodge . " At the recommendation of the AV . M ., on the proposition of Bro . Miller , seconded by Bro . the Rev . C . Marett , it was resolved—¦ " That , subject to tbe arrangements required by the Constitutions , the name of the lodge be changed from ' Samares' to ' Zetland . '" The ballot was then taken for the election of a AV . M ., which resulted iu the appointment of Bro . the Rev . C Marett . Bro . Miller was re-elected to the office of Treasurer . The following brethren were proposed
as joining members of the lodge by the AV . M .: — -Bros . Blood , M . D . ; Henry Alitcher , Geo . Vickery , Thos . Saumare ::,. S . iV ., - Eugene Arnold , John G . Stevens , Francis Pressor , H . R . Hugo . On the proposition of Bro . Sullivan , seconded by Bro . Sparkes , it was resolved"That , if conformable with the Constitutions , a special meeting be held on the last Tuesday in April for the installation of tbe AV . M ., and the revision of the By-laws . " The lodge was then closed with tbe usual ceremonies , and tbe brethren adjourned to the Union Hotel , to celebrate , by a banquet , the restoration of the W . M . to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
lieing no further business , the encampment was closed . On the same day , a meeting of the Council of the Grancl Cross was held , presided over by the Grand Master , Sir Knt . AVilliam Berkeley , when Sir Knts . Comps . C . J . Banister and H . G . Ludwig were installed Knts . Grand Crosses of the H . T . of J . by the Grand Master , and took tbeir seats at the Council . PLYMOUTH . — Loyal Brunswick Encampment . —The regular . quarterly convocation of the above encampment was held in the
Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s Hall , on AVednesday , the 27 th March , 1 S 61 . Present , the following Sir Knts ., Dowse , E . C . ; Triseott , 1 st Capt . ; Thomas , 2 nd Capt . ( pro . tern . ) ; Lord Graves , Prelate ( pro . tern . ) ,- Merrifield , Capt . of Lines ( pro . tern . ) ; Rodd , Expert , and Blight , Registrar ( pro . tern . ) The encampment was opened in due form at four o ' clock , p . m ., and after the minutos of the former meeting were confirmed , Sir Knt . Thomas , P . E . C . of Veteran Encampment , presented the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . Lord
. Graves , for tbe benefit of installation to the chair . Tbe imposing ancl solemn ceremony was ably performed by E . Sir Knight I > owse , after which tbe E . C . appointed and invested the following Sir Knts . to offices in the encampment for the ensuing year . Triseott , 1 st Capt . ; Rodd , 2 nd Capt . of Cols . ; Merrifield , Prelate ; Ridley , Expert ; Mills , Capt . of Lines ; Thomas , Registrar ; Narracott , Almoner ; and Rogers , Equerry . At the close of the ceremony the E . C . proceeded to carry into effect the unanimous resolution of
the Sir Knts . at the last meeting by presenting Sir Knt . Dowse ivith a Past Commander's jewel , as a mark of their esteem and appreciation of his services to the Order in this neighbourhood , by reviving tbe Loyal Brunswick Encampment after it had been in abeyance for eight years and upwards , and for his unwearied exertions in bringing it to its present condition of efficiency and prosperity . Sir Knt . Dowse acknowledged this mark of their kind consideration of his services in a suitable and complimentary manner .
The encampment was then closed in solemn form at six o'clock . ST . GEORGE ' S ENCAMPMENT . —This encampment held its quarterly meeting on Friday , the 15 th inst ., at Radley's Hotel . This being the day appointed for installing Sir Knt . Dr . Harcourt as Eminent Commander "for the present year , that ceremony was performed very efficiently by Sir Knt . R . Costa , P . O . After tbe usual proclamation , the E . C . appointed the following Sir Knights as his officers : R . CostaP . CPrelate ; AV . Blenkin 1 st Capt . Wm . J .
, , , ; O'Donnavan , 2 nd Capt . ; R . Spencer , P . C , Reg . and Treas . ; Col . Thos . Goddard , Expert ; A . Sisson , 1 st S . B . ; AVm . Smith , 2 nd S . B . ; A . M . Moore , P . O ., Almoner ; AVm . Lyons , Capt . of Lines ; Dr . VV . C . Hood , 1 st Herald ; and Dr . E . S " . Willett , 2 nd Herald . The E . C . addressed each officer on his appointment , and trusted they woulcl be at their past and be regular in their attendance at the usual meetings of the encampment , during his year of office . The
E . C . then proceeded with the ceremony of installing into the K . T . degree , which lie went through most effectually , two R . A . Comaanions , H . J . Sparks , and T . Giubilei , both members of the . 'Ehapter of Fidelity , No . 3 , who , on the finish of the ceremony , were proclaimed in the customary manner . The visitors on this occasion were , Dr . Jones , of St . George Aboyne Encampment , Aberdeenand Jas . G . SmithP . E . C . ofthe Encampment of '
Obser-, , vance , No . 1 , who expressed much gratification at the working of this old encampment . The pleasure of the meeting was greatly enhanced by a visit from an old P . C of the encampment , Sir Knt . Col . G . A . Vernon , Prov . G . C . for Staffordshire , whose duties as P . G . M . as well as P . G . C . have taken up nearly the whole of his time , preventing bis attendance in London , which be much regretted , it severing , him from several old and valued friends . AVe
must not omit to mention that their respected P . C , Michael Costa , was present on this occasion . The newly installed Sir Knights expressed their acknowledgments ( after their healths bad been drunk ) at having joined so old and flourishing an euicampment .
Channel Islands.
JEESEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The regular meeting was held on Thursday , March 28 th . In the absence of the AV . M ., who was in England , the lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Schmitt , P . M . ; Bro . Le Cras , P . M ., acting as S . W ., and the chair of J . W . being occupied by tbe proper officer , Bro . Perrot . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed . The lodge having been opened , Bro . Edward De La Perrelle
underwent examination as to his progress , which having been satisfactorily terminated , be was duly raised to the rank of ; a Master Mason . The lodge was then resumed , and Bro . lie Gros , having proved his proficiency , was passed to the rank of a Fellow Craft . A long discussion ensued , in which many of the brethren took part , ' relative to the arrangements entered upon some months previously , for the purchase of a property to be exclusively devoted to Masonic purposes . From this the following resolution resulted : — "Tlwt Bros . If . L . Manuel , Charles
Hocquard , and Philip Binet be deputed to wait upon the Minister , or such other person or persons as represent the proprietors and congregation of the Independent Chapel in Grove-street , and to state to the said Minister or others , who are duly authorised , that the members of Lodge La Cesaree desire to be informed , at the latest on Tuesday next , if the legal representatives of the proprietors and congregation will be ready to pass the contract for the sale ofthe said chapel to this lodge on the following Saturday ; and
the said brethren are moreover commissioned to inform the proper parties , that , in case of refusal to pass the contract on the day named , and also in case an affirmative reply be not received on Tuesday next by the said brethren , the lodge will consider the negotiations at an end , and itself freed from all engagements with the proprietors ancl congregation of the Independent Chapel , or their representatives , and will act accordingly . " A conversation took lace relative to an inquiry which the AV . M . had been requested
p to make relative to tbe name of the lodge . Tbe acting W . M . reported that no satisfactory reply had been received , on which another resolution , similar to the former one , but expressed in stronger terms , was agreed upon , urging him to pursue the question with a view to a favourable termination . Bro . Schmitt was requested to confer with the W . M ' s . of the other lodges , as to the appointment of a general meeting of the members of the Craft in
the province , to receive a statement of a plan which is considered very feasible , for the purchase of a plot of ground in David-place , suitable for the erection of a Masonic Temple , which it is proposed to effect by the issue of shaves , of course subject to the reply from the proprietors of the Independent Chapel . The lodge ivas then closed , and tbe brethren partook of a light refreshment . SAMARES LODGE ( NO . 818 ) . — -This lodge met at the Masonic
rooms , in Museum-street , on Tuesday , March 26 th , at three p . m ., the regular quarterly clay of meeting for the business which ought to have been transacted by adjournment on January 22 nd , but which had been necessarily postponed , owing to the suspension of the AV . M . ( by the PrOv . G . M . ) , whose case was brought forward by appeal before Grand Lodge , as will be found on reference to tbe
proceedings , as recorded in THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE OI March 9 th . The lodge was opened in the first degree by the WM ., Bro . Du Jardin ; the chair in the west was occupied by the S . AV ., the Rev . Bro . Marett ; and that in the south by Bro . Parkes , acting as J . W . The minutes of the last two meetings were read and confirmed . The AV . M . entered into a long explanation of the circumstances which had prevented the holding of a lodge on January 22 , in conformity with a resolution which had been passed on January 8
, namely , that he had been suspended from all Masonic functions by the Prov . G . M ., under an evident misapprehension of his own powers , and of the arrangements provided in the Book of Constitutions for the government of a lodge by the last installed Master until a clue election ancl installation of his successor . He read the correspondence on both sides , detailing the circumstances which had led to that suspension . He then stated that , under a full
conviction of the correctness of his own views , and a sense of the injustice which had been exercised towards him , he bad felt it a duty to himself , to the lodge over which he ruled , and to the province , to enter an appeal against the decision to the Grand Lodge of England , and read the documents presented to that body both by himself and the Prov . G . M . He further stated that he had been to London for the purpose of enforcing his claims to consideration , and of entering into any explanation that might be required ; that , after a careful examination ofthe case by tbe Board of General Purposes ,
a recommendation favourable to bis claims had been presented to about 300 members of Grancl Lodge assembled at the Quarterly Communication ; that , consequently , by a unanimous vote , the decision of the Prov . G . M . hail been reversed , ancl he himself publicly restored to his Masonic position with every mark of respect . At tho conclusion of these statements , Bro . the Rev . C . Mavefct proposed , Bro . Sullivan seconded , and it was carried unanimously , "That the whole ofthe documents now read in reference to tbe suspension
of the AV . M . be recorded in the minutes of the lodge . " At the recommendation of the AV . M ., on the proposition of Bro . Miller , seconded by Bro . the Rev . C . Marett , it was resolved—¦ " That , subject to tbe arrangements required by the Constitutions , the name of the lodge be changed from ' Samares' to ' Zetland . '" The ballot was then taken for the election of a AV . M ., which resulted iu the appointment of Bro . the Rev . C Marett . Bro . Miller was re-elected to the office of Treasurer . The following brethren were proposed
as joining members of the lodge by the AV . M .: — -Bros . Blood , M . D . ; Henry Alitcher , Geo . Vickery , Thos . Saumare ::,. S . iV ., - Eugene Arnold , John G . Stevens , Francis Pressor , H . R . Hugo . On the proposition of Bro . Sullivan , seconded by Bro . Sparkes , it was resolved"That , if conformable with the Constitutions , a special meeting be held on the last Tuesday in April for the installation of tbe AV . M ., and the revision of the By-laws . " The lodge was then closed with tbe usual ceremonies , and tbe brethren adjourned to the Union Hotel , to celebrate , by a banquet , the restoration of the W . M . to