Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 5 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 5 →
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Masonic Mem.
Bro . J . W . Newton , P . M . No . 25 , has become fche proprietor of Willis ' s Rooms , BreAver Street , St . James ' s , Avhich are well adapted for balls , assemblies , lectures , & c .
Grand Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication took place in Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday last , the Right Hon . the Grand Master presiding , supported by Bros , the Duke of St . Albans , Prov . G . M ., Lincolnshire ; Lord . Leigh , Prov . G-. M ., Warwickshire ; Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M ., Hants . ; Sir Hedwortli Williamson , S . G . W . ; Havers , J . G . W . ; Rev . AV . K . R . Bedford , and Rev . John Huyshe , G . Chaps . ; Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Mclntyre , G . Eeg . ; ClarkeG . See . ; Evans and DobsonS . G . D . sBlake and
, , ; Creaton , J . G . D . s ; Daukes , G . Supt . of Works ; A . AV . AVoods and N . Bradford , G . D . C . s ; Empson , G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec ; Stimson , G . Org . ; Farmer , G . Purst ., and Dickie , Assist . G . Purst . There Avere also present Bros . Dundas and Perkins , P . G . W . s ; Rev . Sir Warren Hayes and Rev . Dr . Senior , P . G . Chaps . ; Roxburgh , P . G . Reg . ; Hervey , Crombie , Giraud , Savage , IS " . Tomkins , Gregory , Scott , Lloyd , Udall ,
HopAvood , Potter , Slight , Phillips , Wilson , and AVheeler , P . G . D . s ; Jennings , P . G . D . C . ; Spiers , Pocoek , Elkington , Le Venn , Pullen , and AValmisley , P . G . S . B . s ; Smith and Adams , P . G . Pursts . ; the representatives of the Grand Steivards' Lodge , and many other lodges . Tire GEAND SECBE : EAEY read the minutes of the last Grand Lodge . The GEAND MASTEE put the motion that the minutes be
confirmed , AA-ith the exception of those parts of them referring to the erasure of certain lodge , and the appointment of a trustee of the Grand Lodge property , there being a slight informality , in consequence of the proper notices not haA'ing been given . The minutes of the Grand Lodge Festival Avere also read and confirmed .
ELECTION OI ? MEJIBEBS or THE BOAED or GENEBAI PUEPOSES AND COLONIAL BOAED . Pom-Scrutineers having been nominated , Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of members to form the Board of General Purposes and Colonial Board , but the report of the Scrutineers was not presented until a later period in the evening . THE LATE GEAXD PUESUIVAXT .
The GEAND MASTEB said , at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , ifc Avas his intention to move that Bro . Thos . Alexander Adams do take the rank and n-ear fche clothing of Pasfc Grand Pursuivant , and in the meantime he had given him permission to take rank and Avear such clothing .
EBASUKE or LODGES . The PRESIDENT or THE BOAED or GENEEAL PUEPOSES , ( Bro . E . J . Mclntyre ) , said it noAv became his duty to move that the lodges named on the agenda , ordered at the Grand Lodge iu September , 1861 , to be . summoned to SIIOAV cause against their being erased , and having neglected to make any return , or take any notice of such summons , be HOAV erased . ( These lodges Avere enumerated in last Aveek's FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE . ) AS many
of them had ceased to Avork , he should , in accordance Avith the practice of Grand Lodge , move that they be erased from the list . Bro . STEBBING seconded the motion ; being glad that Grand Lodge was about to do that legally , Avhich had been carried out last Grand Lodge , notivithstanding his protest . The GEAND MASTEB said that the motion he had to put sAva , that the large number of lodges AA'hich appeared on the business paper be erased . The motion Avas agreed to .
GEAND LODGE TET / STEE . Bro . M'INTYEE said that there AA-US a vacancy in the office of Trustee of the Grand Lodge Funded Property , arid ho should therefore move that the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master , be elected to that office , in the place of the Earl of Yarborough , deceased .
Grand Lodge.
Bro . STEBBING willingly seconded the motion , although on a former occasion he had taken exception to their R . W . brother being elected , Avhen he considered . that they were about to commit a breach of Masonic law . Bro . HOPWOOD said that unless their Deputy Grand Master AA-as willing to accept the trust , their election would be useless . It heing intimated that tha noble Earl had consented to serve , the motion Avas put and agreed to .
REPOET OF THE COLONIAL BOAED . On the next item on the paper being read , to bring up the report of the Colonial Board of the 19 th February , 1862 , The PRESIDENT or THE COLONIAL BOAED ( Bro . Evans ) , said as they had IIOAV ( TAVO reports from the Colonial Board , the former one not being received at tbe last meeting of Grand Lodge , and was standing over , he Avould suggest that both reports should be taken together , as they AA-ere both upon the
same subject . Bro . SAVAGE said it seemed to him thafc if they alloAvedboth reports to be taken together that they would thereby be giving the IIGAV report , of the Colonial Board a precedence over the report of the Board of Benevolence , Avhich he feared ivould have the effect of setting a most dangerous precedent ; Bro . EA'ANS said if Bro . Savage objected , and he was right on the point of orderhe ( Bro . Evans ) would not insist upon it
, , and he would therefore IIOAV move that the report ot fche Colonial Board of the 19 th of February be taken into consideration , hut at the same time he should like to ask ihe Grand Master -whether hoth reports co-ald not , be taken together . Several brethren expressed their wish that the reports should be taken together . Tho PRESIDENT or THE COLONIAL BOAED ( Bro . Evans ) said
that ivith reference to the report of that Board Avhich had stood over from last Grand Lodge , he had thought it might save time , inasmuch as there Avas a further report in the paper of business , Avhich had also been printed and circulated , if both reports , Avhich related mainly to one subject , Avere taken together , more especially as no action Avas proposed to be taken thereon , and this being agreed to , he said there Avas one subject Avhich occupied much space in both reports , the complaint of the St .
Lawrence Lodge , Montreal , against certain resolutions of the Grand Lodge of Canada , prejudicially affecting that lodge . Grand Lodge Avas bound to support the rights of all regular lodges holding under its allegiance . So long as they retained Masonic colonies , they AA-ere bound to protect them . The tAvo reports Avould SIIOAV AA-hat Avas the present position of this matter . The question at issue Avas , whether the Avarrant of a lodge could he surrendered by the Master so as to legally extinguish the lodge , unless it be Avith the unanimous consent of all the members . In
this case , although ifc Avas probable the Master intended to compromise his lodge by delivering up his Avarrant , yet it was pretty evident he had not the sanction of all the members , and , therefore , according to the Boole of Constitutions of Canada , p . 49 , art . 35 , the Avarrant remained the property of those brethren AA'IIO did not secede from the lodge , and it ivould not have been competent for the Prov . Grancl Master for Montreal to have refused to deliver the warrant to those brethren on their
dedemanding it . There Avould appear to be an impression on the minds of the authorities of the Grand Lodge of Canada thafc there existed in the Grand Lodge of England an antagonistic feeling against that body of Canadian brethren AVIIO established the Grand Lodge . He ( the President ) was sure Grand Lodge would go AA'ith him , when he declared emphatically that there ivas no foundation , in fact for this impression . Grand Lodge accepted the fact of the establishment of the Grand
Lodge of Canada in all frankness and loyalty , and had no other desire as regarded it than that Masonry should flourish under its auspices , aud wish ifc God speed . They desired most fully the treaty and convention made AA'hen the independence of the Grand Lodge of Canada was recognised , but n-ere bound to protect the lodges holding under this country , making regular returns and payments as -was the case of the Sfc . Laivren . ee Lodge from , Avhat he verily believed to be an act of injustice . The
President said there was another matter which perhaps Grand Lodge ivould alloAV him to mention , though not included in the reports . Some time hack it came to the knowledge of the Grand Secretary that certain brethren in Bombay Avere applying to the Grand Lodge of Ireland for a Avarrant for a neAv lodge . He communicated Avith the Grand Secretary in Dublin , and pointed out the objections there were to erecting a third Masonic in « dependent jurisdiction in the province there heing already two The result was that the Grand Lodge of Ireland had officially
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mem.
Bro . J . W . Newton , P . M . No . 25 , has become fche proprietor of Willis ' s Rooms , BreAver Street , St . James ' s , Avhich are well adapted for balls , assemblies , lectures , & c .
Grand Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication took place in Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday last , the Right Hon . the Grand Master presiding , supported by Bros , the Duke of St . Albans , Prov . G . M ., Lincolnshire ; Lord . Leigh , Prov . G-. M ., Warwickshire ; Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M ., Hants . ; Sir Hedwortli Williamson , S . G . W . ; Havers , J . G . W . ; Rev . AV . K . R . Bedford , and Rev . John Huyshe , G . Chaps . ; Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Mclntyre , G . Eeg . ; ClarkeG . See . ; Evans and DobsonS . G . D . sBlake and
, , ; Creaton , J . G . D . s ; Daukes , G . Supt . of Works ; A . AV . AVoods and N . Bradford , G . D . C . s ; Empson , G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec ; Stimson , G . Org . ; Farmer , G . Purst ., and Dickie , Assist . G . Purst . There Avere also present Bros . Dundas and Perkins , P . G . W . s ; Rev . Sir Warren Hayes and Rev . Dr . Senior , P . G . Chaps . ; Roxburgh , P . G . Reg . ; Hervey , Crombie , Giraud , Savage , IS " . Tomkins , Gregory , Scott , Lloyd , Udall ,
HopAvood , Potter , Slight , Phillips , Wilson , and AVheeler , P . G . D . s ; Jennings , P . G . D . C . ; Spiers , Pocoek , Elkington , Le Venn , Pullen , and AValmisley , P . G . S . B . s ; Smith and Adams , P . G . Pursts . ; the representatives of the Grand Steivards' Lodge , and many other lodges . Tire GEAND SECBE : EAEY read the minutes of the last Grand Lodge . The GEAND MASTEE put the motion that the minutes be
confirmed , AA-ith the exception of those parts of them referring to the erasure of certain lodge , and the appointment of a trustee of the Grand Lodge property , there being a slight informality , in consequence of the proper notices not haA'ing been given . The minutes of the Grand Lodge Festival Avere also read and confirmed .
ELECTION OI ? MEJIBEBS or THE BOAED or GENEBAI PUEPOSES AND COLONIAL BOAED . Pom-Scrutineers having been nominated , Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of members to form the Board of General Purposes and Colonial Board , but the report of the Scrutineers was not presented until a later period in the evening . THE LATE GEAXD PUESUIVAXT .
The GEAND MASTEB said , at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , ifc Avas his intention to move that Bro . Thos . Alexander Adams do take the rank and n-ear fche clothing of Pasfc Grand Pursuivant , and in the meantime he had given him permission to take rank and Avear such clothing .
EBASUKE or LODGES . The PRESIDENT or THE BOAED or GENEEAL PUEPOSES , ( Bro . E . J . Mclntyre ) , said it noAv became his duty to move that the lodges named on the agenda , ordered at the Grand Lodge iu September , 1861 , to be . summoned to SIIOAV cause against their being erased , and having neglected to make any return , or take any notice of such summons , be HOAV erased . ( These lodges Avere enumerated in last Aveek's FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE . ) AS many
of them had ceased to Avork , he should , in accordance Avith the practice of Grand Lodge , move that they be erased from the list . Bro . STEBBING seconded the motion ; being glad that Grand Lodge was about to do that legally , Avhich had been carried out last Grand Lodge , notivithstanding his protest . The GEAND MASTEB said that the motion he had to put sAva , that the large number of lodges AA'hich appeared on the business paper be erased . The motion Avas agreed to .
GEAND LODGE TET / STEE . Bro . M'INTYEE said that there AA-US a vacancy in the office of Trustee of the Grand Lodge Funded Property , arid ho should therefore move that the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master , be elected to that office , in the place of the Earl of Yarborough , deceased .
Grand Lodge.
Bro . STEBBING willingly seconded the motion , although on a former occasion he had taken exception to their R . W . brother being elected , Avhen he considered . that they were about to commit a breach of Masonic law . Bro . HOPWOOD said that unless their Deputy Grand Master AA-as willing to accept the trust , their election would be useless . It heing intimated that tha noble Earl had consented to serve , the motion Avas put and agreed to .
REPOET OF THE COLONIAL BOAED . On the next item on the paper being read , to bring up the report of the Colonial Board of the 19 th February , 1862 , The PRESIDENT or THE COLONIAL BOAED ( Bro . Evans ) , said as they had IIOAV ( TAVO reports from the Colonial Board , the former one not being received at tbe last meeting of Grand Lodge , and was standing over , he Avould suggest that both reports should be taken together , as they AA-ere both upon the
same subject . Bro . SAVAGE said it seemed to him thafc if they alloAvedboth reports to be taken together that they would thereby be giving the IIGAV report , of the Colonial Board a precedence over the report of the Board of Benevolence , Avhich he feared ivould have the effect of setting a most dangerous precedent ; Bro . EA'ANS said if Bro . Savage objected , and he was right on the point of orderhe ( Bro . Evans ) would not insist upon it
, , and he would therefore IIOAV move that the report ot fche Colonial Board of the 19 th of February be taken into consideration , hut at the same time he should like to ask ihe Grand Master -whether hoth reports co-ald not , be taken together . Several brethren expressed their wish that the reports should be taken together . Tho PRESIDENT or THE COLONIAL BOAED ( Bro . Evans ) said
that ivith reference to the report of that Board Avhich had stood over from last Grand Lodge , he had thought it might save time , inasmuch as there Avas a further report in the paper of business , Avhich had also been printed and circulated , if both reports , Avhich related mainly to one subject , Avere taken together , more especially as no action Avas proposed to be taken thereon , and this being agreed to , he said there Avas one subject Avhich occupied much space in both reports , the complaint of the St .
Lawrence Lodge , Montreal , against certain resolutions of the Grand Lodge of Canada , prejudicially affecting that lodge . Grand Lodge Avas bound to support the rights of all regular lodges holding under its allegiance . So long as they retained Masonic colonies , they AA-ere bound to protect them . The tAvo reports Avould SIIOAV AA-hat Avas the present position of this matter . The question at issue Avas , whether the Avarrant of a lodge could he surrendered by the Master so as to legally extinguish the lodge , unless it be Avith the unanimous consent of all the members . In
this case , although ifc Avas probable the Master intended to compromise his lodge by delivering up his Avarrant , yet it was pretty evident he had not the sanction of all the members , and , therefore , according to the Boole of Constitutions of Canada , p . 49 , art . 35 , the Avarrant remained the property of those brethren AA'IIO did not secede from the lodge , and it ivould not have been competent for the Prov . Grancl Master for Montreal to have refused to deliver the warrant to those brethren on their
dedemanding it . There Avould appear to be an impression on the minds of the authorities of the Grand Lodge of Canada thafc there existed in the Grand Lodge of England an antagonistic feeling against that body of Canadian brethren AVIIO established the Grand Lodge . He ( the President ) was sure Grand Lodge would go AA'ith him , when he declared emphatically that there ivas no foundation , in fact for this impression . Grand Lodge accepted the fact of the establishment of the Grand
Lodge of Canada in all frankness and loyalty , and had no other desire as regarded it than that Masonry should flourish under its auspices , aud wish ifc God speed . They desired most fully the treaty and convention made AA'hen the independence of the Grand Lodge of Canada was recognised , but n-ere bound to protect the lodges holding under this country , making regular returns and payments as -was the case of the Sfc . Laivren . ee Lodge from , Avhat he verily believed to be an act of injustice . The
President said there was another matter which perhaps Grand Lodge ivould alloAV him to mention , though not included in the reports . Some time hack it came to the knowledge of the Grand Secretary that certain brethren in Bombay Avere applying to the Grand Lodge of Ireland for a Avarrant for a neAv lodge . He communicated Avith the Grand Secretary in Dublin , and pointed out the objections there were to erecting a third Masonic in « dependent jurisdiction in the province there heing already two The result was that the Grand Lodge of Ireland had officially