Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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hy the committee , ifc ivould soon take a very high place in the estimation of the brethren . Though the institution Avhich he represented Avas the youngest of the three , he looked upon it as no less important than the schools ; believing that nothing could more appeal to their feelings than an institution for the relief of Aged Masons and their WidoAvs . ( Cheers . ) He Avas happy to announce
that the D . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , had consented to take the chair at the festival in January next , Avhen he trusted the majority of the brethren present Avould -attend to do honour to his lordship , and support so excellent a charity . ( Cheers . ) Bro . PATTEN , P . G . S . B ., Secretary of the Girls' School , felt , after the observations of Bro . Farnfield , thafc nothing remained for him to do but tender his thanks for the support Avhich had ever been
given to the Girls' School , the committee of which , as Bro . Farnfield had stated , Avas considering the best means of extending the accommodation so as to provide for 100 girls instead of 80 as at present . ( Applause ) . Bro . BINCKES , Secretary of theBoy's School , said , as the Secretaries of the other Charities hacl addressed them in response to the toasfc just given from the chair , it Avould be ungracious on his part if he
did not , lioivever hastily and imperfectly at that late hour of the evening , add a feAV Avords of thanks on behalf of the Charity ivith ivhich he AVUS officially connected ; that he desired to clo most cordially . Amongst brethren so well informed as to the merits , claims , and particulars of their various noble Charitable Institutions , ifc Avould be useless for him to seek to occupy their time by entering into details or statistics regarding them . He hoped , IIOAVever , they Avould bear ivith him a feiv moments whilst he attempted to place their Charities before them in a neiv lighfc—one , hoivever , as ifc appearred to him , peculiarly appropriate at a festival of this
nature . In . their lectures , and other sources of instruction , there ivere many beautiful illustrations which might often be made available on occasions of this kind . To-night , he would draw their attention to a very familiar one—nofc pausing to elaborate the idea ivhich ivould occupy too much time—that viz ., of the three columns of AVisdom , Strength , and Beauty . Ornamental supports as these were to the Masonic structure , they should take care that they ivere preserved from decay . Let AVisdom , the generally accredited
attribute of maturity , find its representative in the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their widows ; let Strength , tbe possession of Avhich Avas fitly associated with the youth of the sterner sex , be figured by fche Boy's School ; and surely ifc ivould . be allowed that Beauty hacl its apt embodiment in our School for Female Children . Be it the care of the brethren , therefore , thafc Wisdom should nofc " cry aloud in the streets , and raise its voice in vain ; " that Strength shall be fostered and nourished to enable ifc to ivage
successfully the " battle of life ; " ancl that Beauty should be protected and maintained in all its freshness and attractiveness , and jealously guarded from danger ; and by the continued support rendered to their noble Charitable Institutions , let the sincerity of their Masonic professions be manifested to the outer world . ( Cheers . ) The AV . M . then gave "The Officers of the Lodge , " thanking them for their services , and the able manner in which they had worked the sections that evening .
Bro . MARTIN , AV . M . No . 7 , replied , ancl stated that the brethren felthighlygratinedtbat their services hadbeenacknoAA'ledged , feeling that Freemasonry never coulcl be properly understood and appreciated without the zealous co-operation of the members of Lodges of Instruction . ( Cheers . ) " The Stewards , " and one or tAvo other toasts , brought the proceedings ( ivhich Avere enlivened by the vocal exertions of Bros . Carter , Sboubridge , and Champion ) , to a close .
DERBYSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Tuesday the 26 th ult , the most noble the Marquis of Harfcfcingdon , Prov . G . M ., of Derbyshire , held his PI-OA ' . Grand Loclge at the NBAV Assembly Rooms , Derby . The attendance Avas more numerous than afc any previous Grand Lodge . The Grand Loclge
was opened at two p . m ., Bro . Trimnell , Prov . G . Org ., playing an appropriate piece of music as the noble Marquis ancl his Prov . Grand Officers entered the loclge . The Prov . G . M . AA'as supported by the follocVing Prov . Grand Officers : —Bros . John Gadsby , As D . Prov . G . M .: Stone , Prov . S . G . W . ; Collison , As . Prov . J . G . W . ; AVright , Prov . G . C ; Mandale , D . Prov . G . C . ; Bloor , Prov . G . R . ; Coulson , Prov . G . S . ; HeAvitt , Prov . S . G . D . ; Carson , Prov J . G . D . ;
Bayliss , Prov . G . S . of Works ; German , Prov . G . D . of C ; Neale , Prov . G . S . B . ; Trimnell , Prov . G . O . ; Bogge , Prov . G . Sfc . B . ; Mac . Galium . Prov . G . P . On the motion of Bro . GERMAN , the Regalia of the Order was ordered to be completed , and after Bro . AVilder hacl been re-appointed Prov . G . Treas ., the noble Marquis proceeded to appoint fche folloAving as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Colvile ,
D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Gamble , Prov . S . G . W . ; German , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . J . AVright , Prov . G . Chap . ; Revs . B . Mandale aud H . Day , D . Prov . G . Chaps . ; AVilder , Treas . ; Bloor , D . Prov . 6 . Reg . ; Coulson , Prov . G . Sec . ; Neile , Prov . S . G . D . ; Bayliss , Prov . J . G . D . ; B . Wilson , Prov . G . D . of W . ; Kirkland , Prov . G . D . of C ; AValton , Assist . G . D . of C ; Holland , Prov . G . S . B . ; Trimnell , Prov . G . Org . ; Ison , Prov . G . Purst . ; AA . Dreiv , Prov . G . D . Prov . Grand Stewards : —Bros . T . Cox ancl J . Jobson ( Tyrian Lod ) Bros .
ge ; Dreivry , jun ., and Prince , jun . ( Royal Sussex Loclge ) . Bro . F . BINCKES , Secretary of the Boys' School London , in a poAverful speech , brought the claims of thafc institution before the brethren present . Ifc Avas nofc an institution , he observed , hostile to fche other Masonic Charities , and they educated and maintained seventy boys afc an annual cost of £ 2500 . Bro . F . Binckes' appeal on behalf of fche Charity Avas nofc made in vain , the Marquis of
liartmgton anct otners putting doAvn their names as steAvarcls tor the annual dinner in March next . The folloAving visitors Avere present : —Geo . States , P . M . 23 ; E . Haseler , 607 ; F . Binckes , P . M . 11 ; AV . J . Gothard , AV . M . 907 ; J . AVhittingham , P . M . 907 ; Arthur Bass , 907 ; R . Warner , P . M . 1081 ; Rev . AV . Hope , Middleton , Poppleton ( London ) . Previous to the assembling of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Tyrian Loclge ( No . 315 ) held their meeting , when Bro . Joseph
German Avas installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . Stone . Bro . German appointed the folloAving as his officers : —Bros . T . Cox , S . AV . ; Crossley , J . AV . ; E . Gamble , Secretary ; AVright , Chaplain ; Bloor , Treas . ; AV . CantriH , S . D . ; II . Bemrose , J . D . The Banquet took place afc Bro Huggins ' , King ' s Head Hotel , at half past four the same afternoon , Avhen eighty-five brethren safc doAvn to one of the most recherche dinners that coulcl be provided .
The Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., presided , and Avas supported by Bro . E . S . Chandos-Pole , J . Gadsby , Prov . G . Chaplain , and others . Bro . J . Gamble , P . G . S . W ., occupied the Vice-chair . After dinner hacl been disposed of , and the dessert placed on the table , the Lodge ivas close tyled from the outer Avorld , Avhen numerous toasts Avere proposed and responded to .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 ) . —This Lodge met at the Grey Horse , Gateshead , on Monday , the 25 th ult . The W . M . being absent the loclge Avas opened by P . M . Bro . Anty , Chaplain , Avho apologised for the AV . M ., assisted by Bros . C . J . Banister , P . M ., R . J . Banning , S . AV ., J . Ward , J . AV ., and the rest of the officers , Avith a fair number of visitors ancl Bro . Buckland , W . M ., of St .
Hilda Loclge ( No . 292 ) Prov . G . S . D ., Bro . H . Hotham , P . M ., 24 . Mr . Jared Nickson of AViulaton having been unanimously elected Avas initiated into the order by P . M . Bro . A . Clapham , P . Prov . G . R ., ancl explained the Avorking tools , Bro . C . J . Banister , acting as J . D ., and delivered the lecture on the tracing board to the candidate Avith his usual earnestness . Bro . Banister advocated the cause of the Masonic Charities , ancl hoped that the brethren ivould support him in the office of SteAvard asAvell as they did last year . Business
of the loclge over , it was closed Avith solemn prayer . At refreshment Bro . H . Hotham , P . Prov . G . AV ., for Northumberland , responded to the health of the visitors . HAMPSHIRE PORTSEA . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 428)—AVednesday ,
November 20 fch , Avas the regular monthly meeting afc the Freemason's Hall , St . George's Square . After the minutes had been read , the first business of the evening Avas to raise Bros . Hopkinson and Hodges to the sublime degree of Master Mason , which was very effectually done by the W . M ., Bro . Emery . The ceremony being over , he delivered the charge in a very careful and impressive manner , reflecting a great deal of credit on Bro . Emery , Avhoas a young Masonhas made for himself a proud position in
, , the Craft . The AV . M . then vacated the chair for Bro . Emanuel , P . M ., to initiate Mr . LeAvis into the mysteries ancl privileges of ancient Freemasonry ; and too much praise cannot be conferred on the very excellent manner in Avhich Bro . Emanuel acquitted himself . The nomination of the AV , M . for the ensuing year was next proceeded Avith , Avhen Bro . Emery Avas again proposed for the office ; and in selecting him as the ruler of the lod ge for another year
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
hy the committee , ifc ivould soon take a very high place in the estimation of the brethren . Though the institution Avhich he represented Avas the youngest of the three , he looked upon it as no less important than the schools ; believing that nothing could more appeal to their feelings than an institution for the relief of Aged Masons and their WidoAvs . ( Cheers . ) He Avas happy to announce
that the D . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , had consented to take the chair at the festival in January next , Avhen he trusted the majority of the brethren present Avould -attend to do honour to his lordship , and support so excellent a charity . ( Cheers . ) Bro . PATTEN , P . G . S . B ., Secretary of the Girls' School , felt , after the observations of Bro . Farnfield , thafc nothing remained for him to do but tender his thanks for the support Avhich had ever been
given to the Girls' School , the committee of which , as Bro . Farnfield had stated , Avas considering the best means of extending the accommodation so as to provide for 100 girls instead of 80 as at present . ( Applause ) . Bro . BINCKES , Secretary of theBoy's School , said , as the Secretaries of the other Charities hacl addressed them in response to the toasfc just given from the chair , it Avould be ungracious on his part if he
did not , lioivever hastily and imperfectly at that late hour of the evening , add a feAV Avords of thanks on behalf of the Charity ivith ivhich he AVUS officially connected ; that he desired to clo most cordially . Amongst brethren so well informed as to the merits , claims , and particulars of their various noble Charitable Institutions , ifc Avould be useless for him to seek to occupy their time by entering into details or statistics regarding them . He hoped , IIOAVever , they Avould bear ivith him a feiv moments whilst he attempted to place their Charities before them in a neiv lighfc—one , hoivever , as ifc appearred to him , peculiarly appropriate at a festival of this
nature . In . their lectures , and other sources of instruction , there ivere many beautiful illustrations which might often be made available on occasions of this kind . To-night , he would draw their attention to a very familiar one—nofc pausing to elaborate the idea ivhich ivould occupy too much time—that viz ., of the three columns of AVisdom , Strength , and Beauty . Ornamental supports as these were to the Masonic structure , they should take care that they ivere preserved from decay . Let AVisdom , the generally accredited
attribute of maturity , find its representative in the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their widows ; let Strength , tbe possession of Avhich Avas fitly associated with the youth of the sterner sex , be figured by fche Boy's School ; and surely ifc ivould . be allowed that Beauty hacl its apt embodiment in our School for Female Children . Be it the care of the brethren , therefore , thafc Wisdom should nofc " cry aloud in the streets , and raise its voice in vain ; " that Strength shall be fostered and nourished to enable ifc to ivage
successfully the " battle of life ; " ancl that Beauty should be protected and maintained in all its freshness and attractiveness , and jealously guarded from danger ; and by the continued support rendered to their noble Charitable Institutions , let the sincerity of their Masonic professions be manifested to the outer world . ( Cheers . ) The AV . M . then gave "The Officers of the Lodge , " thanking them for their services , and the able manner in which they had worked the sections that evening .
Bro . MARTIN , AV . M . No . 7 , replied , ancl stated that the brethren felthighlygratinedtbat their services hadbeenacknoAA'ledged , feeling that Freemasonry never coulcl be properly understood and appreciated without the zealous co-operation of the members of Lodges of Instruction . ( Cheers . ) " The Stewards , " and one or tAvo other toasts , brought the proceedings ( ivhich Avere enlivened by the vocal exertions of Bros . Carter , Sboubridge , and Champion ) , to a close .
DERBYSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Tuesday the 26 th ult , the most noble the Marquis of Harfcfcingdon , Prov . G . M ., of Derbyshire , held his PI-OA ' . Grand Loclge at the NBAV Assembly Rooms , Derby . The attendance Avas more numerous than afc any previous Grand Lodge . The Grand Loclge
was opened at two p . m ., Bro . Trimnell , Prov . G . Org ., playing an appropriate piece of music as the noble Marquis ancl his Prov . Grand Officers entered the loclge . The Prov . G . M . AA'as supported by the follocVing Prov . Grand Officers : —Bros . John Gadsby , As D . Prov . G . M .: Stone , Prov . S . G . W . ; Collison , As . Prov . J . G . W . ; AVright , Prov . G . C ; Mandale , D . Prov . G . C . ; Bloor , Prov . G . R . ; Coulson , Prov . G . S . ; HeAvitt , Prov . S . G . D . ; Carson , Prov J . G . D . ;
Bayliss , Prov . G . S . of Works ; German , Prov . G . D . of C ; Neale , Prov . G . S . B . ; Trimnell , Prov . G . O . ; Bogge , Prov . G . Sfc . B . ; Mac . Galium . Prov . G . P . On the motion of Bro . GERMAN , the Regalia of the Order was ordered to be completed , and after Bro . AVilder hacl been re-appointed Prov . G . Treas ., the noble Marquis proceeded to appoint fche folloAving as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Colvile ,
D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Gamble , Prov . S . G . W . ; German , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . J . AVright , Prov . G . Chap . ; Revs . B . Mandale aud H . Day , D . Prov . G . Chaps . ; AVilder , Treas . ; Bloor , D . Prov . 6 . Reg . ; Coulson , Prov . G . Sec . ; Neile , Prov . S . G . D . ; Bayliss , Prov . J . G . D . ; B . Wilson , Prov . G . D . of W . ; Kirkland , Prov . G . D . of C ; AValton , Assist . G . D . of C ; Holland , Prov . G . S . B . ; Trimnell , Prov . G . Org . ; Ison , Prov . G . Purst . ; AA . Dreiv , Prov . G . D . Prov . Grand Stewards : —Bros . T . Cox ancl J . Jobson ( Tyrian Lod ) Bros .
ge ; Dreivry , jun ., and Prince , jun . ( Royal Sussex Loclge ) . Bro . F . BINCKES , Secretary of the Boys' School London , in a poAverful speech , brought the claims of thafc institution before the brethren present . Ifc Avas nofc an institution , he observed , hostile to fche other Masonic Charities , and they educated and maintained seventy boys afc an annual cost of £ 2500 . Bro . F . Binckes' appeal on behalf of fche Charity Avas nofc made in vain , the Marquis of
liartmgton anct otners putting doAvn their names as steAvarcls tor the annual dinner in March next . The folloAving visitors Avere present : —Geo . States , P . M . 23 ; E . Haseler , 607 ; F . Binckes , P . M . 11 ; AV . J . Gothard , AV . M . 907 ; J . AVhittingham , P . M . 907 ; Arthur Bass , 907 ; R . Warner , P . M . 1081 ; Rev . AV . Hope , Middleton , Poppleton ( London ) . Previous to the assembling of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Tyrian Loclge ( No . 315 ) held their meeting , when Bro . Joseph
German Avas installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . Stone . Bro . German appointed the folloAving as his officers : —Bros . T . Cox , S . AV . ; Crossley , J . AV . ; E . Gamble , Secretary ; AVright , Chaplain ; Bloor , Treas . ; AV . CantriH , S . D . ; II . Bemrose , J . D . The Banquet took place afc Bro Huggins ' , King ' s Head Hotel , at half past four the same afternoon , Avhen eighty-five brethren safc doAvn to one of the most recherche dinners that coulcl be provided .
The Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., presided , and Avas supported by Bro . E . S . Chandos-Pole , J . Gadsby , Prov . G . Chaplain , and others . Bro . J . Gamble , P . G . S . W ., occupied the Vice-chair . After dinner hacl been disposed of , and the dessert placed on the table , the Lodge ivas close tyled from the outer Avorld , Avhen numerous toasts Avere proposed and responded to .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 ) . —This Lodge met at the Grey Horse , Gateshead , on Monday , the 25 th ult . The W . M . being absent the loclge Avas opened by P . M . Bro . Anty , Chaplain , Avho apologised for the AV . M ., assisted by Bros . C . J . Banister , P . M ., R . J . Banning , S . AV ., J . Ward , J . AV ., and the rest of the officers , Avith a fair number of visitors ancl Bro . Buckland , W . M ., of St .
Hilda Loclge ( No . 292 ) Prov . G . S . D ., Bro . H . Hotham , P . M ., 24 . Mr . Jared Nickson of AViulaton having been unanimously elected Avas initiated into the order by P . M . Bro . A . Clapham , P . Prov . G . R ., ancl explained the Avorking tools , Bro . C . J . Banister , acting as J . D ., and delivered the lecture on the tracing board to the candidate Avith his usual earnestness . Bro . Banister advocated the cause of the Masonic Charities , ancl hoped that the brethren ivould support him in the office of SteAvard asAvell as they did last year . Business
of the loclge over , it was closed Avith solemn prayer . At refreshment Bro . H . Hotham , P . Prov . G . AV ., for Northumberland , responded to the health of the visitors . HAMPSHIRE PORTSEA . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 428)—AVednesday ,
November 20 fch , Avas the regular monthly meeting afc the Freemason's Hall , St . George's Square . After the minutes had been read , the first business of the evening Avas to raise Bros . Hopkinson and Hodges to the sublime degree of Master Mason , which was very effectually done by the W . M ., Bro . Emery . The ceremony being over , he delivered the charge in a very careful and impressive manner , reflecting a great deal of credit on Bro . Emery , Avhoas a young Masonhas made for himself a proud position in
, , the Craft . The AV . M . then vacated the chair for Bro . Emanuel , P . M ., to initiate Mr . LeAvis into the mysteries ancl privileges of ancient Freemasonry ; and too much praise cannot be conferred on the very excellent manner in Avhich Bro . Emanuel acquitted himself . The nomination of the AV , M . for the ensuing year was next proceeded Avith , Avhen Bro . Emery Avas again proposed for the office ; and in selecting him as the ruler of the lod ge for another year