Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE WEEK. Page 2 of 2 Article SPECIAL NOTICE. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Week.
MEXICO . —The Government , it is said , has received information of the agreement of Mexico to a convention by AA'hich our requirements are , one ancl all , fully conceded . Sir Charles AVyke has been able to negotiate ancl conclude terms by which full satisfaction is given to us . AA e are to have compensation for outrages , fche repayment of money stolen , ancl the fulfilment of the engagements
which the Mexican Government has , by treaty , stipulated toivards the . bondholders ! This anticipatory step of the Mexican Government Avill , hoAvever ,. not affect , the measures AA'hich the allies have taken for enforcing their . respective rights ; . bufc if Ave can obtain what Ave demand Avithout-having recourse to physical force so much the better .
AMERICA . —The NBAV York journals brought by the Persia , were busily occupied-with the . seizure of the Confederate Commissioners on board the . Trent . They maintained that Captain AVilkcs did no move than lie . AA'as legally entitled to do , and that the Trent herself might have been laAA'fully made a prize for conveying " rebel dispatches . " They further , proposed that Captain
Wilkes should be promoted , and that testimonials shold be presented to him " for his spirited conduct . " The Hew York Herald , hoAvever . in an article published . on the 17 th ult ., the morroAV of the clay on AA'hich the news Avas received in NBAV York—says , "It is evident Commodore Wilkes Avas nofc authorised to make the arrests on board , of a British ship , and it is more than
probable that the government will disavow- the proceeding , apologise for it , promise nei'Or to do it again , ancl perhaps reprimand the naval officer , for allowing his zeal to outstrip his discretion . " Those demands are all ivhich England , according to the writer , can fairly make ; and " as for giving up Mason and Slidell , IIOAV that they are in hands of our
government , that is another affair , ancl altogether out of the question . " But on the 19 th , the Hew York Herald , in its usual braggart tone , declared that the Federal government ought to prepare for war , and demand from Congress 500 , 000 more volunteers and money i . o build several hundred vessels of war . The AVashington
cabinet would thus be prepared for . any contingency , although "there is little probability thafc England will care to risk hostilities ivith us , " as- " ifc has too little to gain and too much too much to lose by fighting with the United States . " If , hoAvever , we may believe the AVashington correspondent of the New York Times , Lord Lyons expresses a belief thafc Mr . Slidell and Mr . Mason ,
who have been sent as state prisoners to Fort AA arren , will be given up to England . As to the progress of the civil war , the Persia bring us no intelligence of much interest , no movement having been made by either of the hostile armies on the banks of the Potomac . The Confederate General Floyd is saicl to have retired from the position which he held at Gauley Bridge , in AA'estern Virginia ;
and the Federal General Rosencranz is to pursue him " as soon as tbe necessary arrangements can be made . " It appears that the Federal troops clo not actually occupy the town of Beaufort , although Federal men-of-Avar are lying off the place , Avhich has been visited by Federal officers , ancl AA'hich the Confederates threaten to burn if the Northerners should disembark a force there . Afresh attack on
the Northern troops quartered outside Fort Pickens , on Santa Rosa Island , has been repulsed . General Dix has landed a body of 4 , 000 Federal troops on the eastern shore of Virginia , and they are saicl to have been ivell received by the people of Acromac ancl Northampton counties . Mr . Jefferson Davis has been unanimously re-elected President of the Southern Confederacy for a term of six years .
ENGLAND AND AMERICA . —The law officers of the Crown have decided that the commander of the Federal ship of war , San Jacinto , committed a breach of the laiv of nations in summarily seizing Messrs . Mason and Slidell , and their two friends , Avhile they ivere under the protection of the British flag . The opinion of the jurists , to whom the case Avas referred by the Government , is , thafc the right of the Federal government , acting through its
The Week.
officers , was confined to searching ancl visiting the Trent , and that if any men or things believed to be contraband of war had been found on board her , the proper course Avas to take the ship into xiort , ancl argue the question before a constituted tribunal . The ministers sent out instructions to Lord Lyons requiring him to demand reparation from the American Government for the outrage
offered to our flag . General Scott , Avho is IIOAV in Paris , has Avritten to deny that the AVashington Cabinet gave orders to seize the Confederate commissioners ; he also maintains the desirabilit y of preserving the good relations of England and America , ancl expresses his opinion that mores erious provocation than fche present is requited before the tivo countries go to AA'ar . A London
Gazette Fxtraordinary has been published , containing a Royal Proclamation forbidding the exportation from the United Kingdom of arms , ammunition and military stores of all kinds . An order in Council prohibits the exportation of the same materiel of Avar from the Islands of Jersey , Guernsey , Alderney , ancl Sark , and the Isle of Man , except bv license of the governors of those islands .
Special Notice.
; AA'ith the MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , Avas presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodge and other , presents ) may be had as & 11 OIA * S ;—India proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) ........ 5 0 Large Plate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Right Hon . Earl of Zetland , G . Master , may still be hacl : India paper , 5 s . ; large plato paper , 3 s .
To Correspondents.
To STESCRIBEES AND OTHERS . —All remittances by cheque , post , office orders , -Ac , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AA IELIAM SMITH , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to be addressed to II . G . WARREN Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand .
ALL ORDERS or Communications Avith respect to the publishing department to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . CUF . IOSO lias discovered a mares-nest . AA e did not allude to tho house No . 59 , occupied by the iuruiture dealers , as having cost
the Craft £ 3000 , and £ 300 for repairs , to be let for £ 30 a year , but to No . GO , ivhich so far ns two floors are concerned , now forms pr . rt of -he Tavern . Next time Curioso attends his lodge we would advise him to cross the road aud look at the upper parfc of the saicl house . After ivhich ive shall be glad to hear from him again .
C . B . —AVe clo not know whether Mr . Charles Kean is , or is not a Mason , some brother may perhaps be able authoritivel y to inform you us . On fche other point we will make inquiries .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
MEXICO . —The Government , it is said , has received information of the agreement of Mexico to a convention by AA'hich our requirements are , one ancl all , fully conceded . Sir Charles AVyke has been able to negotiate ancl conclude terms by which full satisfaction is given to us . AA e are to have compensation for outrages , fche repayment of money stolen , ancl the fulfilment of the engagements
which the Mexican Government has , by treaty , stipulated toivards the . bondholders ! This anticipatory step of the Mexican Government Avill , hoAvever ,. not affect , the measures AA'hich the allies have taken for enforcing their . respective rights ; . bufc if Ave can obtain what Ave demand Avithout-having recourse to physical force so much the better .
AMERICA . —The NBAV York journals brought by the Persia , were busily occupied-with the . seizure of the Confederate Commissioners on board the . Trent . They maintained that Captain AVilkcs did no move than lie . AA'as legally entitled to do , and that the Trent herself might have been laAA'fully made a prize for conveying " rebel dispatches . " They further , proposed that Captain
Wilkes should be promoted , and that testimonials shold be presented to him " for his spirited conduct . " The Hew York Herald , hoAvever . in an article published . on the 17 th ult ., the morroAV of the clay on AA'hich the news Avas received in NBAV York—says , "It is evident Commodore Wilkes Avas nofc authorised to make the arrests on board , of a British ship , and it is more than
probable that the government will disavow- the proceeding , apologise for it , promise nei'Or to do it again , ancl perhaps reprimand the naval officer , for allowing his zeal to outstrip his discretion . " Those demands are all ivhich England , according to the writer , can fairly make ; and " as for giving up Mason and Slidell , IIOAV that they are in hands of our
government , that is another affair , ancl altogether out of the question . " But on the 19 th , the Hew York Herald , in its usual braggart tone , declared that the Federal government ought to prepare for war , and demand from Congress 500 , 000 more volunteers and money i . o build several hundred vessels of war . The AVashington
cabinet would thus be prepared for . any contingency , although "there is little probability thafc England will care to risk hostilities ivith us , " as- " ifc has too little to gain and too much too much to lose by fighting with the United States . " If , hoAvever , we may believe the AVashington correspondent of the New York Times , Lord Lyons expresses a belief thafc Mr . Slidell and Mr . Mason ,
who have been sent as state prisoners to Fort AA arren , will be given up to England . As to the progress of the civil war , the Persia bring us no intelligence of much interest , no movement having been made by either of the hostile armies on the banks of the Potomac . The Confederate General Floyd is saicl to have retired from the position which he held at Gauley Bridge , in AA'estern Virginia ;
and the Federal General Rosencranz is to pursue him " as soon as tbe necessary arrangements can be made . " It appears that the Federal troops clo not actually occupy the town of Beaufort , although Federal men-of-Avar are lying off the place , Avhich has been visited by Federal officers , ancl AA'hich the Confederates threaten to burn if the Northerners should disembark a force there . Afresh attack on
the Northern troops quartered outside Fort Pickens , on Santa Rosa Island , has been repulsed . General Dix has landed a body of 4 , 000 Federal troops on the eastern shore of Virginia , and they are saicl to have been ivell received by the people of Acromac ancl Northampton counties . Mr . Jefferson Davis has been unanimously re-elected President of the Southern Confederacy for a term of six years .
ENGLAND AND AMERICA . —The law officers of the Crown have decided that the commander of the Federal ship of war , San Jacinto , committed a breach of the laiv of nations in summarily seizing Messrs . Mason and Slidell , and their two friends , Avhile they ivere under the protection of the British flag . The opinion of the jurists , to whom the case Avas referred by the Government , is , thafc the right of the Federal government , acting through its
The Week.
officers , was confined to searching ancl visiting the Trent , and that if any men or things believed to be contraband of war had been found on board her , the proper course Avas to take the ship into xiort , ancl argue the question before a constituted tribunal . The ministers sent out instructions to Lord Lyons requiring him to demand reparation from the American Government for the outrage
offered to our flag . General Scott , Avho is IIOAV in Paris , has Avritten to deny that the AVashington Cabinet gave orders to seize the Confederate commissioners ; he also maintains the desirabilit y of preserving the good relations of England and America , ancl expresses his opinion that mores erious provocation than fche present is requited before the tivo countries go to AA'ar . A London
Gazette Fxtraordinary has been published , containing a Royal Proclamation forbidding the exportation from the United Kingdom of arms , ammunition and military stores of all kinds . An order in Council prohibits the exportation of the same materiel of Avar from the Islands of Jersey , Guernsey , Alderney , ancl Sark , and the Isle of Man , except bv license of the governors of those islands .
Special Notice.
; AA'ith the MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , Avas presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodge and other , presents ) may be had as & 11 OIA * S ;—India proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) ........ 5 0 Large Plate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Right Hon . Earl of Zetland , G . Master , may still be hacl : India paper , 5 s . ; large plato paper , 3 s .
To Correspondents.
To STESCRIBEES AND OTHERS . —All remittances by cheque , post , office orders , -Ac , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AA IELIAM SMITH , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to be addressed to II . G . WARREN Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand .
ALL ORDERS or Communications Avith respect to the publishing department to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . CUF . IOSO lias discovered a mares-nest . AA e did not allude to tho house No . 59 , occupied by the iuruiture dealers , as having cost
the Craft £ 3000 , and £ 300 for repairs , to be let for £ 30 a year , but to No . GO , ivhich so far ns two floors are concerned , now forms pr . rt of -he Tavern . Next time Curioso attends his lodge we would advise him to cross the road aud look at the upper parfc of the saicl house . After ivhich ive shall be glad to hear from him again .
C . B . —AVe clo not know whether Mr . Charles Kean is , or is not a Mason , some brother may perhaps be able authoritivel y to inform you us . On fche other point we will make inquiries .