Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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he receiA'es the unanimous ancl wannest fraternal AA'ishes from every member of the Royal Sussex , as a good Mason , a zealous votary of charity , ancl a faithful servant of the Craft . The lodge being closed , the brethren retired from labour to refreshment , ancl an excellent supper was served in Bro . Wilkins' best style . Among the visitors ivas a goodly array of Past Masters , who honoured the evening ivith their presence , including Bros . Dr . Alfred Jackson ,
AV . M . 319 ; E . A \ ells , AA . M . 717 ; A . Grace , AV . M . 387 ; ancl R . BroAA-n , AA ' . M . 13 . After the usual loyal toasts , "The Past Masters " were proposed and responded to by Bro . H . Ford , P . M . 319 , in a ven * eloquent manner , descanting at the same time on the e . xcelleney of Freemasonry , its advantages as a bond of brotherhood , and the abuses as practised by coAvans of the Craft . Other toasts of a similar character were drunk ivith the usual enthusiasm , ivhen the brethren departed at an early hour , with the old song " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
ISLE OF WIGHT . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From our own Reporter . ) On Tuesday , 26 th November , the Provincial Grand Loclge meeting for the Isle of AA ight AA'as held at the TOAVII Hall , AA est CoAves . Present : —The R . AA . PIOT . G . M ., Bro . Thomas AA'illis Flemingthe DProvGMBroHde PullenGSBof the
; . . .., . y , ... United Grand Loclge of England ; George AA vatt , P . M . 176 , P . Prov . S . GW ., pro tern , Prov . S . G . AA . ; Joseph Poore , P . M . 176 , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Rev . R . K . Edwards , 999 , Prov . G . Chap . ; W . W . Way , P . M . 176 , PIOT . G . Treas . ; Francis Neivman , P . M . 201 , Prov . G . Sec ; AV . Vaughan , P . M . 41 , Prov . G . S . D . ; T . W . Faulkner , P . M . 41 , Prov . G . J . D . ; B . W . AVai * , P . M . 176 , Prov . G .-Res . ; George VallanceP . M . 176 ProvGSupof AA orks
, , . . . ; Thos . Osborne , P . M . 41 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., pro tern PIOT . G . S . B . ; Henrv Dashwood , 176 , Prov . G . Purs . ; C . B . Deacon , WM . 41 ; J . Luter , P . M . 41 ; G . H . Cooke , S . AV . 41 ; AV . LOAV , S . D . 41 ; E . AA aters , J . D . 41 ; James Corke , P . M . 41 ; J . Redman , 41 ; R . Graves , 41 ; John DaAvson , P . M . 41 ; C . Airs , 41 ; S . H . Harris , 41 ; A \ . Maxwell , 41 ; Capt . G . H . Sanders , AV . M . 176 ; Capt . AV . AV . Manners . S . AV . 176 ; Jas . Read . J . W . 176 D . Barnes 176
; , , P . M . £ 04 ; Rev . J . J . Spear , 176 ; Capt . W . S . Graham , 176 ; H . Strickland , 176 ; Cheselden Browne , 176 ; Rev . E . L . AValshe , Chap . 176 , P . Prov . G . Chap . Essex ; Adjt , J . King , 176 ; C . F . Tonus , 176 ; J . H . Hearn , WM . 204 , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; A . L . Olilfield , S . W . 204 ; R . Chrisp , P . M . 204 ; E . Hands , J . D . 204 ; E . Thnrlow , I . G . 204 ; H . Jacobs , 204 ; J . AA aA * ell , 204 ; AA . DashAvood 204 ; Andrew Ellis 204 A . B . Bancael 204 ;
, , ; , Desmond Adair , 327 ; F . Moor , J . AV . 809 ; C . F . Fisher , J . D . 809 ; J . F . Ollard , AV . M . 999 . The summons for the Grand Lodge meeting was issued for three o ' clock , p . m . ; the meeting of the Provincial Permanent Relief Fund Committee to be held at tAvo o'clock ; chairman , the Prov .
G . M ., Bro . T . Willis Fleming . The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting held at Ryde . The 'Treasurer ' s account was also read , ivhich proved satisfactory , for , after paying annuities and a feiv incidental expenses , tho balance already invested ancl for investment amounted to upwards of a hundred ancl sixty-five pounds . This fund was established under the auspices of Bro . the Ear ! of Carnarvon , in 1858 , and is supported by life governorship and annual subscritionsfor the especial of
p , purpose pro viding relief to indigent Masons , their widow's , and children , the qualification being thafc of a registered Master Mason , and a member of a lodge in the province of the Isle of AAlght , for a period of at least five years , the exception being that of any incapacity by the visitation of Divine Providence , ivhen a period of tAvo years will be substituted for five . The Committee and Stewards for the several lod having been appointed for the
ges year ensuing , the business ivas concluded , ancl , it being near to three o ' clock , the Grand Master , summoned tlie brethren who , during the sitting of the Committee , hacl arrived at the Toivn Kail from the adjoining room . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in due form , and the business ot the province transacted , after which the Prov . G . M . invested his officers for tho ensuing year with their respective
collars and jewels , appropriately setting forth the merits of the brethren appointed to office ; Bro . H yde Pullen bavins been reinvested as D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Donald McLachlaii , P . M . of 999 , was called to receive the honour of Prov . S . G . W . ; he unavoidably being absent , Bro . George Wyatt , P . M . of 170 , P . Prov . S . G . AV .. ivas invested ivith the collar and jewel , and having thanked the Grand Master for the honour conferred the brother for whom
upon he ( Bro . G . AVyatt ) was substitute , resumed the Senior AVarden ' s chair . Bro . R . Chrisp , P . M . of 204 , was next invested as Prov . J . G . W ., and the Rev . E . L . AValshe , Chaplain 176 , as Prov . G . Chap ., AV . AV . Way , P . M . 176 being re-elected Prov . G . Treas . ; Bros . Geo . Vallance , P . M . 170 , Prov . G . Reg .,- Broome Pimiiyer , 204 , Prov . G . Sec ; Capt . G . H . Sanders , W . M . 170 , Prov . S . G . D . ; C . B . Deacon , I
AV . M . 41 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Capt . AV . AV . Manners , S . AV . 176 , Prov . G . Sapt . of AVorks ; F . Moor , J . W . 809 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . H . Cooke , S . AV . 41 , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . T . Trekell , 204 , Prov . G . Org . ; B . AA aters , J . D . 41 , Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . E . Thurlow , J . D . 204 , Stafford AA ay , 41 , F . Alahone , Sec . 176 , M . Linfield , 809 , ancl AV . Daslni'ood , 204 , Prov . G . Stewards . Before the lodge was closedfche PROV . G . M . embraced the
-, oppor tunity of thanking the brethren for their kind attendance , especially so as the weather being most unpropitious , he had not expected to see so large a muster , and he would also state that he had appointed the next Provincial meeting to be held at Ryde , and he coulcl but hope under more favourable circumstances as regarded the Aveather ; for during the summer months he trusted they should not only have a good gathering of fche brethren at one or the
other of the delightful places about Ryde , but that the brethren ivould also bring with them the ladies of their respective households , that they also might enjoy the open-air festivities of the season . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned fco the Gloucester Hotel ( fche old club-house of the Royal Yacht Squadron ) where about fifty sat down to a most excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Jones , ivhose study it had evidently been hoAv to
make the brethren comfortable . On the removal of the cloth , the Grand Chaplain having acknoAA * - ledged the blessings received , the PROV . G . M . proposed the health of " Her Majesty the Queen ; " " The Prince Consort , the Prince of AVales , and the rest of fche Royal Family ; " " The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " " The Deputy Grand Master , Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " and "The Officers of Grand Lodgecoupled with the name of Bro . Hde PullenGrand
, y , Sword Bearer of England . " Bro . PULLEN , in acknowledging the toast , remarked thafc the distinguished honour conferred upon him by the Grand Master of England in appointing him to office in Grand Lodge coulcl not be from any merits of his OAVU ; he therefore looked upon the appointment as an acknowledgment to the brethren of this small island
province for the deep interest they took in the cause of Freemasonry , and especially in the charities connected Avith the Order ; he . Avas happy to say thafc most of the lodges in the province , as Avell as several of the brethren , had constituted themselves life governors of the Masonic Schools , and some few had served the office , of steward at the festivals , and he trusted it Avas not far distant ivhen each loclge would be in the same relationship , and several more of the brethren qualify themselves by holding , stewardships , and he
felt sure that if any brother Mason noiv seated at the festive board , happened to be unacquainted with the institutions alluded to , or had never been present at one or other of these festivals , he had only to embrace the opportuuity of being present at either of the anniversaries held at the Freemasons' Hall , Loudon , of AA'hich clue notice AA-as given ; or he might present himself at the Girls ' School ( which was close to the Clapham Common Station ) where he would have a courteous receptionancl be conducted through the
, establishment by the excellent matron . He ivould then be enabled to judge for himself whether such institutions AA'ere not a credit to the Order , ancl Avorthy of his support , ancl , indeed , of that of every good Freemason . In conclusion , Bro . Pullen proposed " The Health of Bro . Thomas AA ' illis Fleming , the very much respected ancl estimable . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight , and might he live long to preside over this province . " The toast was received ivith reiterated cheers .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER in returning thanks for the very kind manner in ivhich the toast of his health had been received by his brethren , could only assure them that he should continue to pursue the line he had hitherto followed , ancl ivhich the rules of Freemasonry pointed out to him as the right course for conducting the business of his proi'ince with impartiality ; the matter with which all the brethren now around him ivere cognizant , and upon ivhichin their this clay ( although nofc in locl ) it
, presence open ge , had been his painful duty to adjudicate Avas certainly one ivhich he coulcl have wished might have been avoided , yet he could nofc bufc infer , from the enthusiastic reception of the toast , that the decision he had come to met with the approval of every Freemason now present . The brethren ivould , he felt sure , excuse his entering into any explanation as to why the provincial meeting had nofc been held at the usual time and season , ancl also why he had appointed
that the next meeting should take place at Ryde , Ventnor being the place to visit in rotation . They all kneiv that death had been busy in his family , and their kind sympathy AA ' OUUI readily prompt them to supply a reason for deferring a visit to the latter place ; before resuming his seat he coulcl not but express his pleasure at seeing several clerical brethren present , and he ivould therefore propose their healths , coupling with the toast the name of the Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . E . L . AValshe . He ( the Prov . G . M . ) , had not the pleasure of knowing Bro . AValshe before that clay , bufc having heard of him from another quarter , ancl from the pleasurable
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
he receiA'es the unanimous ancl wannest fraternal AA'ishes from every member of the Royal Sussex , as a good Mason , a zealous votary of charity , ancl a faithful servant of the Craft . The lodge being closed , the brethren retired from labour to refreshment , ancl an excellent supper was served in Bro . Wilkins' best style . Among the visitors ivas a goodly array of Past Masters , who honoured the evening ivith their presence , including Bros . Dr . Alfred Jackson ,
AV . M . 319 ; E . A \ ells , AA . M . 717 ; A . Grace , AV . M . 387 ; ancl R . BroAA-n , AA ' . M . 13 . After the usual loyal toasts , "The Past Masters " were proposed and responded to by Bro . H . Ford , P . M . 319 , in a ven * eloquent manner , descanting at the same time on the e . xcelleney of Freemasonry , its advantages as a bond of brotherhood , and the abuses as practised by coAvans of the Craft . Other toasts of a similar character were drunk ivith the usual enthusiasm , ivhen the brethren departed at an early hour , with the old song " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
ISLE OF WIGHT . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From our own Reporter . ) On Tuesday , 26 th November , the Provincial Grand Loclge meeting for the Isle of AA ight AA'as held at the TOAVII Hall , AA est CoAves . Present : —The R . AA . PIOT . G . M ., Bro . Thomas AA'illis Flemingthe DProvGMBroHde PullenGSBof the
; . . .., . y , ... United Grand Loclge of England ; George AA vatt , P . M . 176 , P . Prov . S . GW ., pro tern , Prov . S . G . AA . ; Joseph Poore , P . M . 176 , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Rev . R . K . Edwards , 999 , Prov . G . Chap . ; W . W . Way , P . M . 176 , PIOT . G . Treas . ; Francis Neivman , P . M . 201 , Prov . G . Sec ; AV . Vaughan , P . M . 41 , Prov . G . S . D . ; T . W . Faulkner , P . M . 41 , Prov . G . J . D . ; B . W . AVai * , P . M . 176 , Prov . G .-Res . ; George VallanceP . M . 176 ProvGSupof AA orks
, , . . . ; Thos . Osborne , P . M . 41 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., pro tern PIOT . G . S . B . ; Henrv Dashwood , 176 , Prov . G . Purs . ; C . B . Deacon , WM . 41 ; J . Luter , P . M . 41 ; G . H . Cooke , S . AV . 41 ; AV . LOAV , S . D . 41 ; E . AA aters , J . D . 41 ; James Corke , P . M . 41 ; J . Redman , 41 ; R . Graves , 41 ; John DaAvson , P . M . 41 ; C . Airs , 41 ; S . H . Harris , 41 ; A \ . Maxwell , 41 ; Capt . G . H . Sanders , AV . M . 176 ; Capt . AV . AV . Manners . S . AV . 176 ; Jas . Read . J . W . 176 D . Barnes 176
; , , P . M . £ 04 ; Rev . J . J . Spear , 176 ; Capt . W . S . Graham , 176 ; H . Strickland , 176 ; Cheselden Browne , 176 ; Rev . E . L . AValshe , Chap . 176 , P . Prov . G . Chap . Essex ; Adjt , J . King , 176 ; C . F . Tonus , 176 ; J . H . Hearn , WM . 204 , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; A . L . Olilfield , S . W . 204 ; R . Chrisp , P . M . 204 ; E . Hands , J . D . 204 ; E . Thnrlow , I . G . 204 ; H . Jacobs , 204 ; J . AA aA * ell , 204 ; AA . DashAvood 204 ; Andrew Ellis 204 A . B . Bancael 204 ;
, , ; , Desmond Adair , 327 ; F . Moor , J . AV . 809 ; C . F . Fisher , J . D . 809 ; J . F . Ollard , AV . M . 999 . The summons for the Grand Lodge meeting was issued for three o ' clock , p . m . ; the meeting of the Provincial Permanent Relief Fund Committee to be held at tAvo o'clock ; chairman , the Prov .
G . M ., Bro . T . Willis Fleming . The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting held at Ryde . The 'Treasurer ' s account was also read , ivhich proved satisfactory , for , after paying annuities and a feiv incidental expenses , tho balance already invested ancl for investment amounted to upwards of a hundred ancl sixty-five pounds . This fund was established under the auspices of Bro . the Ear ! of Carnarvon , in 1858 , and is supported by life governorship and annual subscritionsfor the especial of
p , purpose pro viding relief to indigent Masons , their widow's , and children , the qualification being thafc of a registered Master Mason , and a member of a lodge in the province of the Isle of AAlght , for a period of at least five years , the exception being that of any incapacity by the visitation of Divine Providence , ivhen a period of tAvo years will be substituted for five . The Committee and Stewards for the several lod having been appointed for the
ges year ensuing , the business ivas concluded , ancl , it being near to three o ' clock , the Grand Master , summoned tlie brethren who , during the sitting of the Committee , hacl arrived at the Toivn Kail from the adjoining room . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in due form , and the business ot the province transacted , after which the Prov . G . M . invested his officers for tho ensuing year with their respective
collars and jewels , appropriately setting forth the merits of the brethren appointed to office ; Bro . H yde Pullen bavins been reinvested as D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Donald McLachlaii , P . M . of 999 , was called to receive the honour of Prov . S . G . W . ; he unavoidably being absent , Bro . George Wyatt , P . M . of 170 , P . Prov . S . G . AV .. ivas invested ivith the collar and jewel , and having thanked the Grand Master for the honour conferred the brother for whom
upon he ( Bro . G . AVyatt ) was substitute , resumed the Senior AVarden ' s chair . Bro . R . Chrisp , P . M . of 204 , was next invested as Prov . J . G . W ., and the Rev . E . L . AValshe , Chaplain 176 , as Prov . G . Chap ., AV . AV . Way , P . M . 176 being re-elected Prov . G . Treas . ; Bros . Geo . Vallance , P . M . 170 , Prov . G . Reg .,- Broome Pimiiyer , 204 , Prov . G . Sec ; Capt . G . H . Sanders , W . M . 170 , Prov . S . G . D . ; C . B . Deacon , I
AV . M . 41 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Capt . AV . AV . Manners , S . AV . 176 , Prov . G . Sapt . of AVorks ; F . Moor , J . W . 809 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . H . Cooke , S . AV . 41 , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . T . Trekell , 204 , Prov . G . Org . ; B . AA aters , J . D . 41 , Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . E . Thurlow , J . D . 204 , Stafford AA ay , 41 , F . Alahone , Sec . 176 , M . Linfield , 809 , ancl AV . Daslni'ood , 204 , Prov . G . Stewards . Before the lodge was closedfche PROV . G . M . embraced the
-, oppor tunity of thanking the brethren for their kind attendance , especially so as the weather being most unpropitious , he had not expected to see so large a muster , and he would also state that he had appointed the next Provincial meeting to be held at Ryde , and he coulcl but hope under more favourable circumstances as regarded the Aveather ; for during the summer months he trusted they should not only have a good gathering of fche brethren at one or the
other of the delightful places about Ryde , but that the brethren ivould also bring with them the ladies of their respective households , that they also might enjoy the open-air festivities of the season . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned fco the Gloucester Hotel ( fche old club-house of the Royal Yacht Squadron ) where about fifty sat down to a most excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Jones , ivhose study it had evidently been hoAv to
make the brethren comfortable . On the removal of the cloth , the Grand Chaplain having acknoAA * - ledged the blessings received , the PROV . G . M . proposed the health of " Her Majesty the Queen ; " " The Prince Consort , the Prince of AVales , and the rest of fche Royal Family ; " " The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " " The Deputy Grand Master , Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " and "The Officers of Grand Lodgecoupled with the name of Bro . Hde PullenGrand
, y , Sword Bearer of England . " Bro . PULLEN , in acknowledging the toast , remarked thafc the distinguished honour conferred upon him by the Grand Master of England in appointing him to office in Grand Lodge coulcl not be from any merits of his OAVU ; he therefore looked upon the appointment as an acknowledgment to the brethren of this small island
province for the deep interest they took in the cause of Freemasonry , and especially in the charities connected Avith the Order ; he . Avas happy to say thafc most of the lodges in the province , as Avell as several of the brethren , had constituted themselves life governors of the Masonic Schools , and some few had served the office , of steward at the festivals , and he trusted it Avas not far distant ivhen each loclge would be in the same relationship , and several more of the brethren qualify themselves by holding , stewardships , and he
felt sure that if any brother Mason noiv seated at the festive board , happened to be unacquainted with the institutions alluded to , or had never been present at one or other of these festivals , he had only to embrace the opportuuity of being present at either of the anniversaries held at the Freemasons' Hall , Loudon , of AA'hich clue notice AA-as given ; or he might present himself at the Girls ' School ( which was close to the Clapham Common Station ) where he would have a courteous receptionancl be conducted through the
, establishment by the excellent matron . He ivould then be enabled to judge for himself whether such institutions AA'ere not a credit to the Order , ancl Avorthy of his support , ancl , indeed , of that of every good Freemason . In conclusion , Bro . Pullen proposed " The Health of Bro . Thomas AA ' illis Fleming , the very much respected ancl estimable . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight , and might he live long to preside over this province . " The toast was received ivith reiterated cheers .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER in returning thanks for the very kind manner in ivhich the toast of his health had been received by his brethren , could only assure them that he should continue to pursue the line he had hitherto followed , ancl ivhich the rules of Freemasonry pointed out to him as the right course for conducting the business of his proi'ince with impartiality ; the matter with which all the brethren now around him ivere cognizant , and upon ivhichin their this clay ( although nofc in locl ) it
, presence open ge , had been his painful duty to adjudicate Avas certainly one ivhich he coulcl have wished might have been avoided , yet he could nofc bufc infer , from the enthusiastic reception of the toast , that the decision he had come to met with the approval of every Freemason now present . The brethren ivould , he felt sure , excuse his entering into any explanation as to why the provincial meeting had nofc been held at the usual time and season , ancl also why he had appointed
that the next meeting should take place at Ryde , Ventnor being the place to visit in rotation . They all kneiv that death had been busy in his family , and their kind sympathy AA ' OUUI readily prompt them to supply a reason for deferring a visit to the latter place ; before resuming his seat he coulcl not but express his pleasure at seeing several clerical brethren present , and he ivould therefore propose their healths , coupling with the toast the name of the Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . E . L . AValshe . He ( the Prov . G . M . ) , had not the pleasure of knowing Bro . AValshe before that clay , bufc having heard of him from another quarter , ancl from the pleasurable