Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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conversation he had had AA'ith him during the evening , he felt sure they hacl the right man in the right place as their Chaplain . Bro . AVALSHE thanked the brethren on behalf of his brother clergymen ancl himself for the kind Avay in AA'hich they had responded to the toast , and he also thanked the Prov . G . M ., for so kindly proposing ifc ; as their Chaplain he coulcl bufc remind them of the Chronicles , Avherein it ivonld be found recorded thafc in every age
the man of peace , and the man of Avar , hacl been enrolled and shoulder to shoulder hacl ranged themselves under the banner of Freemasonry ; his OAVIA case might serve as an illustration if such were needed , he being the Chaplain to the forces stationed at Parkhurst , amongst whom AA'ere many Freemasons , but with regard to his connection ivith this proA'ince , he was at the present time Chaplain to the Albany Loclge ( No . 176 ) , the AV . M . of which was their much respected Bro . Captain G . IT . Sandersa man of war
, , a Crimean hero ; under whose banner he stood shoulder to shoulder with him every lodge meeting . He had also hacl tbe honour of being Grand Chaplain for the Province of Essex , but these honours were but fleeting ; the outward show ; the jewel adorning the person ; and the uninitiated said the jewel and the banquet were the sum ancl substance of Freemasonry , but the brethren knew Freemasonry to be of a nobler stamp ; the uninitiated kneiv nofc of the Masonic chord AA'hich vibrated within the heart of every true
masonres-, ponding most melodiously to the touch of a distressed brother , his widow , or bis orphan children , or by the aged ancl infirm , bufc its influence did not rest there , for when he ( Bro . AValshe ) was at one time on board ship on a voyage , a mason told him , that from the day of his initiation he had persevered ancl given up his wayward frailties , and he felt truly thankful to Gocl for his having been initiated into the order , for it hacl been the means of his reforming his lifeand conducing to his present andhe trustedfuture
, , , happiness . Bro . HYDE PULLEN , D . Prov . G . M ., having permission , proposed "The Health of the neAvly elected Prov . Grand Officers . " He Avassorry their Senior AA arden , Bro . D . McLachlan , P . M . 999 , was unavoidably absent ; he could , however , say that a more kind hearted brother coulcl not be found in any province ; he hacl made himself a life
governor of all the Masonic charities ; and whenever he had appealed to him on behalf of the distressed he always met Avith a ready response from Bro . McLachlan . Bro . GEORGE WYATT , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as the representative of the Senior Warden , and in his name and that of the Provincial Officers thanked the brethren for having so kindly responded to the toast , and the D . Prov . G . M ., for his kind eulogium , AA'hich he felt sure could be endorsed by all ivho had the honor of Bro . Senior
Warden ' s friendship . The PROV . G . M . proposed the health of the immediate Pas '; Officers , and again embraced the opportunity of thanking them for the kind assistance rendered him during the period of their holding office . It AA'as ahvays a pleasure to him to come amongst them , and he trusted that although they were IIOAV on the retired list , yet that Avhenever he held a provincial lodge or they had a festive gathering he should have fche pleasure of seeing them .
Bro . JOSEPH POORS , P . M . 176 , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., in the name of the Past Officers , begged to assure the Grand Master and brethren that their kindness was duly appreciated by the Past Officers . He had now been a Freemason forty-seven years , and for the last seventeen years he had never missed attending his lodge on the nights of meeting , excepting when illness prevented . He had also made a point of attending the provincial meetings , and so long as he hacl health he should continue to do soancl he hoped to have the
lea-, p sure of seeing the Prov . Grand Master for many years to come . Bro . FLEMING , Prov . G . M ., then called upon the brethren to fill a bumper to "The Health of their olcl ancl much esteemed friend , Admiral Sir Lucius . Curtis , the Prov . G . M . of Hampshire , and the Officers of the province . " It was ahvays a pleasure to see Sir Lucius amongst them , and he hoped on a more seasonable occasion next year to have the pleasure of renewing the fraternisation of the brethren of the two provinces . The toast Avas folloived by rounds
ol cheering . The mail packet being ready to start for Southampton , the Prov . G . M . took his leave , amid the hearty cheers of the brethren . Several excellent songs ivere sung during the evening , and this most comfortable ancl cheerful party separated about 11 o'clock , P . M .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE . —Lodge of Instruction ( No . 24 ) . —This locl ge met on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., in Freemasons Hall , Blackott street . The lodge was opened by P . M . Bro . C J . Banister , P . Prov . G . P ., Northumberland , P . Prov . G . S . D . Durham , Prov . G . D . C . AVest Lancashire ; assisted by the W . M . of DeLoraine ( No 793 ) , Bro . Anderson , the W . M . elect of ditto ; Bro . Winter , Bro . Smith , as S . AV . ; Yougall , as J . AV . ; Thompson , as J . D . ; ancl afull attendance of brethren
and visitors , among whom Avas Bro . Thomas Shepherd , of the Lodge Hope ( No 793 ) , Bradford , Yorkshire . Bro . Anderson acting as lecture master , performed the ceremonies of initiation , Bro . Stoat being thecandidafce , andBro . Thompson acting as Deacon . Thebrefchren were examined in the test questions , pass words , ancl on the ceremony generally in this-degree . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degreebufc as the time had arrived to close the loclge , the
, ceremony AA'as nofc Avorked . Several IIBAV members ivere proposed and accepted , ancl the remaining business of the lodge concluded it was closed . P . M . Bro . A . Gillespie , Prov . G . Eeg ., of Northumberland , Avas appointed lecture master for the next meeting . Bro . Howard , acted as Sec .
AA ARAVlCKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From onr own Reporter . ) This meeting was held at the Masonic rooms , Newhall-street , Birmingham , on the 27 th ultimo , and was attended by over ISO brethren of the province and neighbouring lodges .
Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master , presided supported by Bro . C . AA . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M ., and tho other Grand Officers . Among the other brethren present Avere Dr . Bell Fletcher , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Y . Robins , Jno . Machin , F . Empson , AV . H . Reeee , J . C Cohen , T . Clarke , P . Prov . G . Wardens ; Rev . J . E . Codrington , P . Prov . G . AV . Oxfordshire , AA . M . 1096 ; Rev . J . DoAvnes , Prov . G . Chap . Staffordshire ; Tho . James ; Edwin YatesJohn GoodeP . Prov . G . W . StaffordshireAV . BristoiA *
; , ; , Prov . G . S . Worcestershire ; AA . Masefield , Prov . S . G . W . Worcestershire ; B . AV . Goode , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; F . Binckes , P . M . 11 , and Secvetarv Boy ' s School ; Alderman Gates , Alderman Roberts , ex-Mayor of Northampton ; Rev . J . F . Green , 1096 ; Sir J . Ratcliff , Knt ., AV . M . 69 . 6 ; AV . H . Dawes 696 ; Capt . Hibbert , Capt . Briggs , Capfc . Cheshire , Capt . Thompson , and other members of tbe neAV Leigh Loclge of Rifle Volunteers , F . Tibbett , AV . M .
After reading the report of the Audit Committee , which showed a i * ery healthy state of the finances of the province , Bro . Elkington drew the attention of the brethren to the desirability of establishing a Provincial Benevolent Fund without further delay . He found , on examination , that a motion approving of this object had been carried two years ago , bufc somehow or other it had not been acted upon . He calculated that an annual contribution of one shilling from each member would provide an ample amount , and as a
nucleus he ivould move that the surplus int-hehandsofthe Treasurer , and the amount to be collected at Church—less £ 5 , the usual complimentary grant placed in the hands of the Rector—be voted to the Fund . This motion accepted , he Avould suggest that those applications , for relief standing on the agenda paper be ivithdraAvn , ancl the cases referred to the Committee for Dispensing the Fund . The proposition was warmly supported by the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master , and unanimously acceded to . The following Prov . G . Officers were appointed for the ensuing
year : — Chas . W . Elkington , P . G . S . B D . Prov . G . M . Bro . AA m . Overall ) T , r , -,. -, T , , T- -if Prov . Or . ( Vardens . „ B . A . Lmgardj Rev . — Kittoe ) T > r < ™ i ¦ ¦ „ n > Prov . G . Chaplains . „ —Faulkner j *¦ Bro . J . F . Roberts Prov . G . Treasurer . „ Lewis Cohen Prov . G . Registrar .
„ J . H . Bedford Prov . G . Secretary . „ H . AVeiss Prov . G . Senior Deacon . „ Geo . Hudson Prov . G . Junior Deacon . „ AV . B . Briggs Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks . „ Chas . Reed Prov . G . D . of Ceremonies . „ John Astley Prov . G . S . Bearer . John Pursall Prov . G . Organist .
„ . , J . J . 'furner Prov . 6 r . Assist . See . ' :, £ wylr } Pro , G . StandardBearerS „ AV . L . Harrison 7 -n r , -,-, . , ;; Sir J . Ratcliff \ ' ? rov . G . Pursuivants . „ Thos . Heivitt _ , _<_ . ; , Jos . Collins \ Prov . G . Tylers .
The routine business having been disposed of , the PHOT . GRAND MASTER rose ancl said : It would doubtless be in the recollection of the brethren that at the last meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ifc was resolved that some substantial mark of approbation should be conferred upon their Avorthy and excellent friend Bro . C . W . Elkington , Avho had for so many years giA'en them fche benefit of his efficient services as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Ifc was known to them that Bro . Elkington had the honour of being a Past Grand Officer
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
conversation he had had AA'ith him during the evening , he felt sure they hacl the right man in the right place as their Chaplain . Bro . AVALSHE thanked the brethren on behalf of his brother clergymen ancl himself for the kind Avay in AA'hich they had responded to the toast , and he also thanked the Prov . G . M ., for so kindly proposing ifc ; as their Chaplain he coulcl bufc remind them of the Chronicles , Avherein it ivonld be found recorded thafc in every age
the man of peace , and the man of Avar , hacl been enrolled and shoulder to shoulder hacl ranged themselves under the banner of Freemasonry ; his OAVIA case might serve as an illustration if such were needed , he being the Chaplain to the forces stationed at Parkhurst , amongst whom AA'ere many Freemasons , but with regard to his connection ivith this proA'ince , he was at the present time Chaplain to the Albany Loclge ( No . 176 ) , the AV . M . of which was their much respected Bro . Captain G . IT . Sandersa man of war
, , a Crimean hero ; under whose banner he stood shoulder to shoulder with him every lodge meeting . He had also hacl tbe honour of being Grand Chaplain for the Province of Essex , but these honours were but fleeting ; the outward show ; the jewel adorning the person ; and the uninitiated said the jewel and the banquet were the sum ancl substance of Freemasonry , but the brethren knew Freemasonry to be of a nobler stamp ; the uninitiated kneiv nofc of the Masonic chord AA'hich vibrated within the heart of every true
masonres-, ponding most melodiously to the touch of a distressed brother , his widow , or bis orphan children , or by the aged ancl infirm , bufc its influence did not rest there , for when he ( Bro . AValshe ) was at one time on board ship on a voyage , a mason told him , that from the day of his initiation he had persevered ancl given up his wayward frailties , and he felt truly thankful to Gocl for his having been initiated into the order , for it hacl been the means of his reforming his lifeand conducing to his present andhe trustedfuture
, , , happiness . Bro . HYDE PULLEN , D . Prov . G . M ., having permission , proposed "The Health of the neAvly elected Prov . Grand Officers . " He Avassorry their Senior AA arden , Bro . D . McLachlan , P . M . 999 , was unavoidably absent ; he could , however , say that a more kind hearted brother coulcl not be found in any province ; he hacl made himself a life
governor of all the Masonic charities ; and whenever he had appealed to him on behalf of the distressed he always met Avith a ready response from Bro . McLachlan . Bro . GEORGE WYATT , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as the representative of the Senior Warden , and in his name and that of the Provincial Officers thanked the brethren for having so kindly responded to the toast , and the D . Prov . G . M ., for his kind eulogium , AA'hich he felt sure could be endorsed by all ivho had the honor of Bro . Senior
Warden ' s friendship . The PROV . G . M . proposed the health of the immediate Pas '; Officers , and again embraced the opportunity of thanking them for the kind assistance rendered him during the period of their holding office . It AA'as ahvays a pleasure to him to come amongst them , and he trusted that although they were IIOAV on the retired list , yet that Avhenever he held a provincial lodge or they had a festive gathering he should have fche pleasure of seeing them .
Bro . JOSEPH POORS , P . M . 176 , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., in the name of the Past Officers , begged to assure the Grand Master and brethren that their kindness was duly appreciated by the Past Officers . He had now been a Freemason forty-seven years , and for the last seventeen years he had never missed attending his lodge on the nights of meeting , excepting when illness prevented . He had also made a point of attending the provincial meetings , and so long as he hacl health he should continue to do soancl he hoped to have the
lea-, p sure of seeing the Prov . Grand Master for many years to come . Bro . FLEMING , Prov . G . M ., then called upon the brethren to fill a bumper to "The Health of their olcl ancl much esteemed friend , Admiral Sir Lucius . Curtis , the Prov . G . M . of Hampshire , and the Officers of the province . " It was ahvays a pleasure to see Sir Lucius amongst them , and he hoped on a more seasonable occasion next year to have the pleasure of renewing the fraternisation of the brethren of the two provinces . The toast Avas folloived by rounds
ol cheering . The mail packet being ready to start for Southampton , the Prov . G . M . took his leave , amid the hearty cheers of the brethren . Several excellent songs ivere sung during the evening , and this most comfortable ancl cheerful party separated about 11 o'clock , P . M .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE . —Lodge of Instruction ( No . 24 ) . —This locl ge met on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., in Freemasons Hall , Blackott street . The lodge was opened by P . M . Bro . C J . Banister , P . Prov . G . P ., Northumberland , P . Prov . G . S . D . Durham , Prov . G . D . C . AVest Lancashire ; assisted by the W . M . of DeLoraine ( No 793 ) , Bro . Anderson , the W . M . elect of ditto ; Bro . Winter , Bro . Smith , as S . AV . ; Yougall , as J . AV . ; Thompson , as J . D . ; ancl afull attendance of brethren
and visitors , among whom Avas Bro . Thomas Shepherd , of the Lodge Hope ( No 793 ) , Bradford , Yorkshire . Bro . Anderson acting as lecture master , performed the ceremonies of initiation , Bro . Stoat being thecandidafce , andBro . Thompson acting as Deacon . Thebrefchren were examined in the test questions , pass words , ancl on the ceremony generally in this-degree . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd degreebufc as the time had arrived to close the loclge , the
, ceremony AA'as nofc Avorked . Several IIBAV members ivere proposed and accepted , ancl the remaining business of the lodge concluded it was closed . P . M . Bro . A . Gillespie , Prov . G . Eeg ., of Northumberland , Avas appointed lecture master for the next meeting . Bro . Howard , acted as Sec .
AA ARAVlCKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From onr own Reporter . ) This meeting was held at the Masonic rooms , Newhall-street , Birmingham , on the 27 th ultimo , and was attended by over ISO brethren of the province and neighbouring lodges .
Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master , presided supported by Bro . C . AA . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M ., and tho other Grand Officers . Among the other brethren present Avere Dr . Bell Fletcher , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Y . Robins , Jno . Machin , F . Empson , AV . H . Reeee , J . C Cohen , T . Clarke , P . Prov . G . Wardens ; Rev . J . E . Codrington , P . Prov . G . AV . Oxfordshire , AA . M . 1096 ; Rev . J . DoAvnes , Prov . G . Chap . Staffordshire ; Tho . James ; Edwin YatesJohn GoodeP . Prov . G . W . StaffordshireAV . BristoiA *
; , ; , Prov . G . S . Worcestershire ; AA . Masefield , Prov . S . G . W . Worcestershire ; B . AV . Goode , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; F . Binckes , P . M . 11 , and Secvetarv Boy ' s School ; Alderman Gates , Alderman Roberts , ex-Mayor of Northampton ; Rev . J . F . Green , 1096 ; Sir J . Ratcliff , Knt ., AV . M . 69 . 6 ; AV . H . Dawes 696 ; Capt . Hibbert , Capt . Briggs , Capfc . Cheshire , Capt . Thompson , and other members of tbe neAV Leigh Loclge of Rifle Volunteers , F . Tibbett , AV . M .
After reading the report of the Audit Committee , which showed a i * ery healthy state of the finances of the province , Bro . Elkington drew the attention of the brethren to the desirability of establishing a Provincial Benevolent Fund without further delay . He found , on examination , that a motion approving of this object had been carried two years ago , bufc somehow or other it had not been acted upon . He calculated that an annual contribution of one shilling from each member would provide an ample amount , and as a
nucleus he ivould move that the surplus int-hehandsofthe Treasurer , and the amount to be collected at Church—less £ 5 , the usual complimentary grant placed in the hands of the Rector—be voted to the Fund . This motion accepted , he Avould suggest that those applications , for relief standing on the agenda paper be ivithdraAvn , ancl the cases referred to the Committee for Dispensing the Fund . The proposition was warmly supported by the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master , and unanimously acceded to . The following Prov . G . Officers were appointed for the ensuing
year : — Chas . W . Elkington , P . G . S . B D . Prov . G . M . Bro . AA m . Overall ) T , r , -,. -, T , , T- -if Prov . Or . ( Vardens . „ B . A . Lmgardj Rev . — Kittoe ) T > r < ™ i ¦ ¦ „ n > Prov . G . Chaplains . „ —Faulkner j *¦ Bro . J . F . Roberts Prov . G . Treasurer . „ Lewis Cohen Prov . G . Registrar .
„ J . H . Bedford Prov . G . Secretary . „ H . AVeiss Prov . G . Senior Deacon . „ Geo . Hudson Prov . G . Junior Deacon . „ AV . B . Briggs Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks . „ Chas . Reed Prov . G . D . of Ceremonies . „ John Astley Prov . G . S . Bearer . John Pursall Prov . G . Organist .
„ . , J . J . 'furner Prov . 6 r . Assist . See . ' :, £ wylr } Pro , G . StandardBearerS „ AV . L . Harrison 7 -n r , -,-, . , ;; Sir J . Ratcliff \ ' ? rov . G . Pursuivants . „ Thos . Heivitt _ , _<_ . ; , Jos . Collins \ Prov . G . Tylers .
The routine business having been disposed of , the PHOT . GRAND MASTER rose ancl said : It would doubtless be in the recollection of the brethren that at the last meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ifc was resolved that some substantial mark of approbation should be conferred upon their Avorthy and excellent friend Bro . C . W . Elkington , Avho had for so many years giA'en them fche benefit of his efficient services as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Ifc was known to them that Bro . Elkington had the honour of being a Past Grand Officer