Article COLONIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Bro . RUSSELL in reply said he AA'as proud of fche eulogium passed on him , by the Master and S . AV ., but he feared they hacl overestimated the value of the little services he hacl been able to afford tbem . Certainly he had clone nothing more than any mason " good and true . " would have done under the circumstances , and it was a labour of love to give fchem the benefit of his experience . That he had assisted willing pupils this day ' s work , sufficiently testified ;
indeed the regularity and order in which each and all had that day done the work alloted tbem , ivould have done honour to veterans in the craft long inured to Masonic toil . After making a feiv Avelltimed remarks on the value of regular attendance at Avorking hours , to maintain proficiency , he concluded by again thanking the brethren for the honour done him and for the testimonial with which they had presented him . The lodge was HOAV closedand songsentimentancl toast claimed
, , , an audience in rotation , until the approach of the " Avitchinghour " of night , AA'hen the meeting broke up , AA'ith the universal feeling ; ; that they had concluded the clay ' s work in a Avay creditable to ' Masonry , and the auspicious occasion that called them together . The manner in which the dinner was served , the sound viands and generous wines reflected the usual credit on our worthy landlord Bro . Russell , of the Masonic Hotel .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —Minerva Chapter ( No . 311 ) . —This Chapter met at Freemason ' s Hall , Princes-street , on Thursday , Nov . 28 th . The chapter was opened by M . E . Comp . S . Mosely , Z . ; Comp . Sissons , IT . and Comp . P . M . E . Henry , as J . ; there being a full attendance of companions and several visitors . A Candidate was exalted to this sublime degreebthe M . E . Z . S . Moselyin his usual impressive
, y , , manner . Comp . A . 0 . Arden , acted as P . Soj ., ancl performed his parfc in the ceremony to perfection . This Chapter will be held monthly instead of quarterly , excepting tho summer months . A candidate ivas proposed and seconded , ancl the rest of the business over , the Chapter Avas closed in due form ancl Avith solemn prayer . The supper Avas presided over by the M . E . Z . Comp . S . Mosely , and in the west by Comp . Sissons . The Queen , Grand Master , Prov .
G . Superintendent , and the pOAvers ruling , Avere proposed from the chair and heartily responded to by the Companions . Comp . C . J . Banister , M . E . Z . 267 , and of 24 and 614 , responded to the toast of the Visitors , and proposed prosperity to the Chapter ancl health and happiness to their M . E . 1 st . principal , which ivas most heartily responded to Avith all fche honours . Comp . Mosely , responded in very appropriate terms and with tine masonic feeling . Several of the Companions , sang excellent ancl appropriate songs and the evening was spent in love and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
i METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —This flourishing lodge of Mark Masters met on Monday , 2 nd December , at Bro . Cathie ' s , Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street . In consequence of the absence of Bro . Levy , R . AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., took the chair . There being no candidate present for advancement , the business of the evening consisted of the installation of Bro . R , Slade , which
ceremony Dr . Dixon performed in his usual impressive manner . The neivly installed R . AA . M . was then pleased to appoint the following brethren as his officers , viz ., J . Thomas , S . AV . ; __? . AA alters , J . AV . ; Lowenstark , M . O . ; J . Howes , Conductor ; AVhite , S . D . ; Stahr , J . D . ; Cathie , I . G . The R . AV . M ., in an able manner , gave the legend of the degree . The loclge Avas closed , ancl the brethren departed , having enjoyed a pleasant reunion . NORTHUMBERLAND .
NEWCASTLE . —Northumberland and Perwiclc-on-Tioeei Lodge . — A meeting of this loclge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , on AVednesday , November 27 th . The lodge was opened by Bros . H . Hotham , R . AV . M . ; H . G . Ludwig , S . AV . ; A . Gillespie , J . AV . ; C . J . Banister , Sec . ; and the rest of the officers of the lodge . This being the night for installing the AV . M . elect ,
Mark Masonry.
Bro . H . G . Luchvig was presented by P . M . Bro . Seps . Bell to the R . AV . M ., who performed fche ceremony , after AA'hich he Avas duly saluted ancl proclaimed , and appointed Bros . A . Gillespie , S . W . ; C . J . Banister , J . AA . ; AA . Saneter , Sec . ; Lambton , Treas . ¦ Tanson , J . D . ; Loades , S . D . ; Reed , . M . O . ; Trotter , Tyler ; ancl invested all except the Treasurer , who ivas unavoidably absent . Bros ; Echvd . Evans , Loclge 114 , and G . G . Haj'Avard , of Lodge 389 , were
proposecVfor advancement to this degree . Business being over , the loclge AVUS closed . The banquet was presided over by the R . AV . M ., Bro . Luchvig ; on his right was P . M . Bro . Septs . Bell ; ancl on the left P . M . Bro . H . Hotham ; in the west , Bro . A . Gillespie presided ; and in the south , Bro . C . J . Banister . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere proposed and responded to in a truly festivical spirit , and the brethren separated at an early hour . [ This lodge is working wellancl is regularly opened the fourth AVednesday in
, each month for business . ] YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEEEIELD—Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , 2 nd inst ., in the Freemasons' HallSurrey-street . Bro . Wm . AVhitejun . AV . M .
, , , , and J . G . D ., presided , and was assisted by Bros . Drury , S . W . j Moseley , J . AV . ; AA aterhouse , S . D . ; Arnison , J . D . ; Garnett , I . G . ; & c . Bros . Capt . Sheringham ( 16 th Regt . ) , Oxley , of Rotherham , ancl Parker , of AA orksop , were severally advanced to this degree . The brethren afterwards partook of a sumptuous banquet , and duly honoured the toasts of the " M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , " "The R . W . D . G . M ., the Viscount Holmesdale , " & c
Obituary .
BRO . THOS . HARRIS CARROLL . Bro . Thomas Harris Carroll , late Proprietor and for upwards of thirty years sole Editor of the Carlom Sentinel , expired at his residence , Dublin street , CarloAv , on Thursday night , November 21 st , 1861 . Engaged during the week aucl up to the afternoon of that clay , in tbe discharge of his professional business , apparently in the enjoyment of excellent healthhe wasin the dispensation
, , of an all-wise Providence , visited with a paralytic seizure , and before midnight succumbed to the fatal stroke . Foremost amongst the members of the riress in the province ; his sudden ancl linexpected decease will cause a vacancy not easily supplied in the ranks of journalism , whilst his loss will , perhaps , be more deeply felt in the immediate sphere of his influence—the Borough ancl County of Carlow .
As a citizen , his name will be long remembered as one identified ivith every movement calculated to benefit or instruct his felloivtownsmen , without distinction of creed or party , whilst his generous ancl unostentatious charities will endear his memory to many of the poorer classes . As a member of the Masonic Order , of whose mysteries he was an ardent and devoted disciple , and in whose ranks lie gained the
most elevated posts , he AA'as ever regarded as a faithful and worthy Brother , and his removal will be sincerely deplored by the various members of the craffc throughout the country . —Carlom Sentinel .
ART UNION OE GREAT BRITAIN . —Our readers will learn through our advertising columns , that Tuesday , the 17 th of this month is the last day for obtaining tickets for the drawing of this Arfc Union , ivhich takes place on the 28 th . AVe understand that the sale of tickets has again exceeded any previous draiving , and although there are this year tliree more societies of a similar kind
before the public , the Art Union of Great Britain will still main tain its position at the head of fchem all put together . This success is scarcely to be woudered at , when from the list of prizes noiv in our hand , eve find that for a shilling a subscriber may obtain a painting , "May Day in the Sixteenth Centnry , " value £ 150 . Failing that , there are fcAA'O prizes of £ 50 , four of £ 40
, twelve of £ 30 , and upivards , twenty-eight of £ 20 to £ 30 , ninetytwo between £ 10 ancl £ 20 , and a whole host of £ 5 ; altogether there will be afc lecsfc 1200 prizes distributed in the ratio of lprir . « to about 68 tickets .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . RUSSELL in reply said he AA'as proud of fche eulogium passed on him , by the Master and S . AV ., but he feared they hacl overestimated the value of the little services he hacl been able to afford tbem . Certainly he had clone nothing more than any mason " good and true . " would have done under the circumstances , and it was a labour of love to give fchem the benefit of his experience . That he had assisted willing pupils this day ' s work , sufficiently testified ;
indeed the regularity and order in which each and all had that day done the work alloted tbem , ivould have done honour to veterans in the craft long inured to Masonic toil . After making a feiv Avelltimed remarks on the value of regular attendance at Avorking hours , to maintain proficiency , he concluded by again thanking the brethren for the honour done him and for the testimonial with which they had presented him . The lodge was HOAV closedand songsentimentancl toast claimed
, , , an audience in rotation , until the approach of the " Avitchinghour " of night , AA'hen the meeting broke up , AA'ith the universal feeling ; ; that they had concluded the clay ' s work in a Avay creditable to ' Masonry , and the auspicious occasion that called them together . The manner in which the dinner was served , the sound viands and generous wines reflected the usual credit on our worthy landlord Bro . Russell , of the Masonic Hotel .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —Minerva Chapter ( No . 311 ) . —This Chapter met at Freemason ' s Hall , Princes-street , on Thursday , Nov . 28 th . The chapter was opened by M . E . Comp . S . Mosely , Z . ; Comp . Sissons , IT . and Comp . P . M . E . Henry , as J . ; there being a full attendance of companions and several visitors . A Candidate was exalted to this sublime degreebthe M . E . Z . S . Moselyin his usual impressive
, y , , manner . Comp . A . 0 . Arden , acted as P . Soj ., ancl performed his parfc in the ceremony to perfection . This Chapter will be held monthly instead of quarterly , excepting tho summer months . A candidate ivas proposed and seconded , ancl the rest of the business over , the Chapter Avas closed in due form ancl Avith solemn prayer . The supper Avas presided over by the M . E . Z . Comp . S . Mosely , and in the west by Comp . Sissons . The Queen , Grand Master , Prov .
G . Superintendent , and the pOAvers ruling , Avere proposed from the chair and heartily responded to by the Companions . Comp . C . J . Banister , M . E . Z . 267 , and of 24 and 614 , responded to the toast of the Visitors , and proposed prosperity to the Chapter ancl health and happiness to their M . E . 1 st . principal , which ivas most heartily responded to Avith all fche honours . Comp . Mosely , responded in very appropriate terms and with tine masonic feeling . Several of the Companions , sang excellent ancl appropriate songs and the evening was spent in love and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
i METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —This flourishing lodge of Mark Masters met on Monday , 2 nd December , at Bro . Cathie ' s , Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street . In consequence of the absence of Bro . Levy , R . AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., took the chair . There being no candidate present for advancement , the business of the evening consisted of the installation of Bro . R , Slade , which
ceremony Dr . Dixon performed in his usual impressive manner . The neivly installed R . AA . M . was then pleased to appoint the following brethren as his officers , viz ., J . Thomas , S . AV . ; __? . AA alters , J . AV . ; Lowenstark , M . O . ; J . Howes , Conductor ; AVhite , S . D . ; Stahr , J . D . ; Cathie , I . G . The R . AV . M ., in an able manner , gave the legend of the degree . The loclge Avas closed , ancl the brethren departed , having enjoyed a pleasant reunion . NORTHUMBERLAND .
NEWCASTLE . —Northumberland and Perwiclc-on-Tioeei Lodge . — A meeting of this loclge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , on AVednesday , November 27 th . The lodge was opened by Bros . H . Hotham , R . AV . M . ; H . G . Ludwig , S . AV . ; A . Gillespie , J . AV . ; C . J . Banister , Sec . ; and the rest of the officers of the lodge . This being the night for installing the AV . M . elect ,
Mark Masonry.
Bro . H . G . Luchvig was presented by P . M . Bro . Seps . Bell to the R . AV . M ., who performed fche ceremony , after AA'hich he Avas duly saluted ancl proclaimed , and appointed Bros . A . Gillespie , S . W . ; C . J . Banister , J . AA . ; AA . Saneter , Sec . ; Lambton , Treas . ¦ Tanson , J . D . ; Loades , S . D . ; Reed , . M . O . ; Trotter , Tyler ; ancl invested all except the Treasurer , who ivas unavoidably absent . Bros ; Echvd . Evans , Loclge 114 , and G . G . Haj'Avard , of Lodge 389 , were
proposecVfor advancement to this degree . Business being over , the loclge AVUS closed . The banquet was presided over by the R . AV . M ., Bro . Luchvig ; on his right was P . M . Bro . Septs . Bell ; ancl on the left P . M . Bro . H . Hotham ; in the west , Bro . A . Gillespie presided ; and in the south , Bro . C . J . Banister . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere proposed and responded to in a truly festivical spirit , and the brethren separated at an early hour . [ This lodge is working wellancl is regularly opened the fourth AVednesday in
, each month for business . ] YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEEEIELD—Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , 2 nd inst ., in the Freemasons' HallSurrey-street . Bro . Wm . AVhitejun . AV . M .
, , , , and J . G . D ., presided , and was assisted by Bros . Drury , S . W . j Moseley , J . AV . ; AA aterhouse , S . D . ; Arnison , J . D . ; Garnett , I . G . ; & c . Bros . Capt . Sheringham ( 16 th Regt . ) , Oxley , of Rotherham , ancl Parker , of AA orksop , were severally advanced to this degree . The brethren afterwards partook of a sumptuous banquet , and duly honoured the toasts of the " M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , " "The R . W . D . G . M ., the Viscount Holmesdale , " & c
Obituary .
BRO . THOS . HARRIS CARROLL . Bro . Thomas Harris Carroll , late Proprietor and for upwards of thirty years sole Editor of the Carlom Sentinel , expired at his residence , Dublin street , CarloAv , on Thursday night , November 21 st , 1861 . Engaged during the week aucl up to the afternoon of that clay , in tbe discharge of his professional business , apparently in the enjoyment of excellent healthhe wasin the dispensation
, , of an all-wise Providence , visited with a paralytic seizure , and before midnight succumbed to the fatal stroke . Foremost amongst the members of the riress in the province ; his sudden ancl linexpected decease will cause a vacancy not easily supplied in the ranks of journalism , whilst his loss will , perhaps , be more deeply felt in the immediate sphere of his influence—the Borough ancl County of Carlow .
As a citizen , his name will be long remembered as one identified ivith every movement calculated to benefit or instruct his felloivtownsmen , without distinction of creed or party , whilst his generous ancl unostentatious charities will endear his memory to many of the poorer classes . As a member of the Masonic Order , of whose mysteries he was an ardent and devoted disciple , and in whose ranks lie gained the
most elevated posts , he AA'as ever regarded as a faithful and worthy Brother , and his removal will be sincerely deplored by the various members of the craffc throughout the country . —Carlom Sentinel .
ART UNION OE GREAT BRITAIN . —Our readers will learn through our advertising columns , that Tuesday , the 17 th of this month is the last day for obtaining tickets for the drawing of this Arfc Union , ivhich takes place on the 28 th . AVe understand that the sale of tickets has again exceeded any previous draiving , and although there are this year tliree more societies of a similar kind
before the public , the Art Union of Great Britain will still main tain its position at the head of fchem all put together . This success is scarcely to be woudered at , when from the list of prizes noiv in our hand , eve find that for a shilling a subscriber may obtain a painting , "May Day in the Sixteenth Centnry , " value £ 150 . Failing that , there are fcAA'O prizes of £ 50 , four of £ 40
, twelve of £ 30 , and upivards , twenty-eight of £ 20 to £ 30 , ninetytwo between £ 10 ancl £ 20 , and a whole host of £ 5 ; altogether there will be afc lecsfc 1200 prizes distributed in the ratio of lprir . « to about 68 tickets .