Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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StocTclon and Hartlepool Mercury , & c , and several coins of the realm . The principal officers of the Order at this date are : —• The Right . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . AV . G . M . of England ; the Right Hon . the Earl do Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M . of England ; J . Fawcett , R . W . Prov . G . M . ; Henry Fenwick , MP ., R . AV . Prov . G . M . The officers of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , 761 , at this date are : —Bros . George Kirk , W . M . ; Henrv Rank ,
P . M . ; William AVilkinson Brunton , S . AV . ; Richard Brigham HarpUy , S . AV . ; Francis John Cackett , Sec ; Joseph Bird , Treas . ; Jonathan Salmon , S . D . ; George Stephenson , S . D . ; W . Sadler , I . G . ; Matthew Mners , Tyler ; John Tilman , Prov . G . Architect ; Jonathan Johnson , Builder ; Benjamin Levy , Prov . 5 . Dir . of Cers ., P . Prov . S . G . D . Dated this 29 th day of Sep * - Member , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four , and in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Her 'Majesty Queen Victoria . "
A copy of the foregoing record was now also deposited in the cavity beneath the stone , together with the other articles mentioned therein . The AV . M . then touched the mortar with the point of his trowel , " emblematically spreading the same ; " again the band resumed its music ; and , in three distinct drops , the stone was lowered into its place . Then followed to the uninitiated the most mysterious and to all the most quaint and singular episode ofthe ceremonial . The W . M . ( to the J . W . ) Bro .
; Junior Warden , what is your emblem of office ?—J . AV . ( advancing ) : The plumb rule . —The AV . M .: What is its use?—J . AV .: To try and adjust all perpendiculars whilst placing upon their proper bases . — AV . M .-. Then please to prove this stone is perfectly upright . —Here the J . AA . applied his plumb rule in workmanlike manner , and replied that the stone was perpendicular . —Bro . Senior Warden was examined in like fashion , and
was then told to prove that the horizontal was perfectly level —which ho did ; and then the D . Prov . G . M . was similarly crossexamined as to his emblem ( the square ) , and gave ocular testimony to the rectangular accuracy of the stone . The W . M ., to whom at this point a handsome gilt mallet had just been presented , then said : " Having full confidence in your skill and in the royal art it only remains for me to complete the work . ( Then , striking the stone three times ) : In the name of the Most High , I pronounce this foundation stone duly laid as the
foundation stone of an edifice to be hereafter consecrated for the purposes of ancient Freemasonry ! ( Applause . ) Three P . M . ' s then advanced bearing corn , wine , and oil , in silver tankards , which were presented to the AA . M . Each of the three emblems were strewed and poured over the stone , the action being accompanied by the following solemn ejaculation : —To the Great Architect ofthe Universe I now dedicate this corner stone ! To the Great Geometrician of the Universe , we
consecrate this stone ! In the namo of the Most Hi gh , we dedicate this foundation stone . ( Then , turning to the brethren ) May the all-righteous author of nature bless the inhabitants of this neighbourhood with all the necessaries , conveniences , and comforts of life ; assist in the erection and completion of this building ; protect the workmen against every accident ; long preserve the structure from decay ; and grant unto us all a plentiful supply of the corn of nourishment , the wine of refreshment , and the oil of joy . ( Then , to the spectators ) : Men , women , and children assembled here to-day to behold this ceremony , know all of you that wo bo lawful Masons ,
true and faithful to the laws of our country , and engaged by solemn obligations to erect magnificent buildings to be serviceable to the brethren , and to fear God , the Great Architect of the Universe ; that we have amongst us concealed from the eyes of all men secrets which cannot be divulged , and which never have been found out ; but that these secrets are lawful and honourable , and not repugnant to the laws of God or man . They were intrusted in peace ami honour to the Masons of
ancient times , and have been faithfully transmitted to us ; and it is our duty to convey them unimpaired to the latest posterity . Unless onr Craft were good and our calling honourable , we should not have lasted for so many centuries ; nor should we have been honoured with the patronage of so many illustrious men in all ages , who have ever shown themselves ready to promote our interests , and to defend us against all adversaries . \ A e are assembled here in the face of all to build a
you house for Masonry , wliich , we pray God , may deserve to prosper , by becoming a place of concourse for good men , and promoting harmony and brotherly love throughout the world till time shall be no more . " This concluded the ceremonial , when the procession re-formed , and returned to the lodge room at the Royal ; where , at a special lodge , a splendid decorated badge was
presented to the architect ; and cordial votes of thanks were accorded to the Rev . J . G . Rowe , for having at short notice opened the church , and ( in his unavoidable absence ) supplied the place of tho Prov . G . Chaplain ; and to Bro . Levy , of Sunderland , for his kind and efficient services as Dir . of Cers . The lodge closed , and
THE BANQUET at the " Royal Hotel" succeeded , served in Bro . ' Murray ' s most superb style , and partaken of by a company numbering about fifty brethren of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge and visiting brethren . The AA . M . presided , supported on tlie right by Bros . J . G . Thompson , AV . M . ; T . Nelson , P . M . of the Tees Lodgo , Stockton ; and on tho left hy Bros . J . Settle , P . M . of the Toes Lodge , Stockton , and Prov . G . Reg . of Durham ; B .
Levy , P . M . of the Palatine Lodge , Sunderland , and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Durham ; and J . Tilman , J . D . of the- AA ill ! amson Lodge , Sunderland . There were also present all the officers of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , named above , and Bros . J . Pearson , F . English , W . Conolley , W . Park , C . Pace , G . Barnes , W . Farrar , C . AVilmott , W . Reed , J . N . Pigg , J . Macdonald , and J . Johnson . Bros . J . Groves , AV . M . ; J . E . Holmes , S . AV . ; L . M . HillI . G . ; W . DonaldSecJ . P . AllenA . NathanG . Irvine
, , ; , , , and AV . Stokell , of the St . Helen ' s Lodge , Hartlepool ; R . AV . Halfnight , P . M . of the Williamson Lodge , Sunderland ; H . J . Hogan , of the Friendship Lodge ( No . 117 ); T . A . Scott , P . M . of the St . Magdalen's ( No . 100 ) , Scotland ; Jno . Bailey , Sec , and W . Banks , Restoration Ledge , Darlington ; W . Best , P . M ., Prov . J . G . AV . ofthe Tees Lodge , Stockton ; R . Burnett and AV . Robson , ofthe St . John's Lodge , Sunderland ; and T . IV . Hearon ,
of the Marquis of Granby Lodge , Durham , & c . The evening was passed with all that cordial conviviality and good fellowship for which the ancient fraternity are famous . The toasts given from the chair were "The Queen , " " The Rest of the Royal Family , " " The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AV . D . G .. M . ; " and "Bro . John Fawcett , R . AV . Prov . G . M . ; " interspersed with songs by Bros . AVilmott , Pace , Bird ,
Holmes , and Irvine . Then , " H . Fenwick , Esq ., M . P ., R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . G . Officers , " responded to by Bro . Settle , followed by a recitation by Bro . Donald ; " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " responded to by Bro . Cackett ; "The Bishop and Clergy , " "The Harbour of Refuge Lodge , " "Our Visiting Brethren" ( responded to by Bro . Nelson ) , "The AV . M ., " and "AU Poor and Distressed Masons . " Mirth , music , and song carried the proceedings forward to an advanced hour of the
evening . GATESHEAD . —Zodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —This lodge was opened by the AV . M ., Bro . AV . Boyden , assisted by the officers of the lodge . Bros . Robson , AVhitworth , and Jamison were passed to the second degree by the AV . M . Bro . A . Clapham , P . M ., explained the working tools . Bro . B . Bigger , ex-mayor of Gateshead , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the AA . M ., assisted bBro . 11 . J . BanningP . M . M . D . P . J . G . AV . A
geny , , , tleman was proposed for initiation . There was a good number of visitors present . Business of the lodge over , it was closed in solemn form . At refreshments , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given anil responded to in due course , and afterspending a very pleasant and profitable evening , the brethren separated , happy to meet again .
HAMPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GBAND LODOE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire assembled at St . John's House , Winchester , on Thursday , the 29 th September , Bro . Chailes Ewens Deacon , D . Prov . G . M ., P . G . S . D . of Englandpresided in the enforced absence of Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis ,
, Bart ., K . C . B ; Admiral of the Fleet , and was supported by Bros . W . AV . Beach , Jfi . P ., as D . Prov . G . M . ; J . AV . Fleming , M . P ., Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight ; Rankin Stebbing , AV . M . 76 , S . G . D . of England ; Douglas , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Naish , P . M . 76 , as Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . J . A . Wills , P . M . 309 , Prov . G . Chap . ; Heather , P . M . 257 , Prov . G . Treas . ; Alfred Smith , P . M . 76 ,
Prov . G . Reg . ; AV . Hickman , P . M . 555 , Prov . G . Sec ; H . Ford , P . M . 247 , as Prov . S . G . D . ; J . W . Lamb , P . M . 694 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Charles Sherry , P . M . 76 , as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Emery , P . M 342 , as Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Lieut . Cox , Prov . G . Purst ., and the Masters , Past Masters , and brethren of many lodges . Among the visitors we noticed Bro . Binckes , the indefatigable Secretary of the Boys' School , who in reality belougs to the province aud
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
StocTclon and Hartlepool Mercury , & c , and several coins of the realm . The principal officers of the Order at this date are : —• The Right . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . AV . G . M . of England ; the Right Hon . the Earl do Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M . of England ; J . Fawcett , R . W . Prov . G . M . ; Henry Fenwick , MP ., R . AV . Prov . G . M . The officers of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , 761 , at this date are : —Bros . George Kirk , W . M . ; Henrv Rank ,
P . M . ; William AVilkinson Brunton , S . AV . ; Richard Brigham HarpUy , S . AV . ; Francis John Cackett , Sec ; Joseph Bird , Treas . ; Jonathan Salmon , S . D . ; George Stephenson , S . D . ; W . Sadler , I . G . ; Matthew Mners , Tyler ; John Tilman , Prov . G . Architect ; Jonathan Johnson , Builder ; Benjamin Levy , Prov . 5 . Dir . of Cers ., P . Prov . S . G . D . Dated this 29 th day of Sep * - Member , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four , and in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Her 'Majesty Queen Victoria . "
A copy of the foregoing record was now also deposited in the cavity beneath the stone , together with the other articles mentioned therein . The AV . M . then touched the mortar with the point of his trowel , " emblematically spreading the same ; " again the band resumed its music ; and , in three distinct drops , the stone was lowered into its place . Then followed to the uninitiated the most mysterious and to all the most quaint and singular episode ofthe ceremonial . The W . M . ( to the J . W . ) Bro .
; Junior Warden , what is your emblem of office ?—J . AV . ( advancing ) : The plumb rule . —The AV . M .: What is its use?—J . AV .: To try and adjust all perpendiculars whilst placing upon their proper bases . — AV . M .-. Then please to prove this stone is perfectly upright . —Here the J . AA . applied his plumb rule in workmanlike manner , and replied that the stone was perpendicular . —Bro . Senior Warden was examined in like fashion , and
was then told to prove that the horizontal was perfectly level —which ho did ; and then the D . Prov . G . M . was similarly crossexamined as to his emblem ( the square ) , and gave ocular testimony to the rectangular accuracy of the stone . The W . M ., to whom at this point a handsome gilt mallet had just been presented , then said : " Having full confidence in your skill and in the royal art it only remains for me to complete the work . ( Then , striking the stone three times ) : In the name of the Most High , I pronounce this foundation stone duly laid as the
foundation stone of an edifice to be hereafter consecrated for the purposes of ancient Freemasonry ! ( Applause . ) Three P . M . ' s then advanced bearing corn , wine , and oil , in silver tankards , which were presented to the AA . M . Each of the three emblems were strewed and poured over the stone , the action being accompanied by the following solemn ejaculation : —To the Great Architect ofthe Universe I now dedicate this corner stone ! To the Great Geometrician of the Universe , we
consecrate this stone ! In the namo of the Most Hi gh , we dedicate this foundation stone . ( Then , turning to the brethren ) May the all-righteous author of nature bless the inhabitants of this neighbourhood with all the necessaries , conveniences , and comforts of life ; assist in the erection and completion of this building ; protect the workmen against every accident ; long preserve the structure from decay ; and grant unto us all a plentiful supply of the corn of nourishment , the wine of refreshment , and the oil of joy . ( Then , to the spectators ) : Men , women , and children assembled here to-day to behold this ceremony , know all of you that wo bo lawful Masons ,
true and faithful to the laws of our country , and engaged by solemn obligations to erect magnificent buildings to be serviceable to the brethren , and to fear God , the Great Architect of the Universe ; that we have amongst us concealed from the eyes of all men secrets which cannot be divulged , and which never have been found out ; but that these secrets are lawful and honourable , and not repugnant to the laws of God or man . They were intrusted in peace ami honour to the Masons of
ancient times , and have been faithfully transmitted to us ; and it is our duty to convey them unimpaired to the latest posterity . Unless onr Craft were good and our calling honourable , we should not have lasted for so many centuries ; nor should we have been honoured with the patronage of so many illustrious men in all ages , who have ever shown themselves ready to promote our interests , and to defend us against all adversaries . \ A e are assembled here in the face of all to build a
you house for Masonry , wliich , we pray God , may deserve to prosper , by becoming a place of concourse for good men , and promoting harmony and brotherly love throughout the world till time shall be no more . " This concluded the ceremonial , when the procession re-formed , and returned to the lodge room at the Royal ; where , at a special lodge , a splendid decorated badge was
presented to the architect ; and cordial votes of thanks were accorded to the Rev . J . G . Rowe , for having at short notice opened the church , and ( in his unavoidable absence ) supplied the place of tho Prov . G . Chaplain ; and to Bro . Levy , of Sunderland , for his kind and efficient services as Dir . of Cers . The lodge closed , and
THE BANQUET at the " Royal Hotel" succeeded , served in Bro . ' Murray ' s most superb style , and partaken of by a company numbering about fifty brethren of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge and visiting brethren . The AA . M . presided , supported on tlie right by Bros . J . G . Thompson , AV . M . ; T . Nelson , P . M . of the Tees Lodgo , Stockton ; and on tho left hy Bros . J . Settle , P . M . of the Toes Lodge , Stockton , and Prov . G . Reg . of Durham ; B .
Levy , P . M . of the Palatine Lodge , Sunderland , and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Durham ; and J . Tilman , J . D . of the- AA ill ! amson Lodge , Sunderland . There were also present all the officers of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , named above , and Bros . J . Pearson , F . English , W . Conolley , W . Park , C . Pace , G . Barnes , W . Farrar , C . AVilmott , W . Reed , J . N . Pigg , J . Macdonald , and J . Johnson . Bros . J . Groves , AV . M . ; J . E . Holmes , S . AV . ; L . M . HillI . G . ; W . DonaldSecJ . P . AllenA . NathanG . Irvine
, , ; , , , and AV . Stokell , of the St . Helen ' s Lodge , Hartlepool ; R . AV . Halfnight , P . M . of the Williamson Lodge , Sunderland ; H . J . Hogan , of the Friendship Lodge ( No . 117 ); T . A . Scott , P . M . of the St . Magdalen's ( No . 100 ) , Scotland ; Jno . Bailey , Sec , and W . Banks , Restoration Ledge , Darlington ; W . Best , P . M ., Prov . J . G . AV . ofthe Tees Lodge , Stockton ; R . Burnett and AV . Robson , ofthe St . John's Lodge , Sunderland ; and T . IV . Hearon ,
of the Marquis of Granby Lodge , Durham , & c . The evening was passed with all that cordial conviviality and good fellowship for which the ancient fraternity are famous . The toasts given from the chair were "The Queen , " " The Rest of the Royal Family , " " The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AV . D . G .. M . ; " and "Bro . John Fawcett , R . AV . Prov . G . M . ; " interspersed with songs by Bros . AVilmott , Pace , Bird ,
Holmes , and Irvine . Then , " H . Fenwick , Esq ., M . P ., R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . G . Officers , " responded to by Bro . Settle , followed by a recitation by Bro . Donald ; " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " responded to by Bro . Cackett ; "The Bishop and Clergy , " "The Harbour of Refuge Lodge , " "Our Visiting Brethren" ( responded to by Bro . Nelson ) , "The AV . M ., " and "AU Poor and Distressed Masons . " Mirth , music , and song carried the proceedings forward to an advanced hour of the
evening . GATESHEAD . —Zodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —This lodge was opened by the AV . M ., Bro . AV . Boyden , assisted by the officers of the lodge . Bros . Robson , AVhitworth , and Jamison were passed to the second degree by the AV . M . Bro . A . Clapham , P . M ., explained the working tools . Bro . B . Bigger , ex-mayor of Gateshead , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the AA . M ., assisted bBro . 11 . J . BanningP . M . M . D . P . J . G . AV . A
geny , , , tleman was proposed for initiation . There was a good number of visitors present . Business of the lodge over , it was closed in solemn form . At refreshments , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given anil responded to in due course , and afterspending a very pleasant and profitable evening , the brethren separated , happy to meet again .
HAMPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GBAND LODOE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire assembled at St . John's House , Winchester , on Thursday , the 29 th September , Bro . Chailes Ewens Deacon , D . Prov . G . M ., P . G . S . D . of Englandpresided in the enforced absence of Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis ,
, Bart ., K . C . B ; Admiral of the Fleet , and was supported by Bros . W . AV . Beach , Jfi . P ., as D . Prov . G . M . ; J . AV . Fleming , M . P ., Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight ; Rankin Stebbing , AV . M . 76 , S . G . D . of England ; Douglas , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Naish , P . M . 76 , as Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . J . A . Wills , P . M . 309 , Prov . G . Chap . ; Heather , P . M . 257 , Prov . G . Treas . ; Alfred Smith , P . M . 76 ,
Prov . G . Reg . ; AV . Hickman , P . M . 555 , Prov . G . Sec ; H . Ford , P . M . 247 , as Prov . S . G . D . ; J . W . Lamb , P . M . 694 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Charles Sherry , P . M . 76 , as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Emery , P . M 342 , as Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Lieut . Cox , Prov . G . Purst ., and the Masters , Past Masters , and brethren of many lodges . Among the visitors we noticed Bro . Binckes , the indefatigable Secretary of the Boys' School , who in reality belougs to the province aud