Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
POLAND . Titles . Instituted . St . Stanislaus , Benevolent . 1765 Water of Christ , Military . 1705 White Eagle , Military 1697 POETUOAL AND THE BRAZILS .
Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Tower and the Sword , Honorary ... 1459 Avis , Eecl . aud Military ... 1147 Christ , Eecl . and Military ... 1317 Civil Merit of St . James , Eecl . and Lay 1175 Cross of the South , Hon .,
instituted by Peter the First , about 1360 Military Merit , of St . Bento d'Avis , Eecl ., Civil , Mil ., and Lay 1162 Our Lady of the Conception of Villa Vacosn , Mil . aud Honorary 1818
Peter , an Order conferred on Sovereigns only Rose , Military and Civil ... 1829 Royal Order of St . Isabella , Honorary 1804 St . Elizabeth ( Royal Order ) for ladies , Benevolent and Social 1801 St . James , Eecl . and Mil .... 1310 St , Michael ' s Wing , Eecl . audMilitary 1165
PRUSSIA . African Architects , See . ... 1767 Black , or Prussian Eagle , Civil and Military 1701 Christ in Livonia , Eecl . and Military 1200 Concord , Mil . and Hon 1660 FavorHonorary
, Fools , Secular aud Noble ... 1380 Generosity , Benevolent 1085 Iron Cross , Military 1813 Louisa , for ladies , Honorary 1814 Military Merit . Military ... 1740 Red Eagle , Civil and Mil . 1712 St . John , Ecclesiastical ... 1812
ROME . Christ , an Order of Merit ... 1319 Golden Spur , Rel ., Civil , and Military 1559 Holy Ghost , Philanthropic and Religious 1198 Jesus Christ , Eecl . and Mil . 1320 Jesus and MaryEecl . and
, Mil 1615 Lorotto , Ecclesiastical 1587 Most Glorious Virgin Mary , Eecl . and Mil 1618 Pius , or Pios , Eecl . aud Mil . 1560 St . George , Military 1498 St . Mary the Glorious , Eecl . and Mil 1233
St . Paul , Military 1540 St . Peter , Military 1520 The Reel , or the Lioness , Military
RUSSIA . St . Alexander NewsM , Eecl . and Mil 1722 St . Andrew * , an Order of Merit 1698 St . Anne , an Order of Merit 1735 St . Catherine , for ladies , Benevolent 1714
St . George , Military 1769 St . Vladimir , an Order of Merit 1782 Warfare of Christ , Mil . ... 1325
Titles . Instituted . SARDINIA . Annunciation , in Savoy , Military 1362 Mauritians , in Savoy , Mil . St . Maurice , of Savoy , Eecl . and Mil 1434 StMam-ice aud St . Lazarus
. , Military 1572 Savoy , Military 1815 Savoy , an Order of Merit ... 1831 Sword of Cyprus , an Order of Nobility 1195
SAXE-WEIMER-EISENACHGRA . ID DUCHY OV , Vigilance , or White Falcon Hon 1732 SAXONY . Civil MeritHonorary 1815
, Noble Passion , Military and Philanthropic ' . 1704 Rue Crown , Honorary 1807 St , Henry , Military 1736 Sincerity , Mil . aud Amicable 1 C 90
SCOTLAND , St . Andrew , or the Thistle , Eecl . and Military , 809 ; first renewal , 1452 ; second , by James VI 1605 Thistle , Military , instituted 812 ; revived 1540
THE TTVO SICILIES . Constantino , Eecl . and Mil ., instituted 1734 ; abolished 1806 ; revived 1814 Francis the First , Civil and Military 1829 St . Ferdinand , an Order of Merit 1799
St . George of the Reunion , Military 1819 St . Januarius , an Order of Nobility 1738
SPAIN . Alcantara , Eecl . and Mil . 1160 Band , or Scarf , Secular and Military : 1330 Burgundian Cross , at Tunis , Hon . and Mil 1535 Calatrava , Eecl . andMil .... 1158 Calatrnvafor ladiesRel .... 1219
, , Charles the Third , an Order of Merit for the -Nobility 1771 De la Banda , in Castile , Hon . audMilitary 1332 De la Scama , in Castile , Military 1320 Dove , Hon . and Mil 1379 Golden Fleece , Eecl . and
Military 1429 Lady of Mercy , at Aragon , for both sexes , Phil 1218 Lily , or Lilies , at Aragon , Military 1403 Maria Louisa , for ladies of noble birth , Honorary ... 1792 Maria Theresa , for ladies ,
Benevolent 1792 Montesa , Eecl . and Mil ., about 1330 Oak , of Navarre , Eecl . and Mil ., 722 Ordre de la Scama , Mil . ... 1420 Our Lady and St . George of Montesat , Eecl . and Military 1317 Rosary of Toledo , Eecl . and Mil 1212
Titles . Instituted . San Fernando , Hon . and Mil 1811 St . George D'Alfama , Mil . 1201 St . Hermenogilde , Mil . and Naval 1814 St . Isabella the Catholic , Eecl . andMil .. 1815
St . James of Compostelia , Eecl . and Mil ., about 837 St . James in Galicia , or Santiago , Eecl . and Mil 1100 St . James , for ladies , Rel . 1312 St . Julian de Pcreyro , Eecl . andMil 1176 St , Mary of the Lily , of
Navarre , Eecl . and Mil . 1048 St . Saviour , at Aragon , Mil . 1118 Trinitarians , Eecl . and Mil . 1594 Truxillo , Mil ., about 1220
SWEDEN . Amaranta , Honorary 1 G 45 Brioian , Phil , aud Hos 136 G Charles theThirteenth . Ben . 1811 Lamb of God , Rel . aud Honorary 1564 Pol .-ir Star , an Order of Merit , verv ancient ; revived " 1748 Saviour of the AVorld , Rel . 1561
Titles . Instituted . Seraphim , an Order of Nobility 1280 * Sword , Military 1525 Vasa , an Order of Merit ... 1772 . SWITZERLAND . Bear , the , Ecol . and Mil ....
1213-TUSCANY—GEAND DUCHY OP . St . Joseph , Eecl . and Hon . 1807 St . Stephen , Eecl . and Mil . 1561 . White Cross , Military 1814 ^ VENICE . De la Calza , Honorary 1400
Golden Stole , Hon ., and au Order of Nobility ¦ St . George , Mil . and Hon . 1200 St . Mark , Honorary 828
WUBTEMDUEO . Chace , Sec . and Hon 1702 . Crown , an Order of Merit and Nobility 1818 Death's Head , for both sexes , an Order of Merit 1652 Frederick , an Orderof Merit 1830 Military Merit , Honorary 1799 St . Charles , Mil . and Hon . 1759 Teste Morte , Military 1053
PHILO JUDiEUS . "LL . D ., " who supplies that most interesting quotation from " Philo Judtmis" in the last number of the MAGAZINE , would confer a very great favour on many a Masonic student if he would also kindly give in some future communication to " Masonic
Notes and Queries" a reference to the passage in the original or in the translation . The verification of quotations is one of the greatest trials to every Masonic student , and those who are careful enough and considerate enough to give them , deserve the best thanks of all , like myself , who occasionally devote a spare hour to the study of Masonic history andantiquity . —EBOE , October 4 , 1864 .
TTLERS AS COOKS . I was made in a lodge in Scotland many years ago , It was the custom then for lodges to meet in various places and to banquet at their meeting room . The latter was furnished thus . Before the lodge met , the Tyler jwocured all the necessary refreshments and put
them , uncooked , in the ante-room . When the lodge was called off , the Tyler was called in , locked the door , and set to Avork to cook the steaks , chops , haggis , toasted cheese , & c , and serve round the whiskey . In such a case , I need not say , a Tyler who was a good cook was a great prize . Is there such a custom in any London lodge , and if so where ?—A . tf .
MASONIC TOBACCO-PIPES . Whose are the best designs for Masonic tobaccopipes ?—PUIT . —[ We don't know . A friend brought us a most elaborately decorated emblematic clay from France , but as it weighs over three ounces it is not very useful . Such English made pipes as we have seen are poor paltry affairs . ]
EAELY EBEEMASOSTS . Where can I find any references to the early Freemasons—those existing before the year 1600 ?—P . L . [ Consult Chaucer , Grower , Spenser , Ealeigb , Millet ' s Sistoire des Troubadours , Browne ' s Fasciculus Serum , sub voce ; Wickliffe , James Acontius , Jean Le ' ger ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
POLAND . Titles . Instituted . St . Stanislaus , Benevolent . 1765 Water of Christ , Military . 1705 White Eagle , Military 1697 POETUOAL AND THE BRAZILS .
Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Tower and the Sword , Honorary ... 1459 Avis , Eecl . aud Military ... 1147 Christ , Eecl . and Military ... 1317 Civil Merit of St . James , Eecl . and Lay 1175 Cross of the South , Hon .,
instituted by Peter the First , about 1360 Military Merit , of St . Bento d'Avis , Eecl ., Civil , Mil ., and Lay 1162 Our Lady of the Conception of Villa Vacosn , Mil . aud Honorary 1818
Peter , an Order conferred on Sovereigns only Rose , Military and Civil ... 1829 Royal Order of St . Isabella , Honorary 1804 St . Elizabeth ( Royal Order ) for ladies , Benevolent and Social 1801 St . James , Eecl . and Mil .... 1310 St , Michael ' s Wing , Eecl . audMilitary 1165
PRUSSIA . African Architects , See . ... 1767 Black , or Prussian Eagle , Civil and Military 1701 Christ in Livonia , Eecl . and Military 1200 Concord , Mil . and Hon 1660 FavorHonorary
, Fools , Secular aud Noble ... 1380 Generosity , Benevolent 1085 Iron Cross , Military 1813 Louisa , for ladies , Honorary 1814 Military Merit . Military ... 1740 Red Eagle , Civil and Mil . 1712 St . John , Ecclesiastical ... 1812
ROME . Christ , an Order of Merit ... 1319 Golden Spur , Rel ., Civil , and Military 1559 Holy Ghost , Philanthropic and Religious 1198 Jesus Christ , Eecl . and Mil . 1320 Jesus and MaryEecl . and
, Mil 1615 Lorotto , Ecclesiastical 1587 Most Glorious Virgin Mary , Eecl . and Mil 1618 Pius , or Pios , Eecl . aud Mil . 1560 St . George , Military 1498 St . Mary the Glorious , Eecl . and Mil 1233
St . Paul , Military 1540 St . Peter , Military 1520 The Reel , or the Lioness , Military
RUSSIA . St . Alexander NewsM , Eecl . and Mil 1722 St . Andrew * , an Order of Merit 1698 St . Anne , an Order of Merit 1735 St . Catherine , for ladies , Benevolent 1714
St . George , Military 1769 St . Vladimir , an Order of Merit 1782 Warfare of Christ , Mil . ... 1325
Titles . Instituted . SARDINIA . Annunciation , in Savoy , Military 1362 Mauritians , in Savoy , Mil . St . Maurice , of Savoy , Eecl . and Mil 1434 StMam-ice aud St . Lazarus
. , Military 1572 Savoy , Military 1815 Savoy , an Order of Merit ... 1831 Sword of Cyprus , an Order of Nobility 1195
SAXE-WEIMER-EISENACHGRA . ID DUCHY OV , Vigilance , or White Falcon Hon 1732 SAXONY . Civil MeritHonorary 1815
, Noble Passion , Military and Philanthropic ' . 1704 Rue Crown , Honorary 1807 St , Henry , Military 1736 Sincerity , Mil . aud Amicable 1 C 90
SCOTLAND , St . Andrew , or the Thistle , Eecl . and Military , 809 ; first renewal , 1452 ; second , by James VI 1605 Thistle , Military , instituted 812 ; revived 1540
THE TTVO SICILIES . Constantino , Eecl . and Mil ., instituted 1734 ; abolished 1806 ; revived 1814 Francis the First , Civil and Military 1829 St . Ferdinand , an Order of Merit 1799
St . George of the Reunion , Military 1819 St . Januarius , an Order of Nobility 1738
SPAIN . Alcantara , Eecl . and Mil . 1160 Band , or Scarf , Secular and Military : 1330 Burgundian Cross , at Tunis , Hon . and Mil 1535 Calatrava , Eecl . andMil .... 1158 Calatrnvafor ladiesRel .... 1219
, , Charles the Third , an Order of Merit for the -Nobility 1771 De la Banda , in Castile , Hon . audMilitary 1332 De la Scama , in Castile , Military 1320 Dove , Hon . and Mil 1379 Golden Fleece , Eecl . and
Military 1429 Lady of Mercy , at Aragon , for both sexes , Phil 1218 Lily , or Lilies , at Aragon , Military 1403 Maria Louisa , for ladies of noble birth , Honorary ... 1792 Maria Theresa , for ladies ,
Benevolent 1792 Montesa , Eecl . and Mil ., about 1330 Oak , of Navarre , Eecl . and Mil ., 722 Ordre de la Scama , Mil . ... 1420 Our Lady and St . George of Montesat , Eecl . and Military 1317 Rosary of Toledo , Eecl . and Mil 1212
Titles . Instituted . San Fernando , Hon . and Mil 1811 St . George D'Alfama , Mil . 1201 St . Hermenogilde , Mil . and Naval 1814 St . Isabella the Catholic , Eecl . andMil .. 1815
St . James of Compostelia , Eecl . and Mil ., about 837 St . James in Galicia , or Santiago , Eecl . and Mil 1100 St . James , for ladies , Rel . 1312 St . Julian de Pcreyro , Eecl . andMil 1176 St , Mary of the Lily , of
Navarre , Eecl . and Mil . 1048 St . Saviour , at Aragon , Mil . 1118 Trinitarians , Eecl . and Mil . 1594 Truxillo , Mil ., about 1220
SWEDEN . Amaranta , Honorary 1 G 45 Brioian , Phil , aud Hos 136 G Charles theThirteenth . Ben . 1811 Lamb of God , Rel . aud Honorary 1564 Pol .-ir Star , an Order of Merit , verv ancient ; revived " 1748 Saviour of the AVorld , Rel . 1561
Titles . Instituted . Seraphim , an Order of Nobility 1280 * Sword , Military 1525 Vasa , an Order of Merit ... 1772 . SWITZERLAND . Bear , the , Ecol . and Mil ....
1213-TUSCANY—GEAND DUCHY OP . St . Joseph , Eecl . and Hon . 1807 St . Stephen , Eecl . and Mil . 1561 . White Cross , Military 1814 ^ VENICE . De la Calza , Honorary 1400
Golden Stole , Hon ., and au Order of Nobility ¦ St . George , Mil . and Hon . 1200 St . Mark , Honorary 828
WUBTEMDUEO . Chace , Sec . and Hon 1702 . Crown , an Order of Merit and Nobility 1818 Death's Head , for both sexes , an Order of Merit 1652 Frederick , an Orderof Merit 1830 Military Merit , Honorary 1799 St . Charles , Mil . and Hon . 1759 Teste Morte , Military 1053
PHILO JUDiEUS . "LL . D ., " who supplies that most interesting quotation from " Philo Judtmis" in the last number of the MAGAZINE , would confer a very great favour on many a Masonic student if he would also kindly give in some future communication to " Masonic
Notes and Queries" a reference to the passage in the original or in the translation . The verification of quotations is one of the greatest trials to every Masonic student , and those who are careful enough and considerate enough to give them , deserve the best thanks of all , like myself , who occasionally devote a spare hour to the study of Masonic history andantiquity . —EBOE , October 4 , 1864 .
TTLERS AS COOKS . I was made in a lodge in Scotland many years ago , It was the custom then for lodges to meet in various places and to banquet at their meeting room . The latter was furnished thus . Before the lodge met , the Tyler jwocured all the necessary refreshments and put
them , uncooked , in the ante-room . When the lodge was called off , the Tyler was called in , locked the door , and set to Avork to cook the steaks , chops , haggis , toasted cheese , & c , and serve round the whiskey . In such a case , I need not say , a Tyler who was a good cook was a great prize . Is there such a custom in any London lodge , and if so where ?—A . tf .
MASONIC TOBACCO-PIPES . Whose are the best designs for Masonic tobaccopipes ?—PUIT . —[ We don't know . A friend brought us a most elaborately decorated emblematic clay from France , but as it weighs over three ounces it is not very useful . Such English made pipes as we have seen are poor paltry affairs . ]
EAELY EBEEMASOSTS . Where can I find any references to the early Freemasons—those existing before the year 1600 ?—P . L . [ Consult Chaucer , Grower , Spenser , Ealeigb , Millet ' s Sistoire des Troubadours , Browne ' s Fasciculus Serum , sub voce ; Wickliffe , James Acontius , Jean Le ' ger ,