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LANCASHIRE WEST . WARRINGTON . —lodge of ZigUs ( No . 148 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 26 th ult ., Bros . John Bowes , AV . M . ; Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., S . W . ; Charles Pettitt , J . W . and Sec . ; II . B . AVhite , P . M . and Treas . ; W . AVoods , S . D . ; W . Athern , I . G . ; and other members and visitors attending . The minutes of the preceding meeting being duly confirmed
, the most prominent event of the present meeting then ensued , namely , the presentation to this lodge , by Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., the Senior AA arden , of a large and very valuable landscape oil painting , the work of Bro . Charles Pettitt , J . AV . and Sec , painted on the commission and at the expense of Bro . Greenall , expressly for the ornamentation of this lodge , the gratification of its members , and as a pleasing souvenir of Bro . Pettitt ' s
membership . Several resolutions were duly passed , warmly thanking Bro . Greenall for his munificent liberality , and ordering the full details and circumstances oi the presentation to be recorded on the minutes . Bro . Albert Latham was then duly and regularly passed to the F . C . degree hy the W . M ., Bro . Pettitt , J . W ., & c , officiating as S . D . The E . A . Lodge being resumed , Bro . H . B . White , P . M ., & c , read a petition and showed a design ( both drawn and designed by himself ) to be submitted to the M . W . G . M .,
praying his sanction to the said design and his warrant to authorise the brethren of this lodge to wear a jewel in accordance therewith , in commemoration of the centenary of this lodge . Nearly every brother present having signed the petition , it was directed to be forwarded to the M . AV . G . M . A petition to the Board of Benevolence was signed by the officers and brethren on behalf of an aged former member . 'Cue lodge was duly closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Lion Hotel for refreshments .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-OU-TSNE . —Zodge of Instruction acting under warrant from Lodge No . 24 . —This flourishing lodge of instruction was opened by Bro . A . Clapham , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., assisted by Bros . ilugal , as S . W . ; Fulsham , as J . W ., and the rest of the officers ; Bro . Lambton acting as Sec , iu the absence of Bro . 11 . J . Banning , M . D ., P . M ., Prov . G . W . for Durham ,
who was elected as lecture master at tho last meeting , and , professional duties preventing his attendance , it was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., P . G . Sword Bearer of England , be pleased to act as lecture master for the evening , which was at once accepted by him . Bro . Banister being desirous to see the working of tho young members , solicited a volunteer to give the third degree , responded to by Bro . FulshamBro . Greaves acting as a
candi-, date . Bro . Hervey , of the Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 73 ) , acted as S . D . All the officers were complimented by the lecture master , who explained the difference in some parts of the working from differents parts of the country and in London , and expressed a hope that some day the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland would come to one uniform mode of working . The lodgo was closed at 9 . 15 .
LIMERICK . The quarterly dinner of Lodge 73 was held on Thursday , evening , September 29 th , at the lodge-rooms , Cecil-street . The following brethren were present—Bros . Capt . Burke , W . M . ( acting ); Horrell , S . W . ; Moore , J . W . ; Manning , S . D . ; Adams , J . D . ; Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; Bassett , P . M ., Sec . ; Trousdell , P . M . ; M'Quaide , P . M . ; AV . Glover , P . M . ; Thos . Glover , P . M . ;
Bigley , P . M . ; O'Donnell , Bouchier , Wallace , Martin , Ferguson . Visiting brethren : Bros . M'Cormack , 620 , Dublin ; Williams , 3 , Doric , P . M . ; Bevnal , P . M . 202 , Newcastle ; Perrse ; and Smyth , P . M . 333 , Limerick . The dinner was excellent , and gave general satisfaction to all the brethren present , and certainly did Bro . Moore , J . AV ., much credit for his judicious catering . The cloth having been removed
, The AV . MASTER called on the brethren to fill their glasses , as he intended giving " The Health of her gracious Majesty the Queen , " which was enthusiastically received by the brethren . The next toast given was " The Prince aud Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which was well received .
3 The next toast was " The three Grand Masters—the Earl of Zetland , for England , the Duke of Leinster , for Ireland , and the Scottish Grand Master . " These exalted brethren were duly saluted according to their high rank . The W . MASTER then called on the brethren to charge in the west , south , and east , and said—I am sure , brethren , you will receive the toast I air . now going to propose with every possible
respect when I mention the name of our " Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Henry AVestroop . " It is I am sure one that you will respond to as Masons , and give our worthy Prov . Grand Master's toast a bumper . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) The toast was warmly received with all the honours . Bros . PEACOCKE and M'QUAIDE , P . M . ' S , Provincial Grand Officersreturned thanks on behalf of the Provincial Grand
, Lodge . The AV . MASTER again rose and said—It is my intention to propose the health of an old and highly esteemed member of our Order . I mean our illustrious ex-Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Michael Furnell . I am sure , brethren , you will receive it in the manner he so eminently deserves by this lodge of which he is a member . The toast received all the honours amidst
cheering . The AA . MASTER next gave "Our newly-initiated Bro . Martin , " which was cordially received . Bro . MARTIN said—As the youngest Mason present I cannot be expected to malie a Masonic spaedi . From what I have seen of Masonry it only wants to be known to be admired . I am sure as I progress I shall like it even better . I have to thank
the brethren who proposed me , especially Bro . M'Quaide ' Brethren , I can only say I thank you for having admitted m a member of your honourable society , and shall do my utmost to merit your approval . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . GLOVER , P . M ., asked permission of the chair to propose a toast , which was granted . He proposed " The Health of the W . Master presiding , " which was most enthusiastically received .
The W . MASTER rose and said—Bi-o . Senior Warden , Bro . Junior Warden , and brethren , I feel the compliment paid me by this lodge , and the warm manner in which my health has been received . I much regret the cause that has hindered our esteemed AVorshipful Master from taking the chair this evening . He has requested me to take his place , which I do with pleasure . Believe me , brethren , it is my wish that the Order of
Freemasonry may flourish all over the world . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Burke , AV . M ., took his seat amidst much applause . Bro . TROUSDEM having received permission from the chair , proposed ' •The Health of the AV . M ., Bro . Langley , " and dwelt much ou his Masonic virtues , hoping that he would soon resume his duties , important , no doubt , in presiding over one of the most flourishing lodges iu Ireland . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) The toast was received with all the honours .
" The Health of the Visiting Brethren" was then given . Bro . BERNAI , , P . M ., said—As the oldest Past Master here , there is no doubt but the brethren will admit that I have served a just and lawful apprenticeship to the Order —( hear hear)—and I have no cause to regret my apprenticeship Several brilliant members of Lodge 73 have been initiated by me , who , I must say , have acquitted themselves to my entire
satisfaction , and are now Past Masters themselves . No . 73 is a lodge to be respected and admired , having a great portion of the true elements of Masonry attached to it . I thank you sincerely , brethren , forthe kindness . evinced by you in drinking my health as a visitor , yet I shall always consider myself as a member of your lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . AA iLMAM 3 ( No . 3 , Cork ) , being called on , rose and
said—I will not fail to mention to my lodge the kind manner I was received in 73 . Brethren , if any of you come to Cork we will do all in our power to make you comfortable and happy . ( Cheers and laughter . ) It is the first time I have entered a lodge in Limerick , and am happy to find things go on here similar to that of Cork . Brethren , I again thank your for coupling my name with the toast of " The Visiting Brethren . "
Bro . M'CoitMACK , of No . 620 , Dublin , rose on behalf of his lodge , and said—Worshipful Master , Senior Warden , Junior Warden , and brethren , I feel very much indebted to your for the kind and fraternal manner in which my name in connection with the visiting brethren , has been proposed by your excellent i Worshipful Master , and received by the brethren present .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LANCASHIRE WEST . WARRINGTON . —lodge of ZigUs ( No . 148 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 26 th ult ., Bros . John Bowes , AV . M . ; Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., S . W . ; Charles Pettitt , J . W . and Sec . ; II . B . AVhite , P . M . and Treas . ; W . AVoods , S . D . ; W . Athern , I . G . ; and other members and visitors attending . The minutes of the preceding meeting being duly confirmed
, the most prominent event of the present meeting then ensued , namely , the presentation to this lodge , by Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., the Senior AA arden , of a large and very valuable landscape oil painting , the work of Bro . Charles Pettitt , J . AV . and Sec , painted on the commission and at the expense of Bro . Greenall , expressly for the ornamentation of this lodge , the gratification of its members , and as a pleasing souvenir of Bro . Pettitt ' s
membership . Several resolutions were duly passed , warmly thanking Bro . Greenall for his munificent liberality , and ordering the full details and circumstances oi the presentation to be recorded on the minutes . Bro . Albert Latham was then duly and regularly passed to the F . C . degree hy the W . M ., Bro . Pettitt , J . W ., & c , officiating as S . D . The E . A . Lodge being resumed , Bro . H . B . White , P . M ., & c , read a petition and showed a design ( both drawn and designed by himself ) to be submitted to the M . W . G . M .,
praying his sanction to the said design and his warrant to authorise the brethren of this lodge to wear a jewel in accordance therewith , in commemoration of the centenary of this lodge . Nearly every brother present having signed the petition , it was directed to be forwarded to the M . AV . G . M . A petition to the Board of Benevolence was signed by the officers and brethren on behalf of an aged former member . 'Cue lodge was duly closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Lion Hotel for refreshments .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-OU-TSNE . —Zodge of Instruction acting under warrant from Lodge No . 24 . —This flourishing lodge of instruction was opened by Bro . A . Clapham , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., assisted by Bros . ilugal , as S . W . ; Fulsham , as J . W ., and the rest of the officers ; Bro . Lambton acting as Sec , iu the absence of Bro . 11 . J . Banning , M . D ., P . M ., Prov . G . W . for Durham ,
who was elected as lecture master at tho last meeting , and , professional duties preventing his attendance , it was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., P . G . Sword Bearer of England , be pleased to act as lecture master for the evening , which was at once accepted by him . Bro . Banister being desirous to see the working of tho young members , solicited a volunteer to give the third degree , responded to by Bro . FulshamBro . Greaves acting as a
candi-, date . Bro . Hervey , of the Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 73 ) , acted as S . D . All the officers were complimented by the lecture master , who explained the difference in some parts of the working from differents parts of the country and in London , and expressed a hope that some day the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland would come to one uniform mode of working . The lodgo was closed at 9 . 15 .
LIMERICK . The quarterly dinner of Lodge 73 was held on Thursday , evening , September 29 th , at the lodge-rooms , Cecil-street . The following brethren were present—Bros . Capt . Burke , W . M . ( acting ); Horrell , S . W . ; Moore , J . W . ; Manning , S . D . ; Adams , J . D . ; Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; Bassett , P . M ., Sec . ; Trousdell , P . M . ; M'Quaide , P . M . ; AV . Glover , P . M . ; Thos . Glover , P . M . ;
Bigley , P . M . ; O'Donnell , Bouchier , Wallace , Martin , Ferguson . Visiting brethren : Bros . M'Cormack , 620 , Dublin ; Williams , 3 , Doric , P . M . ; Bevnal , P . M . 202 , Newcastle ; Perrse ; and Smyth , P . M . 333 , Limerick . The dinner was excellent , and gave general satisfaction to all the brethren present , and certainly did Bro . Moore , J . AV ., much credit for his judicious catering . The cloth having been removed
, The AV . MASTER called on the brethren to fill their glasses , as he intended giving " The Health of her gracious Majesty the Queen , " which was enthusiastically received by the brethren . The next toast given was " The Prince aud Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which was well received .
3 The next toast was " The three Grand Masters—the Earl of Zetland , for England , the Duke of Leinster , for Ireland , and the Scottish Grand Master . " These exalted brethren were duly saluted according to their high rank . The W . MASTER then called on the brethren to charge in the west , south , and east , and said—I am sure , brethren , you will receive the toast I air . now going to propose with every possible
respect when I mention the name of our " Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Henry AVestroop . " It is I am sure one that you will respond to as Masons , and give our worthy Prov . Grand Master's toast a bumper . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) The toast was warmly received with all the honours . Bros . PEACOCKE and M'QUAIDE , P . M . ' S , Provincial Grand Officersreturned thanks on behalf of the Provincial Grand
, Lodge . The AV . MASTER again rose and said—It is my intention to propose the health of an old and highly esteemed member of our Order . I mean our illustrious ex-Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Michael Furnell . I am sure , brethren , you will receive it in the manner he so eminently deserves by this lodge of which he is a member . The toast received all the honours amidst
cheering . The AA . MASTER next gave "Our newly-initiated Bro . Martin , " which was cordially received . Bro . MARTIN said—As the youngest Mason present I cannot be expected to malie a Masonic spaedi . From what I have seen of Masonry it only wants to be known to be admired . I am sure as I progress I shall like it even better . I have to thank
the brethren who proposed me , especially Bro . M'Quaide ' Brethren , I can only say I thank you for having admitted m a member of your honourable society , and shall do my utmost to merit your approval . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . GLOVER , P . M ., asked permission of the chair to propose a toast , which was granted . He proposed " The Health of the W . Master presiding , " which was most enthusiastically received .
The W . MASTER rose and said—Bi-o . Senior Warden , Bro . Junior Warden , and brethren , I feel the compliment paid me by this lodge , and the warm manner in which my health has been received . I much regret the cause that has hindered our esteemed AVorshipful Master from taking the chair this evening . He has requested me to take his place , which I do with pleasure . Believe me , brethren , it is my wish that the Order of
Freemasonry may flourish all over the world . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Burke , AV . M ., took his seat amidst much applause . Bro . TROUSDEM having received permission from the chair , proposed ' •The Health of the AV . M ., Bro . Langley , " and dwelt much ou his Masonic virtues , hoping that he would soon resume his duties , important , no doubt , in presiding over one of the most flourishing lodges iu Ireland . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) The toast was received with all the honours .
" The Health of the Visiting Brethren" was then given . Bro . BERNAI , , P . M ., said—As the oldest Past Master here , there is no doubt but the brethren will admit that I have served a just and lawful apprenticeship to the Order —( hear hear)—and I have no cause to regret my apprenticeship Several brilliant members of Lodge 73 have been initiated by me , who , I must say , have acquitted themselves to my entire
satisfaction , and are now Past Masters themselves . No . 73 is a lodge to be respected and admired , having a great portion of the true elements of Masonry attached to it . I thank you sincerely , brethren , forthe kindness . evinced by you in drinking my health as a visitor , yet I shall always consider myself as a member of your lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . AA iLMAM 3 ( No . 3 , Cork ) , being called on , rose and
said—I will not fail to mention to my lodge the kind manner I was received in 73 . Brethren , if any of you come to Cork we will do all in our power to make you comfortable and happy . ( Cheers and laughter . ) It is the first time I have entered a lodge in Limerick , and am happy to find things go on here similar to that of Cork . Brethren , I again thank your for coupling my name with the toast of " The Visiting Brethren . "
Bro . M'CoitMACK , of No . 620 , Dublin , rose on behalf of his lodge , and said—Worshipful Master , Senior Warden , Junior Warden , and brethren , I feel very much indebted to your for the kind and fraternal manner in which my name in connection with the visiting brethren , has been proposed by your excellent i Worshipful Master , and received by the brethren present .