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very old and tried friend of Masonry , and to him is mainly indebted the existence of and certainly the good working of the lodge . Bro . John Macey was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer , the brethren again feeling so satisfied with the very efficient manner he had filled that office for the last two years . The brethren then took into their consideration the petition of Bro . Miller ( late of the Queen ' s Bench prison ) , to the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be placed on their list of candidates .
After hearing the correspondence , which the Secretary had had on the matter it was ordered that Bro . Miller ' s arrears to Grand Lodge should be paid to qualify him , and the petition was recommended . The lodge heing closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at Bro . Bayly's , where they were joined by some of their wives , daughters and sons . The evening was spent in a very pleasant social manner , every one feeling thoroughly satisfied with jail the arrangements , and at an early hour , the party broke up .
KENT , CHA . 1 KA 3 L — Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . — The regular meeting of this ancient lodge was held at the Sun Hotel , on Monday , the 29 th December , to instal the W . M . elect , Bro . W . Solomon , the late S . W ., and for general business of the lodge . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Cooley . The W . M . appointed his officers in the following order : —Bros . Sly , S . W . ; Mudd , J . W . ; Bradley , S . D . ; Kaffee , J . D . ; Thos . Everist , I . G . ;
Burfield , Steward . Mr . Willis the respected proprietor of the house was then ballotted for and accepted . The W . M . proceeded to initiate him into the mysteries of the Craft , which was done in a most effective manner . The brethren unanimously agreed to present to the immediate P . M ., Bro . George Arthur Everist , a testimonial in token of their appreciation of his services to the lodge for the past year , ' as well as for his attention and well working in the lodge during his Mastership . A sum was
voted from the lodge funds , the remainder was supplied by personal subscription among the members . By-the-bye Bro . Everist is about to leave his native land , to take an excellent appointment at Para . ' The brethren in taking leave of him , wished him prosperity , and hoped he would be able to disseminate Masonry in his newly adopted country ( he being an excellent working Mason ) . The business of the lodge being completed about forty of tbe brethren sat down to an excellent banquet ,
supplied hy the worthy host , Bro . Willis . Several visitors were in attendance . Our worthy ancl venerable P . Prov . D . G . M ., Bro . Ashley , was there in his usual health and spirits . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , enlivened by the singing of some very excellent songs by Bros . Ashley , Thos . Everist , Mudd , Sly , Ibbetson , and others , and a most pleasant and convivial evening was spent . During the past year this lodge has sustained two great lossesone by Bro . Chas . IssacsP . M .,
very , , the late Prov . G . Sec , who has removed to Germany ; the other who has been removed by the hand of the great leveller , Death , Bro . W . Saunders , P . M „ and the late Prov . G . Treas . They were two very efficient members of this lodge , and for very many years eminently useful and attentive to their duties in their Provincial offices .
ASHEOKD . —Invicla Lodge ( So . 1011 ) . —The first monthly meeting under the presidency of Bro . R . C . May , took place on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., when the lodge was duly opened with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . Eastes read a synopsis of the financial statement for the half-year ending December 31 st , 1862 , and proposed that paragraphs 3 and 8 in the book of by-laws be amended— " That the annual contributions to the fund of the
loclge shall in future be twenty-four shillings from each member , exclusive of two shillings for the Fund of Benevolence , two shillings to the Fund for Aged ancl Decayed Masons , and two shillings to the Provincial Grand Lodge . That the initiation fee shall be seven guineas ; a brother joining the lodge , two guineas ; a brother receiving the second degree shall pay one pound , and being raised to the third degree two pounds . " Bro .
B . Thorpe seconded this resolution , and it was carried . Bros . Thorpe and Willoughby presented themselves to be passed to the second degree . The ceremonies were performed by Bros . Thorpe and Greenhill , P . M . ' s A ballot was taken for Mr . Blewitt , of Essex , which proved unanimous , aud he was initiated by the W . M . in a most solemn and impressive manner into the ancient mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Lieut . Davis , M . N ., was proposed as a joining member , and the lodge was closed .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) ROCHDALE . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 62 ) . —On Wednesdcy , the 31 sfc ult ., Bro . Sam Jackson was installed Master of the lodge , in the lodge-room , Spread Eagle Inn , Cheetham-street . The new W . M . appointed the ' following as his officers : —Bros . J . Leach , S . W . ; William Davis , J . W . ; James Harding , Treas . ; Edward Clegg , Sec ; Edward Hay , S . D . ; James Hadfield , J . D . ; James Tomlinson , I . G . ; John Cheetham , Tyler . Sixty-two brethren subsequently sat down to a sumptuous banquet
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WABBINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 173 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Blackburn Arms Hotel , on Monday , December 29 th 1862 , Bro . James Houghton , P . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened in form in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular lodge were unanimously confirmed . The Secretary read a letter from a distressed brotheracknowleding the receit of relief granted at the last
, g p lodge . Bro . Charles Pettitt was then balloted for asa joining member . Bro . Woods , having given satisfactory evidence of his proficiency in the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . elect ., Bro . H . B . White , who officiated , standing on the left of the Master ' s chair . The lodge having been closed in the F . C . degree , Bro . Joseph Robinson was re-elected TlerA gentleman was proposed as a fit and proper person to
y . be made a Mason . Bro . Houghton now vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Maxfield , P . M . A case of distress was laid before the lodge and discussed . One of the brethren drew attention to the desirability of changing the night of meeting to one more generally convenient , and it was arranged that he should give notice of motion to that effect on the morrow . The lodge was now closed and adjourned till 2 o ' clock on the
morrow , for the further despatch of business and the celebration of the Annual Festival . On Tuesday , December 30 th , 1862 , the loclge was held by adjournment from the preceding evening , at the Blackburn Arras Hotel . Present : —Bro . Thomas Wylie , Prov . G . Sec , as W . M . Members : Bros . James Houghton , P . M . ; Joseph Maxfield , P . M . ; R . G . Stringer , P . M . ; George HaddockPMand PProvGrand Superintendent of Works ;
, .. . . R . Chorley , P . M . ; James Hamer , P . M . aud P . Prov . Grand Treas . ; G . Greenall , M . F . ; James Hepherd , Mayor of the Borough of Warrington ; H . B . White , W . M . elect ; Captain Knight , J . W . ; John Bowes , Hon . Sec ; S . M . Webster , John Pierpoint , ' George J . Higginbottom , W . Woods , J . Holloway , R . Gibbon , C . N . Spinks , P . Robinson , J . P . ; Captain
Cartwright , W . Bather , and J . Robinson . Visitors : Bros . Billmge , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . Molineux , Prov . G . Org . ; J . Pepper , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Rigby , W . M . 1060 ; John Plant , W . M . 479 ; Dr . J . P . Pennington , W . M . 711 ; C . C . Urmson , 1060 ; C . Morrison , 177 ; J . H . Bickett , Sec . 1060 and P . M . of 173 ; Harry Rigby , 1060 ; Rev . R . Garland , S . W . 997 ; Joseph Dickenson , 479 ; David Howarth , S . D . 965 ; W . Cooper , J . D . 1060 Thomas StoneSW . 711 James Steen 1060 ; George
; , . ; , C . Andrews , 361 ; John McLaughlin , 1060 , & c The lodge was reopened in form in the first and second degrees . Bro . G . Greenall , M . P ., having given evidence of his proficiency in the second degree , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . in a most solemn and impressive manner hy Bro . Wylie ; Bro . Pepper , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., acting as J . W . ; and Bro . Howarth , of Lodge 965 , as S . D . Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G .
Treas ., presented Bro . H . B . White , the W . M . elect , for installation , to whom the summary of ancient charges was read by Bro . Bowes , the Secretary , and adhesion given thereto . After the forms had been gone through , a board of installed Masters was then opened by Bro . Hamer , at which twenty were present , and the W . M . elect , was solemnly installed in the chair of King SolomonBroHamer acting as installing Master . The Board
, . of Installed Masters having been closed , the brethren were readmitted and saluted tbe W . M . in due form . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . Captain Knight , S . W . ; Bowes , J . W . and Sec ; Spinks , S . D . ; Pettitt , J . D . ; Pierpoint and Higginbottom , Stewards ; and Bro . Woods , I . G . Bro . James Houghton , P . M ., Treasand BroRobinsonTlerwere also investedthe
., . , y , , whole of the charges being delivered by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . Bro . Houghton , P . M ., having proposed , and Bro . R . Chorley , P . M ., having seconded a motion for removal to private rooms , the W . M . said he would , in accordance with the Book of Constitutions , appoint a convenient day for considering and deciding the question , of which every member
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very old and tried friend of Masonry , and to him is mainly indebted the existence of and certainly the good working of the lodge . Bro . John Macey was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer , the brethren again feeling so satisfied with the very efficient manner he had filled that office for the last two years . The brethren then took into their consideration the petition of Bro . Miller ( late of the Queen ' s Bench prison ) , to the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be placed on their list of candidates .
After hearing the correspondence , which the Secretary had had on the matter it was ordered that Bro . Miller ' s arrears to Grand Lodge should be paid to qualify him , and the petition was recommended . The lodge heing closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at Bro . Bayly's , where they were joined by some of their wives , daughters and sons . The evening was spent in a very pleasant social manner , every one feeling thoroughly satisfied with jail the arrangements , and at an early hour , the party broke up .
KENT , CHA . 1 KA 3 L — Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . — The regular meeting of this ancient lodge was held at the Sun Hotel , on Monday , the 29 th December , to instal the W . M . elect , Bro . W . Solomon , the late S . W ., and for general business of the lodge . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Cooley . The W . M . appointed his officers in the following order : —Bros . Sly , S . W . ; Mudd , J . W . ; Bradley , S . D . ; Kaffee , J . D . ; Thos . Everist , I . G . ;
Burfield , Steward . Mr . Willis the respected proprietor of the house was then ballotted for and accepted . The W . M . proceeded to initiate him into the mysteries of the Craft , which was done in a most effective manner . The brethren unanimously agreed to present to the immediate P . M ., Bro . George Arthur Everist , a testimonial in token of their appreciation of his services to the lodge for the past year , ' as well as for his attention and well working in the lodge during his Mastership . A sum was
voted from the lodge funds , the remainder was supplied by personal subscription among the members . By-the-bye Bro . Everist is about to leave his native land , to take an excellent appointment at Para . ' The brethren in taking leave of him , wished him prosperity , and hoped he would be able to disseminate Masonry in his newly adopted country ( he being an excellent working Mason ) . The business of the lodge being completed about forty of tbe brethren sat down to an excellent banquet ,
supplied hy the worthy host , Bro . Willis . Several visitors were in attendance . Our worthy ancl venerable P . Prov . D . G . M ., Bro . Ashley , was there in his usual health and spirits . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , enlivened by the singing of some very excellent songs by Bros . Ashley , Thos . Everist , Mudd , Sly , Ibbetson , and others , and a most pleasant and convivial evening was spent . During the past year this lodge has sustained two great lossesone by Bro . Chas . IssacsP . M .,
very , , the late Prov . G . Sec , who has removed to Germany ; the other who has been removed by the hand of the great leveller , Death , Bro . W . Saunders , P . M „ and the late Prov . G . Treas . They were two very efficient members of this lodge , and for very many years eminently useful and attentive to their duties in their Provincial offices .
ASHEOKD . —Invicla Lodge ( So . 1011 ) . —The first monthly meeting under the presidency of Bro . R . C . May , took place on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., when the lodge was duly opened with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . Eastes read a synopsis of the financial statement for the half-year ending December 31 st , 1862 , and proposed that paragraphs 3 and 8 in the book of by-laws be amended— " That the annual contributions to the fund of the
loclge shall in future be twenty-four shillings from each member , exclusive of two shillings for the Fund of Benevolence , two shillings to the Fund for Aged ancl Decayed Masons , and two shillings to the Provincial Grand Lodge . That the initiation fee shall be seven guineas ; a brother joining the lodge , two guineas ; a brother receiving the second degree shall pay one pound , and being raised to the third degree two pounds . " Bro .
B . Thorpe seconded this resolution , and it was carried . Bros . Thorpe and Willoughby presented themselves to be passed to the second degree . The ceremonies were performed by Bros . Thorpe and Greenhill , P . M . ' s A ballot was taken for Mr . Blewitt , of Essex , which proved unanimous , aud he was initiated by the W . M . in a most solemn and impressive manner into the ancient mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Lieut . Davis , M . N ., was proposed as a joining member , and the lodge was closed .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) ROCHDALE . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 62 ) . —On Wednesdcy , the 31 sfc ult ., Bro . Sam Jackson was installed Master of the lodge , in the lodge-room , Spread Eagle Inn , Cheetham-street . The new W . M . appointed the ' following as his officers : —Bros . J . Leach , S . W . ; William Davis , J . W . ; James Harding , Treas . ; Edward Clegg , Sec ; Edward Hay , S . D . ; James Hadfield , J . D . ; James Tomlinson , I . G . ; John Cheetham , Tyler . Sixty-two brethren subsequently sat down to a sumptuous banquet
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WABBINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 173 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Blackburn Arms Hotel , on Monday , December 29 th 1862 , Bro . James Houghton , P . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened in form in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular lodge were unanimously confirmed . The Secretary read a letter from a distressed brotheracknowleding the receit of relief granted at the last
, g p lodge . Bro . Charles Pettitt was then balloted for asa joining member . Bro . Woods , having given satisfactory evidence of his proficiency in the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . elect ., Bro . H . B . White , who officiated , standing on the left of the Master ' s chair . The lodge having been closed in the F . C . degree , Bro . Joseph Robinson was re-elected TlerA gentleman was proposed as a fit and proper person to
y . be made a Mason . Bro . Houghton now vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Maxfield , P . M . A case of distress was laid before the lodge and discussed . One of the brethren drew attention to the desirability of changing the night of meeting to one more generally convenient , and it was arranged that he should give notice of motion to that effect on the morrow . The lodge was now closed and adjourned till 2 o ' clock on the
morrow , for the further despatch of business and the celebration of the Annual Festival . On Tuesday , December 30 th , 1862 , the loclge was held by adjournment from the preceding evening , at the Blackburn Arras Hotel . Present : —Bro . Thomas Wylie , Prov . G . Sec , as W . M . Members : Bros . James Houghton , P . M . ; Joseph Maxfield , P . M . ; R . G . Stringer , P . M . ; George HaddockPMand PProvGrand Superintendent of Works ;
, .. . . R . Chorley , P . M . ; James Hamer , P . M . aud P . Prov . Grand Treas . ; G . Greenall , M . F . ; James Hepherd , Mayor of the Borough of Warrington ; H . B . White , W . M . elect ; Captain Knight , J . W . ; John Bowes , Hon . Sec ; S . M . Webster , John Pierpoint , ' George J . Higginbottom , W . Woods , J . Holloway , R . Gibbon , C . N . Spinks , P . Robinson , J . P . ; Captain
Cartwright , W . Bather , and J . Robinson . Visitors : Bros . Billmge , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . Molineux , Prov . G . Org . ; J . Pepper , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Rigby , W . M . 1060 ; John Plant , W . M . 479 ; Dr . J . P . Pennington , W . M . 711 ; C . C . Urmson , 1060 ; C . Morrison , 177 ; J . H . Bickett , Sec . 1060 and P . M . of 173 ; Harry Rigby , 1060 ; Rev . R . Garland , S . W . 997 ; Joseph Dickenson , 479 ; David Howarth , S . D . 965 ; W . Cooper , J . D . 1060 Thomas StoneSW . 711 James Steen 1060 ; George
; , . ; , C . Andrews , 361 ; John McLaughlin , 1060 , & c The lodge was reopened in form in the first and second degrees . Bro . G . Greenall , M . P ., having given evidence of his proficiency in the second degree , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . in a most solemn and impressive manner hy Bro . Wylie ; Bro . Pepper , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., acting as J . W . ; and Bro . Howarth , of Lodge 965 , as S . D . Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G .
Treas ., presented Bro . H . B . White , the W . M . elect , for installation , to whom the summary of ancient charges was read by Bro . Bowes , the Secretary , and adhesion given thereto . After the forms had been gone through , a board of installed Masters was then opened by Bro . Hamer , at which twenty were present , and the W . M . elect , was solemnly installed in the chair of King SolomonBroHamer acting as installing Master . The Board
, . of Installed Masters having been closed , the brethren were readmitted and saluted tbe W . M . in due form . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . Captain Knight , S . W . ; Bowes , J . W . and Sec ; Spinks , S . D . ; Pettitt , J . D . ; Pierpoint and Higginbottom , Stewards ; and Bro . Woods , I . G . Bro . James Houghton , P . M ., Treasand BroRobinsonTlerwere also investedthe
., . , y , , whole of the charges being delivered by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . Bro . Houghton , P . M ., having proposed , and Bro . R . Chorley , P . M ., having seconded a motion for removal to private rooms , the W . M . said he would , in accordance with the Book of Constitutions , appoint a convenient day for considering and deciding the question , of which every member